"Eternal Father of my soul, let my first thought today be of you, let my first impulse be to worship you, let my first word be your Name, let my first action be to kneel before you in prayer." (John Baillie, Diary of a Private Prayer)

This page comprises two major sections.

Section 1 – Boeriana Bibliography

Section 2 – Reviews of and Comments on Boer Books and Ministry

Section 1 is not exhaustive, for items dealing with Kuyperian thought or with Islam appear on the Kuyperian and Islamica pages respectively.

Academia. Accessed August 20, 2020.

Academia claims 2554 papers mention John/Jan Boer at 16,839 universities. Accessed September 7, 2020.

It is intended that most of the Boeriana and Kuyperiana articles, speeches and lectures, along with supportive research materials for the books, will be deposited in a Boer collection in Heritage Hall at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA. They can be accessed by contacting

Most of the books, of course, are already found in many libraries, including especially the Calvin College Library and that of the Theological College of Northern Nigeria (TCNN).

Please pay serious attention to the note on ARCHIVING as explained underMiscellaneous Notes on the HOME page. Find it by the use of the ^F function on that page.

It will be noticed that many of the items are either published in Nigeria or have the country as a major focus. The reason is that I have served there for most of 30 years. Even the eighteen years since I left Nigeria have been so preoccupied with writing about that country, that it and its people still occupy a major place in my thoughts and affections.

What does Boeriana mean? It is a fairly common practice to link a noun, whether ordinary or proper, to the suffix “-iana” or simply “na.” When I first chose that name, I assumed that most people with some academic background were familiar with both the practice and its meaning. I expected that most readers of this website, apart from most of my immediate relatives and some friends, have some sort of academic background and would therefore readily understand. To my great surprise, this appears not to be the case. Many of my readers are puzzled by the term.

Well, take terms like “Africana,” “Nigeriana,” “Canadiana,” or “Americana.” What do they signify? They indicate that the materials you are about to read or discuss deal with Africa, Nigeria, Canada or the Americas. In terms of some personal names like “Boer” or “Kuyper,” we are dealing with stuff written by Boer or Kuyper or, in the case of Kuyper, by followers of the Kuyperian tradition. Thus “Boeriana” simply means that the materials before you either are written by or talk about Boer. In this case, I am almost the exclusive author of all that follows on this page.

Probably some of you will ask why I do not change the name of this page. Very simple. This website and its various pages are referred to in so many of my documents, especially in foot-and endnotes, that changing it at this stage would cause widespread confusion. So please remember the meaning of the term and run with it as you read the many documents on this website. I wish you a happy read!


Section 1
Boeriana Bibliography

This bibliography is organized according to major topics as follows:

Some sections in turn are divided into "Books" and "Articles, Lectures and Tracts." Some entries would be at home in more than one section.

Most of these publications are referred to in our Memoirs and may have a story related to them – roughly, those from 1966-1996 in Volumes 2-3; those from 1996 onward, Volumes 4-5. You can always turn to that Memoir series for more information.

It is intended that these lectures and articles, along with those on the Kuyperian page, will be deposited in the Boer collection at Heritage Hall, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, where they can be accessed. Those on the Islamica page are mostly housed in the archives of the Yale Divinity School Library. The books themselves are already in the Calvin Library as well as in many others, including the library of the Theological College of Northern Nigeria, Jos, Nigeria.



ATR African Traditional Religion
CC Christian Courier/Calvinist Contact
CCN Christian Council of Nigeria
CHAN Christian Health Association of Nigeria
CLA Christian Labor Association
CRC/CRCNA Christian Reformed Church (in North America)
CRCN Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria
CRWM Christian Reformed World Missions
CTJ Calvin Theological Journal
CTS Calvin Theological Seminary
ICS Institute of Church & Society
Jos Jos, Nigeria
NC Nigerian Christian, magazine published by CCN
TC Today’s Challenge, magazine published by ECWA
TRB TCNN Research Bulletin
TW Towards Wholeness, CHAN Newsletter
VS Vancouver Sun




I draw your attention to the first two titles following this paragraph. There is the 5-volume Memoirs co-written with my wife Frances Ann and, secondly, my doctoral dissertation, Missionary Messengers of Liberation in a Colonial Context: A Case Study of the Sudan United Mission (1979, 530 pp.). Though this dissertation actually belongs under the category of Missions further down this page, where its bibliographical information re-occurs, I have chosen to place its major exhibit here at the beginning of the page. The reason for this is that I consider the Memoirs and the dissertation my two “flagship” publications. I treasure all of my publications, especially the books, but I am particularly proud of these two; they occupy a special place in my heart and in my life.


Jan H. Boer & Frances A. Boer-Prins. Every Square Inch – A Missionary Memoir: The Life and Mission of Jan & Frances Boer. Includes photographs. Vancouver, Canada: Self-published right here and as ebook on 5 volumes; 2014.

Hard copy to become available for research, along with its underlying documentation, in the archives of Heritage Hall at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA. The same holds true for many other documents on both the Boeriana and the Kuyperiana pages.

However, the hard background documents to the Islamica page are lodged in the Day Missions Collection of the Yale University Divinity School Library, New Haven, Connecticut (Tel. (203) 432-5289).

In addition to the authors’ personal and family histories, these memoirs are also designed for serious missiological research, especially Volumes 2 and 3.

Our Early Story, 1938-1966. Vol. 1 (259 pp.).

From our ancestral history through childhood and immigration to our academic development at Calvin College & Seminary and Michigan State University.


Ministry in Nigeria, 1966-1996. Vol. 2 (466 pp.). < >

The entire story of our ministry in Nigeria with a strong emphasis on wholistic mission in the context of Nigerian churches that have inherited a dualistic gospel from their missionary forebears. This volume is meant especially for missiological research into the difference between Evangelical and Neo-Calvinistic comprehensive mission.

For copyright reasons this volume has been (temporarily?) deleted from this location. Itcan be found on < >

Family and Social Life in Nigeria, 1966-1996. Vol. 3 (410 pp.). < >

This volume is of special interest to our “downline,” i.e., our descendants for, while it can also serve as a model for anthropological/sociological aspects of missions.

For copyright reasons this volume has been (temporarily?) deleted from this location. Itcan be found on < >

----------, Every square inch: A Nigeria missionary memoir, 1966-1996. Ibadan: Bookcraft Africa, 2022. < Bookcraft Africa > AND < Every Square Inch: Boer, Jan H., Boer, Frances A.: 9789785856507: Books - >

This volume is a merger of the above volumes 2-3 in this series.

Flyn Richie, “Jan and Fran Boer: 30 years of holistic mission in Nigeria.” Review of above, Church in Vancouver, June 14, 2023.

Our Post-Nigeria Life. Vol. 4 (199 pp.).

Our life in Grand Rapids and Vancouver. It is entitled “Post-Nigeria,” because our Nigeria experience till this day in 2014, nearly two decades later, putting its stamp on our life in North America. Our reactions to our current life and culture are heavily coloured by our Nigeria life and ministry, including the Kuyperian perspective that matured during those years. We struggle with secularism here just as much as we did in Nigeria. Some of our struggles with the CRC that began in Nigeria continue in North America. Similarly, the life of writing that started in Nigeria continued to shape our lives afterwards. In fact, it intensified, since we could now write without the “interruptions” of official ministry.

Our Post-Nigeria Travels. Vol. 5 (206 pp.)

Besides writing, our first twelve post-Nigeria years were marked by extensive travel, both in North America and abroad, including Africa, Western Europe, Caribbean, Latin America (a mere overnight touch of Mexico) and Asia in the shape of Japan. Again, our reactions are till today deeply influenced by our Nigerianized and Kuyperianized perspectives.

----------, Every square inch: A Nigeria missionary memoir, 1966-1996. Ibadan: Bookcraft Africa, 2022.

This is the volume that has replaced the original vols 2-3 in the series above.

Comments on Every Square Inch

I am sure your memoires will be useful. My father who taught Missiology in the Religion and Theology Dep't. at Calvin always had the greatest respect for your work in Nigeria. He had an eye for the importance of contextual understandings of theology in a mission context and thought that you understood that in your bones... He talked about you often, whenever he was busy teaching missiology.

Dr. Bob Sweetman,
H. Evan Runner Chair in the History of Philosophy,
Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto

I read your 5 volumes of Memoir and enjoyed it very much! Obviously I enjoyed it or I would never have continued downloading the next volume each time I finished one. Volume 1 had me hooked as I found pictures of my first cousin, Rich Mulder – how unexpected was that!! Seriously though, I enjoyed your childhood and immigration stories, your family genealogies, college and courtship stories, etc. A surprise was the mention of my dear friend Ann Jansen Noteboom.[1]

The following volumes after the first were interesting because I know so many people and places and of course your children during some of the years. I was also fascinated by background stories of various problems that arose in Nigeria, especially church conflicts. During the years we were there, I only knew superficially of certain problems, not the history of how they came to be. Since we don't get to chat anymore on any regular basis, I found the account of your years in Vancouver ever so interesting, along with stories of your trips. I certainly appreciate your emphasis on giving the glory to God in this world and in your life, for every square inch belongs to Him! – Mary Cremer, Hillcrest Student Hostel Housemother.[2]

[1] For my experiences under Prof. Jansen, see our Every Square Inch, vol. 1, pp. 171-174.
[2] For the role of the Cremers and our relationship to them, see our Every Square Inch, vol. 2, p. 286; vol. 3, pp. 220, 233, 353, 386.

“Whenever I meet anyone interested in your history I will inform them of your memoirs. It is absolutely worth the read!” – Ali Dekker, a Dutch fan.

I completed reading volume two yesterday. Yes, the volume reminds me of the underbelly of missionary work, particularly in the Nigerian context. The daily stress of navigating a culture that will remain foreign no matter the many years of living in it is one. But added to that challenge is the assumption (that I consider naive) that because the task at hand is a holy cause, everyone will be loving and check their egos at home. A friend of mine --an SIM MK-- told of how his parents were always at the receiving end of arbitrary decisions made by their bosses. He also told of rivalry amongst missionaries, often noticed by nationals.

Anonymous, 2018

Koops, Robert. "African Journal," March 12, 2016.

Missionary Messengers of Liberation in a Colonial Context: A Case Study of the Sudan United Mission. Amsterdam Studies in Theology, Vol. 1. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Editions Rodopi, 1979 (pp. 530).

Doctoral thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Re. interplay of missions and colonialism – why, how and long-range results. This study marked the beginning of my decades-long crusade against secular dualism in general, but especially among Christians and in missions. It is shown to be a major culprit in the coalition of missions with colonialism.

Graham Weeks, “Great Thesis,” a short comment on Jan H. Boer above, October 19, 2007.

“A scholarly study of the British Branch was written by Jan Harm Boer in his Missionary Messengers of Liberation in a Colonial Context: A Case Study of the Sudan United Mission. This is a profound work, which looks at the period 1904-1979. However, it has a major limitation in that it centres only on the relationship of the Mission and the British colonial government.” – Jordan Samson Rengshwat, The Sudan United Mission, British Branch, 1934-1977, Aug/2012 (p. 22).

Richard Gray, review of Jan H. Boer, Missionary messengers of liberation in a colonial context.... See above. The Journal of African History, Pages 138-139. January 22, 2009.

John van Dyk, “Dissertation presented to Redeemer College Library,” February 24, 1983.

Gunther J. Hermann. Review, October, 1983.

Felix K. Ekechi, partial review of Jan H. Boer above, The American Historical Review, Vol. 86, Issue 2, April 1981, pp. 437-438.

Richard Gray, partial review of Jan H. Boer above, Journal of African History, Vol. 22, Issue 1, January 1981, pp. 138-139.

Science without Faith Is Dead. Bundled together with A. Kuyper. You Can Do Greater Things than Christ. See Kuyperiana page. Jos, Nigeria: Institute of Church & Society, 1991, 1993 (23 pp.). Also available at< >, 2010.

Main thesis is that science without faith does not exist; it is a myth. The pioneers who started the movement of modern science were mostly Christians who consciously embarked on this modern movement on basis of the Bible. Even those who do not accept this claim, still pursue their science on basis of certain unproven tenets they believe. The origin of this publication was a lecture I have delivered to various academic conferences in Nigeria.

Articles, Lectures, Tracts*

Note: The entries below cover a wide range of subjects from pets and food to community concerns all the way to Calvinist perspectives and mission, from labour union to investors. Some are of serious and academic nature, while others are lighter and easy to digest. There are many letters to editors, some of whom have been published; some have not.

“All of this potpourri is presented as an example of a wholistic Christian who finds the affairs of the world as important as those of church and religion, since they all play out in the one Kingdom of God. I portray myself here as engaged in the society and world around me, not as a Christian who hides himself in the church world.

Those published during our post-Nigeria years, 1997 and onwards, may be referred to in vol. 4 of Every Square Inch, the work listed at the top of this Boeriana page. Find the material there by doing a < Find search--^F-- > of a key word. Many of the articles make no overt mention of religion, but it is always there, if only as an underlying perspective.

Eulogy for Rev. Dr. David Angye, Wukari (Taraba State), Nigeria, March 2018.

“Is Polygamy Sin?” Boer blog “My World – My Neighbour.” September 19, 2017.

“Big Media Ignorant of Religion.” Boer’s response to an admission of the New York Times of December 8, 2016. Slightly revised version of Post 139, December 14, 2016, blog My World – My Neighbour.

“Gastvrijheid op z’n Lutjegasters.” Tasman Koerier, September 2016, pp. 3-5.

Tasman Koerier is the quarterly magazine of my birth village Lutjegast, The Netherlands. The article is a report to the residents of the village about the amazing hospitality my wife and I received from them during a visit in June 2016, after an absence of 65 years! I had become a total stranger, while the senior generation still has a vague memory of that large barber family with ten children! Sorry about the Dutch language; it is, I believe, the only article on this page written in that language.

“Delicacies and Ethnocentrism.” This is an open letter to Rick Steves in response to his article “Sightseeing for the Palate,” published in the Vancouver Sun (October 27, 2015).

“What’s Stewardly When It Comes to Pets?” CC, 9 Feb/2015, p. 5.

“The CRC, the Presbyterians and Ecumenical Relationships,” CC, May/2011 (3 pp.).

“Of Scandals, Budget Cuts And Firemen.” CC, 26 June/2010.

Christians and 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics: Radio Interview, Feb/2010. English Introduction, Dutch interview text.

“Annger-Boer Correspondence,” 2010.

“A Humorous Anniversary Tale.” Speech delivered at a friend’s wedding anniversary celebration, Port Alberni, BC, May/2009 (7 pp.).

“The Nature of Religion.” Read at a meeting of Worldview Collaborative, 12 Feb/2009 (6 pp.). An excerpt from the series Studies in Christian-Muslim Relations, vol. 8-1, pp. 90-96 (For further bibliographical data, see reference to the Series on the Islamica page of this website.)

“Dutch Immigration: Integration and Loss of Identity.” Talk sponsored by the Netherlands Consul-General, Vancouver, April 30, 2008.

“An Immigrant’s Journey: The Boer Family.” VS, Apr. 16/2008 (p. B3).

“Easter at Imax: The Ten Commandments,” a sermon and prayer delivered at Imax Theatre, downtown Vancouver, March 22, 2008.

“Calvinist/Reformed Perspective: Selective Key Issues,” a paper prepared for inter-religious dialogue at meeting of Worldview Collaborative, December 11, 2007.

“Letter to Mr. Sam Sullivan, Vancouver Mayor, February 20, 2007.”

“Davie Village Community Forum,” Paper distributed at the Davie Village Community Forum, Vancouver, November 6, 2004.

“World Council of Churches: Too good or not good enough?—A Consumer’s Perspective.” CC, 2001 (7 pp.).

“Cultural Mandate and Work Ethic.” Speech given at First Baptist Church, Vancouver, 1998.

Christian Labor Association Letter to Pastors. Zeeland, MI: CLA, Labor Day, 1998.

“CLA Alive!” Speech delivered at the annual CLA Convention, Zeeland, MI, USA, 1999 (8 pp.).

Christian Labor Association of America (CLA), two brochures: (1) “Christian Labor Association: Union Representation with Integrity;” (2) “The Christian Labor Association: Why?” Zeeland, MI, USA: CLA, 1998 (8 pp.).

“Old Wine in New Skins: An Old African Worldview in a New Church.” CC, June 5/1998 (pp. 10-11).

“Reflections on the Church in Nigeria.” Address to foreign students at the Jos ECWA Theological Seminary, May 1996.

“Biblical Perspectives on Civil Servants,” a set of notes used to elicit discussion during a workshop for civil servants in Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria, 1996.

Lecture delivered in Political Science class, King’s University College, Edmonton, Oct/1995.

“Role of Worldviews.” Lecture delivered at TCNN. 1994 (pp. 25).

“Being Reformed in Contemporary Nigeria.” Note handed out to TCNN students. 1993 (pp. 9).

“Fighting Communism – A Walk with the Lord.” Letter to the Editor, CC, 7 Oct/1982.

“Where Were You Then?” The Banner, Oct. 4/1982 (p. 16).

"NEAC: Northern Education Advisory Council." Nigerian Christian, May, 1981, pp. 7, 12.

“Christianity in Northern Nigeria: Origins and Problems.” Address to the Nigeria staff of the Mennonite Central Committee, Aug. 14/1980.

“Open Letter to the Christian Reformed Church in Canada.” CC, 16, 23 Mar/1979 (15 pp.).

“The Christian in the Secular World.” Address given to Associate Fellowship of Christian Students, Jos, Nigeria, 28 Sept/1977 (5 pp.).

“The Mission’s Underbelly: Internal Frictions.” Correspondence with a colleague, December 1975-January 1976.



The Prophet Moses for Today: 366 Social Biblical Meditations. Revised edition, 2014 (316 pp.).

This is a book of social meditations primarily written in Nigeria and for Nigerians. The book concentrate on Genesis and Exodus, including the Ten Commandments. It is high time for us Nigerian Christians to be serious about our involvement in the different areas of society and culture as Christians. The Bible is much more concerned with business, politics and other cultural sectors than you may have thought. So, while I hope that you will not lose your interest in personal spirituality, church or family matters, these meditations will help you focus on matters you may not have connected with serving God. The purpose of these meditations is to connect your God and all the practical things in your life, including your daily work, occupation or profession. This is to help you readers develop a wholistic Christian worldview that is practical, hard-hitting.

Pentecostal Challenge. Takum, Taraba State, Nigeria: Haske da Gaskiya Publications, 1996 (59 pp.). A Tiv-language translation has been published by Makurdi, Nigeria: Lamp & Word Books, 2000.

Nigerianized version of The Pentecostals Hit the Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Christian Reformed Publishing House, 1974, a report of the CRC about the Charismatic movement.

Y. B. Malafa Rev., Request for writing a book on the above subject. Co-ordinator, Theological Education by Extension, Church of Christ in Nigeria, Jos, February 9, 1995.

Justice and Peace: Biblical Social Ethics. Translated from Hausa by Gail Ruston. Jos, Nigeria: TEE Association of Nigeria, Church of Christ in Nigeria, 1994 (218 pp.).

This book, originally written in Hausa, was written for a home study course for people with a grade 6 education and up. "TEE" means "Theological Education by Extension," a popular style for home study courses at the time in many churches around much of the world.

For further details go to the entry Tafarkin Salama, 1984, below. For the history of this project, see our Every Square Inch, vol.2, p. 252, earlier on this same Boeriana page.

Tafarkin Salama. A publication in the format of Theological Education by Extension (TEE). Jos, Nigeria: Extension Bible School Department, Church of Christ, 1984; Jos: TEE Association of Nigeria, 1995 (180 pp.). For English version, see Justice and Peace, 1995, above in this bibliography. For the history of this project, see our Every Square Inch, vol.2, pp. 251-252, earlier on this same Boeriana page.

Biblical social ethics in Nigerian context to be studied at home and supported by occasional meetings of the fellow participants. Topics include the Kingdom of God and its main pillars as the background for subsequent discussions on wealth, bribery, business, government and politics, human rights, oppression. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only treatment of these subjects in the Hausa language from a Christian perspective.


The Power in Your Baptism. Translation and adaptation of H. Veltkamp, Zondagskinderen. Makurdi, Nigeria: Lamp & Word Books, 1985. Tiv-language translation, Tahav Mbu Ken Batisema Wou, also published by Lamp & Word Books, 1985.

Tahav Mbu Ken Batisema Wou, transl. of the above into the Tiv language of central Nigeria J. C. Mtseva. Makurdi, Nigeria: Lamp & Word Books, n.d.

Explanation of infant baptism in context of prevailing confusion among Nigerian Christians about infant baptism in a context that includes proponents of "believer's baptism," Pentecostal believers, Health and Wealth gospel and Muslims.


Living in God's World: Biblical Quotations. Jos, Nigeria: Institute of Church & Society, 1980, 1989 (81 pp.). This digital revised version, 2016. For the full text look in the section "Development / Books" below.

Compilation of Bible texts used as basis for community development. A kind of liberation study for Nigerian masses dealing with such issues as the wisdom of the Kingdom of God; work, wealth and property; economic relations, justice and oppression. Used as a conscientization manual in community development groups. Used also by Bible study groups in both Nigeria and North America.

Sarakuna: Fassarawa akan Littafin Sarakuna na Daya da na Biyu. Makurdi, Nigeria: Lamp & Word Books, 1975 (pp. 74).

Short Hausa-language commentary on the Old Testament books of I & II Kings. For use in Christian Leadership Training Centres and Bible schools with focus on covenant theology. Published under pseudonym “Yahaya Mai-Gona.”

Samu’ila: Fassarawa akan Littafin Samu’ila na Daya da na Biyu. Makurdi, Nigeria: Lamp & Word Books, 1974 (pp. 94).

Short Hausa-language commentary on the Old Testament books of I & II Samuel. See entry above for further explanation.

A Cikin Farko: Fassarawa akan Littafin Farawa. Makurdi, Nigeria: Lamp & Word Books, 1971 (pp. 68).

Short Hausa-language commentary on the Old Testament book of Genesis. See entries above for further explanation.

Articles, Lectures, Tracts*

“A Good Friday Prayer – Poem.” (2014)

“Meditations on Via Dolorosa.” A series of fifteen stations, each displaying bronzed cast-iron statues depicting the stages of the Way of the Cross (Via Dolorosa) at the St. Anne Basilica, Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, Quebec (1913-1945).

“Our Hope; Our Assignment—Reflections on Isa. 11:1-10.” Shared at Vancouver Christian Reformed Church Advent Service, December 12, 2010.

“Loving God And World.” Speech given at First Baptist Church, Vancouver, 1998.

“The Relevance of Theological Education in the 21st Century.” Lecture presented at the 25th anniversary celebration of the Reformed Theological College of Nigeria, Mkar, Benue State, Nigeria. 13 Feb/1996.

“D-Day: God Saves His People: A Sermon on Esther 7:1-10.” A sermon written on June 6/1994; preached at St. Piran’s Anglican Church, Jos, June 11/1994; published in the church’s quarterly, The Word, March/1995, pp. 3-5.

"Kaunar Allah – Kaunar Duniya" (Translation: "Love for God – Love for the World"). A Hausa-language song with English translation, 1995.

Opening the Reformed World to the Powers.” Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought, Feb/1994 (pp. 16-18). Slightly edited versions have been published as “Worldviews: Enlarging the Reformed Tent,” REC Mission Bulletin, vol. xiii, no. 3, Sept/1993. CC, Oct. 28/1994. See there for the article itself under the section “Wholistic Health Care.”

“Propositions about Miracles.” AlumNews of CTS, vol. 1, no. 1, Spring 1994;

Dick Eppinga, staff of CTS, letter of August 1, 1994: “I’ve received many favorable remarks on your article, John. Lots found it thought-provoking.”

“Kiristanci – Addini Mai Iko.” Kos Na Fastocin CRCN a Takum, Jihar Taraba, Kasar Nijeriya, a watan Satumba, 1993. “Christianity – A Religion of Power.” Course prepared for the Pastors of the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria (CRCN) in the Hausa language. Takum, Taraba State, Nigeria, 1993.

“Being Reformed in Contemporary Nigeria.” Notes handed out to TCNN students. 1993 (14 pp.).

“Teaching Religious Knowledge in Context.” Address delivered at a Bible Knowledge Teachers’ Workshop in Jos, Nigeria, on December 16, 1981.

“Children at the Lord’s Table,” A digest by Andrew Kuyvenhoven in “Awaking Sleeping Dogs?” The Banner, Spring 1980.

“Husband-Wife Relationship in Marriage – A Bible Study,” Lecture presented at TCNN Retreat in the Hausa language, January, 1978.

“Dutch Reflections on God’s Word: A History of the Reformed Doctrine of Scripture from Kuyper to the Present.” A post-graduate research paper for Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids MI, 1969. Revised edition, 2016.

I congratulate you on a very excellent piece of work. You were able to get through a large quantity of material, but more pertinently, you manifested a judicious organization of the materials, and succeeded in condensing a great deal into manageable compass. You must have received some idea of my high evaluation of your work from the fact that Dr. Klooster requested copies for the members of his Synodical Committee. He, too, agreed that your report was a very thorough and useful one. May I suggest you seek a publisher for this survey so that it might receive a wider audience. I think that it would serve a most useful purpose. – Professor John Stek, CTJ, 1969, commenting on Boer’s research paper, “Dutch Reflections on God’s Word: A History of the Reformed Doctrine of Scripture from Kuyper to the Present.” Every Square Inch, vol. 2, p. 82.

“A Christian Universe: Reflections on the Cross and Common Grace.” Research paper for CTS, April/1964 (24 pp.). See Every Square Inch, vol. 1, pp. 226-227.

A very fine piece of work. Represents a good deal of research and much thought. You present your position in a very persuasive way. You must be on your guard, however, let your emphasis observe equally Scriptural truths that mankind is under God’s curse today unless specifically justified and vitally united with Christ (Galatians 3:13-14). In other words, that there is a common wrath as well as a common grace. – Professor’s comment

(Boer: That may be so, but it was not the point of the study.)

“Immanuel: God with Us – Structure, Meaning and History of the Tabernacle.” Research paper for CTS, April/1964 (23 pp.). See Every Square Inch, vol. 1, p. 226.



Missions: Heralds of Capitalism or Christ? Ibadan, Nigeria: Day Star Press, 1984 (276 pp.).

This is a summary of Boer’s doctoral dissertation published in 1979. See next item for details.

Chattaway, Alan. Unpublished Review of Boer's Missions: Heralds of Capitalism or Christ? 24 Apr/1988.

Missionary Messengers of Liberation in a Colonial Context: A Case Study of the Sudan United Mission. Amsterdam Studies in Theology, Vol. 1. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Editions Rodopi, 1979 (pp. 530).

The Gospel of Liberation in a Colonial Context: A Partial and Introductory Case Study of the Sudan United Mission (1904-1918). Unpublished doctorandus thesis written for the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1974 (pp. 117).

“The Last of the Livingstones: A Study of H. Karl W. Kumm’s Missiological Conception of Civilization.” Unpublished post-graduate paper written for the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, September, 1973 (80 pp.) See our memoir, Every Square Inch, vol. 2, p. 115.

Two Guest Articles: “Karl Kumm – A Missionary Recruiter in the CRC.” The Banner, May 9, 1918, p. 341; May 16, 1918, pp. 358-359. With a brief introduction by Jan H. Boer.

Articles, Lectures, Tracts*

“Seniors Volunteering for Kingdom Service.” The Light Magazine, Metro Vancouver Edition, March 2016, p. 8.

“Christian Reformed Denominational Structural Wranglings.” Two unpublished documents, Dec/2011 (4 pp.).

“Manzon Ubangiji Allah: Tarihin Fasta Habila Adda Angyu.” Translated title: “An Apostle of God: The History of Pastor Habila Adda Angyu,” revised edition, 2011 (24 pp.). Title of first edition: “Labarin Aikin Pasta Habila Adda Angyu a CRCN Gu – Wukari” (37 pp.). Translated title: “The story of the Ministry of Pastor Habila Adda Angyu at CRCN Wukari.” Wukari: CRCN, n.d.

Pastor Habila was the first pastor called to serve the CRCN of Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria. Prior to this position, he was a pioneer evangelist trekking throughout the Wukari-Takum-Baissa area. Wukari, a town of around 20-30,000 people now has three flourishing CRCN congregations in addition to a number of other denominations. For his English-language history consult our Every Square Inch, vol. 2, throughout.

“Missions: Worldly Mandate and Worldly Commission,” sermon preached at Agassiz Christian Reformed Church, April 2008.

“WWW: Wholistic World Witness.” Lecture given at Missions Fest Vancouver, Jan/2008 (10 pp.). Available on CD-Rom from Missions Fest Vancouver at < > and from author.

“Canada Needs Gospel as Much as Nigeria.” Response to Turaki in Challenge, March 2006.

“Existing Religious Frictions in Nigeria.” BC Christian News, Sept/2003.

“The Church Reforming in Nigeria.” Article written for The Banner, 1992.

“Required Conditions for Evangelism.” Condensed version of talk given in various churches in Jos, Nigeria, 1992 and beyond.

“Overview of Christian Reformed Mission in Nigeria.” Home Service presentation, 1991; revised 1992 (10 pp.).

“Radical Mission Thinking.” Missionews, Nov/1991 (2 pp.).

“CRC Missionaries a Networking Culture.” The Banner, 11 Sept/1989, pp. 10-11.

“A Tiger in Your Tank: The Anatomy of Christian Reformed Missiology.” Public lecture delivered at CTS, Oct. 8/1987 (23 pp.). Every Square Inch, vol. 2, pp. 299-301.

“Introduction to Relevant Reformed Insights from a Missiological Perspective.” Lecture at CTS, Fall, 1987 (8 pp.). Every Square Inch, vol. 2, pp. 298-299.

“The Politico-Colonial Context of Missions in Northern Nigeria.” A paper read at the Conference on Christians in Politics, organized by the Institute of Church & Society, Jos, Nigeria, July 15, 1983. Calvin Theological Journal 19, no. 2 (November 1, 1984): 167–191.

Mission to Secular Structures.” A lecture at CTS, May/1984 (pp. 5).

“Dynamic Equivalent in Church and Theology.” A lecture at CTS, Apr. 30/1984 (pp. 10 plus 5 pp. of notes).

“The Institute of Church & Society: The Whole Gospel for Modern Nigeria.” A document submitted to CRWM for publication approval. Jos, Nigeria, May/1981 (4 pp.). See Every Square Inch, vol. 2, p. 229 for the occasion.

“Missions and Colonialism.” Lecture delivered at a retreat of a German YMCA delegation in Bauchi City, Nigeria, Dec/1980 (9 pp.).

“Christianity in Northern Nigeria: Origins and Problems.” A Talk Given to the Nigeria Staff of the Mennonite Central Committee, August 14, 1980 (6 pp.).

“Missionary Dualism Versus the Wholistic World View of the Bible: The Relationship between Missions and Colonialism in Northern Nigeria.” TRB, 1980 (?)

“Starting the Institute of Church & Society, Jos Branch.” Report no. 1, 1 Nov/1977 (6 pp.).

“The Kingdom of God – A Tract.” A stenciled document distributed by the ICS, 1977.

“Christian Work on the University Campus.” Speech given at the University of Jos and other campuses in Nigeria’s Middle Belt, 1977 (4 pp.).

Letter from Nikodemus, 27 July, 1976.

“The Affluent Missionary Sender and Her Credibility.” The Banner, 6 Feb/1976. (5 pp.).

“Pluralism and World Mission in the CRC.” CC, 14 Oct/1975 (5 pp.).

The Nigerian National Congress on Evangelization, held at the University of Ife, August, 1975 (7 pp.).

“Semi-Annual Report, Baissa,” Jan/1975.

Letter to Mission Services Committee, 12 Sept/1974 (3 pp.).

“Questionable Proposals.” CC, 27 May/1974 (6 pp.).

“Missionary of the Kingdom: An Interview.” Vanguard, Dec/1972, pp. 4-15 (40 pp.).

“The Boers’ Early Missionary Style.” Letter from Christian Reformed World Mission to II Highland Christian Reformed Church, 3 Oct/1972 (2 pp.).

“Semi-Annual Mission Reports,” Apr/1970-Apr/1972 (27 pp.).

“Evangelism in Nigeria.” Series of lectures delivered at a conference of tertiary Fellowship of Christian Students held in Kaduna, 1971 (20 pp.). Every Square Inch, vol. 2, pp. 105-107.

“Christmas in a Nigerian Village.” CC, Nov/1970 (7 pp.).

Pioneers in Ecumenicity: A brief pre-natal study of the United Church of Canada.” A paper written for Calvin Theological Seminary, February 1965.



Caught in the Middle: Christians in Transnational Corporations. Jos, Nigeria: Institute of Church & Society, 1992 (232 pp.).

Discussion of corporations; effect of bottom-line investments; investor responsibility for employees, host community, end-user; Reformed theology of investment stewardship. Special concentration on Nigeria and USA, Christian Reformed Church, United Church of Canada, United Methodist Church and World Council of Churches.

“Caught in the Middle: Christian Investors.” CC, Sept. 23/2013, p. 5. A revisit.

“Your son, Wiebe, sent me the first chapter of Caught in the Middle. I would like a copy of the entire book if you have one available. I have included some articles, speeches and letters about my company and my attempt to shape it around the Cultural Mandate. While this approach is a logical response to God’s word, I find few large companies adopting it. In my quest to get others to adopt this approach to life, I will make use of your thoughts on the subject. Thank you for your faithfulness.”

– Letter (9 Aug/2000) from Dennis W. Bakke, author of Joy at Work: A Revolutionary Approach to Fun on the Job. Co-founder and former CEO of AES, a multinational corporation that in 2002 had plants in 31 countries, $8.6 billion in revenue, $33.7 billion in assets, and 40,000 employees.

Anonymous. Correspondence about Caught in the Middle: Christians in Transnational Corporations. 25 Oct/1993 (2 pp.).

De Groot, Paul. “Even Churches Invest in Unethical Behaviour.” Discussion of Boer's perspective in CC, Jan. 29/1988, (pp. 1-2). Based on a pre-publication draft of Caught in the Middle: Christians in Transnational Corporations (1993) and on an interview.

“Corporations, Christians and Churches.” Lecture given at King’s College, Edmonton. December, 1987.

Jan H. Boer, “Should we invest at all?” CC, March 25, 2019, p. 5.

You've touched upon the subject of investment recently and are asking for readers' opinion. May I inform or remind your readers of a 222-page book I published on the subject back in 1992. Its title: Caught in the Middle: Christians in Transnational Corporations, published by the Institute of Church & Society, Jos, Nigeria. It might whet your appetite to know that it contains a full chapter on the investment practices of CRC organizations and members at that time. It asks questions such as these:

How are my dividends earned?
Who are the workers who created this dividend?
Under what conditions did they create this dividend?
Do the products build up or pull down?
What is my responsibility when I invest?
What is the connection between my investments and my God-given mission?
May profits be our prior motive?
Can you imagine free enterprise without profit as the bottom line?

It was published nearly 30 years ago, but the same questions are still current.

The Church & the External Debt: Report on a Conference Held in Jos, Nigeria, November 26-30, 1990 (J. Boer, ed). Jos, Nigeria: ICS, 1992 (219 pp.).

The authors of the papers in this book, are, with the exception of yours truly, all Africans. The Africans, with the exception of one, a Kenyan, are all Nigerians. The Nigerians, with the exception of three, are all Christians. Those three are Muslims. It was felt that it would be useful in a country that is roughly 45% Muslim, to hear their point of view on a national topic like the external debt. As to the Christians, they are all dedicated to the Lord, but, like most Nigerian Christians, they have inherited from Christian missionaries a soft secularism that is characterized by a dualism of religion and culture. This conference aims at helping them to overcome that heritage with a more unified approach that integrates the Christian faith with their economic theorizing.

Title and Table of Contents

Preface – Emmanuel Kumzhi

Introduction – Eghosa Osagie

Welcome Address – Rev. Luther Cishak

Opening Address – Colonel Yohanna Madaki

Chapter 1 – Bashir and Gana: The Debt Crisis – Its Global Context

Chapter 2 – Ojowu: The Response of African Governments

Chapter 3 – Ojaida: Debt Servicing in Nigeria

Chapter 4 – Osagie: Alternatives to External Debt

Chapter 5 – Akor: Effects of Debt on Masses

Chapter 6 – Talib & Oluwatoko: Islam and the Debt Question

Chapter 7 – Boer: Sounds from the Ecumenical Church

Chapter 8 – Kukah: Sounds from the Roman Catholic Church

Chapter 9 – Gathaka: Sounds from the African Churches

Chapter 10 – Gathaka: Biblical Exposition

Chapter 11 – Maseru Declaration by All African Conference of Churches

Conference Resolutions

Boer: Lord’s Supper and the External Debt

Additional Articles on the External Debt:

Dogo, Bala. Review of The Church and the External Debt. TC 1, 1993 (2 pp.).

Aussere Schulden und das Evangelium.” Translated by O. Schumann. German translation of a Boer article explaining the history and goals of the External Debt project of the ICS. Zeitschrift fur Mission 19, 4/1993 (pp. 221-237).

“The External Debt of Nations and the Gospel.” Reformed Ecumenical Council, 1992 (7 pp).

“Why Are You Poor?” Jos: ICS, 1991 (10 pp.). A tract to alert Nigerians to the effect of the country’s external debt.

Articles, Lectures, Tracts*

“Trudeau vs Harper on Religious Freedom.” This piece was originally written on December 14, 2016, on my blog “My World – My Neighbour” on basis of Marie-Danielle Smith’s, “Ex-envoy criticizes New Human Office.” Vancouver Sun, Dec. 8, 2016.

“Introducing Mr. Noble Obani-Nwibari: A Nigeria-Shell Refugee” to an audience at Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI, 1997.

“‘Kingdom Vision’ Is Transforming Churches in Nigeria.” CC, 30 Sept/1992.

“Reparations: A Hidden Agenda? A Critical Analysis of the Campaign for Reparations.” TC, no. 1/1992 (pp. 10-13). See Every Square Inch, vol. 2, pp. 393-394.

“John Calvin’s Approach to Politics and Government.” Lecture delivered to the Conference on Christians in Politics, Jos, ICS. July 14-16/1983 (12 pp.).

“Marx in Nigeria.” Report on Conference held at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, March 14-18, 1983 (4 pp.).

“Fighting Communism – A Walk with the Lord.” CC, Oct. 7/82 (p. 3).

“Propositions for Renewal in Christian Socio-Economic Thought and Practice.” A paper delivered at the Jos-Bukuru Theological Society, April/1982 (2 pp.).

“Statement of the Principles and General Political Program of the Anti-Revolutionary Party” (1961). Transl. Bernard Zylstra. Introduction by Jan H. Boer, 1979 (13 pp.).

Traditional Christian Objections to Politics: Talk Given at Hillcrest High School, Jos, Nigeria, Nov. 1, 1977.

“Aspects of the Effects of Wealth on the Church’s Mission” Public lecture delivered at Calvin College, June 1977 (pp. 8).

“The Body of Christ in Emerging Nigeria,” a four-part series. NC, February, April, June, Sept/1971 (21 pp.).

“Nigeria: The Struggle of Becoming.” CC, 8 May/1969, pp. 1-2.



Christians & Mobilization. Jos, Nigeria: Institute of Church & Society, 1989.

Encourages Nigerians, especially Christians, to stand up against the oppression they suffer from their elite. Demonstrates from the Bible that such issues are of great concern to God and that Christ Himself showed extreme anger at the people’s oppressors. Also gives Biblical grounds for opposing it. A local version of Kuyperian Reformed liberation style. Originally a lecture delivered to various Nigerian academic audiences.

download scanned book - Talakawa

This booklet is a less academic but expanded version of Christians and Mobilization, the entry above this one. It seeks to encourage Nigerian villagers to question and take action against an oppressive elite in government, business and church. It provides Biblical grounds for such action. This is a Kuyperian Reformed liberation approach that has become popular among the clients of the Institute of Church & Society. It is read and discussed in community development groups with a view to organizing local co-ops to take action. English translation of the title: “Peasants, Stand up and Be Counted.”

Kai da Dukiyarka: Ayoyi daga cikin Littafi Mai Tsarki. Jos, Nigeria: Institute of Church & Society, 1982 (80 pp.).

Hausa version of Living in God’s World, 1980. See next entry for details.

Living in God's World: Biblical Quotations. Jos, Nigeria: Institute of Church & Society, 1980, 1989 (81 pp.). This digital revised version, 2016.

Compilation of Bible texts used as basis for community development. A kind of liberation study for Nigerian masses dealing with such issues as the wisdom of the Kingdom of God; work, wealth and property; economic relations, justice and oppression. Used as a conscientization manual in community development groups. Used also by Bible study groups in both Nigeria and North America.

Articles and Lectures*

“Big Media Ignorant of Religion,” Interview by National Public Radio with New York Times, December 14, 2016.

“Trudeau vs Harper on Religious Freedom,” Dec. 14, 2016. This piece is based on Marie-Danielle Smith, “Ex-envoy criticizes new human rights office,” VS, Dec. 8, 2016. The Smith article is accessible at the URL in the Boer piece.

“Development: A Matter of the Heart.” Lecture delivered at CRUDAN Workshop on Theology and Development, Jos. Oct/1994 (12 pp.).

“Missions and Injustice.” A Reaction to a Missionary Seminar in Grand Rapids, MI. Originally published under the title “Radical Mission Thinking.&rrdquo; Missionews, Nov/1991 (2 pp.).

“Christians and Mobilization for Development in Nigeria,” Paper written for the Institute of Church and Society/Northern Area Office (Christian Council of Nigeria), Jos, Nigeria, 1989 (25 pp.)

Encourages Nigerians, especially Christians, to stand up against the oppression they suffer from their elite. Demonstrates from the Bible that such issues are of great concern to God and that Christ Himself showed extreme anger at the people’s oppressors. Also gives Biblical grounds for opposing it. A local version of Kuyperian Reformed liberation style. Originally a lecture delivered to various Nigerian academic audiences.

“The Challenge of the Green Revolution to the Church.” An address to the First Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Jos, Nigeria on May 26, 1980. Published in two installments in NC, Sept/1980, pp. 7, 15; Oct/1980, pp. 3, 14.

“Youth Participation in the Kingdom.” Speech delivered at a Youth Conference organized by the YMCA, Kaduna, Nigeria, April/1979 (8 pp.).

“The Rural People: Victims of Social Change in Nigeria,” Church & Society Paper CS/3. Ibadan and Jos: ICS, 1978 (22 pp.).

“Toshiya Toshe Basira,” Jos: Institute of Church & Society, 1978. A brochure in the Hausa language, the title meaning “Bribery Plugs the Conscience/Insight.” Published in a campaign against bribery. For the full story, see our memoir Every Square Inch, vol. 2, pp. 187-188, 223-224, 276-277, at the beginning of this Boeriana page. Unfortunately, both the English original and the Ibo translation are out of print and the details no longer available for this bibliography.


Unless indicated otherwise, all items here are published by

Christian Health Association of Nigeria (CHAN)
P. O. Box 6944
Jos, Nigeria

“Wholistic Health Care.” Paper delivered at the West Michigan Theological Society, Grand Rapids MI, 1999 (14 pp.).

Letter by Boer to Anonymous (1), 28 May/1995. Letter by Anonymous (2) to Boer, 3 Dec/2005.

Wholistic Health Care, Co-edited with Dr. Dennis Ityavyar. 2 volumes. 1995.

In addition to articles by the editors, these books contain articles by many Nigerian experts in medicine, theology, faith healing, African traditional healing, psychology, psychiatry. Includes representatives of Christianity, ATR and Islam. This set represents a rare Christian comprehensive collection on wholistic healing in the Nigerian context, with the extra bonus of Traditional and Muslim insights included.

Vol. 1 – Religious and Medical Dimensions. 1995 (pp. 225). Includes the following Boer articles:


“The Church and Wholistic Health Care – Welcome Speech” (pp. 7-10).

“Wholistic Health Care – What Is It?” (pp. 24-32).

“Wholistic Health Care in a Biomedical Setting” (pp. 50-56).

“The Church and Wholistic Health Care” (pp. 58-63).

Vol. 2 – Cultural and Political Dimensions. 1995 (pp. 167).

“Worldviews: Enlarging the Reformed Tent,” REC Mission Bulletin, vol. xiii, no. 3, Sept/1993 and CC, Oct. 28/1994. A slightly revised version almost simultaneously published as “Opening the Reformed World to the Powers,” Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought, Feb/1994, pp. 16-18.

Boer, Jan H. and Kriel, J. R. “Foundations of Biomedicine.” TW 2 (Dec/1991) pp. 2-3.

“A Short History of the WHC Project.” Towards Wholeness: A CHAN WHC Newsletter, June, 1991, pp. 2-5.

Wholistic Health Care of, for and by the People, 1989 (32 pp.).

Plea for wider approach to healing that includes the medical model, selective African traditional healing, faith healing. Advocates wider approach to healing that accepts the medical model as only one component of a larger arsenal of healing methods. Context: Imposition of monopoly of medical model on Africa by colonialism and missions.

Reader’s Comment: I "...did enjoy reading/skimming (if I'm to be completely truthful) the document. Lots of the issues identified I imagine will always be issues (being too one dimensional in our approach medically, lack of patient involvement, not paying attention to the environmental influences of a patient [esp the spiritual backdrop]). I also find it intriguing how similar a lot of the issues are to today and to this country (minus the shaman part maybe). It was well written and I enjoyed it.” – David Lieuwen, MD, Grand Rapids MI

“Talk on WHC at CHAN Christmas Party.” Dec/1989 (p. 6).

“A Short History of the WHC Project.” 1984 (p. 7).

“Wholistic Health Care: Further Development of the Concept and some Problems Regarding Its Practice.” 1981 (p. 7).

“In Search of Wholistic Health Care: Report on a Seminar.” Jos: May 1-2, 1981 (55 pages).

“God, Sin, Suffering.” Speech Delivered at a Retreat of Medical Practitioners, May/1980 (12 pp.).

Medical Practice and Christian Faith. Speech Delivered to a Retreat of Medical Practitioners, May/1980 (3 pp.). Held at the Jos headquarters of ECWA – Evangelical Churches of West Africa, May/1980. For background see our Every Square Inch, vol. 2, p. 225.


Review of Kultuur, lewensvisie en ontwikkeling: ‘n Ontmaskering van die gode van onderontwikkelde Afrika en dies oorontwikkelde Weste (1999) by B. J. Van der Walt, in Koers 65/4, 2000 (pp. 547-549).

The author is a South African Christian philosopher with tons of philosophical books aimed at African development to his credit. An English title of this Afrikaans book might be Culture, Worldview and Development: An Expose of the Gods of Underdeveloped Africa and the Overdeveloped West. This book is in effect Abraham Kuyper harnessed to African development.

Review of Liberating the Future: God, Mammon and Theology by Joerg Rieger, in Missiology: An International Review XXVIII/2, April/2000 (p. 211).

“Review of Karl Kumm: Last of the Livingstones: Pioneer Missionary Statesman by Peter Spartalis, 1994 (116 pp.). International Bulletin of Missionary Research. For further information see our Every Square Inch, vol. 2, p. 404.

Review of Christianity and Politics in Doe’s Liberia by Paul Gifford, in NRC 28 Feb/1995 (pp. 8-9, 12-13, 15); NC 28 Feb/1995 (pp. 8-9, 12, 14-15); TRB 28 April/1995 (pp. 32-38); Mission Bulletin XIV Dec/1994 (pp. 20-24).

Review of Pathways to Survival in Nigeria by Bishop F. E. Segun in NC, 1988 (3 pp.).

Review of Planning Strategies for World Evangelism by E. Dayton and D. Fraser, in CTJ, Feb/1982 (p. 3).

Review of God’s People in God’s World: Biblical Motives for Social Involvement by John Gladwin, Aug/1980 (191 pp.). Reviewed Aug/1981 (5 pp.).

Review of An Urban Strategy for Africa by Timothy Monsma. CTJ, April/1980 (3 pp.).

Review of Sons of Tiv by Eugene Rubingh, International Reformed Bulletin 48 1972 (pp. 41-51).


Jan H. Boer, “’My’ Christian Courier.” Christian Courier, February 6, 2023, p. 5. < February 6, 2023 | Christian Courier >.

“Prayer in the House.” May 15, 2022. Article submitted to the Vancouver Sun for the “Opinion” column, but not published.

A humorous moment: In defense of my handlebar and goatee.” Unpublished letter to the editor, Vancouver Sun, December 6, 2018.

For a more serious treatment of the beard, see Joost Hengstmengel’s “The philosophy of the beard.” Go to page GUEST ARTICLES on this website.

“Is Polygamy Sin?” Letter to Gani Yohanna, 19 September 2017.

“BCAA to the Rescue: Travel Stories.” 2017.

Letter to The Banner, submitted January, 2017, but not published.

“The Mbaka / Buhari Story and Readers’ Comments.” Premium Times, July 31, 2015.

“A Dead-end Journey: From Oppressed to Oppressor.” CC, June 8, 2015, p. 5.

“The West vs the Russian Bear.” Letter to Editor, Maclean’s, 13 Jan/2015, p. 47.

“Annual Report on Christian Organizations.” Unpublished open letter to CC, 8 Dec/2014 (2 pp.).

(1) “Aboriginals, Racism, Political Correctness.” Letter to Editor, Metro, 9-12 Oct/2009. (2) “Chat about Aboriginals: Loenen-Boer Correspondence.” Feb/2013. (3) “The Price of Aboriginal Leadership.” Letter to the Editor, VS, 7 Nov/2014 in response to (1) “Family at centre of pay firestorm…,” 5 Nov/2014; (2) “Reserve life out of step…,” 7 Nov/2014.

“Senior Discounts.” Letter to the Editor, VS, 2 Dec/2013.

“Calling a Spade a Spade.” VS, Feb. 27/2013 (p. A12). Editor replaced original title.

“Money-hungry Lawyers.” Letter to Editor, VS, in response to lawyer Kevin McCullough’s “Lawyers Trigger Job Action,” 5 Jan/2012. Submitted 7 Jan/2012.

“Zwarte Piet and Racism.” Letter to Editor, VS, 26 Nov/2011. Every Square Inch, vol. 4, p. 98.

“Occupiers’ Abuse of Traditional Religion.” Letter to the Editor, VS. Submitted 9 Nov/2011. Every Square Inch, vol. 4, pp. 32, 121-122.

“St. John’s United Church.” Letter to Editor, West Ender, department of “Rant and Rave,” submitted 16 April/2011.

“Remove Obstacles to Justice.” Letter to Editor of The Province, 12 Nov/2010, in response to “Court delays make mockery of justice.”

“Belhar Confession: Amazed Twice Over.” Letter to Editor, The Banner, a CRC magazine. Submitted on 24 Oct/2010.

“The Tamil Boat Show.” Letter to Editor, The Province, 11 Aug/2010.

“Hirsi Ali, Mark Steyn, Liberals.” Letter to Mark Steyn, 16 June/2010, in response to Steyn column about Hirsi Ali, 14 June/2010.

“Church and Atheists.” Letter to Editor, MacLean’s, 3 May/2010.

“Olympic-sized Distortions.” Sent to VS but not published. Written 12 Feb/2010.

“Public Debate about Private Schools.” Letter to Editor in response to N. O’Connor’s article on Public Versus Independent Schools, 15 Jan/2010. Sorry, but the information as to which newspaper is missing. 17 Jan/2010.

Letter to Editor in response to “Shareholders Stage Revolt,” The Province, 27 Feb/2009. Not published.

(1) “Dual Citizenship and Living Abroad.” Letter to Lorne Gunter, 3 Jan/2007. (2) Letter to Editor of VS, 30 July/2007 (p. A7). (3) “More on Multiple Citizenship.” Letter to Daphne Bramham in response to her series on citizenship, VS, 27, 29, 30 June/2009. Date of letter 5 July/2009.

(1) “Ðead and Buried.” Letter to Editor, “Rant & Rave” department, West Ender, 30 July/2008. (2) “Police and Gangland Violence.” Correspondence with Kim Bolang, crime editor at VS, 7 Jan/2009. (3) “Treatment of Gangsters.” Letter to Editor of The Province submitted on 15 Dec/2010, in response to editorial “Courts need to keep gangsters off streets,” 14 Dec/2010, p. A16.

“Reformed Fundamentalists vs Vaccination: Correspondence with Douglas Todd,” 31 Aug/2008 – 3 Sept/2008. Todd is the “Religion and Philosophy” writer for the VS.

“Abusive Immigrants Not Wanted.” Letter to Pete McMartin, VS columnist, 29 Feb/2008.

“Immigrants and Language Learning.” Letter of response to Christy Clark, “Fear and Language,” in The Province, 28 Oct/2007.

“Exemption of Hookah from Smoking Ban.” Unpublished letter to Editor of The Province, 24 Sept/2007.

“Of Honourable Judges.” Unpublished letter to Editor of 24 Hours, 11 Apr/2007.

“Problems with Lawyers and Courts.” Letter to Editor, 4 June/2006, in response to Bob Kuhn, “Who Will Have the Last Word….” BC Christian, May/2006.

“Sorting out the Genuine ‘Subsidees’.” Letter to Editor, Metro, 27 April/2006, in response to an article on social welfare, 25 April/2006.

“Missionary History Falsified.” Letter to Editor of West Ender, 11 Feb/2006, in response to Charles Demer’s article, 9-15 Feb/2006, pp. 14, 16.

“Welcoming the Jews to Canada.” Sent to VS but not published. Written 9 Dec/2005.

“The French, Dutch and Canadians.” Letter to Editor, VS, 16 Oct/2005 with a response from Doug Todd, 17 Oct/2005.

“Down and out ‘Hero’ Deserves Boot with Wooden Shoe.” The Vancouver Courier, Sept. 18/2005.

Santa Claus ‘BC’ and a Self-Appointed Saviour.” Letter to the Editor, Vancouver Courier, 12 Sept/2005 in response to Cheryl Rossie, “A Room of One’s Own,” 7 Sept/2005.

Faith, Politics, Reason.” Letter to Peter McKnight, 27 Sept/2004, in response to his article in VS, 25 Sept/2004.

“Dalai Lama and the Warm Heart.” Georgia Straight, March 4/2004. Editor deleted title. Every Square Inch, vol. 4, p. 138.

Millionaire Immigrant Abusing Legal Aid.” Letter to the Editor, The Province, 11 Aug/2003, in response public complaints, 10 Aug/2003, p. A21.

The Myth of the ‘Neutral’ Public School.” Letter to the Editor, VS, 19 Apr/2003.

The Dutch Kuyper Tradition of Pluralism.” Letter to the Editor, VS, 4 Apr/2003.

Government Dependency Has Created Individualism.” Letter to Editor, VS, 30 Dec/2002.

Religion vs science; faith vs reason,” Unpublished personal correspondence with the Religion Editor for the Grand Rapids Press, March 19, 2001. For privacy reasons, the name and letters could not be reproduced.

How to Reduce Neighborhood Clutter.” “Public Pulse,” Grand Rapids Press, February 1998.

“Why the Waste?” Letter to Editor, Newswatch, Nov. 1/1993. Published under my pseudonym “Yohanna Mai Gona” (John Boer or Farmer).

“Opting Out.” The Banner, Feb. 19/1990 (p. 3).

“Apartheid Opponents = Communism Supporters.” CC, 21 Oct/1985 (3 pp.).

“The Balance of Reformational Thinking.” The Guide (monthly magazine of the Christian Labour Association of Canada), Sept/1985 (3 pp.). The original letter had a different title.


Elly Linger, Jan H. Boer, transl., Race for Rembrandt Netherlands, n.p.: Brave New World, 2019. Original title: In rep en roer voor Rembrandt, 2016.

Boer has published many translations on this website. They are found on other pages.


Note: I have started these blogs at various times but, due to pressure of work, have not always been able to continue them. Currently, the first one is the most active, with the next a close second.

These blogs are expressive of the same perspective that colours all my other publications, namely:

During 2018, the last blog I worked on, "My World-My Neighbour," was cut short by the host server for no explanation. I was forced to stop in the middle of a post, a messy way to end. I could not get hold of the host server, not even when I had a geek assist me. Thus, though I could not end that last post or even blog in a graceful manner, all the blogs listed are still accessible.

I do want you to realize that I no longer support all I have written in these blogs, especially some about refugees. They caught me at an angry time and I let it all hang out, sometimes with no holds barred. But then, Kuyper could at times have his bursts-and even Jesus Himself.

Section 2
Reviews of and Comments about Boer's Writings and Ministry


The Nigerian situation as you rightly stated:

"It's time for Nigerian Christians to recognize that Muslims have declared war on Christians and intend to take over the country. It is time for Christians to quit crying about persecution and government support of this terrorism and to declare war themselves. Christian talk of persecution and unfairness will get them nowhere; it is just playing into the hands of Muslims. They love hearing all this."

This is what I have been advocating since last year; that we should take more serious steps and participate more in Public affairs and be able to stop some nonsense going on in the Country. Last 2 months I spoke at the Synod of the North of The Presbyterian Church in Nigeria, and my point of emphasis was that we Christians, especially Christians in Nigeria, have refused to learn from History. We have failed to possess our possession and leaving it to Muslims. I even quoted your ICS pamphlet, which states as follows:

"In the light of Christ’s presence in the changing world, to stimulate the search for a deeper understanding of the Christian responsibility in the Church and Society."

This I will never forget, and I thank God that I met a person like you in my life. So, to your question I say yes! We should stand up and not just talk about our persecution, but we must stand up to stop it.

Habila M. Istifanus, August 2022
Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Movement
Gangye, Adamawa State, Nigeria
Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria


Congratulations and happy anniversary, sir. You have made a great positive impact on us here in Nigeria when you were here. We won't forget you for good. I still take time out to read your books that you wrote many years ago.

Matthew Yunana,
June 5, 2021

"Jan, I always appreciate your thoughtful replies to my mailings. You are a friend and a brother and a great asset to the body of Christ. Lead on and the rest of us will try to follow."

Prof. Danny McCain,
Unijos, March 5, 2021


Readers' recommendations of Jan and Frances Boer's ministry and literature in their book Every Square Inch: A Nigeria missionary memoir—The life and mission of Jan & Frances Boer. To be published in Lagos, 2021.

"Foreword" by His Excellency Yakubu Gowon, former Head of State and former Head of the African Union.

Rev. (Dr.) Jan Boer was one of the long serving Christian missionaries that worked with the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria (CRCN), having arrived in 1966 with his wife Frances. His contributions are clearly in evidence in today's CRC-N as many of his ideas and his vision are still being pursued.

A generation before the arrival of Dr. Boer in Nigeria, there were indigenous Christian leaders, among whom was my grandfather Rev. Istifanus Audu from Takum, Taraba When the first congregation of the Takum Church was organized in 1930, Mallam Audu became one of the first five indigenous elders. Thereafter, he became one of the greatest helpers to the pioneer foreign missionaries in the area. When his teacher/friend Ashu Angyu died in 1935, my grandfather became the leader in the Takum Church and its environs. These were the foundations of the church that Dr. Boer built his ministry on.

The following are some of the varied contributions of Dr. Jan Boer to CRCN:

His main concern was that CRCN be reformed especially in influencing the society. The CRCN had inherited a gospel that was dualistic where there was a separation between the gospel and the affairs of the world. Dr. Boer tried to help the CRCN understand that God is as interested in the world as he is in the spiritual, and that one needs to apply the Bible to all life. Christ is not only King of the Church but also of the world.

These among several others are the contributions of Dr. John Boer to what we have today as the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria. Though Christian missionaries in general contributed greatly to the development and growth of the Church, his contributions and commitments are particularly laudable.

As this history shows, the CRCN has had a profound impact on shaping myself personally and Taraba State as a whole. My father knew Dr. Boer as one of the missionaries who was at the forefront of building on the foundations set by my grandfather and ensuring the church and its institutions were Nigerian led and decisions made were in the interest of Nigerians, sometimes clashing with his own missionary colleagues to make this happen.

This wonderful memoir paints a picture of what life was like in rural southern Taraba in the 1960's and 1970's and how intrepid missionaries like the Boers, in close collaboration with Nigerian pastors and evangelists, built the CRC-N into a solid institution that would stand the test of time and contribute immensely to the development of the region.

His Excellency Darius Dickson
Ishaku Istifanus Audu,

Executive Governor,
Taraba State, Nigeria

As described vividly in this memoir, Dr. Jan Harm Boer, known and called "John Boer" by Christians in Nigeria, was a missionary who came to Nigeria with his wife Frances in 1966, at the brink of the Nigeria civil war. As a missionary of the Christian Reformed Church-America/Canada, he came to "spread the word (gospel) of salvation in Taraba (then part of Benue-Plateau State). Dr. Boer and his wife were engaged with the Nigerian Church in leadership, evangelizing and building the Church. In the history of the Christian Reformed Church-Nigeria (CRC-N), it is common knowledge that Dr. Boer connected honestly and sincerely with the indigenous Christians, like no other.

Dr. Boer did connect so powerfully with the Nigerian Christian community, devoid of any racial or any form of discriminative tendency. This man loathed poverty in the lives of the indigenous followers of Christ, especially those he had reached with the Gospel of our Lord. A confirmation of this claim is in the testimony of Rev. Habila Istifanus who had served together with Dr. Boer at the Institute of Church and Society, Jos: "He (Dr. Boer) was largely involved in empowerment and mobilization for 'social action'." Besides, Dr. Boer left in his trail several publications on areas affecting the socio-economic development of Nigerians, especially the Christians, including members of the CRC- Nigeria.

Dr. Jan Harm Boer was and is still a great blessing to the CRC-Nigeria.Mr. Bulus Ali, who served with the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC), remembered Dr. Boer and his wife as dedicated missionaries, who loved their work and loved the Nigerian Christians among whom they spent their years of strength, giving labors of love. Rev. Philip D. Aboki, Chairman of the CRC-Nigeria Board of Trustees (BOT), describes Dr. Boer as a caring man who never blew his trumpet, one with a heart of gold and a friendly and hard-working man, a lover of the youth. He said Dr. Boer's wife "influenced Christian Religious Knowledge in primary schools and was involved with her husband in the training of leaders for the Church (CRC-Nigeria)." Rev. Adamu Eyab corroborated early testimony of Dr. Boer's love for salvation of sinners, identification with native believers in Christ, and a busy missionary. CRC-Nigeria misses the Boer family.

Rev. Dr. Caleb Ahima,

President, Christian
Reformed Church of Nigeria

Vice-President, Christian
Association of Nigeria

Reverend Dr. Jan Boer and his wife Frances Boer-Prins dedicated three decades of their lives to the mission field in central Nigeria. Raised in the reformed Calvinist tradition of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Dooyeweerd, the Boers brought to their mission work an approach anchored on the total gospel. Dr. Boer has been a mentor and a friend whom I cherish dearly. He not only counselled and prayed with me as a young man; he opened the door of his impressive library at the Institute of Church and Society in Jos, when I was on the pilgrim quest to find meaning and purpose for my life. The Boers have left an impermeable legacy in Nigeria. There is a glory that lightens the path of those who have laboured that others may find life. I commend this book to those who affirm the ethical approach to life and to living a life of service to others. Blessed are the feet of they that preach the Gospel of

Dr. Obadiah Mailafia,

Former Deputy Governor of the Central
Bank of Nigeria

Former Presidential Candidate of the African
Democratic Congress, ADC

In the 1980s and at a time the growing Church in Nigeria was largely polarized by divisive perspectives on such issues as the tension between evangelism and social action, faith and science and Christian-Muslim relations, a prominent voice stood out as a point of reference, particularly in Northern Nigeria and beyond. Long before terms like 'holistic' or integral mission became more widely used, Dr. John Boer's irrepressible engagement of such matters and others, not only in seminars and conferences but in 'everydayness' of life challenged some of us to reflect more deeply on the sacred/secular divide that limited effective witness of the church both then and now.

Dr. Boer's voice through the Institute of Church and Society (ICS), backed by his numerous publications on holistic health care, Christian involvement in politics, economics, justice and development issues, contributed in significant ways to my own journey in challenging people to bring the Lordship of Christ to bear on all spheres of life. His influence and that of Uncle John Stott eventually led me to initiate the Institute for Christian Impact (ICI), which I lead today, to challenge Christians to walk the talk of following Jesus

The ethos of Boeriana and Kuyperiana (for those who understand these terms) are very much part of our vision to see the Church in Africa engaging biblically and effectively with the complex realities in our context. In this regard, and as we often say in various parts of Africa, the words of our elders like Boer, Stott and Kuyper remain with us as words of wisdom.

Rev Dr Femi B. Adeleye,

Executive Director, Institute for
Christian Impact


I applaud the life of service of Dr. John and Mrs. Fran Boer and their impact in Northern Nigeria, at a very difficult time in our nation's history. Their dedication to training pastors and evangelists, building communities and transforming lives through the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria, the Institute of Church and Society (ICS), Hillcrest School and many other institutions, inspired and equipped a generation of change agents. Their legacy lives on through the work of their biological and spiritual children, who continue to push boundaries and transform lives.

Ndidi Nwuneli, MFR,

Founder, LEAP Africa

For thirty years Rev Dr Jan Boer and my late father Rev Dr David Angye worked tirelessly together to build and strengthen the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria (CRCN) in particular and the Christian church in Northern Nigeria in general, becoming closer than brothers in the process. The most memorable occasions in their partnership was when Dr Boer would speak in Hausa and my father would translate into English. This memoir is an important record of the missionary journey of the Boers in Nigeria. My only regret is that my father did not live to read this publication.

Clara Angye Lanki,

On behalf of the Rev Dr David
Angye Family

My late father Rev Luka Agbu led the translation of the Bible into Jukun which had a profound impact on the CRC-N in particular and the Jukun people generally. He could not have achieved this remarkable feat without the theological training and tireless support of missionaries like Rev. Dr. Boer as described in this wonderful missionary memoir. The Boers' love for Nigeria did not end when they left such that when I made it to the US in 1997, it was their house I went to first. The family connection is now in its sixth decade and the third generation. It was a lovely moment in 2017 when I presented the Boers' grandsons to the Aku Uka of Wukari who still fondly remembered their grandfather and gave them all Jukun names - Hiko, Matswen, Makai, and Chivoma. Their family and their story is now also a Jukun one.

Mathias Agbu,

Subsea System Expert Engineer,
Technic, FMC

Rev. Dr. John and Fran Boer spent twenty of their 30 years as missionaries in Nigeria based in Jos, where they were involved with so many of our most iconic institutions including Hillcrest School, the Sudan United Mission, TEKAN, the Theological College of Northern Nigeria, the Jos Main Market, and St Piran's Church. They also worked to promote so many ideas, many that were ahead of their time, ranging from the role of church in society, Rural development, wholistic healthcare, Christian views on Nigeria's external debt, and so much more. This book is as much a history of Plateau State from 1977-1996 as it is a missionary memoir, providing insight in to so much of what makes our state special as a microcosm of Nigeria where new ideas and approaches are both welcome and allowed to flourish.

H. E. Simon Lalong,

Executive Governor of Plateau State
(not yet confirmed)

I feel incredibly overwhelmed and honored that I will be quoted in the memoir of the missionary service in Nigeria of Dr. and Mrs. Boer. I fondly remember Mrs. Boer as one of my best teachers. Mrs. Boer taught me how to write well in my 8th grade year at Hillcrest School in Jos. We had weekly writing assignments and sometimes daily homework to submit the next day. Her red pen was legendary. I didn't like red ink all over my assignments then, but I am very grateful that I had a teacher who was stern but caring. Whenever I receive compliments about my writing, I think about the woman who laid the foundation and was unbiased to all my classmates including her own son, Kevin.

Oluwatoyin Adegbite-Moore,

Executive Director, Africa Venture
Philanthropy Alliance West Africa

When I think of Jan and Fran Boer the following words come to mind: Thoughtful. Jesus commanded us to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. A major part of the Boer ministry focused on the "mind" part. Prolific. I don't think I personally know of any missionary who has worked harder or written so much material as Jan Boer. Relevant. As these memoirs reflect, the Boers had a healthy restlessness to go beyond basic missionary activities like baptisms and training pastors to address the major problems of society like poverty, injustice, inequality and corruption. Comfortable. The Boers served in Nigeria with "all their heart." They spoke the local language, ate the local food and interacted freely with the local people. They did not just minister to the people but became part of them. My special thanks goes to Jan and Fran Boer for not only living among and ministering to us in Nigeria but sharing their testimonies with us in this memoir.

Danny McCain,

Founder, Global Scholars
Professor of Religious Studies,
University of Jos

On a macro level, this book is about a missionary couple in Nigeria with big ideas and big ambitions who integrated deeply into society and spent 30 years building and strengthening the church in Northern Nigeria, often working under very difficult circumstances. On a micro level, this is a story very personal to me as it gives an account about that same missionary couple and how they loved and raised a little girl from Nyankwala named Lydia to become a musician and educator, and, importantly for me, my mother. This is a deeply important narrative about not only the shaping of the Nigerian church, but what shaped me also.

'MI' Abaga,

CEO, the TASCK Agency

J. H. Boer, a friendly, warm, outgoing and outspoken person. As described in the memoir, his willingness to integrate with his host community clearly demonstrated by his mastery of the Hausa language was particularly striking.

Bishop Nathaniel Yisa,

Former Anglican Bishop
of Niger State

Dr. Jan Harm Boer came in contact with the work of the Christian Council of Nigeria's Institute of Church and Society when our father Rev. (Dr.) Adeolu Adegbola was the Director in Ibadan. He was so much drawn to the work that he later got appointed an Assistant Director to head ICS's Northern Nigeria operations based in Jos, working directly and in close contact with our father as described in this memoir. Records indicate that he was a most effective Assistant Director. We all recall our father talking about him with relish and expressing "great expectations" whenever Dr. Boer was billed to visit Ibadan.

Dr. Boer organised two important conferences that produced two great books on the ICS list. He also ran a bookshop in the market in Jos, through which he propagated the work of the ICS and also generated revenue that impacted the sustainability of the work.

A lot of his work at ICS centred on the injurious effects of Multinational Corporations on Africa's development and it's mitigation. His interest later shifted to Muslim-Christian relationship in Nigeria. He remains an indisputable expert on the subject.

Dr. Tunde Adegbola,

Executive Director of the African Languages
Technology Initiative (Alt-i)

I first met Dr. John Boer at a conference of Church and Society in Jos, Nigeria, in1989. His shared thoughts on the Nigerian society struck me then as counterintuitive but still highly original. He propounded a theory of societal pluralism, which I judged then to be highly controversial and against the popularly accepted theory of societal secularism propounded by many Nigerian intellectuals. By societal pluralism, Dr. Boer meant the synergy of Christian-Muslim world-views in Nigerian polity and culture.

Dr. Boer blamed the incessant religious conflicts in Nigeria on competition for dominance in the Nigerian political space among these two world-views: Islam, and Christianity. These two world-views had edged out African Traditional Religion and Secularism in the Nigerian religious space. But now they have brought their fight for dominance in the political space. The question that Dr. Boer wrestled with was how the two religions can co-exist peacefully in the Nigerian political space.

Dr. Boer's proposed answer to this question was that Nigeria should be a pluralistic society rather than a secularistic society. Under pluralism, as Dr. Boer envisaged it, no worldview would have a privileged position, whether in the religious or the political realms. Instead, these two dominant religious systems would tolerate each other's practices. Implicit in religious toleration is that Muslims and Christians would forego their absolutistic attitudes or tendencies in order for them to co-exist peacefully in Nigeria. The many years of my interaction with Dr. Boer have impressed on me that Dr. Boer's critical involvement in the ongoing cultural, political, and religious discourses in Nigeria stems from an abiding love for Nigeria. Even those who disagree with his proffered solution to the ongoing inter-religious conflicts in Nigeria can readily concur with me that Dr. Boer has a deep-seated love for Nigeria. In so doing Dr. Boer meets the central Christian maxim for missions in foreign nations, namely, love your neighbors as yourselves.

Professor Tersur Aben,

Theological College of
Northern Nigeria

As missionaries and comrades for Christ, particularly in ICS, Rev Akila W. Machunga (and family) subsequently became closely drawn to Rev Dr Jan Boer (and family) and shared a very intimate bond.

Dr Boer, being thoroughly Nigerian and gifted by God in many ways, immediately draws people to himself like a light bulb upon meeting them for the first time. And they pay genuine attention.

Even though, as with God's work, there were many challenges encountered in their work at ICS as described in this memoir, they nevertheless made great gains by God's gracious might.

Nuhu Machunga,
For the family of late Rev A.W. Machunga

Founding Chairman of the Board of the Northern Area Office, ICS
General Secretary, TEKAN

I first came to know the Boers when I arrived at St Piran's Church in Jos as a young pastor where in the early days I even taught Sunday School with Mrs. Boer. I got to know the Boers better over time and if there ever was a foreign missionary who had his hands and feet and heart solidly planted in the native terrain, it was Rev. Dr. John Boer. He disregarded the racial barriers and shared the challenges of a Church seeking relevance in a society fraught with a mix of potential, hiccups, and convulsions typical of the throes of nationhood.

Bishop Emmanuel Egbunu,

Anglican Bishop of Lokoja

What I remember about elementary school at Hillcrest School in Jos was the lack of corporal punishment and yet the total obedience of all pupils to rules and regulations. I place this to the skill and psyche of the teachers of which Mrs. Boer was a classic example. She was my 5th Grade teacher and had a wide smile but still commanded respect and discipline from her pupils with but a look. Before she taught me, I generally saw her as a strict teacher (which she was) but her passion for teaching and guiding young children became quite evident to me when she became my teacher.

Looking down the years with more knowledgeable eyes, I see that she helped set me on a path of a greater understanding of compassion, peace and patience...all virtues needed to be a good Christian.What more can a missionary's job entail? Thank you so much for your sacrifices and understandings.

Mr. Okechukwu Uwakwe,

Basketball & Life Skills Coach

In the 1980s and at a time the growing Church in Nigeria was largely polarized by divisive perspectives on such issues as the tension between evangelism and social action, Faith and science and Christian-Muslim relations, a prominent voice stood out as a point of reference, particularly in Northern Nigeria and beyond. Long before terms like 'holistic' or Integral mission became more widely used, Dr. John Boer's irrepressible engagement of such matters and others, not only in seminars and conferences but in 'everydayness' of life challenged some of us to reflect more deeply on the sacred/secular divide that limited effective witness of the church both then and now.

Dr. Boer's voice through the Institute of Church and Society (ICS), backed by his numerous publications on holistic health care, Christian involvement in politics, economics, justice and development issues, contributed in significant ways to my own journey in challenging people to bring the Lordship of Christ to bear all spheres of life. His influence and that of Uncle John Stott eventually led me to initiate the Institute for Christian Impact (ICI), which I lead today, to challenge Christians to walk the talk of following Jesus

The ethos of Boeriana and Kuyperiana (for those who understand these terms) are very much part of our vision to see the Church in Africa engaging biblically and effectively with the complex realities in our context. In this regard, and as we often say in various parts of Africa, the words of our elders like Boer, Stott and Kuyper remain with us as words of wisdom.

Femi B. Adeleye, (May 2020)

Formerly of Nigerian Fellowship
of Evangelical Students (NIFES)

Currently at Institute for Christian Impact

Dear Uncle Boer,

Thank you for your interest in me. I read through some of your presentations to Nigerian Christian Students and other Christian fora. They blessed my soul and inspire me greatly.

The practical truths contained in those presentations needs to be sprayed far and wide and sustained at least within the borders of Nigeria until they bear fruits.

Reading through those presentations and thinking about the Nigerian situation, I became fully persuaded that the truths in those presentations are the answers to the problems we face as a nation.

I feel obligated to take these truths to every city, town,village, hamlet and home in our nation. I feel bound to recruit hundreds and thousands of young people like myself to join me in this mission. I believe that we can make a difference in our nation and perhaps the continent of Africa if we can persuade the critical mass of Christians in Nigeria and Africa to buy into the worldview you taught in those presentations.

Your labours in Nigeria for the glory of God and for the blessing of Nigerians must not be in vain. I feel compelled to water it until it bring forth fruits of transformed lives of individuals, families, communities and the nation. If this is the only thing I could do with my life, I would be a very fulfilled person because that will mean I have done the will of God.

Irimiya Emmanuel Agenebe

Nigerian Pastor
December 2020

I visited the site and I saw so many materials that got me excited. Your speeches and papers presented to Nigerian Christians on public engagement while you were here got me so inspired and rekindled a fire in me that was almost going off. I have been thinking of setting up an organization that will focus on developing structures, systems and strategies based on Kuyper's model that would help Christianity in this part of the world harness and leverage her powers for the advancement the kingdom of God. We will be working to make sure that the rich store of information in your site are made available to Christians in this part of the world through seminars and all the Media our Lord and King Jesus Christ will give us access to.

Irimiya Emmanuel Agenebe

Pastor, Christian Reformed
Church of Nigeria

Jan, your webpage is a gold mine but is in serious need of cataloging and indexing so that items can be found. I am amazed at your listings but am not sure that I could find something or a group of writings on a particular topic without reading through the entire, list, and it is so exhaustive.

Clinton E. Stockwell,
University of Chicago

Boer comment:
The problem is not as severe as Stockwell indicates. That there are some problem is acknowledged. They are due to lack of expertise and finance; this is a poor man’s project. However, each page does have topic headings and in most cases there is also an outline at the beginning. In addition, authors and subjects can be located by the use of the < FIND > function as in < ^F >.

I should tell you that I have been reading and enjoying your website. I still have a long way to go, but it is the most interesting personal website I can remember reading. Thank you for all of the work that you put into it.

Anthony Brown

Pastor of First Baptist Church
Vancouver BC

Kevin Griffith, "Mental health challenges expected to rise during the first full winter of COVID." The Province, October 9, 2020.


Again, I'm deeply impressed with the work you've done here and I see it of great value for those interested in a Christian social philosophy/theology that covers all of life. In fact, it may serve to strengthen our worldview and prompt some good dialogue.
August 15, 2018

Dr. Peter Schuurman,
Global Scholars Canada, Ex. Dir.

I just want to let you important your site is. Thank you so much for the hard work you have put into it, over many years. It needed to be done, and you had the foresight to see that and put your hand to this important task. For this I am deeply grateful. I am doubly grateful, and humbled, by your offer to donate it to Global Scholars so that it may continue to have a global impact.. I look forward to how your work may encourage and equip a new generation of missional Christian scholars worldwide!

Dr. Stan Wallace,
Global Scholars,

There is a lot there in full-article and full-book (pdf) form. It will be fantastic when the SCS (Society for Christian Scholars) library can offer as many ebooks and articles on other subjects as I see collected here. In the last few days I directed my comments to Steve for future discussions with Dr. Boer. I hope the latter understands how humbled and appreciative we all are for his generous offer.

Dr. Liam Atchison, Global Scholars Society

Thank God for your life. May the good Lord bless you and keep you for more good works ahead in Jesus name. Amen. Myfather thought of your leaving a good legacy is very important and needful . I would like to embark on writing your biography.. on behalf of the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria. After writing and publishing, the dedication should be done officially by the church in your presence. For me to successfully do the writing I need a lot of things from you.

Rev. Yakubu Ishaya Tsojon, 2018,
Former General Secretary, Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria

I thank God that you are 80 years old and still very strong mentally and physically as you are. In fact, I still wonder how you were able to combine your official duties in Nigeria with writing those…books you wrote. Your ability to get reference materials (newspaper articles, rare books, conference proceedings, panel submissions, etc.) for your books is miraculous. What actually intrigued me most and nearly brought tears to my eyes the first time I learnt of it was that you still chose to put all your books for free on the internet for free downloads despite all the efforts (in terms of energy, time, finance, personal risks, etc) you put into writing the books and getting them published. I wish you good health and longer life… so that one day I will meet you in person and take pictures with a man who has thoroughly influenced humanity in more ways than one through his well-researched writings, but who is under-celebrated by the media.

Rotimi Fabiyi,
Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria

Eromo Egbejule, “Music Legends of J-Town.” The Africa Report, No. 97, February 2018.

“Sometimes it just takes a spark to ignite a musical generation. This is the story of Jos, the Plateau State city that birthed a galaxy of stars for the Nigerian recording industry.”

Emmanuel Irmiya, Letter of Appreciation for Boer Writings, April 17, 2018. See the following segments:

I found your works so fascinating, captivating and enlightening. Especially, Missions: Heralds of Capitalism or Christ? and Science without Faith is Dead, as well as the Christian/Muslim series. They blessed my soul tremendously and expanded my worldview greatly.

I was reading one of the volumes of your books on the Christian/Muslim series where you suggested to the Christians in Nigeria to send someone to go and study Political Theology in order to handle the Christian and Muslim relations in the public sphere effectively. As a result of that, I am now preparing, praying and trusting God to help me go for my PhD in Political Theology.

Emmanuel Irmiya,
Pastor in the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria

I have marvelled how you managed to wear different hats of writer, speaker, preacher, strategist, translator, theologian/philosopher. Your home assignments, which ideally should have been opportunities for deep rest, were equally filled up with work. My opinion is that despite the challenges, you transcended them all! Both you and Fran served well!



Dear Jan,

The next step is providing various short training to community leaders, heads of Churches, traditional rulers and peace and human rights activists in Northern Nigeria. We have completed a huge building at Lamingo, Jos, where we will be conducting such training. The center is called: Peace Orientation and Conference Center (POCC). We have agreed that you will be invited to be present during the opening and commissioning hopefully in 2018. May be we will ask to you speak or to give a 2-day lecture We thank you in particular, because the inspiration started from you and we are continuing with that inspiration. The library will stock almost all your writings.

Thank you.

Reverend Habila Istifanus, Director
Justice, Peace & Reconciliation Movement
Jos, Nigeria

About your comment on western missionaries divorcing politics from religion, am happy that as a retired western missionary who lived most of your life in Nigeria, you are confirming it! I have made this observation severally but some brethren here tried to controvert me! But I bear testimony that all through your time here you actively advocated the place of religion in politics and public governance as evidenced by your many publications. It is true that the Church in Nigeria shut itself into a cocoon of 'spirituality' that despised politics and socio-economic issues and wasn't prepared to confront the current realities facing it now. It is now that many are waking up to the issues you expended your life and ministry to highlight! We only pray it's not too late for us! Thanks very much. < Danjuma Byang @John H Boer >

Danjuma Byang
Pastor, author, journalist, sociologist


I just recovered from your breathtaking mail and the whole library of books and articles. I nearly fell off my chair for every new item you brought to me. Congratulations with your thesis. I know how hard this work can be.

In the meantime I am retired as prof in missiology in Kampen, the Netherlands. Nowadays my wife and I are in South Korea at the Kosin Theological Seminary of the Kosin Churches. This is the second year. My plan is to use your views in my lectures of MARTYRICS. – Cornelis J. Haak, Associate Professor Emeritus, Reformed Theological University, Kampen NL – March 7, 2016.

I have spent some time with…the large amount of material you give the links to. Congratulations to you and thank you for the huge effort you put into making available for this generation and those to come this witness to the Gospel – wholistic and powerful in a broken, divided world. You write well, John – with passion and with clarity. I hope your work is used for years to come. – Harvey Kiekover, former lecturer at TCNN, January 22, 2016.


“Appreciation from Taraba State Governor,” December 2015 (forwarded by mutual friend). *

I had just read your parts of the book on External Debt. WOW!!! I had read your book on Transnationals years ago, so was prepared for your superb and painstaking scholarship. But I had forgotten how starved the Christian world is, generally speaking, for such probing exposure! I have made the acquaintance of a staff member at the Acton Institute, which is just two blocks from where I live. Have you written anything since the Occupy Wall Street era to follow up on your treatments (including, of course, the treatment in your dissertation and its summary)? Unpretentious as your Nigeria-published books are, they are really incomparable. Thanks again for your hard labors over the decades and your friendship. I have also photocopied these books (as well as your categorization of Scripture on justice, stewardship and economics) for my friend – Ronald Roper, independent scholar, Grand Rapids, MI.

At a recent paper given to our U3A world religions group on 'The Bible and Colonialism' guess who was the first person quoted in the paper? One Jan H Boer via another author whose name I do not recall but beginning with F. – Graham Weeks, London UK.


A friend wrote me the following: I've been in touch with Bishop Kukah recently as he's on the board of a new fund our foundation has established. During the launch – in front of the President and Vice-President of Nigeria among others – he publicly stated that it was you who taught him about social justice and was talking about what the fund aims to do well ahead of his time. He speaks so highly of you and is planning for a way to bring you back soon for a visit. Just thought you should know that you are still fondly remembered here.

“High Praise for the Accomplishments of CRWM in Nigeria.” Letter from a friend, August 25, 2014.

“Boer: You’ve always been my mentor. You’re an icon and will always be my guide in the writing ministry. God bless you, Sir.” – Obed Minchakput, Jos-based journalist.

The front cover of the memorial service liturgy for my friend Dick Kastelein, features a photograph of Dick reading one of the volumes of my Christian-Muslim series.


Istifanus, Habila M. Review of Boer’s Work at the Institute of Church & Society. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Masters degree in Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies at The World Peace Academy, accredited by the University of Basel, Switzerland, Nov/2013.

“The Sept. 23, 2013 issue (of CC) had quite a number of articles I found very meaningful, particularly…John Boer’s article on Christian investors…. You have found many wise writers to inspire us to live relevant Christian lives.” – George Langbroek, St. Catharines, ON.


“Last week, we had a PhD seminar in which one of our PhD students used your Muslim-Christians documents very freely. In fact, your material shows up regularly in our post-grad documents. If other institutions are using your material as much as our students are, you have not researched and written in vain.” – Prof. Dr. Danny McCain, University of Jos, Nigeria.


“I have been reading your series on Christian and Muslim relationships in Nigeria. I am starting to read volume 3 and I am already very grateful for all the time and effort you had to write that wonderful series.

“After I am done with college, I will pursue a masters in International Development and eventually a PhD in Economics. The Lord…led me to start researching proposals for the economic development of Nigeria.

“I would like to ask your opinion on some of the economic proposals I will come up with…. I know something may seem right to me, but your unique understanding of the culture and conflicts in Nigeria provide you with the necessary lenses to be able to judge whether something will work or not.” – Larissa Cantarella, Brazilian student at University of Arkansas, USA.

“I am a fan of your website and writings. I taught Issues in Christian-Muslim Relations at the postgraduate level here at TCNN…and we used your series. Thank you for your contribution to the Body of Christ…here in Nigeria.” – Chentu Dauda.


“I am very familiar with your work and have found some of your writings very useful in my research and writings, since 1990, when I was a graduate student at Ashland Theological Seminary, Ohio, USA.

“I am a fan of yours and would not hesitate to read any writings of yours…. I thank God for your courage and objectivity in your work and for your passion for our people in Nigeria.” – Rev. Dr. Nuhu B. Akuchie.

“I am currently writing my thesis for the masters degree in education at Zaria. My topic is the influence of Pentecostalism on NKST church and I found your book Pentecostal Challenge very useful. Thanks.

“My present position…exposes me to the activities of the Muslims against Christians in the north. Again in my finding out more about these activities, I got yet another book, Christians: Why This Violence?, authored by you. This has convinced me that you are praying for our…Nigeria.” – Rev. Annger, Kaduna.

“I have been to your website and seen the amazing collection that you have. I have also seen comments by Professor Turaki and others. I refer people to the website for research and information. I have also been to and I am this morning downloading the books now.” – Rima Shawulu Kwewum.


“Well done on this writing project. Very impressive indeed.” – Dr. Timothy Palmer, Professor at TCNN.

Nuhu Akoga, An Evaluation of Boer’s View on Reformed Wholistic Approach to Society and Its Implications for the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria. This is a research thesis submitted to the Theological Collage of Northern Nigeria (TCNN), Bukuru, Plateau State, Nigeria in conjunction with the University of Jos, Nigeria, in partial fulfillment for the award of the Master of Theology Degree in Church History, April 2009.


“I just turned in a fourteen-page paper on the relationship between Christianity and colonialism, and your book Christianity and Islam under Colonialism in Northern Nigeria was one of my main sources. I also drew a lot of insight from your article ‘Worldview: Expanding the Reformed Tent.’ Reading your work was refreshing, because, unlike much of my other research, it looked from both the perspective of the missionary and the perspective of the locals.” – Rebecca Vander Wilt, student at Trinity Christian College.

“For me, it is an honor actually that an author of your caliber would see my piece interesting enough to be cited.” – Dr. Chudi Chuikwueze, a Nigerian scholar teaching in a New York university.

“I will like to…express my invaluable appreciation over your…scholarly approach to issues. You really deserve my thanks. I received your project via attachment and will, God willing, go through it and render my own contribution.” – Ahmad Yahya, Federal College of Education, Kano, Nigeria.


“Thank you so much for sending your impressive titles on issues of Christian-Muslim relations. There are exceedingly timely and wise contributions. I shall see that they find their way into our library.” – Dr. John Witte, Jr., Professor of Law, Emory Law School, Atlanta.

“I want to sincerely thank you so much for taking the pains to go through my deep provocative writings. I enjoyed the most your comments and questions which made my writing and ideas come alive. More importantly, your pointing out the areas of Christian weaknesses only to strengthen our cause. Bravo!” – Dr. Yusufu Turaki, Nigerian scholar, author and church statesman (re vol. 7 of my series).


“I am amazed at the speed of your project, as you are doing it all alone. You have had to bear the brunt of all these alone. However, it is worth it. I know that you enjoyed writing; now it must be more than a hobby. Be encouraged to hear that, as a Nigerian who has been in the midst of these issues, you have done a lot of great honour and service to us by bringing thee issues to bear upon global conscience and perspective…. It is just timely, as Nigerians right now are rethinking these issues for themselves now…. I am hoping that Nigerians will be able to draw up trends and patterns of Christian-Muslim relationships from your series. We couldn’t have had a better method than the one you have adopted to allow each group to state its case…. John, you have thrown a challenge to both Christians and Muslims of Nigeria and the logical course of action, which is indeed your primary goal and objective, is the way of peace as enjoyed by our Lord.” – Dr. Yusufu Turaki, Nigerian scholar, author and church statesman.

“Well done on the big project [Boer: reference to the 8-volume series]…. You are doing a huge work and I believe a beneficial one.” – Dr. Philip Ostien, an American expert on the Nigerian sharia struggle who has researched, traveled and written on the subject more than any scholar I know.


“I want to thank you again for the books you gave me. The first one I have read is your translation of Kuyper’s You Can Do Greater Things than Christ. I was not aware of this work. It is a very important work and your translation reads very well.” – Dr. Glen Friesen, a Reformed philosopher in Canada.

“I am happy about the book and look forward to seeing the next two volumes. I think you have done a great job in surveying the history of the problems. I also agree with you that you have put your finger on the key problem – the problem of secularism that some Africans have bought. Keep up the good work.” – Dr. Danny McCain, an American professor at University of Jos, Nigeria. [“The book” refers to one of the series volumes.]

“…after I read about your work, …I was excited about the scope and direction of your efforts! I was reassured to know that there is another voice ‘out there’ that is calm, concerned and knowledgeable, having both wide experience among people of the two religions and the understanding gained from a study of history and our present situation. I admire the efforts of both of you and hope to meet you again.” – Ms. Shirley Kelly, a researcher.


Stern, Dwayne, “Former Alberni Man Publishes Book.” Alberni Valley Times, July 25/2003.

“…the whole range of your [web]site was a great big satisfactory engagement. It’s going to take me a few more months to get to some actual Kuyper reading…. Your website will either be my starting point to figure out what to read or …. And the Islamica element will need to be passed on to several friends working on religious and political issues, who may not have seen that possibility for Christian dialogue. Your website is a blessing and a delight!” – Susan Perkins Weston, a self-described “Presbyterian social reformer” and educational executive director in Danville, KY.


The “Insight” page of the Vancouver Sun of January 16, 2002, carried a full-page article about Anglican Primate Michael Peers’ sermon preached in Christ Church Cathedral, in Ottawa, on January 1, 2002. The article bore the title: “Sermon on Secularism Sparks National Debate.” The “Insight” page included most of Peers’ sermon with as title “Some Profound Questions To Be Asked.” It is a very provocative article with direct implications for the challenge of interfaith dialogue. It is even more challenging to read the above together with Dr. Jan Boer’s articles about Islam and Christianity in the Christian Courier, especially the article “The Voice of Islam,” published in the Christian Courier of November 26, 2001. Islam and Christianity (especially its Kuyperian presentation) may have more in common than we have dared dream. Secularism is not only undermining all of Islam, but also all of Christianity. Secularism is what Michael Peers, Jan Boer and Nigerian Muslims are seeking to expose and overcome. – Simon Wolfert, “Discussion Paper – Interfaith Dialogue.” Unpublished paper, January, 2002


“Your article for the RB has been published and is very popular. Thank you for an excellent quality and relevant article to raise the standards of our little journal. Your good friend…was very impressed and ordered twenty copies for each of the CRC missionaries. But more significantly, the Nigeria…are very happy with it. However, some people are saying that this article is just the first step and that it leaves some questions…unanswered.” – Dr. Timothy Palmer, Professor at TCNN.


Y. B. Malafa, letter from Theological Education by Extension, Church of Christ in Nigeria, Jos, Nigeria, February 9, 1995.

Witvoet, Bert. “He's No Ordinary Missionary, This Kuyperian Evangelist.” CC, 1995.


Editor, “Profile: A Passion for Justice.” A description of Boer's mission in Nigeria by Citizens for Public Justice in their Catalyst, June-July/1994 (p. 6).


Henry Awoniyi, Letter supporting Wiebe Boer's membership in Association of Nigerians Abroad. November 8, 1993.


Shande, Gideon, G. T. “CHAN’s Search for Wholistic Health Care,” an excerpt. TW, 2 Dec/1991 (pp. 1-2).


The Reverend Dr. John H. Boer, who conceived, delivered and nursed the WHC Project over a long and difficult period, is now the Chairman of the WHC Board. CHAN has wisely made this decision in order to build up the Project further. With his wealth of experience in all the years that he has nursed the project, the new Chairman will now direct the Project to fruition.

The Project now has two full-time employees – the Co-ordinator and the Secretary Miss Juliana O. Amos. Miss Amos worked with the former Co-ordinator of the Project, so she has valuable experience also gained from Rev. Dr. John Boer. This, we hope, will help in building the Project as well.

– Dr. D. S. K. Bot, WHC Co-ordinator and Boer’s successor, “Wholistic Health Care Project.” CHAN News, October, 1990, pp. 7-8.


“Reverend Boer is New Co-ordinator for ICS.” The Nigeria Standard, 28 April/1978.


“Teachers vs Education Secretary Boer.” A letter from a group of teachers objecting to the policy Boer pursued as Education Secretary, 11 Dec/1971.