1. Introduction*

2. Pioneers of Reformational Philosophy*

St. Augustine of Hippo

John Calvin*

Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer*

Herman Bavinck*

Bavinck's Writings*

Writings About Bavinck*

Woltjer*, Jan

Herman Dooyeweerd*

Dooyeweerd's Writings*

Writings About Dooyeweerd*

Dirk H. Th. Vollenhoven*

H. Evan Runner*

Bennie J. Van der Walt*

3. Succeeding* Generations and Friends*–Generalists

Institutions*, Journals, Magazines

Miscellaneous Authors

4. Philosophy*


Miscellaneous* Authors

5. Physical Sciences*

Institutions*, Journals


Miscellaneous Authors

6. Mathematics*

Institution* and Journals

Miscellaneous Authors*

7. Ecology*

8. Technology*


List of Authors

Egbert* Schuurman*

Derek* C. Schuurman*

Miscellaneous Authors

9. Sociology*

Institutions*, Journals, Magazines*


Vanderwoerd*, James R.

Sociology--Miscellaneous* Authors

Sociology--Special* Subjects

Marriage* and Family*

Same-Sex* Marriage

Health* and Disease

Institutions*, Journals, Magazines

Miscellaneous* Health* Authors




Sexual* Issues



Criminology*, Prisons*

Work*, Labour*, Unions*



Antonides*, Harry

Taylor*, E. M. Hebden

Miscellaneous Authors

Kinesiology* and Sports*

Miscellaneous Subjects

10. Psychology*

Institutions*, Journals


11. Economics*, Business & Politics* (EBP)

Calvin*, John

Institutions*, Journals

EBP—Multiple* Authors*

12. Law*, Legal*

Institutions*, Journals, Magazines


Berman*, Harold J.

Benson*, Iain

Morsink*, Johannes

Taylor*, E. L. Hebden

Miscellaneous Authors

Legal--Trinity* Western University Law School

Individual Legal* Articles

13. Education*

Institutions*, Journals, Magazines

Individual Education* Articles


14. Religion*


Religion--Institutions*, Journals, Magazines


Freedom* of Religion, (In)tolerance*, Persecution*

Bennett*, Andrew

Benson*, Iain

Kendal*, Elizabeth

Sookhdeo*, Patrick

Miscellaneous Authors

Religion--Special* Subjects


Sermons and Preaching

Creation* AND Evolution*



(Neo-) Pentecostalism*

Prosperity* Gospel

Miracles* & Wonders


Angels* & Evil Spirits*

Lodge* Membership

Sects & Cults



Missiology*, Dialogue*, Apologetics* (MDA*)

Institutions*, Journals, Magazines


15. The Arts*

Institutions*, Journals, Magazines

Artists* and Authors*--General

Seerveld*, Calvin G.

Wolterstorff*, Nicholas

Miscellaneous Authors

Visual* Arts

Literary* Arts

Drama* & Cinema*


16. History*

Institutions*, Publications


General* History

Church History*–General

General Christian and Church History*

Church History—General

The Church in Africa*

Reformed* Churches

Van Belle*, Harry A.

Miscellaneous Authors

Billy Graham*-In Memoriam

Notre Dame*-Fire Reflections

1. Introduction*

NOTE: Nothing in the digital world is permanent. Some of the entries or even complete websites will have been deleted after they were entered on these pages. However, we have retained their listings here, for you can always search for the publications elsewhere. Sometimes the same item can be found under another entry on this same page. At least you learn of their existence. Sorry about that inconvenience—but we did not delete them!

“It is a matter of life and death for this young philosophy that Christian scholars in all fields of science seek to put it to work in their own specialty.”

– Herman Dooyeweerd

A New Critique of Theoretical Thought, vol. 1, p. viii.

“The heart has its reasons the mind will never know.”

Blaise Pascal

“The Church can render itself no greater service than to recapture the universities for Christ. More potent than by any other means, change the university and you change the world.”

– Charles Malik, former UN Secretary General

“Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reasons, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.”

– C. S. Lewis, In the Weight of Glory

“Christians confess that all human beings, whether they know it or not, inhabit a shared order of creation -a constituting, sustaining, and guiding framework for human and social life that, where followed, enables the enjoyment of shalom. They also confess that, in spite of human willfulness and blindness, all humans can and often do glimpse something of this order simply as they make their way in life.”

– Gideon Strauss, Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto
OR Jonathan Chaplin from Public Justice Review.

“Nothing matters but the Kingdom of God, but, because of the Kingdom, everything matters.”

Gordon J. Spykman

Peter Turkstra Library: Reformational Philosophy. Redeemer University.

This website contains almost the entire world of Reformational philosophy, past and present, especially its major authors.

Jordan J. Ballor, Editorial: “The new journal Neocalviniana: A Review in the Neocalvinist Tradition.” Neocalviniana, January 31, 2024.

This editorial introduces the Neocalviniana journal: a review in the Neocalvinist tradition of Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, and others. Neocalviniana is a successor of scholarly initiatives such as the Kuyper Center Review and the Bavinck Review, and an outgrowth of the Kuyper Conference and the Kuyper Prize. Neocalvinism, as Kuyper saw it, intends to further develop historical Calvinist theological and philosophical insights, and to renew and modernize these insights for contemporary relevance. Both Kuyper and Bavinck viewed scholarship, science, and the systematic pursuit of knowledge as a shared human enterprise that tends to encompass communities across the world, and as a calling and task assigned by God himself. These ideals inform the aspiration of Neocalviniana to provide a global platform for scholarship and intellectual discourse in and about the Neocalvinist tradition.

Albert M. Wolters Centre for Christian Scholarship.< >

The Centre honours the work and legacy of of Redeemer Uniersity’s founding generation in the person of Dr. Al Wolters. It profiles and platforms outstanding Reformed Christian research and thought through the work of our Faculty Fellows, facilitating on-campus lectures....

The Centre funds and promotes research from root to branch: from foundational translations like our partnership with the Kuyper Translation Project to our translation and promotion of Reformed philosophy and theology through our Dooyeweerd Archive and our research on faith and science through our Pascal Archive.

Neo-Calvinism, a basic list of resources, a Wikipedia website. Neo-Calvinism - Wikipedia. Accessed July 18, 2022.

The purpose of this entire website, and definitely of this particular page, is to promote a more wholistic version of the Christian Gospel. Some items on this page may not focus on that, but it does hold true for most.

When I refer to a “more wholistic version,” I am speaking of a Gospel that is not reduced to church and the private area of life, but that touches every area of life or, as in the expression made so famous by Abraham Kuyper, a Gospel that affects every square centimetre of this creation.

This is an interpretation of the Gospel and of its resultant wholistic religion, a full-orbed Christianity, that Secularism resists. The latter has inherited the tradition of Scholasticism that traditionally has separated life and religion and leaves only a small part of life to religion, while the rest of life is Secular, i.e., non-religious, profane. That Secular arrangement has been described as dualism, in which there are two different sources of truth and indeed, two different truths. Historically, the one source of truth and its resultant truth, respectively reason and the empirical, have largely pushed out the spiritual source of truth-- but only in the minds or thinking of people, I should hasten to add, not in reality. Opinions or theories do not change reality.

A long line of scholars, starting with John Calvin or possibly even further back, have developed resistance to that narrow Secular interpretation of Christianity. Names that come to mind first of all and with which this page begins, are Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer, Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, Herman Dooyeweerd, H. Evan Runner, Hendrik Hart, along with an international raft of educational, political and other social institutions. You can explore this further by reading “What is Neo-Calvinism?” (The Neo-Calvinist Research Institute, Kampen, The Netherlands) and then read almost anywhere on this page and most other pages of this website.

It is not only Secularism that defines religion in such a narrow restrictive way. Islam does as well, except for itself. Islam, especially where it is the majority religion, insists that it is a whole way of life, but refuses to recognize the same for its minority counterpart religions. Like Secularism, it insists that Christians restrict the practice of their religion to church and to the sphere of the private.

Like everyone else’s, my range of expertise is limited. I cannot possibly explain what such a wide-orbed perspective would mean for the various academic disciplines or the various segments of culture. So, while the BOERIANA pages along with a large part of the ISLAMICA page are largely my own expressions, this GUEST ARTICLES page allows experts in the various fields to express themselves in order to aid academics to develop wholistic Christian perspectives in many areas of culture.

The Reformational community largely shares the main contours of that wholistic tradition, but this does not mean that all adherents fully agree with each other or that there are no significant differences of opinion within its wide parameters, or even contradictions. This means also that the inclusion of an item on this page does not necessarily mean that I as compiler agree either partially or fully with all the contents. This page is an exhibition of the riches of the Reformational tradition and those riches include variations and contradictions as in all of life.

Instead of the term “exhibition,” let’s think “library” for a moment. This page is a library of Reformational literature. Every respectable library, whether community-based or academic, has its parameters. It will not accept just any document. However, the staff may not simply accept only the books they agree with or like; they are obligated to accept books they may thoroughly dislike or that are totally contradicting each other, but there they are and the public can pick what it wants to read. Well, this page is such a library with its own parameters that are fairly wide in scope, wider than people from other schools of thought might expect. I sometimes feel obligated to include items I may not personally like, but it is a fair representation of the larger Reformational tradition. Therefore, please do not jump to hasty conclusions as to my personal opinion on any particular item found on this page. I could well disagree with an item, sometimes even strongly, but I do recognize it as within the parameters of the tradition here exhibited for you.

So, on this page you will find articles and even entire books on many spheres of life or learning. This is your chance to enter into dialogue with the practictioners of a wholistic tradition that goes by various names: Neo-Calvinism, Kuyperian, Neo-Kuyperian, Reformational. A more recent addition is that of “Transformational,” a more popular term that will be found in the title of the e-book version of this website that is under consideration. Some items are my translations from my mother tongue, Dutch.

Actually, so much has been written in both books and journals that there is no way I can present them all here. The full array might possibly be too much even for an entire data centre! There is an important lineup of some of the classics of this tradition on a number of websites you will meet along the way, including that of Paideia Publishers as well of < > by Steve Bishop.

In addition to the above list of classics, there is the main philosophical journal of the Reformational movement that is an absolute must for anyone doing serious research on any aspect of it: Philosophia Reformata, International Philosophical Journal of Christianity, Science, and Society. Leiden: Brill.

– a philosophical journal which welcomes contributions that contain philosophical reflection in relation to the Christian tradition. Articles are broadly philosophical in nature, including interdisciplinary approaches in which philosophical reflection forms a substantive element. Contributions may either focus on philosophical themes in relation to Christianity (e.g., being, truth, knowledge, the good, religion, personhood, and others), or on themes in the sciences, the humanities, ethics, and professional practices, also in relation to Christianity (e.g., themes relating to normativity, responsibility, care, natural and social sciences, politics, economics, environmental sciences, and/or technology).

This journal can be accessed at:

For a random Table of Contents see

For a list of English-language articles and a list of the authors of English articles see

By no means all Reformed scholars are familiar with either Abraham Kuyper, the main founder, or with the wider Reformational movement, the philosophical tradition that started to develop already during his day, but has since blossomed into an international movement. Apart from those who have never heard of it, there are scholars, including Reformed ones, who oppose or reject this tradition while offering their own interpretation of Kuyper. However, amongst those there are also a large number who recognize it as a valid and viable philosophical tradition and who readily acknowledge Kuyper’s genuine Holy Spirit inspiration. I refer you to the KUYPERIANA page for details.

Its viability is, among others, indicated by that fact that the movement includes not only an international group of individual scholars but also a respectable number of educational, social, labour, political and media institutions in The Netherlands itself, but also in Canada, the USA, Australia, South Africa, Korea, Hungary and a number of other countries.

Another significant indication is the quality of the publishers who publish the steady stream of books and articles that emerges out of this tradition. They are among the most distinguished in the world: Brill - that's a sure tell-tale sign -, McGill-Queens University Press, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Clarke-Irwin, Harvard University Press.

It is possible that you will find this Introduction somewhat confusing. Its basic concepts may appear very foreign to you. I am sympathetic to that, for it took me a long time to begin to understand what this wholism is all about. But as you read the material, it will slowly dawn on you and introduce you into a whole other world of thought that you will eventually find exciting, for it will give you an entirely different handle on life itself. So, have patience and persist; it will come to you and you will thank God for your persistence. Just keep reading....

One who did keep reading over the years and recently commented once again is the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto, Matthew Kukah. This is also the seat of the Sultan of Sokoto in northern Nigeria, the centre of the greatest slave state in the world around 1900 A.D. The Bishop wrote:

My dearest Elder Brother,

Greetings and thank you so much for one of the best gifts being offered to first our dear country, the Church and many others. I am awed by the fact that you had turned out so much material and have had the time to carefully upload it for us to have access to with so much ease. I commend you.

It is impossible for us to thank you enough because you came well ahead of your time and your phenomenal insights have had such a profound impact. Somehow, I feel a tinge of regret that things have turned out this way and that now that we need you even more urgently, you are so far away from us.

I have gone over the greater (part of) the material and it is quite fascinating that you have put in so much and it is now available. Sadly, serious, rigorous scholarship of this quality is on the decline.

I am not sure if you are aware that I have set up a Policy Think Tank known as The Kukah Centre. We have been engaged in some level of research, advocacy, but trying to improve the quality of intellectual input into public policy especially in matters relating to faith (

I will like to find out about the catholic Acton Institute in Grand Rapids, MI. Sounds very interesting.

Thank you so much again and God bless you. My warm regards to your wife.

Bishop Matthew Kukah,
August 2017 <>

Another writer:

“I really appreciate your work collecting and making available all those fine writings under the online Reformational Academic Library. It's a real service! I have started to look through it, and hope to use a few in this Winter's courses. A huge amount of very helpful materials!”

– Dr. John Hiemstra, Political Scientist,
The King's University College, Edmonton

“Your Project sounds amazing and I have lots of friends who would be interested in partnering on this effort. I ended up writing a book titled Walking with God in the Marketplace. I would be happy to share an online copy. In addition, I sit on the Board of Globethics and they have a wealth of materials for online use as well. Let me know how you would like to proceed.”

– Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, Lagos

At the end of this Introduction I share with you an inaugural speech by Prof. Al Wolters, in which he discusses the place of Reformational Philosophy in the general field of philosophy.

In the introductory pages of this publication, Wolters inserted the following quotation: “And the Philistine (Goliath, a giant) said to David (a peasant shepherd boy and future king), 'Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?' Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the Name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” (At the end, David slays the proud giant with his slingshot.) [Parenthesized items inserted by Jan H. Boer.]

– Old Testament, I Samuel 17:43, 45.

And with this, I will let you loose into this world of wide-open perspectives that take all aspects of reality seriously. Dig in, challenge, taste, and test. Above all, enjoy this intellectual potpourri - and allow yourself and your assumptions to be challenged deep down in your core - your heart.


  1. You will find a number of incomplete entries on this page. The reason is that I could not locate the full information but considered the content worthy of inclusion on this page. It is not a matter of sloppy work so much as to make valuable materials available to the researcher. I consider content more important than correct academic protocol.
  2. You may find certain items on this page non-academic, such as “spiritual warfare.” Though to the secular mind this may not qualify as academic, to the wholistic Christian mind and in cultures not (yet) straightjacketed by secular “enlightenment” thinking this kind of topic is very vital and real.

2. The Pioneers Of Reformational Philosophy*

St. Augustine of Hippo

Augustine on reading scripture:

"Whoever, then, thinks that he understands the Holy Scriptures, or any part of them, but puts such an interpretation upon them as does not tend to build up this twofold love of God and our neighbour, does not yet understand them as he ought. If, on the other hand, a man draws a meaning from them that may be used for the building up of love, even though he does not happen upon the precise meaning which the author whom he reads intended to express in that place, his error is not pernicious, and he is wholly clear from the charge of deception….” From Christian Doctrine, chapter 36, paragraph 40. Ignatius Press, 2012.

Wilco de Vries, editor, trans. Jan H. Boer, Sophie, the magazine of the Stichting voor Christelijke Filosofie (Foundation for Christian Philosophy) , Amersfoort, the Netherlands, October 2022. < >

This is a thematic edition about St. Augustine 354-430 AD, Bishop of Hippo. Bishop Augustine was a Berber African and a productive theological pioneering writer and looked upon as a pioneering leader even today after many centuries. All the Augustine articles are indexed here below.

Actually, this item is in the wrong place for a proper outline. However, it came too late and would require too many changes in the text to give it its proper place. Better dislocated than none at all!


----------, Editorial

Teunis Brand & Joost Hengstmengel, “The Contemporary Augustine: A Debate between Two Theologian-Economists.”

Roel Kuiper, Against Imperialism: The Significance of Augustine’s Philosophy for Politics.

Aaron Ebert, To Believe Is to Be Vulnerable: St. Augustine on Skepticism.

Mathijs Lamberigts, “Naked and without Shame? Augustine on Sexuality.”

Author not indicated; illustrated by Studio Joop, “A Brief Biography of Augustine.” < >.

Harm Goris, “Augustine and Thomas Aquinas on Good Sex: Sexual Pleasure before and after the Fall.”

Wilco de Vries, “Augustine as Guide for the Good Life: In Dialogue with Philosopher Jamie Smith.”

Martijn Schrama, "Living with Augustine: The Spirituality of the Augustinians.”

Hans Alderliesten, “I want to Die in Order not to Die: Augustine’s Association with Death.”

John Calvin*

“There is no part of our life or conduct, however insignificant, which should not be related to the glory of God, and that we must be do all to promote it.” – John Calvin

There never will be so good order in the world, that even the holiest Laws of God shall not degenerate into corruption, through the fault of men. Assuredly, it would give too much power to Satan, if he could reduce to nothing everything that he corrupts. We would then have no Baptism, no Lord’s Supper, and, in short, no religion; for there is no part of it which he has been left uncontaminated by its pollutions– Calvin’s comment on the Gospel of John 9:22.

“Calvin's commentary on II Corinthians 8:15 is that God wills there be equality and proportion among us, that is, each person is to provide for the needy according to their means so that no one has too much and no one too little,” Bratt writes. Shocking! Sounds like “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

Jim Bratt in his Abraham Kuyper, Christian Democrat

John Calvin Bibliography, Meeter Center, Calvin University, Grand Rapids MI.

Each year the Center adds to this collection of citations to articles, book chapters, book reviews, and books pertaining to John Calvin, his influence and Calvinism itself. The items cited for a given year are those added to the collection during that year.

John Calvin, Bible Commentaries.

Simon Nicholas Jooste, Recovering the Calvin of “Two Kingdoms?” A historical-theological inquiry in the light of church-state discourse in South Africa. Dissertation for the degree of Ph.D. in the faculty at Stellenbosch University, March 2013.

This book covers a wide range of scholarship—Augustine, Luther, Calvin himself, Kuyper, Barth, natural law, church & state, two kingdoms, apartheid, etc. etc.

Herman Paul and Johan de Niet, “Issus de Calvin: Collective memories of John Calvin in Dutch Neo-Calvinism.” Leiden, Brill, 2009.

The first author’s research was funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton. This chapter can be read as a sequel to Johan de Niet, ‘Johannes Calvijn (1509–1564): icoon voor vriend en vijand,’ in Heiligen of helden: opstellen voor Willem Frijhoff, ed. Joris van Eijnat[1]ten, Fred van Lieburg, and Hans de Waardt (Amsterdam, 2007), pp. 102–114. Unless otherwise noted, all translations are ours.


Bennie Vander Walt, “John Calvin's view of the human being: A Christian philosophical appraisal.” Tydskrif vir Geesterwetenskappe, vol. 49, no. 3. Pretoria 2009.

----------, From Noyon to Geneva: A Pilgrimage in the Steps of John Calvin (1509-1564). Institute for the Advancement of Calvinism; Potchefstroom: Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1979.

Mike Ross, “A Short Bibliography on John Calvin.” Christ Covenant Church, 2009 (2 pp.).

Calvin*, John Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1536. Trans. Henry Beveridge, 1845. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1957.

Published first in 1536, the Institutes of the Christian Religion is John Calvin's magnum opus. Extremely important for the Protestant Reformation, the Institutes has remained important for Protestant theology for almost five centuries. Written to "aid those who desire to be instructed in the doctrine of salvation," the Institutes, which follows the ordering of the Apostle's Creed, has four parts. The first part examines God the Father; the second part, the Son; the third part, the Holy Spirit; and the fourth part, the Church. Through these four parts, it explores both "knowledge of God" and "knowledge of ourselves" with profound theological insight, challenging and informing all the while. Thus, for either the recent convert or the long-time believer, for the inquisitive beginner or the serious scholar, John Calvin's Institutes is a rewarding book worthy of study!

Tim Perrine
CCEL Staff Writer

“Taking into account all his failings, he [Calvin] must be reckoned as one of the greatest and best of men whom God raised up in the history of Christianity” – Philip Schaff, Historian.

“But we shall always find it hard to love the man [Calvin] who darkened the human soul with the most absurd and blasphemous conception of God in all the long and honoured history of nonsense” – Will Durant, Historian.

David B. Calhoun, Knowing God and Ourselves: Reading Calvin's Institutes devotionally. Banner of Truth Trust.

David W. Hall and Peter Lillback, eds. A theological guide to Calvin's Institutes: Essays and analysis. P&R Publishing.

“For making Calvin known today as well as once he was, and in every age deserves to be, this really is a major step forward.” –J. I. Packer, professor of theology, Regent College, Vancouver.

The H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies. For further information, go to the section “Church History*” down below on this page.

C. J. Smit, et al, eds., A Festschrift from the Conventus of Reformational Churches in Southern Africa under the scientific accreditation of In die Skriflig. In die Skriflig, 44, Supplement 3, 2010. A (belated?) festschrift in honour of John Calvin on the 500th anniversary of his birth.

The impact Calvin had in his lifetime, as well as on the following five centuries, can hardly be overestimated. As an ardent student of Holy Scripture, classical texts and law, he was able to reform church and society. He made an important and fundamental contribution in reshaping European society (and subsequently many other parts of the world) in terms of religion, political systems, economic development, his views on art, human relations and education.

Faces of John Calvin:

William R. Stevenson Jr., “Calvin's Christian freedom, modern politics and God's sovereign grace.” Calvin's Spark, Winter 1999, pp. 24-26.

----------, “John Calvin's institutional thinking.” Calvin Spark, Summer 2009, p. 26

John Witte Jr., “Calvin the lawyer.” Calvin Spark, Summer 2009, p. 24.

Karin Maag, “The legacy of John Calvin.” Calvin Spark, Summer 2009, p. 23

James R. Payton Jr., “Respecting John Calvin.” The Banner, September 2007, p. 34.

“Meet Calvin: An Entire Issue Devoted to John Calvin (1509-1564),” Christian History, 1986, Vol. 5, No. 4 (40 pp.).

Standford W. Reid, ed., John Calvin: His Influence in the Western World. Festschrift in Honor of Paul Woolley. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Publishing House, 1982 (415 pp.).

Matthew J. Tuininga, Calvin's political theology and the public engagement of the church. Cambridge studies in law and Christianity. Cambridge University Press, April 2017.

Joseph H. Sherrard, Review of above. Themelios, vol. 43, Issue 1.

Nicholas Wolterstorff and Barbara Pitkin, Booknote on above. Calvin Seminary Forum, Fall 2017, p. 23.

Timothy P. Palmer, P. “Calvin the Transformationist and the Kingship of Christ,” Pro Rege: Vol. 35: No. 3, 2007, pp. 32 - 39.

Edna Gerstner, Idelette: A Novel Based on the Life of Madame John Calvin. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1963 (160 pp.).

For readers’ reviews go to: AND

For a recorded review, go to:

William J. Petersen, “Idelette: John Calvin’s Search for the Right Wife.” Christian History, 1986, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 12-15.

The Institute for Calvinistic Studies in Korea (ICSK)— ICSK – Institute for Calvinistic Studies in Korea | AcronymAttic.

Jan van Vliet, “Repose in Mystery: The Limit of Sobriety According to John Calvin.Pro Rege, March 2016, pp 21-31.

Henk van den Belt, ed., Restoration through Redemption: John Calvin Revisited, an incomplete preview. Leiden: Brill, 2013.

Bennie Vander Walt, “John Calvin as Understood from the Spiritual Surroundings of His Time.” In A Festschrift from the Conventus of Reformational Churches in Southern Africa under the Scientific Accreditation of In die Skriflig, Volume 44, Supplement 3, 2010 (pp. 23-46).

Jim Olthuis, “John Calvin on Creation.” Anakainosis, Vol. 7, Nos 1-2, September-December 1984 (22 pp).

Donald Sinnema, “Luther and Calvin on Christianity and politics.” A student paper presented at the Toronto School of Theology, June 1976. Distributed by the ICS, Toronto.

Guillaume Groen Van Prinsterer*

Groen van Prinsterer, G. The History of the Revolution in its First Lectures in History. Lectures 8 and 9 from Unbelief and Revolution, a series of lectures in history, edited and translated by Harry Van Dyke in collaboration with Donald Morton. Amsterdam: The Groen van Prinsterer Fund, 1975. Original title: Ongeloof en revolutie: Eene reeks van historische voorlezingen. Leiden: Enj. Lijoutmans, 1847. These lectures can be accessed at: http://www.reformationalpublishin...

Read a book by one of Abraham Kuyper's greatest mentors:
Challenging the Spirit of Modernity: A Study of Groen van Prinsterer's Unbelief and Revolution. Bellingham WA: Lexham Press, October 2019.

Dutch politician and historian Groen van Prinsterer's Unbelief and Revolution is a foundational work addressing the inherent tension between the church and secular society. In Challenging the Spirit of Modernity, Harry Van Dyke places this seminal work into historical context, revealing how this vital contribution still speaks into the fractured relationship between religion and society.

Praise for Challenging the Spirit of Modernity:
“Groen van Prinsterer's classic text, Unbelief and Revolution, is one of many attempts of nineteenth-century European intellectuals to come to terms with the French Revolution and its aftermath. Harry Van Dyke deftly situates the book in its political, religious, and historiographical contexts, thereby doing readers a great service. Could it be, Van Dyke asks, that Groen's struggle with emerging forms of secularism is of utmost relevance in a world in which religion and se'cularism are still competing forces?”
—Herman Paul, Professor of the History of the Humanities, Leiden University.

Keith C. Sewell, Review of Guillaume Groen Van Prinsterer, trans. Harry Van Dyke, Unbelief and Revolution AND of Harry Van Dyke, Challenging the spirit of Modernity: A study of Groen van Prinsterer’s Unbelief and revolution. Bellingham WA: Lexham Press, 2018. All in Pro Rege, September 2021, pp. 43-48.

----------, trans. J. Faber, “The Anti-Revolutionary Principle.” Grand Rapids: Groen van Prinsterer Society, 1956.

H. Smitskamp, transl. and ed. Harmen Boersma, Building a nation on rock or sand: Groen Van Prinsterer for today. Ontario: Guardian Books, 2017.

Groen van Prinsterer was a member in the Dutch Parliament from 1846-1866. He did an extensive study of the effect of the Reformation on Dutch society and published various studies throughout his career.

Netherlandic parliamentarian Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer concluded that a nation can be built on rock or sand. He sorted through years of documents comparing the spirit of the people with the development of the nation. He discovered that when divine sovereignty was replaced by humanistic arbitrary decisions, it led to revolutionary events in society. He spent the rest of his life writing about and resisting this trend. His life was not easy but hopeful.

Seventy-five years later, after WWII, a selection of his writings were summarized in a booklet that became popular in the Netherlands. Now another seventy-five years later, it has been published here in English. Groen made his observations about the time Canada was founded as a nation on this continent.

Groen's ideas are growing in importance as they bridge a greater time period. Building A Nation on Rock or Sand challenges us to make our participation in society most meaningful.

The life and works of Groen Van Prinsterer provide an understanding of how Christians have wrestled with applying the teachings of Christ to the politics of their time.

Brad Trost
Member of Parliament

Dr. H. Smitskamp gleaned from the publications of Groen van Prinsterer ideas and principles that will encourage responsible citizenship. They are universal principles applicable for Canada and other nations in the world. This translation is dedicated to Canadians celebrating their sesquicentennial as well as to other world citizens.

James Eglinton and George Harinck, eds., Neo-Calvinism and the French Revolution. London: Bloomsbury, 2014.

This book is placed under the name of the father of the Reformational school of thought simply because it includes all three of its Dutch pioneers. There was no more suitable place for it.

Van Prinsterer occupies a special place in that both Kuyper and Bavinck were kind of his protégés. He just did not write all that much and thus is not known that well. After careful consideration, it has been decided to give him a section of his own.

J. Glenn Friesen, “New Research on Groen van Prinsterer and the Idea of Sphere Sovereignty,” 2018.

Steve Bishop, “Guillaume Groen Van Prinsterer Pages.” History and Bibliography, 2005-2018.

Harry Van Dyke, “Groen van Prinsterer: Godfather of Bavinck and Kuyper.” Calvin Theological Journal 47 (2012), pp. 72-97.

----------, an unreferenced and untitled essay about Groen van Prinsterer, March 4, 1967 (17 pp.).

The Cardus quarterly magazine Comment reflects the spirit of Van Prinsterer. See issue of Fall 2016.

J. G. Barnhoorn, trans. Jan H. Boer, “Groen van Prinsterer: At Its Deepest, History Is Church History.” Reformatorisch Dagblad, January 8, 2010.

Gerrit J. Schutte, trans. Harry Van Dyke, Groen van Prinsterer: His Life and Work. Paideia Press, 2005 (153 pp.). Original title: Mr. G. Groen van Prinsterer.

For further readings about Groen van Prinsterer, see p. 149.

Jantje Lubbegiena van Essen and Herbert Donald Morton, Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer: Selected Studies. Jordan Station ON: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1990.

McKendree R. Langley, “The Legacy of Groen van Prinsterer.” Reformed Perspective, January 1985.

Bernard Zylstra, “Who Was Groen?” An essay written about the life and principles of Guillaume Groen Van Prinsterer with the purpose of showing how his ideas are of great value for a revival of Calvinism on an international scope. Grand Rapids: The Groen Van Prinsterer Society (“Groen Club”), October 1956.

Abraham Kuyper*

Of course, Abraham Kuyper cannot be left out of the lineup of pioneers. The main Kuyper lineup is on the KUYPERIANA page.

Jeremy G. A. Ive, The Roots of Reformational Philosophy: The Thought of Dirk H.Th. Vollenhoven and Herman Dooyeweerd in the Light of the Trinitarian Vision of Abraham Kuyper. Unpublished edition, 2014 (217 pp.). This is almost a complete bibliography of all three pioneers.

Herman Bavinck

Herman Bavinck (1854–1921), born the second of eleven children, was a husband, father, pastor, professor, and the author of many books, including his four-volume magnum opus, Reformed Dogmatics (Gereformeerde Dogmatiek). As a Dutch Reformed theologian he engaged the fields of politics, philosophy, and education and was a key figure along with Abraham Kuyper in the Union of the Reformed Churches in 1892.

Uncluttered collection of writings from and about Bavinck. This collection can be accessed from: See also:

Bavinck Institute Hosts Inaugural Evening

Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI, recently hosted an inaugural evening event for the Bavinck Institute of Calvin Seminar on May 16, 2017. The event included a display of Bavinck’s own writings, with translations into English, Chinese, Indonesian and Portuguese. For further information go to: And:

The Herman Bavinck Center for Reformed and Evangelical Theology. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

The Herman Bavinck Center for Reformed and Evangelical Theology, founded in November 2015, seeks to study and advance the tradition of Reformed theology that inspired the founders of VU Amsterdam and that still inspires millions of people all over the world today.

This tradition of doing theology rooted in the Swiss Reformation intends to be world-transformative. Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck serve as excellent examples of this ethos, but many leading theologians from the contemporary Reformed and evangelical world might be mentioned as well. The Center mainly promotes constructive theology with a strong historical anchoring, but it also fosters work in biblical, historical, philosophical, and practical theology with a focus on or from within the Reformed tradition.

Bavinck's Writings

For a complete primary-source bibliography and sizable digital archive of Herman Bavinck’s Dutch corpus, see Project Neocalvinisme. The following bibliography is limited primarily to writings that are available as e-books.

This entire bibliography is available in Zotero format via the Bavinck Institute Zotero Group. The URL below lists English translations below the Dutch ones.

Updated: 28 September 2016. This document is accessible at:

Herman Bavinck, ed. John Bolt, Reformed ethics: Created, fallen, and converted humanity. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Academic, May 2019.

Anonymous review:--


Information: Bolt brings forth a recently discovered manuscript from Bavinck, in print for the first time, which serves as a companion to Reformed Dogmatics. Reformed Ethics mines the moral teachings of the early church and medieval and Puritan spirituality while addressing a variety of topics, offering readers Bavinck's mature reflections on ethical issues. This book is the first of three planned volumes.

Herman Bavinck's Reformed Ethics—International Conference. September 18-20, 2019.

Information about:

Herman Bavinck, The Christian Family. Christians Library Press, November 8, 2012. 4 Amazon reviews.

----------, ed. John Bolt. Reformed Dogmatics Abridged in One Volume. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011. E-book edition, 2015.

Publishers: “This is a preview. The total pages displayed will be limited.” Yes, but a large chunk here is better than a mere listing. This document can be accessed at:

----------, Reformed Dogmatics, vol. 4. General Editor, John Bolt; Transl. John Vriend. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008. This is an incomplete preview of the book, which is better than none at all.

----------, The Certainty of Faith. Transl. Harry der Nederlander. St. Catharines, Ontario: Paideia Press, 1980.

----------, Trans. J. J. Lamberts, The Riddle of Life. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1958. Original title: Het raadel van ons leven. Kampen: Kok, n.d.

----------, transl. Geerhardus Vos c.s., The Philosophy of Revelation: The Stone Lectures for 1908-1909, Princeton Theological Seminary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1953. Also at Work info: Philosophy of Revelation - Christian Classics Ethereal Library (

In 1908�, Princeton Theological Seminary invited Herman Bavinck to deliver the renowned L.P. Stone Lectures. This volume contains these lectures, all of which concern theories of divine revelation. He details the importance of God's revealing himself in history, thought, nature, personal experience, and religious tradition, hoping to show that people cannot make sense of the world without acknowledging the divine revelation as foundational. The lectures remain relevant today, and give a more concise insight into early 20th century Reformed thought than some of Kuyper's and others' lengthier works. – Kathleen O'Bannon, CCEL Staff

Reviews, Discussion ...

----------, transl. A. A. Pfanstiehl, “Christ and Christianity.” The Biblical Review, I, 1916, pp. 214-236.

----------, “Calvin and Common Grace.” Princeton Theological Review, VII, 1904, pp. 437-465.

----------, transl. Benjamin B. Warfield. “Christological Movements in the Nineteenth Century.” Bibliotheca Sacra, LXVIII, 1911, pp. 381-404.

----------, “The Future of Calvinism.” The Presbyterian and Reformed Review, V, January 1894, pp. 1-24.

----------, transl. Geerhardus Vos, “Recent Dogmatic Thought in the Netherlands.” The Presbyterian and Reformed Review, III, April 1892, pp. 209-228.

Bradley J. Bitner, “The theological vision of Geerhardus Vos: Theological, educational and Reformed Ministry.” Themelios.

Writings About Bavinck

John Bolt, ed., The Bavinck Review, a peer-reviewed electronic journal published annually in the spring by the Bavinck Institute at Calvin Theological Seminary since 2010.

Members of the Society receive a complimentary subscription to the Review. Back issues are made freely available on the Institute web site six months after publication.

Derek Schuurman, “Who was Herman Bavinck? An interview with James Eglinton.” Christian Scholar’s Review, August 4, 2021.

John Bolt, “Herman Bavinck as a Man of Science.” Carl F. H. Henry Center for Theological Understanding, January 30, 2018.

----------, “Classic Reformed Theology: Still Serving the Church,” The (second) Bavinck Conference: October 12-14, 2011. Forum of CTS, Spring 2012, p. 7.

----------, “Herman Bavinck: The Man and the Mind.” , September 24, 2015.

----------, “Herman Bavinck Speaks English: A Bibliographic Essay.” Mid-America Journal of Theology, 19, 2008 (pp. 117-126). This document can be accessed at:

----------, Bavinck on the Christian Life: Following Jesus in Faithful Service. Wheaton: Crossway, 2015. Cory Brock, Review of above in Calvin Theological Journal, April 2016, pp. 152-154.

"With the completed translation of Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics in the previous decade..., studies of the life and thought of Herman Bavinck have never garnered so much attention in the Anglophone world. Herman Bavinck's voice lives. He will be one of the post important theological interlocutors for Reformed theologians in the twenty-first century. In the last five years alone, various scholars have written monographs exploring Bavinck's dogmatic concepts and propositions. The most important of these focus on concepts that stand on the precipice between theology and philosophy...."

Todd Scacewater, interview with John Bolt about above book. Online “Books at a Glance,” February 23, 2016. Item can be accessed at:

----------, “The Imitation of Christ Theme in the Cultural-Ethical Ideal of Herman Bavinck,” summary of a dissertation. Anakainosis, Vol. 6, No. 2, n.d., n.p. This item can be accessed at:

----------, “Grand Rapids Between Kampen and Amsterdam: Herman Bavinck’s Reception and Influence in North America.” CTJ 38, 2003 (pp. 263-280). This article can be accessed at:

Daniel Jin Su Hwang, “The pluriformity of the church by Herman Bavinck and Abraham Kuyper: A research paper for Calvin Theological Seminary", 2015 (20 pp.).

Anonymous, “Herman Bavinck.” Wikipedia, n.d. Biography, career, publications.

Bavinck Reading & Study Group,

This group exists for those interested in reading through and discussing Bavinck's abridged "Reformed Dogmatics." Post questions, quotes, thoughts, etc., related to this work. Or just sit back and enjoy what others have to... See more

Derek Rishmawy, “Why You Should Read Bavinck.” The Gospel Coalition, December 26, 2014.

Kyle Dillon, “Does nature need addition? Bavinck against the donum superadditum.” Allkirk Network, August 23, 2019

Dennis Greeson, “Created for perfection: Herman Bavinck's covenant anthropology as the key to unity between nature and grace.” Submitted to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in partial fulfillment of...mentor directed studies, November 9, 2018.

Anonymous, “Herman Bavinck: Uncluttered Collection of Writings from and about the Dutch Theologian.” Up to September, 2017. See also:

A.B. W.M. Kok, transl. Jan H. Boer, Herman Bavinck: Profile of a Reformational Pioneer., 2017. Original title: Dr. Herman Bavinck. Amsterdam: S. J. P. Bakker, 1945 (95 pp.).

Enne Koops, trans. Jan H. Boer, “Christiaan Snouck Hurgonje (1857-1936): Arabist and Islamist.” Trouw, November 28, 2017.

For these lectures scholars are invited who share Bavinck’s love for Reformed theology, are enthusiastic about his take on grace as a transforming force in both personal life, society and culture, and who in their academic work reflect his deep and catholic view on the Christian faith. They are asked to answer important questions in their lectures concerning the value of Reformed theology in a postmodern world for church and society.

You can find many articles about Bavinck in the following places:

Willem J. de Wit, On the way to the living God: A cathartic reading of Herman Bavinck and an invitation to overcome the plausibility crisis of Christianity. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2011.

Nicholas Wolterstorff, “The Apologetical Implications of Herman Bavinck's Theistic Proofs.” Accessed July 15, 2016. Published as "Herman Bavinck – Proto Reformed Epistemologist" in Calvin Theological Journal 45 (2010), pp. 133-146.

Laurence O'Donnell, “'Bavinck's bug' or 'Van Tilian' hypochondria? An analysis of Prof. Oliphint's assertian that cognitive realism and Reformed theology are incompatible.” Calvin Theological Seminary, n.d. but 2013 or later.

----------, “Re-reading Cornelius Van Til’s Reformed apologetics in light of Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics.” The Bavinck Review, 2011, pp. 71-95.

----------, Kees Van Til also Nederlands-Amerikaanse, Neo- Calvinistisch-Presbyteriaan apologetics: An analysis of Cornelius Van Til’s presupposition of Reformed Dotmatics with special reference to Herman Bavinck’s Gereformeerde Dogmatiek. A thesis submitted to the faculty of Calvin Theological Seminary in candidacy for the degree of Master of Theology, May 2011.

Jan Veenhof, transl. A. M. Wolters, “Nature and Grace in Bavinck,” extracted from Jan Veenhof, Revelatie en Inspiratie, pp. 345-365. Amsterdam: 1968. The Wolter translation – Toronto: ICS, n. d.

Cornelius Van Til, “Bavinck the Theologian, a Review Article.” Westminster Theological Journal, XXIV, 1, November 1961 (pp. 1-17).

Eduardoi J. Echeverria, “Review Essay: 'The philosophical foundations of Bavinck and Dooyeweerd.” Journal of Markets and Morality, Vol. 14, Number 2 (Fall 2011) 463-483.

Jan Woltjer*

Rob Nijhoff, “The world as whodunit: Jan Woltjer and his logo-centric philosophy in the early years of the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.” Calvin Theological Journal, 2019 (pp. 353-382).

Herman Dooyeweerd*

A picture of D. H. Th. Vollenhoven

Herman Dooyeweerd

Dooyeweerd's Writings*

Herman Dooyweerd, October 7, 1894-February 12, 1977, Amsterdam, was a professor of law and jurisprudence at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam from 1926 to 1965. He was also a philosopher and principal founder of Reformational philosophy[1] with Dirk Vollenhoven[2], a significant development within the Neocalvinist (or Kuyperian) school of thought. Dooyeweerd made several contributions to philosophy and other academic disciplines concerning the nature of diversity and coherence in everyday experience, the transcendental conditions for theoretical thought, the relationship between religion, philosophy, and scientific theory, and an understanding of meaning, being, time and self. Dooyeweerd is most famous for his suite of fifteen aspects (or 'modalities', 'modal aspects', or 'modal law-spheres'), which are distinct ways in which reality exists, has meaning, is experienced, and occurs. This suite of aspects is finding application in practical analysis, research and teaching in such diverse fields as built environment, sustainability, agriculture, business, information systems and development. Danie Strauss, the editor of Dooyeweerd's Collected Works, has provided a systematic look at Dooyeweerd's philosophy here.

Dooyeweerd (7 de outubro de 1894, Amsterdam - 12 de fevereiro de 1977, Amesterdã) foi um holandês estudioso de formação jurídica, que, por vocação, foi um filósofo e um co-fundador da Philosophy Cosmonomic Idea[1] com Dirk Vollenhoven.[2] Dooyeweerd fez várias contribuições para a filosofia e outras áreas do pensamento teórico, inclusive sobre: a natureza da diversidade e coerência na experiência cotidiana, o transcendental das condições para o pensamento teórico, a relação entre religião e filosofia, e de um ponto de vista diferente do significado metafísico de, ser, tempo e do eu. Dooyeweerd é mais famoso por sua suíte de quinze aspectos (ou "lei esferas"), que são distintas maneiras pelas quais a realidade pode ser significativa e boa, e pode existir e acontecer. Este conjunto de aspectos é encontrar aplicação em análise prática, pesquisa e ensino em diversos campos como ambiente construído, sustentabilidade, agricultura, negócios, sistemas de informação e desenvolvimento. Danie Strauss, o editor da coleção de livros de Dooyeweerd, tem proporcionado uma visão sistemática da filosofia de Dooyeweerd aqui.

Herman Dooyeweerd 7th October 1894 – 12th February 1977: Dooyeweerd loved art and music and was an accomplished pianist, he enjoyed detective stories and was a supporter of Ajax, the famous Amsterdam football team, but it is not for these things that Dooyeweerd is remembered. He was the pioneer of the school of ‘the philosophy of the cosmonomic principle’ or more simply reformational philosophy.

His bio and his autobiography are available at

Welcome to the The Dooyeweerd Centre for Christian Philosophy. Ancaster, Ontario: Redeemer University College. The Centre is committed to making available in English the philosophical legacy of Dutch Christian philosopher, Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977), and through this to promote philosophical work shaped by Christian beliefs. Its publication program is committed to ensuring that this legacy continues to exert influence in the intellectual world.

“Flashpoints in His Philosophy,” “The Collected Works of Herman Dooyeweerd,” a brochure from the Dooyeweerd Centre N.d.

The Dooyeweerd Center –—Access this website for titles and descriptions of some of Dooyeweerd's work.

He has been described as one of the foremost philosophers of the Netherlands. Dr. P.B. Cliteur, wrote in 1994: ‘Herman Dooyeweerd is undoubtedly the most formidable Dutch philosopher of the 20th century. ... As a humanist I have always looked at “my own tradition” in search for similar examples. They simply don't exist. Of course, humanists too wrote important books, but in the case of Herman Dooyeweerd we are justified in speaking about a philosopher of international repute.’

G.E. Langemeijer, attorney general of the Dutch Appeal Court and chairman of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, wrote in the Trouw that Dooyeweerd was ‘the most original philosopher Holland has ever produced, even Spinoza not excepted’.

Giorgio Delvecchio, an Italian neo-Kantian philosopher, viewed Dooyeweerd as ‘the most profound, innovative, and penetrating philosopher since Kant’.

"Most impressive about Dooyeweerd are his universal interest, his multidisciplinary competence and his respect for empirical data. I know no philosopher who laboured so hard to understand the essence of all disciplines in the whole spectrum of scholarly endeavours nor one who contributed so fundamentally to their foundations, from theology, history, law and the social sciences to biology, physics and mathematics." Harry van der Laan, Astronomer, University of Leiden.

Recently prominent American philosopher Alvin Plantinga stated that “Dooyeweerd's work was comprehensive, insightful, profound, courageous, and quite properly influential.”

The Dooyeweerd Pages is a growing website designed to aid scholars in understanding the philosophical framework of the late Herman Dooyeweerd -

Herman Dooyeweerd, gen. ed. D. M. F. Strauss, The Collected Words of Herman Dooyeweerd. Grand Rapids: 2012.

----------, transl. Robert D Knudsen, ed. Alan M. Cameron, Encyclopedia of the Science of Law, vol. 1. Grand Rapids: 2012 (249 pp).

Rudi Hayward: “It's the New Critique in 240 pages.”

J. Glenn Friesen, “Dooyeweerd's Encyclopedia of the Science of Law: Problems with the Present Translation.” 2006 (56 pp.).

----------, “Herman Dooyeweerd and Reformational Philosophy,” Dooyeweerd's Collected Works.

"Flashpoints in His Philosophy," "The Collected Works of Herman Dooyeweerd," a brochure. Ancaster, Ontario, Canada: Redeemer University College, the Dooyeweerd Centre for Christian Philosophy. N.d.

Herman Dooyeweerd Bibliography – Hekman Library Dooyeweerd hard copy holdings.

Though this Online Library generally restricts itself to publications accessible digitally, anyone doing Dooyeweerd research should at least be aware of the publications in this bibliography. Perhaps she can locate digital editions elsewhere if they are not yet found on this digital library or else possibly arrange an inter-library loan.

Herman Dooyeweerd, A New Critique Of Theoretical Thought. Transl. David H. Freeman and William S. Young. 4 vols. Place: Paideia Press, 1984 (1230 pp.).

----------, trans. Magnus Verbrugge, “The essence of the Christian Faith.” With a foreword by the translator, a son-in-law of Dooyeweerd. Dooyeweerd delivered this lecture in Amsterdam on March 1, 1942. It was rediscovered many years later and published in Beweging, Vol. 48, No. 5, 1984 (4 pp.).

----------, Transl. M. Verbrugge; Ed. J. Witte Jr. A Christian Theory of Social Institutions. La Jolla CA: The Herman Dooyeweerd Foundation, 1986.

Steve Bishop, Dooyeweerd's A Christian Theory of Social Institutions - A Study Guide. The guide contains a detailed list of chapters as well as a review by Bruce C. Wearne. The document can be accessed at:

----------, “The Problem of the Relationship of Nature and Grace in the Calvinistic Law-Idea.” Anakainosis: A Journal of Reformational Thought, June 1979, pp. 13-15.

----------, Roots of Western Culture: Pagan, Secular, and Christian Options. Transl. John Kraay; eds. Mark Vander Vennen and Bernard Zylstra. Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1979.

----------, Trans. and eds. John N. Kraay and Bernard Zylstra. “Reconstruction and Reformation.” Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies, 1970 (20 pp.).

----------, In the Twilight of Western Thought: Studies in the Pretended Autonomy of Philosophical Thought. Philadelphia: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1960 (195 pp.).

Paul Otto, “In the Twilight of Dooyeweerd's Corpus: The Publishing History of In The Twilight Of Western Thought and the Future of Dooyeweerd Studies.” Philosophia Reformata 70 (1), 2005 (pp. 23-40).

ABSTRACT: previous editions or to the original lectures, the nature of the lectures themselves, and what role Dooyeweerd had in bringing the lectures to publication or seeing them later revised. Some 45 years distant from the original publication, some of these questions can be answered, but not all. Nevertheless, they should not be ignored. For In the Twilight of Western Thought to be valuable in the present-day to readers interested in Dooyeweerd’s thought, what little can be established concerning the editorial process must be made known and the remaining uncertainties of its publication and revision history must be publicly established. Furthermore, differences between the editions must also be catalogued and made accessible to readers of his work. The purpose of this essay is to document the history of the lectures, their initial publication, and revisions. Secondly, this essay includes a catalog of the differences between the various editions. As the publishing history of In the Twilight of Western Thought makes evident, in order for the work of Herman Dooyeweerd to continue to have influence, his published and unpublished works must be carefully catalogued, their provenance clearly determined, and the publishing, translation, and revision history of each carefully delineated

Steve Bishop’s detailed information about Twilight can be accessed at:

Community Reviews of Twilight can be accessed at:

----------, Creation and Evolution. Orginally published in Dutch in Philosophia Reformata (PR), Vol. 24, 1959, pp. 113-159. Translation and separate translation authorized by the Editior-in-Chief of PR. The scanned mimeographed English version published by St. Catharines: Paideai Press, n.d. This document can be accessed at:

----------, “The Criteria of Progressive and Reactionary Tendencies in History.” In commemoration of the jubilee of one hundred and fifty years of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1958. This document can be accessed at:

----------, “Sociology of Law and Its Philosophical Foundations.” A stenciled lecture, n.p., n.d., but, according to footnotes, 1957 or later. This document can be accessed at: http://www.reformationalpublishingproj....

----------, The Secularization of Science (1954, 1966).

This essay was presented at the first congress of the International Association for Reformed Faith and Action, Montpellier, France, in 1953. The original French version, "La secularization de la science," was published in La Revue Reformee, V (1954), 138-157. This translation, with notes, was made by Dr. Robert D. Knudsen of Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, and first appeared in print in the International Reformed Bulletin, No. 26 (9th year), July 1966, pp. 2-17. The Knudsen Introduction, along with the Dooyeweerd article was also published in Memphis, USA: Christian Studies Center, 1954. The brief Boer Introduction is original on this website.

Jan H. Boer, "Introduction (1)"

Robert K. Knudsen, "Introduction (2)"

----------, “The Analogical Concepts.” Transl. Robert D. Knudsen. A typewritten lecture, n. p., n. d., but according to footnotes, 1953 or later (21 pp.). This document can be accessed at:

----------, “The Contest about the Concept of Sovereignty in Modern Jurisprudence and Political Science.” Rectorial adress, delivered on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Free University on 20 October, 1950 (15 pp.). This oration – considerably enlarged – was published in Dutch by J. H. Paris, Amsterdam: "De strijd om het souvereiniteitsbegrip in de moderne Rechts- en Staatsleer" (6² blz.). This document can be accessed at:

----------, trans. J. Glenn Friesen, “A Lay Person’s Thoughts on Richard Wagner and his Tristan.” Lewiston, NY: Mellen Press, 2016. Original: “Leekengedachten over Richard Wagner en zijn Tristan. In Opbouw: Maandschrift in dienst der Christelijke levens-en-wereldbeschouwing, van en voor jongeren (1914) 5-10; 66-68.

Jan Hoogland, transl. Jan H. Boer, “Appreciating Wagner with Decorum.” Original title: “Kun je met goed fatsoen van Wagner houden?” Sophie 3/2013, pp. 26-27.

“Herman Dooyeweerd: Available English-Language Writings Online.” “Reformatorische Wijsbegeerte,” November 3, 2009.

Contains an amazing wealth of information re. Reformational writings by Dooyeweerd and others that you absolutely must access.

----------, “Introduction to a Transcendental Criticism of Philosophic Thought.” A lecture delivered to French students at the Free University, Amsterdam, n.d. (7 pp.). This document can be accessed at:

----------, “The Theory of Man: Thirty two Propositions On Anthropology.” No bibliographical information. This document can be accessed at:

----------, “Kuyper’s Wetenschapsleer.” Philosophia Reformata, 1939, p. 13ff.

A translation of the title might be “Kuyper’s Epistemology.” I regret I do not know of any English translation and have neither the expertise nor the resources to translate or have it translated.

Stichting voor Christelijke Filosofie, “Online Catalogus 2.” This material can be accessed at:

Content: List of Reformational writings by Dooyeweerd and others.

Writings About Dooyeweerd*

Welcome to the The Dooyeweerd Centre for Christian Philosophy

The Dooyeweerd Centre for Christian Philosophy is committed to making available in English the works of Dutch Christian philosopher, Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977), and through this to promote philosophical work shaped by Christian beliefs.

J. Glenn Friesen, “Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977).” An important introduction to Dooyeweerd, including references to a number of books and other documents.

----------, “List of My Articles about Dooyeweerd.”

----------, “95 Theses on Herman Dooyeweerd.” N. d., n. p. (30 pp.).

Gerrit Glas, “Is Dooyeweerd a panentheist?—Comments on Friesen’s 95 theses on Herman Dooyeweerd.” Philosophia Reformata, 74 (2009), pp. 129-141.

Steve Bishop, “Herman Dooyeweerd,” containing Dooyeweerd’s bio and bibliography.

After a summary presentation of the earliest fathers of the philosophy, Bishop goes on to introduce its further development at the hands of Herman Dooyeweerd and Dirk Vollenhoven, the two rock star philosophers of the movement, some of whose contributions constitute the immediately following sections on this page.

Gideon Strauss, “Dooyeweerd’s philosophy entails no support for Apartheid whatsoever.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, 1st Quarter, 2015, pp. 117-154.

Robert S. Covolo, “Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian philosopher of fashion.” Paper presented at the Christian Evasion of Popular Culture conference at Dordt College, November 12, 2012. Pro Rege, XLI, No. 4, June 2013 (pp. 1-6).

Bas Hengstmengel, “Herman Dooyeweerd & Alvin Plantinga: Philosophy and rationality in the Reformed tradition.” Rotterdam, April 2011.

Pierre Marcel, The Christian Philosophy of Herman Dooyweerd: II. The General Theory of the Law-Spheres. Minimal information at: https://ammielawpast.files....

Magnus Verbrugge, ed. John Witte, transl. J. Glenn Friesen, Interview of Herman Dooyeweerd. Interview date September 23, 1974; Translation date 2007. Lewiston NY: Mellen Press. (38 pp.)

Anonymous, “Herman Dooyeweerd.”

In addition to summarizing major points of Dooyeweerd’s philosophy, this article also contains important bibliographical data.

David B. Van Heemst, Herman Dooyeweerd and Eric Voegelin: A Comparative Study. New York: Mellen Press, 2005 (255 pp.). A brief summary of the comparison in IAPCHE’s Contact, September 2005, p. 15.

Gregory Baus, “Dooyeweerd’s Societal Sphere Sovereignty: Neither Tax-based nor Individualistic.” Originally written for Masters of Christian Studies in Science and Society, Faculty of Philosophy, Free University of Amsterdam, April 2017.

Lambert Zuidervaart, Religion, Truth, and Social Transformation: Essays in Reformational Philosophy. McGill-Queen's University Press. April 2016. The Publisher’s Overview can be accessed at:

Dean Dettloff, “A Ground Motive Symposium on Lambert Zuidervaart's Religion, Truth, and Social Transformation” held at ICS, January 18, 2016.

In April 2016, ICS Professor of Philosophy Lambert Zuidervaart's book, Religion, Truth, and Social Transformation: Essays in Reformational Philosophy, was published with McGill-Queen's University Press. To celebrate, Ground Motive hosted a blog symposium inviting a wide variety of authors to respond to the book essay by essay. At the end of the symposium, Dr. Zuidervaart provides a response to the event as a whole. Though the symposium is now over, we invite our readers to follow along and participate in this exciting conversation through the comment sections of each post. Below is a table of contents for the symposium, followed by the publisher's information about the book. Some of the essays are available in ICS's Institutional Repository and are linked.*

Additional information can be accessed at: AND

Table of Contents

Comment by the publisher of this website: It is only the chapters on Dooyeweerd that are featured here. The later Table of Contents can be accessed under the same title in the section Miscellaneous Reformational…. below on this page. This book is given such extensive coverage here because of its crucial place in the development of Reformational philosophy.

Introduction: Transforming Philosophy
A Living Philosophical Tradition of Redemptive Hope | Doug Blomberg It's Time for Reformational Philosophy | Neal DeRoo

1 The Great Turning Point: Religion and Rationality in Dooyeweerd’s Transcendental Critique (2004)
o Generative Problems or Dynamic Limits? Retrieving Dooyeweerd's Transcendental Critique of Theoretical Thought | Jazz Feyer Salo

2 Reformational Philosophy after Dooyeweerd and Vollenhoven (2006)
o Criticism after Dooyeweerd and Vollenhoven | Bob Sweetman

3 Dooyeweerd’s Conception of Truth: Exposition and Critique (2008)
o Spectres of Nature-Grace: On Dooyeweerd's "Religious Truth" | Josh Harris

4 Dooyeweerd’s Modal Theory: Questions in the Ontology of Science (1973)
o Dooyeweerd's Modal Theory: Hermeneutics in Action | Dan Rudisill

Andree Troost, What Is Reformational Philosophy: An Introduction to the Cosmonomic Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd. St. Catharines ON: Paideia Press, 2012.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaighon, “Readable and recommended intro to Dooyeweerd.” September 25, 2012.

Bas Hengstmengel, Herman Dooyeweerd & Alvin Plantinga philosophy and rationality in the Reformed tradition. Masters thesis in philosophy at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, April 2011.

This website references a wealth of reformational books.

Jonathan Chaplin – Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society. University of Notre Notre Dame Press, 2011. Website: < >.

Excerpts of this book can be found at: AND at:

The website features the following items:
– Summary Descriptions
– Table of Contents
– About Author
– Excerpt

----------, Review Of Jonathan Chaplin: Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher Of State And Civil Society.

Marcel E. Verburg, transl. Herbert Donald Morton and Harry Van Dyke, Herman Dooyeweerd: The Life and Work of a Christian Philosopher. Minimal Publishers’ information at: AND at

Yong-Joon Choi, Dialogue and Antithesis: A Philosophical Study on the Significance of Herman Dooyeweerd’s Transcendental Critique. Hermit Kingdom Studies in History and Religion, Vol. 2. Cheltenham and Seoul: Hermit Kingdom Press, 2006., a preview.

Danie Strauss, “The alleged ‘essentialism’ of Dooyeweerd.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, 2nd Quarter, 2017, pp. 229-250.

----------, “Intellectual influences upon the Reformational philosophy of Dooyeweerd.” Philosophia Reformata, 69, 2004 (pp. 151-181).

Magnus Verbrugge, “Dooyeweerd in the eye of the storm.” A letter to J. H. Boer, the founder of this website, about disagreements between D. and other Reformed leaders, March 1, 2002.

LdK, one of D's opponents, was a unique person on the campus of what was then Calvin College (now University). As campus librarian, he was reputed to be the only Democrat among an entire Republican faculty and constituency. He was famous for his regular dialogues with the ultra-liberal pastor of Fountain Street Baptist Church in downtown Grand Rapids MI, Dr. Duncan Littlefair, nicknamed by Calvin students as “Dr. Littlefaith.”

Sander Griffioen and Bert M. Balk, eds. Christian Philosophy at the Close of the Twentieth Century: Assessment and Perspective. Kampen, The Netherlands: Uitgeverij Kok, 1995 (225 pp.). This book can be accessed at:

Philip Blosser, “Reconnoitering Dooyeweerd’s theory of man.” Philosophia Reformata, 58, 1993.

Magnus Verbrugge, “The Herman Dooyeweerd Foundation” – a report. Philosophia Reformata, 1987 No. 1, pp. 86-88. The journal can be accessed at:

C. T. McIntire, The Legacy of Herman Dooyeweerd: Reflections on Critical Philosophy in the Christian Tradition. University Press of America, 1985 (198 pp.). URL:

Presents the first critical study by a team of scholars of the philosophy of renowned Dutch philosopher and legal theorist, Herman Dooyeweerd. The six contributors interpret the basis of Dooyeweerd's thought which was to view the character of the world from the perspective of Christian religion. This volume examines Dooyeweerd's contributions to the fields of philosophy, religious studies and theology, history, aesthetics, and political and social theory. Co-published with the Institute for Christian Studies.

Peter J. Steen, “The Structure of Herman Dooyeweerd's Thought,” a dissertation presented to Westminster Theological Seminary in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Theology. Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1983.

Klapwijk, Jacob, “The Struggle for a Christian Philosophy: Another Look at Dooyeweerd,” The Reformed Journal 30/2, pp. 12-15 and 30/3, pp. 20-24, 1980. This article can be accessed at:

H. Evan Runner, “Dooyeweerd’s Passing: An Appreciation.” The Banner, April 22, 1977, pp. 21-23.

E. L. Hebden Taylor, The Christian philosophy of Law, Politics and the State: A Study of the Political and Legal Thought of Herman Dooyeweerd of the Free University of Amsterdam, Holland, as the Basis for Christian Action in the English-Speaking World. Nutley NJ: The Craig Press, 1966 (653 pp.). This book is accessible at:

David H. Freeman, Review of the above. The Banner, April 19, 1968.

G. Puchinger, trans. Jan H. Boer, “Dr. Herman Dooyeweerd.” In Perspectief: Feestbundel van de jongeren bij het vijfentwintig jarig bestaan van de vereniging voor Calvinistische wijsbegeerte. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1961 (pp. 43-70).

Vern Crisler, “A new critique of the Cosmonomic philosophy.” An unpublished paper, 2021.

Dirk H. Th. Vollenhoven*

Dirk H. Th. Vollenhoven, trans. Robert Sweetman, “De Consequent Probleem-Historische Methode.” Philosophia Reformata 26, 1961 (pp. 1-34).

----------, “Faith: Its Nature and Structure, and Its Significance for Science.” Remarks made at the Student Conference on Faith, Science and the Scientist in Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1950. This is a provisional translation of an address originally published in Geloof en Wetenschap: Levensbeschouwing en levenshouding van de academicus. Utrecht-Nijmegen: N.V. Dekker & Van de Vegt, 1950 (6 pp.).

A picture of D. H. Th. Vollenhoven

Anonymous, Wikipedia—Dirk Hendrik Theodoor Vollenhoven (November 1, 1892-June 6, 1978), “Life, History and Early Work.”

Anthony Tol, Philosophy in the Making: D.H.Th. Vollenhoven and the Emergence of Reformed Philosophy, together with the text-critical edition of his chief systematic contribution, Isagôgè Philosophiae 1930-1945, namely D.H.Th. Vollenhoven Isagôgè Philosophiae 1930-1945 tekstkritische uitgave Filosofie in de traditie van de Reformatie Gebaseerd op een door de auteur bewerkt exemplaar gedateerd 1945 Redactie, met inleiding, wetenschappelijk apparaat en tekstverantwoording. Doctoral dissertation, Free University, Amsterdam, probably about 2000? This book can be accessed at:

Steve Bishop, “Dirk Hendrik Theodoor Vollenhoven(1892-1978),” a subsection in

Albert Wolters, “On Vollenhoven's problem-historical method.” An excerpt from Wolter's masters thesis “An essay on the idea of the problemgeschichte”, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1970. Also in John Kraay and Anthony Tol, eds, Hearing and doing: Philosophical essays dedicated to H. Evan Runner. Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1979 (pp. 231-262).

H. Evan Runner*

Professor Runner is to be especially credited with introducing Reformational theory and practice into the English-speaking world by rescuing it from the confines of a little-known language, Dutch. From him it has spread throughout North America and from there to many other countries.

A place to begin with Runner is:

You will find archives there with much information about Runner’s work, history including that of the (in)famous Groen Club at Calvin College. This is the place, the introduction. Go there.

I thoroughly enjoyed Evan Runner’s very lively philosophy lectures, but I was not sure what to make of his holistic gospel stuff—until I worked in Nigeria for a while and noticed the weakness of the Nigerian churches that had been saddled with a dualistic version of the Gospel. It did not prepare them for contributing to the newly developing culture or how to face a wholistic Islam. I started drawing from Runner’s lectures with their many resources for a broader approach. When I started applying that, I found it was deeply appreciated by Christians.

Dr. Jan H. Boer
Proprietor of website

Ron Roper, “Runner Bibliography.” A privately circulated document. N. d.; n. p.

For a general Wikipedia article go to: AND Wikipedia, "H. Evan Runner." His history, career, writings and writings about him.

H. Evan Runner, Walking In The Way of The Word: The Collected Writings of H. Evan Runner. Volume Two, 1994 (336 pp.) ISBN 978-0-8881.

Walking In The Way of The Word is the second of two volumes that will bring all the various writings, both published and unpublished, of Prof. Runner together in a two volume set. The two volumes together amount to almost one thousand pages of text. Volume two is a republication of all the lectures from the Christian Perspective series from 1959 to 1961 that have been published already in various forms. These lectures will be an invaluable resource for beginning students and seasoned faculty member alike given the broad range of topics addressed. Volume one represents the collected lectures, speeches, and papers, from 1940 to 1994 and contains 632 pages of text.

----------, “The Christian Philosophical Enterprise in the Light of Biblical Prophecy,” Speech for the Second International Symposium sponsored by the Association for Calvinistic Philosophy held at Zeist, The Netherlands August 23-27, 1982.

----------, “On Being Anti-Revolutionary and Christian-Historical at the Cutting Edge of History 1979-1980.” An address given to the Centennial Celebration of the founding of the Anti-Revolutionary Party at Amsterdam, on April 3, 1979.

----------, “Radical Christian Facing Today's Political Malaise.” The first lecture of the series, "Politics: Beyond the Ballot Box," Sponsored by Students for Political Education through Christian Thought and Renewing Action (SPECTRA) Grand Rapids, Michigan. October 25, 1972 (22 pp.).

----------, “Christianity and Humanism: A Re-thinking of the Supposed Affinity of Their Fundamental Principles.” Distributed by AACS, Toronto, 1968.

----------, “Point Counter Point,” Address delivered at the founding of the Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), Toronto, October 7, 1967 (15 pp.).

----------, Christian Perspective Series

These should be available in Walking In The Way of The Word: The Collected Writings of H. Evan Runner. See above.

Christian Perspectives 1960. This volume contains the following Runner lectures:

“The Relation of the Bible to Science.”

The Relation of the Bible to Learning.” Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1970 (Paideia; ST). This lecture was originally published in Christian Perspectives, 1960.

Bernard Zylstra, “Preface to Runner: Introducing The Relation of the Bible to Learning.” Jordan Station Ontario, Canada: Paideia Press, 1981.

Christian Perspectives 1961. This volume contains the following Runner lectures:

“Scientific and Pre-Scientific”

“Sphere Sovereignty”

----------, Scriptural Religion and Political Task. Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1974. This lecture series was originally published in Christian Perspectives 1962 – see above.

----------, Groen Van Prinsterer Club – 10th Anniversary, Grand Rapids: Groen Club at Calvin College, 1963 (a brochure). Republished online – Myodicy, June 2004.

----------, “The Christian and the World.” Torch & Trumpet, 1955.

----------, “The Development of Calvinism in North America on the Background of its Development in Europe.” N.d., n.p.

Writings about Runner

Al Wolters, “The Importance of H. Evan Runner.” Comment Magazine, August 29, 2011. Originally published in 2003.

Theodore Plantinga, “H. Evan Runner: Man of Passion – Man of Conviction.” Myodicy, Issue 17, December 2002.

Harry Van Dyke, “H. Evan Runner and the Groen Club.” Comment Magazine, Fall 2005.

Henry Vander Goot, ed. Life Is Religion: Essays in honour of H. Evan Runner, St. Catharines ON, Paideia Publishing, 1981.

Below is a list of chapters in the above written in the Reformational tradition of Runner. Another Reformational library:

Bernard Zylstra, “H. Evan Runner: An Assessment of His Mission.”

Theodore Plantinga, “The Christian Philosophy of H. Evan Runner.”

Peter A. Schouls, “ Descartes' Reformation.”

M. Howard Rienstra, “The Religious Problem of the Renaissance.”

Johan van der Hoeven, “History and Truth in Nietzsche and Heidegger.”

Albert M. Wolters, “Notes on the Structure of Enneads.”

Henry Vander Goot, “Tota Scriptura: The Old Testament in the Christian Faith and Tradition.”

Gordon Spykman, “A New Look at Election and Reprobation.”

James W. Skillen, “Politics, Pluralism, and the Ordinances of God.”

Richard J. Mouw, “Providence and Politics.”

Alan Storkey, “Dominant Concepts of Power in Recent British Politics.”

Uko Zylstra, “Dooyeweerd's Concept of Classification in Biology.”

Arie Leegwater, “Creation: Does It Matter?”

Rousas John Rushdoony, “H. Evan Runner 1916-2002,” Westminster Theological Journal 24 (1) (November 1961): m106-109. Review of Christian perspectives 1960, Pella Iowa, Pella Publishing 1960. Viii, 159.

Robert Sweetman, “H. Even Runner: In Memoriam.” Perspective, newsletter of the ICS, June 2002.

These lectures were republished in 1970 in The Relation of the Bible to Learning. See below.

Wikipedia, “H. Evan Runner.” His history, career, writings and writings about him.

John Hultink, ed., “Runner Remembered 1916-2002.” Christian Renewal, special supplement, March 10, 2003. On pp. 30-31, there is reference to many lectures and articles by Runner.

John Witte of Emory University and Charles W. Colson of Prison Fellowship Ministries, “Letters of Condolence.” Christian Renewal, March 10, 2003.

S. G. De Graaf, transl. H. Evan Runner and Elisabeth Wichers Runner, Promise & Deliverance, Vols. 1-4, St. Catharines ON Canada: Paideia Press, 1978.

Runner–Death and Miscellanea. Christian Courier, April 8, 2002; November 4, 2002.

Phil de Haan, “H. Evan Runner-- 1916-2002.” Spark, the magazine of Calvin University Alumni, Summer 2002, p. 51.

----------, Evan H. Runner dies at 86. Christian Courier, April 8, 2002

Hendrik Hart, “The Runner who did not grow weary.” Christian Courier, April 8, 2002.

----------, Runner plunged stone into lake of Reformed North America.” Christian Courier, date unknown.

Harry der Nederlanden, “Runner Conference reflects on a 50-year legacy.” Christian Courier, November 4, 2002.


----------, “Runner, the Irish scrapper.” Christian Courier, November 4, 2002.

John C. Vander Stelt, “Dr Runner sought to live and convey God’s truth.” Sermon delivered at the funeral service of Dr. Evan H. Runner, March 18, 2002. Christian Courier, April 8, 2002.

Gerald Vanderzande, “Lest Christianity become churchianity.” An adaptation from a recent speech about a foundational leader of the Christian Reformed community. The Banner, December 2002.

Bennie J. Van der Walt*

Can a Christian be a philosopher or a philosopher a Christian? Professor Van der Walt has proven this is possible.” —Desmond M. Tutu.

If you have read the Boeriana and Islamica pages of this website, you will have noticed the strong emphasis on Africa in general, but especially on Nigeria. The reason for that emphasis is that Boer, the original creator of this website, spent most of his professional life in Nigeria, while much of his writings are about Nigeria.

Classifying Van der Walt as a Reformational pioneer is in keeping with the above emphasis. Though Boer (myself) has done much to apply Reformational insights to Nigeria as a missionary, Van der Walt has written a dozen or so tomes applying those insights to Africa as a professional philosopher. He deserves to be included among the pioneers of the movement.

----------, Thomas Aquinas and the Neo-Thomist tradition: A Christian-philosophical assessment. Potchefstroom: The Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa, 2017.

----------, More Precious than Gold: Discovering the Real Wealth of Scripture. The Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa, 2015 (294 pp.).

----------, “Six powerful contemporary tendencies secularizing Christian Higher education.” Journal of Christian Scholarship, 2015, 1st quarter (pp. 47-76).

----------, “Economism and Managerialism: Hidden Ideologies behind the Secularization of the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, 2014, 4th quarter (pp. 19-41).

----------, “How and Why the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education Became a Secular Institution.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, 2014, 3rd quarter (pp. 13-48).

----------, “The Growing Worldwide Movement for Christian Higher Education.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, 2014, 2nd quarter (pp. 173-210).

----------, Constancy and Change: Historical Types and Trends in the Passion of the Western Mind. Postchefstroom: The Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa, 2014 (156 pp.).

----------, At the Cradle of a Christian Philosophy in Calvin, Vollenhoven, Stoker, Dooyeweerd. Potschefstroom: The Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa, 2014 (196 pp.).

----------, “Flying on the Wings of Vollenhoven’s Radical Christian Worldview: A Reconsideration of the Usual Typology of Christian Worldviews.” Koers – Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 77(1), 2012 (14 pp.).

----------, “Flagging Philosophical Minefields at the Synod of Dordt (1618-1619) – Reformed Scholasticism Reconsidered.” Koers, (3) 2011 (pp. 505-538).

----------, “An Evangelical Voice in Africa: The Worldview Background of the theology of Tokunboh Adeyemo (October 1, 1944 – March 17, 2010).” In die Skriflig, (4) 2011 (pp. 919-956).

----------, At Home in God’s World: A Transforming Paradigm for Being Human and for Social Involvement. Potschefstroom: The Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa, 2010 (574 pp.).

----------, Philosophical and theological influences in John Calvin’s thought: Reviewing some research results. In die Skriflig 44, Supplement 3, 2010, pp. 105-127.

----------, “The Unique Nature of the Bible and How to Read it: A Reformational-Philosophical Reflection.” Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap, (3 and 4) 2008 (pp. 59-87).

----------, The Eye Is the Lamp of the Body: Worldviews and Their Impact. Potchefstroom: Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa, 2008 (318 pp.).

----------, Understanding and Rebuilding Africa: From Desperation Today Towards Expectation for Tomorrow. Potchefstroom: Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa, 2008 (576 pp.).

----------, Transforming Power: Challenging Contemporary Secular Society. Potchefstroom: Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa, 2007 (466 pp.).

----------, “Growing Together in Faith – How Can It Be Understood Theoretically and Be Achieved Practically?” Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap, (3 and 4) 2005 (pp. 141-167).

----------, “Morality in Africa: Yesterday and Today – The Reasons for the Contemporary Crisis.” In die Skriflig, (1) 2003 (pp. 51-71).

----------, “Culture, World View and Religion.” Philosophia Reformata, 66 (1) 2001, pp. 23-38.

----------, Afrocentric or Eurocentric: Our Task in a Multicultural South Africa. Potchefstroom: The Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa, 1997 (202 pp.).

----------, ed., Christianity and Democracy in South Africa: Christian responsibility for Political Reflection and Service. Table of Contents, Preface, Introduction, About the book. Potchefstroom: Portchefstroomse Universiteit for Christian Higher Education, 1996.

----------, Leaders with a Vision: How Christian Leadership Can Tackle the African Crisis. Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christlike Hoer Onderwys, 1995.

----------, The Liberating Message: A Christian Worldview for Africa. Potchefstroom: The Institute for Reformational Studies, Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1994 (625 pp.).

----------, “The Crying Need for a Christian Worldview and a Christian Philosophy in Africa.” Orientation, 1994 (pp. 162-207).

----------, “The Tyranny of the Neo-Capitalist Free Market Economy: In the Grip of the Most Dangerous Ideology?” Eds., Laetus O. K. Lategan and Kobus Smit, The Landscape: For Ideologies in South African Higher Education – Context and Contents. Technikon Free State, 1999 (pp. 17-28).

----------, “Outline of the Institute for the Advancement of Calvinism.” Koers, Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, October 1974 (first edition), pp. 311-317.

----------, “Sharing an Integral Christian Worldview with a Younger Generation: Why and How Should It Be Done and Received?” 2016. The author sent the article without further bibliographical information.

Writings about Van Der Walt*

Isaac N. Mutua, A Critical Engagement with B. J. Van Der Walt’s Reformational Approach Towards African Culture And World View. Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts in Philosophy at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University, South Africa, 2014.

Yusufu Turaki, “Professor Bennie van der Walt: A Bridge between White Afrikaners and Black Africans.” In Michael Heyns et al, eds., Scholarship in the Light of the Morning Star: Essays Dedicated to Barend Johannes (Bennie) van der Walt (Festschrift). Special edition of Koers:Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 2010, No. 1, volume 75, pp. 33-52.

Scholarship in the Light of the Morning Star: Essays Dedicated to Barend Johannes (Bennie) van der Walt. Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, Vol. 75, No. 1, 2010 (392 pp.).

Steve Bishop, ed., Like the First Gleam of Dawn: Reformational Studies – A Bennie van der Walt Reader. Potchefstroom: Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa, 2011 (616 pp.).

----------, “Interview with Bennie van der Walt.” In Michael Heyns et al, eds., Scholarship in the Light of the Morning Star: Essays Dedicated to Barend Johannes (Bennie) van der Walt (Festschrift). Special edition of Koers:Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 2010, No. 1, volume 75, pp. xli-lxiix.

----------, ed. and compiler, “Reformational Studies: An Annotated Bibliography of B. J. van der Walt.” Bristol, UK: All of Life Redeemed (online), February 2009.

This document can also be accessed at: AND:

----------, The Bible as Eye-opener on the Position of Women. Potchefstroom: Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1988.

3. Succeeding* Reformational Generations and Friends*--Generalists

Introductory Comments

Originally, the heading of this and succeeding sections was “Succeeding Reformational Generations and Compatibles.” The point was that not all the entries would be Reformational, but they could be considered compatible. They mostly include Evangelicals and Roman Catholics, while some align with none of these three. However, then it occurred to me that, frankly speaking, not all those are really compatible with the full Reformational smorgasbord, but they are fellow Christians with whom there is a broad compatibility but not fully so. So, instead, we welcome them as “Fellow Travelers.”

Even some of the non-Christian items can serve as helpful supplementary resources.

General Topics

Institutions*, Journals, Magazines

eGranary Digital Library--About the eGranary |

Delivering digital teaching materials to practitioners and scholars in the developing world

The eGranary Digital Library -- "The Internet in a Box" -- is an off-line information store that provides instant access to over 35 million digital resources for those lacking adequate Internet connections.

The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute, Theological University Utrecht, The Netherlands. Mission and Vision.

Religion deeply influences how we live and think. The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute (NRI) at Theological University Utrecht examines how this relation takes shape and develops globally over time in the tradition of Neo-Calvinism. To conduct academic research in relation to his tradition, we promote, support, supervise and coordinate the work of researchers, offer education on neo-Calvinism, organize conferences and expert meetings, facilitate publication of research, and present a collection of sources from representatives of Neo-Calvinism. Established in 2018, the NRI is one of the world’s leading research institutes on neo-Calvinism. The NRI has approximately 25 staff members.

Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), Toronto. The North American centre of Reformational “graduate education, research and community service since 1967.” A must-go-to for any Reformational research.

VanderVennen, “On the history of the Institute for Christian Studies.” Perspective. vol. 36, No. 3 Sep, 2002.

Institutional Repository of the Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), Toronto.

The ICS Library welcomes you to our Institutional Repository, where you can explore our digital collections.

The repository facilitates access to our research, creative works, and publications by collecting, sharing and archiving content selected and deposited by our faculty, graduate students and staff.

Faculty, graduate students and staff can use the institutional repository to set up collections and deposit content into the collection. To inquire about establishing a new collection, please contact us at

Thank you for visiting the ICS Repository! ICS is a private graduate school that receives 80% of its funding from generous donors. A donation of any amount will help to ensure the repository continues to be available and grow.

ICS, Ground Motive: Dialogue at the intersection of philosophy, religion and social ethics.

Hendrik Hart, "From Henk's Archives."

Ronald A. Kuipers with Hendrik Hart, "Why did I make a $100,000 end-of-life donation to ICS?" ICS E-Newsletter, October 2020.

Jan H. Boer, proprietor of this website, a postscript to Hart.

In his archives above, Hart tells us of the respect, admiration and amazement Canadian universities express for that little pigmy called Institute for Christian Studies for the high quality of the publications and theses ICS faculty and graduates produce. As a missionary-scholar in Nigeria, I have received similar reactions from Nigerians and others. I refer you to Section 2 of the BOERIANA page of this website. Nigerians have asked me about the reason for what they describe as my unusually successful missionary ministry. The reason is the same as the one described by Hart in the above paragraphs. My wife and I have been motivated by the same wholistic ministry that has inspired the ICS faculty and students: a wholistic Gospel that underlies all of its endeavours and that forcefully rejects the dualism or separation between religion and culture. This wholistic approach has such wide and powerful ramifications for both scholarship and mission and, indeed, life itself, that time and again it evokes the admiration and amazement referred to above and leads to logical conclusions that its opponents can only reject on basis of their unproven worldview, beliefs or plain prejudices, but not on basis of logic or reason. Hence, my wife and I have also decided on a large gift to the ICS out of gratitude for the powerful Biblical Reformational perspective that we have inherited from the Reformational community at large, especially from the late Professor H. Evan Runner, and that has guided us throughout our Nigeria years as well as our post-Nigeria writings, including this very website.

Jim Olthuis, “In memoriam: Hendrik Hart.” ICS E-Newsletter, April 2021.

Research Portal of the Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), Toronto.

ICS research activities inform policy-makers, educators, citizens and leaders. The Research Portal is where we present and archive events and works by ICS faculty and emeriti in an easily accessed way. For a more comprehensive view into ICS scholarship please also visit our Institutional Repository. The repository represents a wider range of works, including MA and PhD theses by ICS students, conference papers, essays, journal articles, newsletter archives, and more.

To find particular kinds of things in this portal, just click on one of the menu buttons at the top or one of the items in the side bar. You will be presented with a list of all applicable articles starting with the most recent one.

To merely view all entries starting with the most recent one, go to

Summer courses at ICS–list and description of years of summer courses and how to enroll as auditor or for credit. During covid, offered virtually for anywhere. Summer Courses - Institute for Christian Studies Official Website (

Joshua Harris, “A Home for Sojourners: 50 Years for the Institute for Christian Studies” (ICS). CC, October 23 2017, p. 11.

Mark Novak, “My Wish for ICS.” Institute for Christian Studies Perspectives, Fall 2018, p. 9.

Ronald A. Kuipers, “Something We Don’t See: ICS and the Training of a Messianic Imagination.” Presidential inaugural address at the Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), Toronto, May 11, 2018. and

Comment’s main concern is “Public Theology for the Common Good”

----------, “Cardus Counters Public Assumption,” an open letter to the public. December 4, 2017.

Beliefs of the Christian Reformed Church and of many other denominations.

Cantaro Institute. Digital library and publishers of classic Reformational literature.

As an Institute we work towards…
Inheriting…embracing our inherited protestant tradition through our research, writing and lectures, demonstrating the intellectual and lifeful vibrance of the biblical worldview.
Informing…informing the church of the relevance and comprehensiveness of the gospel through events, conferences, translation and publication of print and web resources.

Richard John Mouw Institute of Faith and Public Life.

The Mouw Institute was established in honor of Fuller Seminary’s long-time president and professor of faith and public life, Dr. Richard Mouw. As one of the world’s leading voices in Reformed public theology, Mouw’s emphasis on faithful Christian engagement in public life serves as a guiding light for our work. Read more about Richard Mouw.

Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity, Grimsby ON.

Through a distinctly Christian philosophy, cultural apologetics, writing, research, and biblical worldview teaching, we are working to bring all human thought and action under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and his Word, re-forming a comprehensive faith that applies to all of life, recovering and exploring the scriptural framework of a Christian mind and social order.

Gordon Carkner, ed., UBC Graduate and Faculty Christian Forum.

A serious academic interchange on a host of important topics by a host of the most prominent scholars.

Pro Rege, a quarterly of Dordt University, Sioux Center, Iowa.

“…the purpose of this kingship over the sphere of education and scholarship is to proclaim Christ’s Kingdom.”

Anakainosis: A Journal for Reformational Thought.

Anakainosis is an 'informal academic periodical published by the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship in Toronto, Canada'. It was first published in Sept 1978. Each volume comprised four issues. It contained articles, reviews and news updates of reformational scholars. It (re)published articles by Dooyeweerd, Roy Clouser, Robert Knudsen, Troost, Danie Strauss and many other well-known reformational scholars. It ceased publication in 1986. All the copies of the journal are available from here.

Department of Philosophy, Calvin University, Grand Rapids MI, USA.

Calvin’s Philosophy Department houses one of the finest undergraduate philosophy programmes in the USA. It was the undergraduate and/or teaching home of four American Philosophical Association Presidents – Alvin Plantinga, Nicholas Wolterstorff, William Frankena and O. K. Bouwsma. Accessed on July 21, 2017, when it featured 177 names.

Neo-Calvinist Discussion Group:

This is a group for discussing the theology and legacy of Dutch neo-Calvinists like Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, and G.C. Berkouwer. Our goal is to apply the lordship of Christ to "every square inch" of life, so our topics are as wide-ranging as all creation: culture, theology, church, philosophy, spirituality, political/civic life, the arts, etc. We welcome genuine conversation and honest opinion, but expect that all posts will reflect the spirit of these theologians: respectful, winsome, and irenic. These authors were unafraid to critique, but they did so only after thoroughly examining the subject they were against, treating each view with respect, and pursuing a commitment to the Church's catholicity and unity. Posts that simply tear down other views, cause unnecessary offense, or otherwise do not reflect these values will be removed. The admins/moderators reserve the right to determine when comments violate these values. If you see comments which you believe warrant moderator intervention, please PM one of the moderators.

The Banner, the monthly magazine of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC). Grand Rapids MI.

This magazine is a mix of Reformational, traditional Reformed and Evangelical writings that mirrors the thought and action of both the denomination and its members. Only select articles are featured on this website, but many others supplement the picture of an orthodox Reformed church.

Forum, ed Jul Medenblik et al. Semi-annual magazine of CTS, Grand Rapids, MI, USA. Contains articles addressing alumnae about various academic and practical issues faced by church leaders.

Nagel Institute for the study of world Christianity, Calvin University, Grand Rapids MI.

The Nagel Institute works to link Christian scholars worldwide in order to:

Promote a deeper understanding of world Christianity;

Partner with study centers to strengthen Christian intellectual movements in the global south and east;

Provoke a re-orientation of Christian thought towards the concerns arising from world Christianity.

This work is accomplished principally via research, publishing, and faculty development projects.

John Templeton Foundation, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

We fund work on subjects ranging from black holes and evolution to creativity, forgiveness, and free will. We also encourage civil, informed dialogue among scientists, philosophers, theologians, and the public at large.

Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship.

Koers is an accredited scholarly journal that strives to promote foundational reflection in science. This research includes contemplation of the philosophical presuppositions of scientific disciplines, as well as reflection on the role of worldview in science. The Koers Association, as the official body, has been in existence since 1926. The Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship is the association's interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal which has appeared quarterly since 1935.

The Koers is the association’s interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal which has appeared quarterly since 1935. Koers promotes the development of Christian scholarship/science in all fields of science and publishes original (mainly reflective) research contributions with an integrated worldview as the foundation. We provide a platform for authors to engage constructively and critically with Christian scholarly/scientific points of view in all fields of science.

Anyone doing research in Reformational vein, cannot afford to ignore Koers. The articles are written mostly in English and Afrikaans and give South African perspectives, naturally including Black voices. A perusal of any issue shows the wide range of articles with most having an accessible link.

Christianity Today,

Christianity Today magazine provides thoughtful, biblical perspectives on theology, church, ministry, and culture. It is the definitive voice offering the most complete coverage of the church in the world today.

“Truth without love is brutality; Love without truth is hypocrisy.”
                                                                               H. B. Charles

The Blackwell Series:

The Blackwell Companions to Religion,
Blackwell Companions to Religion Book Series (
Blackwell's Publishing - The Oxford Guide (

Christ on Campus Initiative

CCI exists to prepare and circulate materials for college and university students, addressing an array of fundamental issues from a Christian perspective. Readers and organizations may circulate these essays without charge. Those wishing to contact CCI may email the Secretary, Dr. Scott Manetsch, at

The Gospel Coalition (TGC)– Colorado Springs, CO 80923. Foundation Documents of The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a broad collection of churches, church leaders, and Christians originally founded by Tim Keller and D.A. Carson. The organization is distinguished by its emphasis on actively engaging the culture, and it provides an abundant amount of resource materials such as videos, books, and study guides. As the term coalition implies, the Gospel Coalition includes a diversity of Christians from different denominations. Doctrinally, the association is generally aligned with evangelical and Reformed perspectives.

Themelios, an international journal for theological amd religious studies.

Themelios is a peer-reviewed international evangelical theological journal that expounds on the historic Christian faith. Its primary audience is theological students, pastors and scholars. It became a digital journal operated by The Gospel Coalition in 2008.

The Anselm House, formerly known as the MacLaurin Institute.

The mission of Anselm House is to help University of Minnesota students and faculty —and the wider Twin Cities community—connect the dots of study, faith, work, and relationships to each other. We want to see the world and approach our lives as God created them to be: whole.

Udo Middelmann, "The ABC's of a Christian worldview." A brochure from The MacLaurin Institute, now called the Anselm House, Minneapolis, MN., September 1999.

Christian Scholars Review.

Established in 1970, Christian Scholar's Review is a medium for communication among Christians who have been called to an academic vocation. Its primary objective is the publication of peer-reviewed scholarship and research, within and across the disciplines, that advances the integration of faith and learning and contributes to a broader and more unified understanding of the nature of creation, culture, and vocation and the responsibilities of those whom God has created. It also provides a forum for discussion of pedagogical and theoretical issues related to Christian higher education. It invites contributions from Christian scholars of all historic traditions, and from others sympathetic to the task of religiously-informed scholarship, that advance the work of Christian academic communities and enhance mutual understanding with other religious and academic communities.

John H. Wang, “Christian Scholar's Review: 50th anniversary celebration.” Christian Scholar's Review, June 12, 2021. Mail - JanFran Boer - Outlook (

Todd Steen and Grace Stevenson, “George Brushaber: The founding editor of Christian Scholar's Review.” CSR, October 15, 2021.

In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi is a theological and acclaimed Open Access journal that serves as the official journal of the Reformed Theological Society (Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging). Durbanville, South Africa: AOSIS Publishing.

It has a broad coverage that promotes multidisciplinary, religious and biblical aspects of studies in the international theological arena, aiming to further Reformational Theology on a scientific basis. It encourages research that challenges traditional discourses within and between the fields of biblical, religious, social and human sciences as well as the constructive engagement with the natural sciences where applicable. All contributions are refereed anonymously by at least three other scholars who are recognised as specialists in the particular field of study and the comments of the referees are held in high esteem. English, Afrikaans and Dutch are the general languages of publication and articles in German will also be considered.

More information can be accessed at:

Orientation, International Circular published by the Institute for Reformational Studies, Potschefstroom University for Christian Higher Education. Here is a sample table of content:

  1. The oppression and liberation of modern Africa: a critical history - S.Fowler
  2. The crying need for a Christian worldview and a Christian philosophy in Africa - B.J. van der Walt
  3. That was then, this is now - K.C. Sewell
  4. Schooling for what? - S. Fowler
  5. Christian students in the university crisis - B.C. Wearne
  6. John Dawkins versus John Calvin - B.C. Wearne
  7. Reformational University basis in operation - J.J. Venter
  8. "Transforming" "society" - J.J. Venter
  9. A Christian approach to the diversity in political viewpoints, religions and cultures: illustrated by way of a case study of S.A. - B.J. van der Walt

Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies.

The Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies is an international on-line publication of SCIRI (the Seminar for the Interdisciplinary Research of Religions and Ideologies) and SACRI (the Academic Society for the Research of Religions and Ideologies). It is a peer-review academic publication intended for professors and researchers interested in the study of religions and ideologies.

J.S.R.I. encourages interdisciplinary approaches of religions, engaging the following domains: religious studies, philosophy of religions, ethics, political philosophy and political science, anthropology, sociology, interreligious dialogue and communications theory. All articles must explore the religious dimension of the issues covered.

J.S.R.I. is an open-access journal published on the internet, with three issues per year. Publication in JSRI is completely free of charge.

Fellowship of the Churches of Christ in Nigeria.

This fellowship is better known in Nigeria under its Hausa name "Tarayyar Ekklesiyoyin Kiristi a Nijeriya" and even better by its Hausa acronym "TEKAN." It is based in Jos, Nigeria, and has emerged from the Sudan United Mission conglomeration of missions and some other individual denominations. Its members reach into the millions. This is a rich website that provides information about each of the member denominations.

The Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission & Culture. Akropong-Akuapen, Ghana.

The Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture is a postgraduate research and training Institute fully accredited by the National Accreditation Board of the Ministry of Education as a tertiary institution with a Presidential Charter to award its own degrees. It is a research university promoting African innovation and excellence and dedicated to the study and documentation of Christian history, thought and life in Ghana and in Africa as a whole, in relation to their African setting and to world Christianity. ACI seeks to strengthen Christian witness in the modern Africa and world context through Christian scholarship.

Canadian Centre for Christian Charities, “Standards of Accountability.”

If you are planning to set up a Christian charity, whether a church or some other Christian charity, here is a sample for a standard set of rules for accountability.

Hausa Christians Foundation - HACFO. Kaduna, Nigeria.

A Christ-centered Christian Organization (Ministry) saddled with the mandate of being a voice for the emancipation of the Northern Christians in Nigeria.

Jason Estopinal, The Laymen’s Lounge. e:; Restoring Abraham Kuyper’s Call For Mysticism

A podcast and articles for everyday Christian saints and sinners trying to navigate normal everyday stuff that make up our wonderful (yet often horrible) existence. Listen-in as we (an appliance salesman and a business process analyst) interview Theologians about normal stuff - a Theology of, and for, us laymen (you know, our stuff like: work, leisure, hiking, sex, fighting, art, beer, music, self-image, doubt, the Gospel, depression, sales, baseball, the church, hippies, annoying neighbors, family, etc.).

Miscellaneous Authors

“What makes us human is not our mind but our heart; not our ability to think but our ability to love.”

—Henri Nouwen

Explanation–Under this heading we have listed writers and their publications that fit under the rubric of “General” as over against writings under particular disciplines. Most are of Reformational stripe, while some are at least “compatible” and others merely “friendly,” but for all there is a reason for their inclusion,

It is helpful to realize that when it comes to copyright, not all publishers are the same; some are generous, while others are downright stingy. Some declare that since no text is included, only bibliographical materials, there are no legal copyright requirements for any of this, while others insist there are.

Please remember that part of the identification of this section is “General,” referring to writings not easily fitting under a specific discipline. The same writers listed under “General” may also appear under specific disciplines either as “Multiple*” or “Single*”, but usually with different titles, though there are some intended duplications. An example is Nicholas Wolterstorff, who features under several disciplines and can thus be found in several sections, particularly this one and the one on The Arts.

Do please also remember that this website concentrates on non-theological subjects, except in the section on the PIONEERS on this page and on the MEDITATION page. It is mostly devoted to Christian perspectives on life and on many academic disciplines excepting the theological. We have enough of that.

You have three helpful tools for this section and beyond. The first is the traditional alphabet: Authors of “Multiple Listings” are listed alphabetically. The other tool, your real digital “secret” weapon, is the “Find” function (^F). Search for any name you think might be featured among Reformationals and their friends or any broad discipline and you should be good to go. The third is the generous use of asterisks (*) behind some names and key words in headings. The combined use of ^F and * should lead you to your subject. In addition to generalists and philosophers, you will find physical and social scientists, technologists alongside art majors, economists and political scientists, historians as well as educationists. Happy search and even happier research!

Bishop*, Steve

Bishop is a British Reformational scholar with a penchant for archiving. His work is invaluable for any researcher in the Reformational tradition.

His input is scattered throughout much of this page. Due to his strategic importance in archiving, most of his lists we have found are reproduced here, except those in the PIONEER section. There we leave the delight of discovery up to you. Several of Bishop's entries appear twice: once in this Generalized section as well as under specific disciplines and topics. Many of his items are found on his website “All of Life Redeemed: Resources for a Christian Worldview,” reference to which is via “All of Life.”

----------, “A History of the Reformational Movement in Britain: The Pre-World War II Years.” Pretoria: Koers, Vol. 80, No. 4, 2015.

----------, Bibliography on a Reformational approach to history. All of Life, n.d., but at least 2010.

----------, “Resources for a Christian approach to language and linguistics.” An Accidental Blog, October 23, 2008.

----------, “Reformational Philosophy: An Introduction” All of Life, n.d., but at least 2003. Introduction (

----------, A rather exhaustive website with almost everything you want to know about the Reformational tradition, including its major personalities and their writings.

----------, “Reformational Papers.” An Accidental Blog, June 20, 2007.

This blog is a Reformational treasure. Besides the “Reformational Papers”, it features pages on Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd, British Calvinism, et al.

----------, A Bibliography of Seerveld's works from 1995-2008 is available here.

----------, Bibliography of Jacob Klapwijk (mostly English, but not all)., n.d.

This Klapwijk bibliography is an exceedingly rich and lengthy one. It is actually a full and even amazing library of Reformational writings that no researcher can afford to ignore. A most exciting experience.

----------, “Bibliography of the Writings of Robert D. Knudsen.” Westminster Theological Journal. 58, Spring, 1996, 111-121.

Bolt*, John

Bolt is a retired professor from Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids MI and a prolific writer. Don't miss Bolt's long list of writings on Herman Bavinck; Go to the Bavinck section under Pioneers on this page. Many of his tomes do not appear here due to copyright restrictions.

----------, “Just What Do You Mean – Kingdom of God? Lessons from a Century (and More) of Christian Social Thought.” CTJ, Nov. 2016, pp. 259-282.

----------, “An Adventure in Ecumenicity: A Review Essay of Berkouwer and Catholicism by Eduardo Echeverria.” The Bavinck Review 5 (2014): 76-89.

----------, ed. Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis in the Reformed Community Today. Christian Reformed Perspective, Vol. 1. Papers presented at a conference Orthodoxy and orthopraxis, held at Redeemer College, Hamilton, Ont., May 30-June 1, 1985. Jordan Station ON: Paideia Press, 1985 (160 pp.). http://www.reformationalpublishin....

----------, Christian and Reformed Today. Jordan Station, Ontario: Paideia Press, 1984. http://www.reformationalpublishin....

Kyle Dillon, “Doubting Thomists: John Bolt's Defense of (the real) Aquinas against His Reformational Critics.” Allkirk Network, September 26, 2018.

Chaplin*, Jonathan

----------, “ ‘Secular State’ – A Christian Perspective.” KLICE Comment, January 2017.

----------, “Religion: Matrix of War and Peace.” An interfaith academic forum, University of Guelph, January 31 2002.

----------, “The gospel and politics: Five positions.” A paper to accompany the teaching manual for a course Chaplin taught at the University of Toronto, 1985. Toronto: ICS, 1985.

Clouser*, Roy A.

Steve Bishop, Annotated Clouser Bibliography in This bibliography is a rich library in its own right.

Bruce C. Wearns, Philosophy as dependable analysis: Roy Clouser's contribution to Christian scholarship Bristol UK: < allofliferedeemed >, 2009.

Roy A. Clouser, “Is there a Christian View of Everything?” A transcribed and revised Dordt College lecture, October 21, 2002.

----------, The Myth of Religious Neutrality: An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories, Revised Edition that has been completely revised and updated by the author. Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press, 1991 (416 pp.). This book is described at:

Rene van Woudenberg, review of Roy A. Clouser, The myth of neutrality. Philosophia Reformata, Vol. 67, Issue 1, 2002, pp. 89 - 91.

Michael J. De Moor, review of Roy A. Clouser, The myth of religious neutrality. Religious Studies Review, Vol. 33, No. 1, January 2007.

----------, Knowing with the Heart: Religious Experience & Belief in God. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press (204 pp.).

“Clouser analyzes various types of religious experience to determine whether there are any that can bear the freight of Pacal’s suggestion. He concludes there are in fact experiences that not only generate belief in God, but also justify it in the same way intuitions of self-evidency justify scientific principles. Along the way, the book also offers a criterion for religious belief, a basis of comparing world religions, and replies to some of the most common objections to belief in God.”

“Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) suggested that the intuitive knowledge of first principles – space, time, motion and number – is as certain as any knowledge that can be derived from reason or science. And this “heart knowledge” that enables us to intuit the principles of our world also enables us to know God.

Covolo, Robert

Robert Covolo, Fashion Theology, Baylor University Press, 2020.

----------, “The Bible makes a fashion statement.” Interview with Whitney Bauck, Christianity Today, November 5, 2020. < The Bible Makes a Fashion Statement | Christianity Today >.

----------, “Draag altijd vrolijke kleren!Magazine onder weg: July 6, 2018. < Draag altijd vrolijke kleren! - Magazine OnderWeg ( >.

----------, “Beyond Modesty.” Cardus' Comment, November 17, 2015 < Beyond Modesty - in All things >.

----------, “Towards a theology of California surf culture” Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the theology of culture, 10:2 (2014), pp. 27-45.

----------, “Het verband tussen protestantse theologie en modein Het christelijk opinieblad van Nederland, Vol 23 (2007), pp. 4-5.

----------, “Fashion theologie bij Tertullianus en Augustinus.” Sophie, 3/ 2022.

Tertullianus (165-220 AD) and Augustine (354-430 AD and of Berber origin) were early African philosophers / theologians writing about fashion.

----------, “Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian philosopher of fashion.” Paper presented at the Christian Evasion of Popular Culture conference at Dordt College, November 12, 2012. Pro Rege, XLI, No. 4, June 2013 (pp. 1-6).

This seminar was for anyone who has suspected there is more behind fashion than meets the eye. The first conference of its kind.

----------, Fashion theology. Waco TX: Baylor University Press, August 2020. Robert Covolo - Faculty, Institute for Christian Studies (

What is fashion? By what logic does it operate? And how does it shape our lives? Moreover, how does Christianity relate to fashion kind, participants will serve as fellow pioneers in the emerging field of fashion theology—that is, the fascinating ways theology intersects with fashion’s social, aesthetic, linguistic, performative, narrative, ethical, etc., elements. I...

----------, “Reformed resources for thinking about fashion.” A chapter in Matthew Kaemingk, ed., Reformed Public Theology: A global vision for life in the world. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2021.

----------, Fashion Theology (Baylor University Press, 2020).

----------, “Reformed Resources for Thinking About Fashion,” chapter in Matthew Kaemink, ed. Reformed Public Theology: A Global Vision for Life in the World. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Academic, 2021.

----------, "The Bible Makes a Fashion Statement," interview by Whitney Bauck in Christianity Today (Nov. 5, 2020).

----------, "'Fashion Theology,' with Dr. Robert Covolo," interview on Mere Fidelity podcast (Sep. 15, 2020).

Other Covolo Publications: Books, chapters, articles, introductions, forewords, interviews, reviews. These cover a wide range of subjects from the Reformational perspective, including articles from, by or about:

Friesen*, J. Glenn – See also his writings under < Pioneers / Herman Dooyeweerd > above.

----------, “Christian Nondualism.” https://jgfriesen....

I, the founder of this website or book, depending on which version you are reading, highly recommend that researchers in Reformational philosophy delve deeply into Friesen's writings.

Friesen lives in Calgary, Canada. He is the author of several books and many published articles relating to philosophy and religious studies. He has a degree in law, a graduate degree in philosophy and a doctorate in religious studies. He practiced law for many years. He has been interested in the philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd since 1970. He has studied that philosophy at the Institute for Christian Studies (Toronto) and the Free University of Amsterdam, and has since researched early materials held by the Dooyeweerd archives in Amsterdam. The results of his research include the many papers available on this website as well as his recent book Neo-Calvinism and Christian Theosophy: Franz von Baader, Herman Dooyeweerd.

Friesen’s setup is not altogether clear, but I believe that “Christian Nondualism” is meant to be the general name of his Reformational website. It is a very rich website with pages dedicated to some of the pioneers of the movement, including some surprising ones that Friesen considers contributors, as well as a few others that have piqued his interest for other reasons. Here’s the entire list: Herman Dooyeweerd, Franz Von Baader, Abhishiktananda, Ramana Maharshi, C. G. Jung, D. H. Th. Vollenhoven, Frederik Van Eeden, Mennonites – and a linked glossary as a bonus. As I read him, I conclude that he is a deep Reformational philosopher but somewhat off the mainstream track, a comment not to be understood negatively but pointing to his philosophical creativity.

----------, For his very useful and revealing self-introduction, including references to many works, go to https://jgfriesen....

---------- and Jan H. Boer, “Friesen’s Reformational Critique of Reformationals,” a brief Friesen/Boer correspondence, 2018.

Daniel Jin Su Hwang, “The pluriformity of the church by Herman Bavinck and Abraham Kuyper: A research paper for Calvin Theological Seminary", 2015 (20 pp.).

J. Glenn Friesen, Neo-Calvinism and Christian Theosophy: Franz von Baader, Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd. Calgary: Aevum Books, 2015. Abstract at:

For a 30-day free reading trial:

----------, “The Complicity of Reformational Philosophy with the Politics of the Religious Right.” August 13, 2018.

Boer: Is this Friesen hanging out the “dirty laundry” of the Reformational movement? Without having studied this essay in detail, I wonder if Friesen forgets that truth develops over time. Earlier adherents to Reformational philosophy were also children of their time, while subsequent generations slowly allowed the leaven of Reformational thought to work its way through that community. There is such a thing as the dynamic unfolding of movement and philosophy. Does Friesen perhaps present a static picture of a movement that was dynamically emerging in the context of its times? Mine is a hesitant question. I respect Friesen’s detailed scholarship too much to be sure of this hesitant question, but I cannot suppress it.

----------, Response to query from Jan H. Boer about the above.

----------, Discussion continued....

----------, An accidental blog: Interview with Glenn Friesen - part 1

Glas*, Gerrit

---------- and Jeroen de Ridder, eds., The future of creation order: Vol. 1, philosophical, scientific, and religious perspectives on order and emergence. Springer, January 12, 2018 (pp. 347).

This work provides an overview of attempts to assess the current condition of the concept of creation order within reformational philosophy compared to other perspectives. Focusing on the natural and life sciences, and theology, this first volume of two examines the arguments for and against the beauty, coherence and order shown in the natural world being related to the will or nature of a Creator. It examines the decay of a Deist universe, and the idea of the pre-givenness of norms, laws and structures as challenged by evolutionary theory and social philosophy. It describes the different responses to the collapse of order: that given by Christian philosophy scholars who still argue for the idea of a pre-given world order, and that of other scholars who see this idea of stable creation order and/or natural law as redundant and in need of a thorough rethinking. It studies the particular role that reformational philosophy has played in the discussion. It shows how, ever since its inception, almost a century ago, the concepts of order and law (principle, structure) have been at the heart of this philosophy, and that one way to characterise this tradition is as a philosophy of creation order. Reformational philosophers have maintained the notion of law as 'holding' for reality. This book discusses the questions that have arisen about the nature of such law: is it a religious or philosophical concept; does law just mean 'orderliness'? How does it relate to laws of nature? Have they always existed or do they 'emerge' during the process of evolution?

----------, trans. Jan H. Boer, “Creation Order versus Evolutionary Chaos.” Aspecten, July 2011. Original title: “Is onze werkelijkheid chaotisch of niet?”

Willem J. Ouweneel, “The Meaning and Function of 'Order' in the 'Creation-Order' Debate.” Transl. Jan H. Boer. Original Dutch title: "Order in het scheppingsorderdebat," Sophie, June 2011, pp. 22-25.

----------, trans. John H. Kok, “What is Christian philosophy?Pro Rege, Vol. XL (1), pp. 1-17. Inaugural address delivered at the Free University in Amsterdam, 2010.

----------, “Churchland, Kandel, and Dooyeweerd on the Reducibility of Mind States.” Philosophia Reformata, 2002, pp. 148-172. (PDF).

Gousmett*, Chris

Chris Gousmett pages— Gousmett (

Gousmett's main interests are in Reformational philosophy and theology, the history of thought, including history of science, and political and social theory. He now lives in Dunedin, New Zealand, where he is active as a researcher and writer. He has written extensively on miracles. The website above lists numerous Gousmett Reformational publications not otherwise listed here.

Gousmett web sites, a wide-ranging website library with a Kuyperian thrust:

His page is here where a number of his papers can be found.

He blogs at hearing and doing.

----------, “Christopher Cone and redacted dominionism: Review essay.” Pro Rege, September 2021, pp. 1-15.

----------, “Anthropology, Justice and Eschatology.” Unpublished e-paper, 2017.

----------, The high places and spiritual warfare.” N. p.; n. d.

----------, “Descartes Theory of Contingency.” Anakainosis, 1983, Volume Six, No. 2 (20 pp.). This document can be accessed at: http://www.reformationalpublishin....

Koyzis, David

Koyzis has served as a Reformational scholar for over 30 years, mostly at Redeemer University in Ancaster, Ontario. Today, he is part of Global Scholars Canada. He operates blogs of long standing you should definitely check out:

< > and his work on the Psalms < >.

----------, “Notes from a Byzantine-Rite Calvinist.”

A blog from a most interesting and erudite Christian political scientist and member of Global Scholars Canada. He is also a regular contributor to Christian Courier at

----------, “Notes from a Byzantine-Rite Calvinist: Statement on Social Justice, 8:The Church.” Christian Courier, October 12, 2018. 15Dec14c.pdf (

Koyzis’ Notes also cover a dozen or so other justice issues.

David Koyzis, “Gnosticism and the Human Body.” CC, February 12, 2018, p. 8. “A conversation with David Koyzis.”

After a brief flirtation with Anabaptism and Pacifism, a friend alerted me to the writings put out by the old Wedge Publishing Foundation and the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. Among other things, I read H. Evan Runner's Scriptural Religion and Political Task and The Relation of the Bible to Learning (See above on this page). Runner's dictum that life is religion strongly resonated with me, as did Kuyper 's commitment to the comprehensive lordship of God in Christ over the whole of life. Here was something worth celebrating. Biblical truths that had previously been in the background for me suddenly came alive and made sense in a new way.

But almost none of my Christian friends and family had heard of Kuyper or know of the vibrant intellectual tradition associated with his legacy. . But the notion of a Christian statesman seeking to honour God in concrete political service was far from view.

(Much of Koyzis' article describes a library of English works on and by Kuyper already published as well as those in process.)

David Koyzis, “God’s Kingdom Will Have No End.” CC, December 12, 2016.

Mike Wagenman, “Authority: What’s Love Got to Do with It?” Review of We Answer to Another: Authority, Office and the Image of God by David Koyzis. CT, October 27, 2014, p. 9.

Knudsen*, Robert D.

Steve Bishop, “Bibliography of the Writings of Robert D. Knudsen.” Westminster Theological Journal. 58, Spring, 1996, 111-121.

Robert Knudsen D., Roots and Branches: The Quest For Meaning And Truth In Modern Thought. Paideia Press, 2009 (380 pp.). See also AND


----------, “Sociology.” No further bibliographical information is available, but judging from the bibliography, 1968 or later (35 pp.). http://www.reformationalpu....

Marsden*, George M.

----------, Richard Mouw, Nicholas Wolterstorff and Alvin Plantinga, “Renaissance of Christian Thought,” a dialogue between leading Reformed scholars, January 8, 2016.

These scholars come together for a panel discussion, each sharing a 10-minute talk on what has captured their heart during their careers. Each one served as a professor at Calvin College for over two decades in the 1960s, 70s and 80s before moving on to the halls of Notre Dame, Yale and Fuller Seminary. Each has over forty years of experience teaching in the academy, and they have authored scores of books. Calvin students today continue to read their writings in classes. In this presentation they will come together once again at Calvin to share with us their deep love of knowledge. Originally recorded on January 7, 2016. January Series archives and livestreams: January Series playlist:

----------, C. S. Lewis's mere Christianity: A biography. Lives of great religious books. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2016.

----------, “Science vs Religion,” part of Chapter 2 of The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Pp. 25-31. Preview at:

Jay Green, “Reading George Marsden with Gen Z.” Christian Scholar's Review, July 2, 2021.

Marshall*, Paul

----------, “Conceptual issues in contemporary religious freedom research.” International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF), International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2008 (p. 7ff) (156 pp.).

----------, “Human Rights.” Prague: Comensius Institute, 2008 (11 pp.).

----------, “Two types of rights.” Abstract including full references. Canadian Journal of Political Science, December, 1992 (pp. 661-676).

----------, “Liberalism, Pluralism and Christianity.” Revised version of “Liberalism, Pluralism and Christianity: A Re-Conceptualization.” Fides et Historia, vol. xxi: 3, October 1989, pp. 4-17.

----------, Human Rights Theories in Christian Perspective. Toronto: ICS, 1983. Find this and parallel documents by Marshall on the Islamica page of this website: Christians and Muslims: Parameters for Living Together, volume 8-2 of the series Studies in Christian-Muslim Relations, Appendix 87.

McCain*, Danny

----------, “The McCain Celebration of 30 Years in Nigeria,” University of Jos, September 9-10, 2018.

This is a report about the celebration of Prof. Danny and Mary McCain’s 30th anniversary of a remarkable and ongoing academic career in Nigeria. It is placed here not only because of their unique career but also because McCain is the founder of Global Scholars, the organization that has adopted this Online Reformational Academic Library from its founder and his friend, Dr. Jan H. Boer, a Nigeria missionary of 30 years in-country and another 20+ years serving Nigeria from his North America perch. In fact, it was McCain who suggested that Global Scholars Canada adopt it. He is one of our Evangelical compatibles. Welcome, Prof. Danny, and thank you.

----------, “The rediscovery of God’s Truth about our academic disciplines.” Presented to the National Conference of the Society of Christian Scholars—Nigeria at the University of Jos, Nigeria, June 2 2023.

----------, “Reconciliation: God’s goal and mission for His people.” Lecture presented to the southeast regional Missions Conference of the Evangelical Missions Society (EMS) at Columbia International University, Columbia SC, Match 27 2022.

----------, “'Fully trained': Jesus' goal for successful education.” Keynote Address presented to the Maiden Conference of the Society of Christian Scholars — Africa in Banjul, Gambia on 5 July 2021.

----------, “Amazing Ministry Opportunities in Calabar: The development of the Society of Christian Scholars.” Speeches delivered at Calabar, Nigeria on April 7-10, 2021.

----------, Alumnus of the Year, Christian International University, CIU Alumni Relations, November 6, 2020 (live).

----------, “Building peaceful, safer and secure communities in Plateau State” (Nigeria). Presented to a roundtable discussion with community stakeholders to commemorate Nigeria's 60th (diamond) independence at Plateau State Government House, Rayfield on October 1, 2020.

----------, “Dramatic Language: The Underappreciated Genre of Biblical Literature.” Lecture presented as the 87th Inaugural Lecture at the University of Jos Lecture Series, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria, on 10th September, 2018.

----------, “Integration and beyond: A challenge to academics for seeing God's truth in all disciplines.” Presented at the "Faith and Scholarship Integration in Higher Education" Workshop at the SWBN Studio, Calabar, Cross Rivers State, Nigeria, on 13 October 2020.

----------, “Beyond Integration: A Higher Standard for Seeing God’s Truth in All Things.” Lecture presented at the Hillcrest Christian Educator’s Conference at Hillcrest School, Jos, Nigeria, on February 3, 2018.

----------, “Pentecostals and Others: Challenging and Learning from Each OtherAfrican Journal of Evangelical Theology, Volume 31. 2. 2012.

---------- et al, Final Report of Research Activities and Findings from Nigeria Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Centre. Jos, Nigeria: University of Jos, October 31, 2012. (University of Jos, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria) < >. For / To Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Initiative Center for Religion and Civic Culture, University of Southern California.

----------, “Christian Religious Extremism, Radicalization and Militancy in Northern Nigeria.” Lecture presented to the Centre for Peace Initiative and Development, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria, on 12th October, 2011. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

----------, “Developing Evangelical Christian Theology in Africa.” Lecture presented to the Theological Education in Africa (TEA) Conference, at the Nigerian Bible Translation Trust (NBTT), Jos, Nigeria, on 25th May, 2009. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

----------, “Theological Education for a Mature African Church.” Lecture presented at the 50th Year Anniversary Celebration of the Theological College of Northern Nigeria (TCNN), Bukuru, Jos, Nigeria, February 13, 2009. See Jan H. Boer, Christians and Muslims: Parameters for Living Together. Vol. 8-2 of Studies in Christian Muslim Relations. Belleville ON, Canada: Essence Publishing, 2009. Appendix 99.

----------, “Beyond the Centre: A Focus on the Broader Issues in Theological Education.” A lecture present at the Theological Education in Africa Conference, University of Jos, Nigeria, on 6th June, 2008. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

----------, “Personal Report on the Africa Forum on Religion and Governance,” August 2, 2006.

----------, “Faith under fire: Reflections on the Christian responses to three Jos crises.” A collection of presenrations and reflections related to peace and violence in Nigeria. Jos: University of Jos, September 2001 (263 pp.).

----------, “The Church in Africa in the 21st Century.” Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2000 (pp. 105-130).

----------, “Violence and Peace Understood in Light of Biblical Progressive Revelation.” Department of Religions and Philosophy, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria. N. d.

Mouw*, Richard

Richard John Mouw Institute of Faith and Public Life.

The Mouw Institute was established in honour of Fuller Seminary’s long-time president and professor of faith and public life, Dr. Richard Mouw. As one of the world’s leading voices in Reformed public theology, Mouw’s emphasis on faithful Christian engagement in public life serves as a guiding light for our work. Read more about Richard Mouw.

Books by Richard Mouw, a popular Reformational writer-from Thrift Books: “”. Also go to: for a raft of titles.

----------, Review of Matthew T. Martins, Reforming Criminal Justice: A Christian Proposal. Chris. Reforming Criminal Justice: A Christian Proposal. Foreword by Derwin L - Christian Scholar’s Review (

----------, “Theocracy is not the enemy of pluralism.Christianity Today, July 3, 2024.

----------, “I have no doubt what Billy Graham would have told the high school kids from Parkland, Fla.” February 22, 2018.

----------, “From Kuyper to Keller: Why Princeton’s Prize Controversy Is So Ironic: A former winner explains how the seminary honor that once brought the Reformed Community together is now splitting it.” CT, March 27, 2017.

----------, “You have been warned, Pat Robertson!” Religion News Service, October 3, 2017.

----------, “Neo-Calvinism: A Theology for the Global Church in the 21st Century”; (watch on Vimeo). Herman Bavinck Lecture delivered on June 1, 2015, at the Theological University (TU), Kampen, The Netherlands. Calvin Theological Journal, April 2016, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 7-19.

----------, Called to the Life of the Mind: Some Advice for Evangelical Scholars. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014.

Reviews by:

Robert Covolo at:, pp. 188-189.

Forrest H. Buckner, The Two Cities, May 23, 2013, at:

Danny Akin, May 1, 2015, at:

----------, “Providence and Politics.” A chapter in Henry Vander Goot, ed. Life Is Religion: Essays in honour of H. Evan Runner, St. Catharines ON, Paideia Publishing, 1981.

Peter Schuurman, “Memoir of a Kuyperian Saint.” Review of Richard Mouw, Adventures in Evangelical Civility: A Lifelong Quest for Common Ground. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2016. In CC, October 23, 2017, p. 9.

Plantinga*, Alvin J.

All about Plantinga –

---------- and N. Wolterstorff, eds. Faith and Rationality: Reason and Belief in God. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1983, 1991.

----------, “Science & Religion: Where the Conflict Really Lies.” Lecture delivered under the auspices of the Graduate & Faculty Christian Forum at the University of British Columbia, October 2, 2013.

---------- with Daniel Greco, “God = ? NYU Questions World-class Philosopher Alvin Plantinga on Science & Religion.” The Veritas Forum, April 6, 2013.

For further information, I refer you to the numerous websites dedicated to various versions of this lecture delivered at various institutions. Just google the title and you’ll get more than you bargained for.

----------, Where the Conflict Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Review by Justin L. Barret, which can be accessed at:

----------, “Does Science Show That Miracles Can't Happen?” May 22, 2013.

----------, “When Faith and Reason Clash: Evolution and the Bible.” Christian Scholar’s Review, September 1991, pp. 8-33.

Martin Frederick Hanna reviewed the above in Andrew University Seminary Studies, Vol. 32, No. 1, 1994, pp. 121-123.

Kate Shellnutt, “Templeton Prize Winner: Alvin Plantinga, Who Proved God’s Not Dead in Academia.” Christianity Today, April 2017.

Bruce Buursma, “Alvin Plantinga, Profile.” The Banner, January 2018, pp. 32-33.

Lynn Bolt Rosendale, “Award-winning Wisdom: Templeton Prize Laureate Shares Thoughts on Christianity and Philosophy.” Spark: The Calvin College Magazine, September 6, 2017.

“Sometimes ideas come along that revolutionize the way we think, and those who create such breakthrough discoveries are the people we honor with the Templeton Prize,” said Heather Templeton Dill, president of the John Templeton Foundation, which awards the prize. “Alvin Plantinga recognized that not only did religious belief not conflict with serious philosophical work, but that it could make crucial contributions to addressing perennial problems in philosophy.”

Chris Herlinger, “Philosopher who argued for God wins Templeton Prize.” Religion News Service, April 25, 2017.

Notre Dame Philosopher Alvin Plantinga Wins Templeton Prize.” Associated Press, April 25, 2017.

Matt Kucinski, “Alvin Plantinga Awarded the 2017 Templeton Prize.” Calvin University, April 25, 2017.

Bas Hengstmengel, Herman Dooyeweerd & Alvin Plantinga philosophy and rationality in the Reformed tradition.

Roman Catholic* Tradition

Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life. (

This initiative “is a unique effort to promote dialogue on Catholic social thought and national and global issues, build bridges across political, religious, and ideological lines, and encourage a new generation of Catholic lay leaders to see their faith as an asset in pursuing the common good.”

  Antiquity[show]   Medieval[show]
  • Bede
  • Anselm of Canterbury
  • Hildegard of Bingen
  • Peter Abelard
  • Symeon the New Theologian
  • Bernard of Clairvaux
  • Hugh of Saint Victor
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Benedict of Nursia
  • Pope Gregory I
  • Peter Lombard
  • Bonaventure
  • Albertus Magnus
  • Duns Scotus
  • Roger Bacon
  • Giles of Rome
  • James of Viterbo
  • Giambattista Vico
  • Gregory of Rimini
  • William of Ockham
  • Catherine of Siena
  • Paul of Venice

  • Renaissance and Modern[show]

    David A. Bosnich, “The Principle of Subsidiarity.” Acton’s Religion & Liberty, vol. 6, no. 4. July 20, 2010.

    Daniel J. Hugger, ed., Lord Acton: Historical and Moral Essays. Grand Rapids: Acton Institute, 2017 (283 pp.).

    Liberty is contested because it is complex. It is not merely a concern of political science or economy, an abstract philosophical concept, or a theological doctrine. It is all those things and many things besides; it is, as Lord Acton said, “the delicate fruit of a mature civilization.” To understand this complex and contested idea, the best place to begin is with Acton himself, the foremost historian of liberty. This collection of Acton’s most important historical and moral essays introduces contemporary readers to his account of the emergence and impact of the idea of liberty.

    The Kukah Centre—A Roman Catholic centre established by Bishop Matthew Kukah, Nigeria.

    Bishop Kukah: I am not sure if you are aware that I have set up a Policy Think Tank known as The Kukah Centre. We have been engaged in some level of research, advocacy, but trying to improve the quality of intellectual input into public policy especially in matters relating to faith (

    Schuurman*, Peter

    Regretfully and for reasons too long to explain, only a few of these Schuurman entries have a link. For others, you can search for their sources online. Christian Courier (CC), e.g., is the most frequent source below and you can access them all online.

    Please note that there are three Schuurmans on this website: Peter and Derek are two Canadian brothers, one of whom is in the USA; the third is in the Netherlands.

    Peter J. Schuurman, “Sensus Divinitatis,” a Peter J. Schuurman blog at < >.

    This Latin phrase was coined by John Calvin, whom I claim as part of my religious roots. In his Institutes of the Christian of the Christian Religion he writes: “That there consists in the human mind and indeed by natural instinct, some sense of Deity [sensus divinitatis], we hold to be beyond dispute, since God Himself, to prevent any man from pretending I ngorance, has endued all man with some idea of his Godhead.... This is not a doctrine which is first learned at school, but one as to which every man is, from the womb, his own master; one which nature herself allows no individual to forget.”

    ----------, The Subversive Evangelical: The Ironic Charisma of an Irreligious Megachurch. McGill-Queens University Press, 2019.

    ----------, “Opening up the world of higher education: The asterisk legacy of Dr. Justin Cooper.” Website Sensus Divinitatus, November 9, 2020. A 40th anniversary celebration of Christian liberal arts education at Redeemer University, in Canada and beyond.

    ----------, “Redeeming a Spoiled Identity: Purge Sunday at the Anabaptist Megachurch,” Liturgy, Vol. 35, Issue 2: Liturgy and Identity, April 10, 2020, p. 3-10.

    ----------, “Megachurches in Canada: Evangelical Outposts in a Secular Society,” (with Michael Wilkinson). Handbook on Megachurches. Ed: Stephen Hunt. Brill: Leiden, The Netherlands, 2020, p. 269-283.

    ----------, “Megachurches,” in Brill's Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism Online, Ed: Michael Wilkinson, Conny Au, Jörg Haustein, Todd M. Johnson. 2019.

    ----------, Review of The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Conservative Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, by Rod Dreher. Sentinel, 2017. CC, June 12, 2017, pp. 9, 16, 20.

    ----------, “Large Canadian Churches Draw an Estimated 300,000 Worshippers Each Week: Findings from a National Study” (Lead author, Warren Bird)., March, 2015.

    ----------, “Review: God in the Details: American Religion in Popular Culture, Second Edition (Routledge, 2011) by Eric Michael Mazur and Kate McCarthy” in Brill's Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism OnlineStudies in Religion, June 2012; vol. 41, 2, pp. 324-325.

    ----------, “Review: Aimee Semple McPherson and the Resurrection of Christian America (Harvard Press, 2007) by Matthew Avery Sutton” in Studies in Religion, (2011 40:260-261).

    ----------, “Review: Words upon the Word: An Ethnography of Evangelical Group Bible Study (NYU Press, 2009) by James Bielo” in Studies in Religion, (2010 39: 602-603).

    ----------, “Sacrifice,” Entry in Dictionary of Religion and Popular Culture, ed. Michael Gilmour and Mary-Ann Beavis, Sheffield Phoenix Publications, 2012.

    ----------, “Review: Holy Mavericks: Evangelical Innovators and the Spiritual Marketplace (NYU, 2009) by Shayne Lee and Philip Luke Sinitiere” in Studies in Religion, Vol. 39 No. 3, Sept. 2010, p. 471-473.

    ----------, “Review: Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C.S. Lewis (Oxford University Press, 2008) by Michael Ward,” Calvin Theological Journal, Vol. 44, No. 2, Nov. 2009.

    ----------, “Deconstructing Institutions: Derrida and the 'Emerging Church'” in DeRoo, Neal and Brian Lightbody, eds. The Logic of Incarnation: James K. A. Smith's Critique of Postmodern Religion. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2008.

    ----------, “Christian Worldview 101” Christian Educator's Journal, Vol. 3, February 2008, p. 14.

    ----------, Re-reading the Genocidal Narratives in the Bible” Christian Educator's Journal, April 2008, Vol. 47 No. 4, p. 8-11.

    Popular Publications (Sample) by Peter Schuurman:

    ----------, “Finding the Good Story: Redemptive Journalism and Global Pandemics,” Resound, Sept. 17, 2020.

    ----------, “The best thinking is dialogue.” Review of Nicholas Wolterstorff, Religion in the university. CC, December 9, 2019.

    ----------, “The Hillsong Worship Industry: Is Hillsong's Worship Music About Performance Or Praise?” Christian Courier, April 23, 2018.

    ----------, “When Upside-Down is Right-Side Up: A Five-Week Series on Paradoxy” Reformed Worship, Is. 127, March 2018.

    ----------, “The Corpus of James K. A. Smith: Worldview Made Flesh” Christian Courier, Feb. 12, 2018.

    ----------, “Memoir of a Kuyperian Saint.” Review of Richard Mouw, Adventures in Evangelical Civility: A Lifelong Quest for Common Ground. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2016. In CC, October 23, 2017, p. 9.

    ----------, “What Evangelicals and Mainline Christians can Learn from the Theology Matters Study” Faith Today, Jan/Feb 2017.

    ----------, “Consulting the Faithful: Conservative Persistence and Congregational Flourishing.” CC, January 23, 2017, pp. 6-7.

    ----------, “Conservative 'Theology Matters': Compelling Conviction Draws Membership,” Christian Courier, Jan. 2017.

    ----------, “Relevance is over-rated,” a review. CC, November 14, 2016. This article can be accessed at:

    ----------, “Your Church Needs More Charisma...And Maybe Less,” Flourishing Congregations (blog), August 10, 2016.

    ----------, “Metamorphosis: Becoming A Christian Character: A Lenten Series,” Reformed Worship, December 2014.

    ----------, “The Brethren in Christ: Re-invigorating Denominational Culture,” Christian Courier, September 2014.

    ----------, “Permission to Talk: Reconnecting Fractured Flocks,” Christian Courier, Feb. 24, 2014.

    ----------, “CRC Pastors Take a Step Back from Christian Schools, Aug. 26, 2013.


    Schuurman*, Derek – For Derek's technological writings go to "Technology" elsewhere on this page.

    ----------, information about miscellaneous articles by Schuurman, January 3, 2020.

    Notes from Derek: Here is a list of many of my CC articles (unfortunately, only the more recent ones have web links):

    I have some other articles with Dordt's "In All Things" blog here:

    And a miscellaneous collection of various articles is available on my Calvin homepage here:

    Some videos of talks are available here:

    A companion website for my book is available here with more links:

    ----------, “The supremacy of Christ.” CC, December 10, 2012, p. 8.

    Smith*, James K. A.

    For a list of Smith’s books:

    See Smith’s editorials and other articles in the Cardus quarterly Comment.

    Smith’s professional website
    Twitter: @james_ka_smith

    James K.A. Smith is professor of philosophy at Calvin College where he holds the Gary & Henrietta Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology & Worldview. The award-winning author of Who’s Afraid of Post-modernism? and Desiring the Kingdom, his recent books include How (Not) To Be Secular: Reading Charles Taylor (2014) and You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit (2016). His new book, Awaiting the King: Reforming Public Theology will be published in 2017.

    His popular writing has appeared in magazines such as Christianity Today, Books & Culture, and First Things as well as periodicals such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. Smith is also a Senior Fellow of Cardus and serves as editor of Cardus' Comment magazine.

    Originally trained in philosophical theology and contemporary French philosophy, Smith's work is focused on cultural criticism informed by the Christian theological tradition. His more popular writing has appeared in magazines such as the Christian Century, Christianity Today, First Things, Harvard Divinity Bulletin, and others (from the Amazon website) such as Ivy League’s Christian Union.

    Peter Schuurman, “The Corpus of James K. A. Smith: Worldview Made Flesh.” CC, February 12 2018, pp. 10-12, 16.

    James K. A. Smith, Open letter to readers of Comment Magazine (a segment), Cardus, April 18 2018.

    One of the delights of my travels is meeting Comment readers from around the country. What I hear from many of them is a sense of belonging – that Comment connects them to a community of like-minded labourers who are at work on the front lines of cultural renewal. We’re putting into words the questions that gnaw at them. We’re introducing them to voices old and new. We’re grappling with issues beyond the headlines and fickle feeds of social media. As readers of Comment they feel like part of a conversation that they can’t always find close to home.....

    ----------, “How My Millennial Students Found Their ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide’ to a Secular Age.” Christian Union News, November 2, 2016. Originally published by The Huffington Post, October 24, 2016.

    Author and professor of philosophy James K.A. Smith writes about helping students wrestle with philosopher Charles Taylor's A Secular Age. Smith suggests that many of us are "like this band of seekers: We see the ruins, we know the world has changed, we know there’s no going back. But we also can’t shake a hunger, a longing, a haunting that we welcome"... The lecture can be accessed at:

    ----------, “Join the Anti-Revolutionary Party: You Have Nothing to Lose but Your Hubris.” Cardus, Fall 2016, pp. 2-4.

    ----------, “Revolutionism and Our Secular Age.” Comment, Fall, 2016, pp. 43-48. This entire issue of Comment is dedicated to the theme “Join the Anti-Revolutionary Party.”

    There is frequent mention of Groen Van Prinsterer in Smith's article. For his identity go to the Groen publications under the Pioneer section above. His major work is Ongeloof en Revolutie (1904, 1951), translated as Unbelief and Revolution, which is listed under Groen in the Pioneers section above.

    ----------, “The Gift of the Law: How (Not) to Be Free.” The Banner, March 2017, pp. 18-20.

    ----------, “The Spiritual Power of Habit.” A summary of the above lecture by Tom Campisi, Managing Editor, Christian Union Magazine, Spring 2016, pp. 8-9.

    ----------, “Buried Treasures?The Banner, January 18, 2011.

    See also this article for its parallel concern: These two articles describe the Christian Reformed Church as a "treasure" often buried.

    ----------, Thinking in Tongues: Pentecostal Contributions to Christian Philosophy. Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 2010.

    ----------, “We believe in institutions.” Comment, Fall 2013, pp. 2-4.

    ---------- in Dialogue with Richard Mouw about Neo-Calvinism and Anabaptism. Comment, September 20, 2013. This article can be accessed at:

    ----------, Who’s Afraid of post-modernism? Grand Rapids MI: Baker, 2006. Reviewed by Chris Emerick.

    ----------, IN or AFTER EDEN? Creation, Fall, and Interpretation. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Degree Master of Philosophical Foundations, Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, Ontario, August 1995. This article can be accessed at:

    Spykman*, Gordon J.

    ----------, Bibliography.

    ----------, Christian Faith in Focus. Jordan Station Ontario: Paideia Press, 1992. http://www.reformationalpublishi...

    ----------, Reformational Theology: A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992 (584 pp.).

    “This rigorous neo-Kuyperian rethink of how theology should be done is a milestone in Reformed exposition. It is the most stimulating systematic that I have read for a long time.” – James I. Packer, Regent College

    “This is the first attempt – and an impressive one – to write a systematic theology from a Reformational perspective…. Spykman seeks to overcome long-standing dualisms that have plagued theology for centuries with a third way which gives more attention to the historical redemptive pattern of Scripture. One need not agree with all of the presuppositions of this approach in order to appreciate the fresh and rich results of this solid study.” – I. John Hesselink, Western Theological Seminary

    Al Wolters, “Spykman Work Overturns Old Models.” Review of G. Spykman, Reformational Theology: A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics. The Banner, August 9, 1993.

    ----------, “A New Paradigm for Doing Reformed Dogmatics.” In die Skriflig 26 (2) 1992, pp. 269-276.

    ----------, (1986) “Fundamentalism in the CRC: A Critique,” Pro Rege: Vol. 15: No. 1, 10 - 21.

    ----------, et al, “Our World Belongs to God: A Contemporary Testimony,” a brochure. Grand Rapids: Board of Publications of the CRC, 1983 (13 pp.). This document can be accessed at:

    An updated version can be accessed at: AND

    Jane Vogel and Mary Sytsma, Living Your Faith in a Messed-Up World: A look at the Contemporary Testimony. Grand Rapids: Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2008 (80 pp.).

    Turaki*, Yusufu

    The following publications are all by Prof. Yusufu Turaki of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Many are published as ebooks and those with ** at the front are published by the Yusufu Turaki Foundation and Publishing. Each has its own website.

    Yusufu Turaki is a Professor of Theology and Social Ethics. He teaches theology and Social Ethics at the Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS) since 1980. He studied Theology at Igbaja Theological Seminary, Nigeria (Th.B.); Theology and Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USA (MATS); and Social Ethics at Boston University, USA (Ph.D.). He was a Research Scholar with the Research Enablement Program sponsored by the PEW Charitable Trusts and administered by the Overseas Ministry Study Center, New Haven, Connecticut, USA and a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Yale Divinity School, Yale University, USA. He is currently the Regional Director of the International Bible Society Nigeria.

    ----------, The British colonial legacy in Northern Nigeria: A social ethical analysis of the colonial and post-colonial society and politics in Nigeria. Revised edition, 2019.

    A highly respected Christian leader and social philosopher, Dr. Yusufu Turaki, has in this Book, provided a brilliant anatomy and analysis of Colonial Legacy in post-colonial Nigeria. It is a "must read" book not only to academic readership but also to policy makers and the clergy as well. For, this great work, from the heart of a social ethicist and theologian, has eloquently utilized great insights from many scholars and disciplines analysing Nigeria's socio-political and moral predicaments.

    In summary, the author clearly asserts that (1) It is not possible for us to have proper grasp of the nature of political events, trends and patterns in Nigeria today without understanding her colonial legacies, (2) it is not possible for us to solve contemporary socio-political problems in Nigeria without correcting the inherited colonial structures and redressing the injustices generated by these colonial legacies of post-colonial Nigeria. We must do so by using the principles of Justice, Equality, Freedom and Equity in socio-political relationships and in the distribution of resources for the benefit of all.

    **----------, The Unique Christ for Salvation: The Challenge of the Non-Christian Religions and Cultures. Revised ebook edition 2019. Price $9.99.

    ----------, Tainted Legacy: Islam, Colonialism and Slavery in Northern Nigeria. With a foreword by Patrick Sookhdeo of BarnabasAid. Revised edition in Epub. Yusufu Turaki Foundation and Publishing, 2019. $2.99.

    ----------, The Ugly Face of Corruption in Nigeria: Is there a Way out? $5.99.

    ----------, Foundations of African Traditional Religion and Worldview. A selective preview in Epub. UK: Word Alive, January 5, 2009. ISBN #9966 805 82 6. WHERE TO FIND THIS BOOK: Publisher: Word Alive; ISBN #9966 805 82 6;

    **----------, revised edition 2019 in epub. Price $ 8.99.

    **----------, The trinity of sin and response of the Triune Godrevised edition 2019 a revised expanded version of the 2012 version, 2019. An ebook. Price $9.99.

    **----------, Universal moral laws: Creational and theistic foundations of morality and ethics An ebook. Price $9.99.

    **----------, Christianity and African Traditional Religion and worldview: A theological method of engagement and interaction with religions and worldviews. Revised and expanded edition, 2019. Price $9.99.

    ----------, “The making of the Nigerian state.” Lecture delivered at Stefanos Foundation Prayer Summit , Jos, Nigeria on June 29, 2018.

    ----------, “Myself, my people, and my land.” Public lecture delivered at the Unity Forum of Ethnic Nationalities of Nasarawa State (UFENNS) in Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria, January 23, 2018. Reported in Independent of January 23, 2018.

    ----------, “African Traditional Religious system as basis of understanding Christian spiritual warfare.” Lecture presented in the context of the Lausanne Movement, n.d., n.p.

    ----------, “Professor Bennie van der Walt: A Bridge between White Afrikaners and Black Africans.” In Michael Heyns et al, eds., Scholarship in the Light of the Morning Star: Essays Dedicated to Barend Johannes (Bennie) van der Walt (Festschrift). Special edition of Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 2010, No. 1, volume 75, pp. 33-52.

    ----------, “African Christianity in Global Religious and Cultural Conflict.” Evangelical Review of Theology, Vol. 31, Issue 2, April 2007, pp. 127-139.

    ABSTRACT: “The West is not only waging a contemporary war against militant Islamists, but historically and ironically, it has been waging a religious war principally against Christianity and its own ethnocentrism. It is important that we examine this theological implication for world Christianity as a result of the decline of western Christianity; western rebellion against Christianity; and the revival of neopaganism in the West.”
    The above partial abstract comes from:

    Van Belle*, Harry

    For works not listed here go especially to the Psychology* and Church* History sections.

    ----------, Curriculum Vitae. Van Belle has written and published a lot, especially on Reformational perspectives, psychology and history of the Reformed Dutch. A comparatively small random selection of his books and articles is scattered throughout this page, but peruse this file and you will find an amazing library. He is certainly among the most prolific of all the writers on this page.

    ----------, “PTSD and the pandemic.” N. p., 2020.

    ----------, Coram Deo: Living life in the presence of God in a secular age. Philosophia Reformata, March 14, 2020, Vol. 83, Issue 1. Previously published independently, July 9, 2019, as follows: [1] [2] [3] [4].

    Bruce J. Wearne

    Bruce C. Wearne. “Deism and the Absence of Christian Theology.” Philosophia Reformata (68) 2003.

    ----------, “Calvinism and Politics.” Zadok Reading Guide, June 20, 2013.

    ----------, Cultivating Care within a Vulnerable Economy: An Annotated Bibliography of the English Writings of Bob Goudzwaard 1967-2008. Port Lonsdale, Australia, June 2008 (105 pp). Contains links to most of Goudzwaard’s works.

    Bruce C. Wearne, “Public justice for all: Supplement to the annotated bibliographical listing of the works of James W. Skillen from 1/ 2008—3/2012 with an introductory essay, suggested research topics, and appendices for students, teachers and lecturers to assist ongoing research.”

    Bruce C. Wearne. “Deism and the Absence of Christian Theology.” Philosophia Reformata (68) 2003.

    ----------, “Christian students in the university crisis.” Orientation, International Circular, Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education.

    ----------, “John Dawkins versus John Calvin.” Orientation, International Circular Institute for Reformational Studies, Potschefstroom University for Christian Higher Education.

    Steve Bishop, Dooyeweerd's A Christian Theory of Social Institutions - A Study Guide. The guide contains a detailed list of chapters as well as a review by Bruce C. Wearne. The document can be accessed at:

    Wolters*, Albert M.

    ----------, Our place in the Philosophical Tradition. Inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Toronto at his installation as Professor (Senior Member) of Philosophy at the Institute for Christian Studies, October 19, 1974. Toronto: ICS, 1975.

    Bob Vander Plaats, “Dr. Wolters Is Inaugurated to the ICS Faculty.” Perspective, November 1974, pp. 1-3.

    He has been described as a "towering figure" in the Kuyperian Neo-Calvinist pantheon.[2]

    ----------, Bibliography, “Al Wolters Page,” a rich source of Reformational literature, including coverage of Reformational pioneers and others.

    Many references to Wolters' writings and writings about him–

    For a complete Wolters bibliography, go to

    ----------, Creation Regained: A transforming view of the world. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005.

    In this brief and straightforward examination of Christians' basic beliefs, Albert M. Wolters spells out the structure of a reformational worldview and its significance for those who seek to follow the Scriptures. Wolters begins by defining the nature and scope of a worldview, distinguishing it from philosophy or theology, and noting that the Christian community has advanced a variety of worldviews. He then outlines a Reformed analysis of the three fundamental turning points in human history – Creation, the Fall, and Redemption – concluding that while the Fall might reach into every corner of the world, Christians are called to participate in Christ's redemption of all creation.

    Translations of the book in Dutch, Japanese, Afrikaans, Korean, Slovak, Russian, Portuguese, while it was republished in the UK both in 1986 and 1996.

    Nicholas Wolterstorff: "This is the best statement I have come across of the 'Reformational' Christian worldview. It is lucidly written, includes a lot of helpful analogies and illustrations, and is throughout generous in its spirit."

    Heidi De Jonge and Ken Herfst, review of Albert M. Wolters, Creation Regained: A Transforming View of the World. Cardus' Comment, April 23, 2015.

    McIlhenny, Ryan (2009). "A Third-Way Reformed Approach to Christ and Culture: Appropriating Kuyperian neocalvinism and the Two Kingdoms Perspective" (PDF). MAJT. 20: 82.

    Stories about the book:

    Brian Dijkema, Interview with Author Al Wolters

    Part I-April 16, 2015.

    Part II-April 23, 2015.

    Peter Schuurman, "The lucky son of a barber-philosopher: The serendipity of Al Wolters' worldview— An anniversary reflection." Review of Wolters' Creation regained. CC, January 11, 2021, p. 8.

    Mark H. Mann, Review of Albert M. Wolters, Creation regained: Biblical basics for a Reformational worldview with a postscript coauthored by Michael W. Goheen, 2nd ed. Religious Studies Review, vol. 33, No. 1, January 2007, pp. 38-39.

    ----------, "Theses on 'Word of God.'" Anakainosis, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 1984 (3 pp.).

    ----------, "Ground-Motive." Anakainosis, Vol. 6, No. 1, September 1983 (4 pp.).

    ----------, "Rank and Worth." Anakainosis, Vol. 5, No. 4, June 1983 (2 pp.).

    ----------, “On the Idea of Worldview and Its Relation to Philosophy,” in Stained Glass: Worldviews and Social Science, Christian Studies Today (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1989), 21. This article can be accessed at:

    Wolterstorff*, Nicholas

    Biography of Nicholas Wolterstorff, for purposes of his Gifford Lectures, 1995.

    Nicholas Wolterstorff, “Fidelity in politics: Hallmarks of Christian political activity in the tradition of Reformed Protestantism.” Christian Scholar’s Review, May 8 2023.

    ----------, “The renaissance of Christian philosophy.” Christian Scholar's Review, April 13,

    ----------, “Loving Justice.” (full interview), The Table, Biola University Center for Christian Thought, May 30, 2017

    ----------, “Love and Justice – and Beauty Too.” Lecture in The Table Series, Biola University, May 30 2017.

    ----------, “Loving Justice.” Interview by Evan Rosa. The Table Series, Biola University, May 30, 2017.

    Evan Rosa interviews Nicholas Wolterstorff, who breaks down his views on love and justice, how they interact in the context of Jesus' love commands and ethical teaching, and the meaning of shalom.

    ----------, “Empathy, Anger and the Struggle against Injustice.” CC, March 6, 2017, pp. 10-11.

    ----------, Fides Quaerens Intellectum.” Contact, September 9, 2012, Academic Insert.

    ---------- and Alvin Plantinga, “The rift between science and theology.” Dialogue at the Biola University Center for Christian Thought, July 9, 2012.

    ---------- and Alvin Plantinga, “The Nature of Christian Scholarship,” a discussion at the Center for Christian Thought, Biola University, July 9, 2012.

    ----------, “Loving God=Loving your neighbor.” November 30, 2011.

    ----------, “On faith in liberal democracy.” Lecture delivered at Yale University, January 12, 2009.

    ----------, Reason within the Bounds of Religion. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976, 1988. This book can be accessed at:

    Hendrik Hart, “Critical Reflections on Wolterstorff’s Reason within the Bounds of Religion. Toronto: ICS, 1980 (32pp.).

    Alvin Plantinga and ----------, eds. Faith and Rationality: Reason and Belief in God. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1983, 1991.

    John Stackhouse, “On Wolterstorff on Kant, Part I: On fallibility.” Christian Scholar's Review, June 14, 2021.

    ----------, “On Wolterstorff on Kant, Part II: On calling.” Christian Scholar's Review, June 15, 2021.

    Todd Statham, review of Nicholas Wolterstorff, Religion in the University. The Banner, April 28, 2020.

    Peter Schuurman, “The best thinking is dialogue.” Review of Nicholas Wolterstorff, Religion in the university. CC, December 9, 2019.

    James Dekker, “Wolterstorff's Wonderful Account of Living in Learning and Wonder,” review of Nicholas Wolterstorff, In This World of Wonders: Memoir of a Life in Learnings, CC, September 23, 2019, pp. 8-9.

    Publisher's review of Wolterstorff's In This World of Wonders: Memoir of a Life in Learning. Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 2019.

    Sophie Vandenberg, “Dr. Nicholas Wolterstorff to receive honorary doctorate at ICS' 40th Anniversary Convocation.” Perspective (ICS), n.d. (incomplete copy).

    Succeeding* Generations and Friends*--Individual Generalist Writings

    A Huls, compiler, “General Bibliography.” Grand Rapids: The Groen Van Prinsterer Society at Calvin College (now university), May 1957.

    HULS: “This bibliography is intended to help those interested find the most important books and articles which have been written by Reformed authors since the revival of Calvinism in the last century.”

    Huls “concentrated his efforts on the fields of knowledge outside of theology, since the publications in these fields are least known. A small bibliography on theology has been included....”

    BOER: This bibliography does not really fit any part of the outline of this page. It includes writings by the pioneers as well as by lesser known or later authors, but all of the items hail from 1957 or earlier, including some from the 19th century. Very few of them are found elsewhere on this page.

    This bibliography is for the die-hard core Reformational researchers, including those who do not know the Dutch language. Most of the items are written in the Dutch language, some in other European languages, including English. These last are marked with an asterisk (*) for the convenience of non-Dutch readers.

    Robert Covolo, “Fashion theologie bij Tertullianus en Augustinus.” Sophie, 3/ 2022.

    Donald Roth, “'Building the temple': An alternative metaphor to the use of 'kingdom' in the Christian university context.” Pro Rege. June 2021, pp. 10-23.

    Matthew Kaemingk, ed., Reformed public theology: A global vision for life in the world. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.

    Andrew C. Stout, review of Matthew Kaemingk, ed., above. Englewood review of books, October 28 2021. Englewood review of books.

    The Witness – A Black Christian Collective. Accessed on February 3, 2021. “We Are Witnesses: This Witness BCC seeks to engage its core audience by encouraging, educating, and empowering Black Christians to be stewards of the Black prophetic tradition.”

    Jamin A. Hubner, “The diversity of contemporary Reformed theology: A new encyclopedic introduction with a case study.” LCC International University, Canadian-American Theological Review, 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2019 (59 pp.).

    Myles Werntz, “The place of Scripture in Christian ethics: The revealed reality found in the Bible is a moral reality.” Review of Luke Bretherton, A primer in Christian ethics: Christ and the struggle to live well. Comment Magazine, August 8, 2024.

    Lucas G. Freire, “Crisis in the public square: A Reformed view.” Journal of Markets and Morality, vol. 22, No. 2, 2019 (pp. 391-405).

    Fandy Handoko Tanujaya, Culture as the voice of the Spirit?: An assessment of the pneumatological understanding of culture and its use in Stanley J. Grenz’s theological method. A thesis submitted to the faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF THEOLOGY in Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Deerfield, Illinois, May 2019.

    Benjamin Lappenga, “Why Read the Bible? (And how to do it, with a little help from Lila).” The Banner, July/August 2018, pp. 10-11.

    Dan Strange, “Not ashamed! The sufficiency of Scripture for public theology.” Foundations: An international journal of Evangelical theology. No. 61, Autumn 2011 (pp. 2-23).

    Eric D. Barreto: Reading the Bible in public Faith & Leadership, Duke Divinity, July 10, 2018.

    C. Piet Cronje, Unshackling our faith: Re-thinking Church, Bible and providence; Reformation 500: My view. Unpublished paper, 2017 (156 pp.)

    Ryan McIlhenny, “Against transformation.” Pro Rege, Vol. 3, No. 4, June 2015.

    Fany H. Tanijaya, “Culture as the voice of the spirit?: An assessment of the pneumatological understanding of culture and its use in Stanley J. Grenz's theological method.” A thesis submitted to the faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Theology in Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, May 2015 (pp. 195).

    James Eglinton and George Harinck, eds., Neo-Calvinism and the French Revolution. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2014 (210 pp.).

    Tim Brinkhof, “Was Bolshevism a religion? The Bolsheviks were atheists, but their outlook is steeped in Christian tradition and literature.” Comment, August 15, 2024.

    Jack B. Rogers and Donald K. McKim, The Authority and Interpretation of the Bible: An Historical Approach. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 1999 (pp. 480+). An incomplete but extensive preview can be accessed at:

    “What is Neo-Calvinism?” The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute, Kampen, Netherlands. What is neo-Calvinism? - The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute (

    Brian John Walsh, Select bibliography of Reformational books and articles, both scholarly and popular.

    Daniel F. M. Strauss, “Soul and Body: Transcending the dialectical intellectual legacy of the West with an integral biblical view?” Paper present at “The Soul Conference,” Oxford, June 28-July 1, 2013, pp. 1-21. Luci Verbi 2014.

    Jeremy Ive, “The outline of a Christian Worldview,” a work in progress and updated in my Dropbox folder. June 10, 2014.

    Jeff Taylor, “Bob Dylan and antithetical engagement with culture.” Pro Rege, June 2013, pp. 16-26.

    Jeffrey P. Greenman and Timothy Larsen, eds., The Decalogue through the centuries: From the Hebrew Scriptures to Benedict XVI. Louisville KY:Westminster John Knox Press, 2012. A partial preview.

    Emmanuel Asante, “Signs of a growing church.” IAPCHE's (now INCHE) Contact insert, December 2009.

    Robert De Moor, Reformed: What it means, Why it matters Grand Rapids, Michigan: Faith Alive, May 2009.

    This revised edition provides a succinct, armchair tour of the distinctive teachings of the Reformed/Presbyterian faith and how having a Reformed perspective can change your life. It's a useful guide for inquirers, new Christians, small groups, education classes, those making profession of faith, and more. The four chapters include useful sidebars that provide interesting tidbits, explain terms, and suggest shortcuts for those with limited time. Each chapter concludes with open-ended discussion questions that encourage reflection and investigation.

    David S. Dockery, A Bibliography for the Integration of Faith and Learning. Union University, fall 2007 (36 pp.). FaithLearnBooklet_Fa07.indd (

    An amazing bibliography covering all the academic disciplines imaginable. Evangelical in tone but with a generous sprinkling of the Reformational tradition. However, unlike the < > which you are reading right now, Dockery's does not have the many links featured on this website. Nevertheless, Dockery has bequeathed us an almost complete library that anyone pursuing a Christian worldview related to any discipline cannot afford to ignore. Thank you, President Dockery.

    Thomas K. Johnson, “Dutch Reformed philosophy in North America: Three varieties in the late twentieth century.” Communio Viatorum, Vol. XLV, 2003.

    Gideon J. Strauss, “Footprints in the dust: Can Neo-Calvinist theory be credible in postcolonial Africa?Acta Academia, Vol. 28, No. 2, August 1996 (pp. 1-35).

    H. Henry Meeter, The Basic Ideas of Calvinism. Revised by Paul A. Marshal. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1990 (221 pp.).

    For the text of the original Chapter 1, go to:

    For an incomplete preview go to:

    For reviews go to:

    For (further) information about Meeter and his book, go to:

    Gregory Reichlen, The social Christ the King conference. Crisis Magazine, March 26, 2020.

    Gary M. Burge, “Why I'm not a Christian Zionist.” Banner, January 2020, pp. 32-34.

    Dexter Van Zile, “Condemning the Jewish state in Jesus' name, theologian Gary Burge is making a comeback.” The Jerusalem Journal, December 15, 2017.

    The Van Zile article above places the controversy raised by Gary Burge in its context.

    Adrian Mullings, “Biblical versus Worldy Value.” Christian Union, July 11, 2019.

    Roger Scruton, “A Thing Called Civilization.” Epoch Times, October 17-23, p. C12.

    James Sale, “What's Wrong with the World? G. K. Chesterton's reponse to an age-old question.” Epoch Times, October 17-23,2019, pp.C7, C9.

    Roger L. Simon, “LeBron James and the Tipping Point for Celebrity Opinions.” Epoch Times, October 17-23, 2019, p. B3. "Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times."

    Paul Adams, “Doing Right; Helping Others.” Epoch Times, October 17-23, 2019, p. B5. "Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times."

    Devin Foley, “The Root of Our Troubles.” The Epoch Times, April 18-24, 2019, p. 17.

    Anjeanette Roberts, “A forest stroll is good for body and soul.” Reasons to Believe, March 15, 2018.

    Debra Rienstra, “I never was an Evangelical, and I never want to be.” The Reformed Journal, October 31, 2018.

    Andrew Ong, “Neo-Calvinism and ethnic churches in multiethnic contects.” Journal of Reformed Theology, 12 (2018) 296-320.

    ----------, Toward a Chinese American Evangelical Theology: The Promise of Neo-Calvinism. Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh, 2019.

    Elizabeth Ann Thacker, Practices to Facilitate Faith Amidst Suffering, A Doctor of Ministry Project in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Ministry at Carey Theological College, Vancouver BC, June 2017.

    Matthew Tuininga, “Christian in America,” Tuininga’s blog.

    Tuininga is Assistant Professor of Moral Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary and writes much about justice issues. Here are two recent samples of his blog posts:

    “The Sanctity of Life in the Heidelberg Catechism: the Sixth Commandment.” October 24, 2017.

    “Justice for the Poor in the Heidelberg Catechism: The Eighth Commandment.” October 18, 2017.

    M. Craig Barnes, Body and Soul: Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism. Grand Rapids: Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2012 (244 pp.).

    Louis Praamsma, trans. James C. van Oosterom,

    ----------, Vol. 1 – Before the Face of God A Study of the Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 1-24. 1987 (100 pp.). This volume is accessible at:

    ----------, Vol. 2 – Before the Face of God A Study of the Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 25-52. 1989 (117 pp.). This volume is accessible at:

    James Schaap, “My Calvinism.” CC, October 23, 2017, p. 2.

    Shiao Chong, “Reading the New Testament with Jewish Eyes.” The Banner, October 2017, pp. 36-37.

    Rudy Eikelboom, “The Ethics of Access to Journal Articles.” CC, September 26, 2016, p. 3.

    Len Vander Zee, “Whatever Happened to the Ten Commandments?The Banner, September 2016.

    For a contemporary interpretation of the Ten Commandments in the Nigerian context, see Boer’s The Prophet Moses for Today on

    “Montana Crow Nation Declares 'Jesus Is Lord.'” CC, January 26, 2015, p. 6.

    Vishal Mangalwadi, The Book that Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization. Thomas Nelson, October 2012.

    Wikipedia on Mangalwadi—
    Vishal Mangalwadi is a social reformer, political columnist, Indian Christian philosopher, writer and lecturer. He has been called the Abraham Kuyper of India.

    Bill Muehlenberg, review of Mangalwadi, The book that made your world. Culture Watch, September 28, 2011.

    NOTE: Wagenman is the Director of the Kuyper Centre, a Christian Study Centre at Western University in London, Ontario. See

    Sid Garland, review of Robin Daniel, Mission strategies then and now: An introduction to Biblical missiology. Lockerbie, UK: Tamarisk Publicastions / Opa Trust, 2012.

    Elaine Graham, Between a rock and a hard place: Public theology in a post-secular age. London, UK: SCM Press, 2013.

    For publisher's description and editorial review:


    Darren Cronshaw, Review of above, JMP–Journal of Missional Practice, Spring 2016.

    Jeffrey W. Bailey, partial review of above, Fellow, Centre for Social Justice, UK, February 4, 2015. AND

    Hugh Whelchel, “Should Christians Even Try to Influence Culture?” Christian Union News, December 15, 2016.

    Robert Sweetman, Tracing the Lines: Spiritual Exercise and the Gesture of Christian Scholarship. Eugene, OR, USA: Wipf and Stock, 2016. Reviewed by Calvin Seerveld of the Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto (adapted by Harry Fernhout from a talk given by Seerveld at a book launch in Toronto, October 2016). Contact, Newsletter of IAPCHE (International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education), vol. 28, No. 2, December 2016, pp. 16-17.

    N. n., “Critical reflections on H. G. Stoker’s (1899-1993) approach towards the elaboration of a Christian philosophy.” Aosis, In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi, June 2016.

    Marthienus Frederik (Tinus) van der Walt, “An exploration of H. G. Stoker’s (1899-1993) contributions to methodology.” Journal for Christian Scholarship / Tydskrif vir Christlike Westenskap, 2017.

    Bruce Riley Ashford, Every Square Inch: Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians, a partial preview. Bellingham, Washington State: Lexham Press, 2015.

    Neal Plantinga Jr. “Intellectual Love of God.” Pro Rege, March 2016, pp. 10-13.

    Jerry M. Ireland, Evangelism and social concern in the theology of Carl F. Henry. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, July 2014.

    Download here

    Jordan Monge, “Religion and Intelligence: Is the Narrative Changing?” The Ivy League Christian Observer, Fall 2013, pp. 8-9. The magazine reprinted this article with permission from Christianity Today.

    Amos Winarto Oei, The Antithesis (Matthew 5:21-48) in The Sermon on the Mount: Moral Precepts Revealed in Scripture and Binding on All People: A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Calvin Theological Seminary for Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Grand Rapids: Unpublished, May 2012 (293 pp.).

    McIlhenny, ed., Kingdoms Apart: Engaging the “Two Kingdoms” perspective. Phillipsburg NJ: P & R. Publishing, 2012.

    “This is a very fine collection of essays on the issues surrounding Christ and culture, marked by careful scholarship, an irenic spirit, and a deep commitment to a Reformed understanding of the gospel.” Al Wolters

    Laurence R. O'Donnell III, An Analysis of Cornelius Van Til's Presupposition of Reformed Dogmatics with special reference to Herman Bavinck's Gereformeerde Dogmatiek. A thesis submitted to the faculty of Calvin Theological Seminary in candidacy for the degree of Master of Theology. Grand Rapids, MI, USA, May 2011.

    Kristopher Walhof, “Afrikaner Origins and Neo-Calvinism,” an academic paper submitted as course requirement at Regent College, Vancouver BC, winter 2010 (10 pp.).

    Gijsbert Korevaar, transl. Jan H. Boer, “A Responsible Steward Eats No Meatballs: A Reading Experience of Jonathan Foer’s Eating Animals.” Original title, “Een goed rentmeester eet geen gehaktballen: Een leeservaring van het boek Dieren eten van Jonathan Safran Foer.” Beweging, Fall 2010, pp. 10-13.

    Daniel F. M. Strauss, “A non-reductionist perspective on animals and humans.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, 3rd and 4th Quarters, pp. 251-287.

    Wendy Elgersma, Bibliography. This can be accessed at:

    Cornelius Plantinga Jr., “Sin: Not the way it's supposed to be.” Christ on Campus Initiative (CCI), 2010.

    CCI exists to prepare and circulate materials for college and university students, addressing an array of fundamental issues from a Christian perspective. Readers and organizations may circulate these essays without charge. Those wishing to contact CCI may email the Secretary, Dr. Scott Manetsch, at

    Byron Borger, “Attending to Ordinary Stuff.” Comment Magazine, Jan. 15, 2010.

    “It is sometimes good to focus directly upon the near-sacreness of our daily moments.”

    This article can be accessed at:

    Mariska van Beusichem, transl. Jan H. Boer, “Mentoring the Unchurched Spiritual Generation.” Original title, “Een mystagoog helpt zoeken.” Beweging, Fall 2010, pp. 14-17.

    McIlhenny, Ryan (2009). "A Third-Way Reformed Approach to Christ and Culture: Appropriating Kuyperian neocalvinism and the Two Kingdoms Perspective" (PDF). MAJT. 20: 82.

    Nuwoe-James Kiamu, The mind of Christ: A paradigm toward a biblical theology of transformational and proactive responses to violence. A thesis in the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, submitted to the School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Jos, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Jos, June 2006.

    John W. Cooper, “Church, Kingdom, and the Great Commission.”

    Julius T. Medenblik, “What Difference Does This Make?”

    Calvin Theological Seminary Forum, Fall, 2013, pp. 3-5, 6-7. The above Cooper and Medenblik articles can both be accessed at:

    ----------, ed., “Reflections on Always Reforming.” CTS Focus, Spring 2006. This issue can be accessed at:

    Govert Buys and Herman Paul with Bert Van den Brink, “Liberalism: A Hesitant Worldview,” an interview. Original title: “Het liberalisme: de levensbeschouwing die geen levensbeschouwing wil zijn.” Beweging, Summer, 2005, pp. 42-47.

    Paul Cliteur and Willem Ouweneel, transl. Jan H. Boer, “God Exists: A Debate about Theism – Two Statements.” Original title: “God bestaat.” Beweging, 2/2005, pp. 26-27.

    Russell Norman Murray, The Problem of Evil: Anglican and Baptist Perspectives. A dissertation submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy in the University of Wales. October 2002 (409 pp.).

    Jonathan Chaplin, “Religion: Matrix of War and Peace.” An interfaith academic forum, University of Guelph, January 31 2002.

    Alan Wolfe, “The Opening of the Evangelical Mind,” The Atlantic, October 2000.

    David Virtue, “The collision of two minds: Malcolm Muggeridge meets Francis Schaeffer.” Touchstone, Jan-Feb. 1999.

    Ronald L. Roper, “Naive Experience, Narrative Scripture, Religious Ground Motives and Scientific Historiography Concerned with the Ancient Past.” Workshop Paper for the Fifth International Symposium, "Christian Philosophy at the Close of the Twentieth Century: Assessment and Perspective" on the occasion of the Hundredth Birth Year of Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977), sponsored by the Association for Calvinistic Philosophy held at Bovendonk, Hoeven, The Netherlands, August 22-26, 1994. Post-conference revised and expanded draft of July 8, 1998 (59 pp.). This document is accessible at:

    D. F. M. Strauss, Being Human in God’s World. Bloemfontein SA: Tekskor Bk, 1998 (157 pp.).

    ----------, trans. Gideon and Angela Strauss, Man and His World. Bloemfontein SA: Tekskor, 1991 (76 pp.).

    ----------, trans. David Hanson, “Scholasticism and Reformed Scholasticism at odds with genuine Reformational thinking.” Dutch Reformed Theological Journal, March 1969 (pp. 97-114).

    John Leland, “Savior of the Streets: The Man and His Mission.” Newsweek, June 1, 1998, pp. 20-25. This article can be accessed at:

    For extra articles about Eugene Rivers, the “Savior,” just google his name and you’ll get a busload of information. I include this article on this page as a challenge to both Christian and secular academics. You pick your own challenge from it and act accordingly.

    Hubert R. Krygsman, Freedom and Grace: Mainline Protestant Thought in Canada, 1900-1960. A Ph.D. dissertation for Carleton University, Ottawa, June 23, 1997 (827 pp.). This book can be accessed at:

    No name indicated, “Naive Experience, Narrative Scripture, Religious Ground Motives and Scientific Historiography Concerned with the Ancient Past.” Workshop Paper for the Fifth International Symposium "Christian Philosophy at the Close of the Twentieth Century: Assessment and Perspective" on the occasion of the Hundredth Birth Year of Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977), sponsored by the Association for Calvinistic Philosophy held at Bovendonk, Hoeven, The Netherlands, August 22-26, 1994. This document can be accessed at:

    E. E. Soladoye, “Lessons from the existing institutional arrangement for public morality in Nigeria.” Lecture delivered at the Workshop on ethics in government and civil service. Congress on Christian Ethics in Nigeria (COCEN), May 18, 1997, Ilorin, Nigeria.

    Gary S. Maxey, “The vision of the Congress on Christian Ethics in Nigeria” (COCEN). Lecture delivered at the Workshop on ethics in government and civil service. Congress on Christian Ethics in Nigeria (COCEN), May 18, 1997, Ilorin, Nigeria.

    Congress on Christian Ethics in Nigeria (COCEN), Nigeria Covenant. Owerri, Nigeria, 1997.

    Klaas Schilder, trans. G. van Rongen and W. Helder, Christianity and Culture. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Premier Printing, 1977.

    William Lane Craig, The absurdity of life without God. Chapter 2 of W. L. Craig, Reasonable Faith, published by uccf:thechristianunions, 1994 (pp. 51-75).

    Paul Gifford, Christianity: To save or enslave? Jos, Nigeria: Institute of Pastoral Affairs, n.d. but original edition 1990 (44 pp.).

    K. Sietsma, trans. Henry Vander Goot, The Idea of Office. Jordan Station ON: Paideia Press, 1985 (104 pp.).

    Harry Antonides, Stones for Bread: The Social Gospel and Its Contemporary Legacy. Jordan Station, Ontario: Paideia Press, 1985.

    George Vandervelde, “The gift of prophecy and the prophetic church.” Toronto: ICS, 1984.

    Steve Prediger, “Truth and knowledge in G. C. Berkouwer: The contours of his epistemology.” A student paper. Toronto: ICS, May 1982.

    T. Boersma, Is the Bible a Jigsaw Puzzle? An Evaluation of Hal Lindsey’s Writings. Transl: Elizabeth Vanderkooy Robert. St. Catharines Ontario: Paideia Press, 1978.

    H. Conradie et al, Festschrift Editorial Committee, Festschrift for Jan Adriaan Louw Taljaard, Koers, XL, no’s 4, 5, 6, 1975 (pp. 221-424).

    Bernard Zylstra, “Hegel, Marcuse, and the New Left.” Lecture for the Wheaton College Philosophy Conference, November 6-7, 1969 (12 pp.).

    Paul G. Schrotenboer, The Nature of Religion, Christian Perspective Series 1964. Hamilton ON: The Association for Reformed Scientific Studies (former name of Institute for Church & Society), 1964.

    ----------, Freedom and justice for all. An address delivered at the annual meeting of the CJL Foundation held in Toronto on February 1, 1964. Rexdale ON: CJL Foundation stood for The Committee for Justice & Liberty, now Citizens for Public Justice housed in Toronto.

    F. H. Von Meyenfeldt, “The Meaning of Ethos.” A lecture delivered in the context of the Unionville Lectures and published in the series Christian Perspectives (see above under Runner). This edition is a typed version from St. Catharines ON: Paideia, n.d., but in the 1960s (36 pp.).

    K. J. Popma, trans. Jack Quartel, First the Jew but also the Greek. Anakainosis, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1953 (20 pp). Original title: Eerst de Jood maar ook de Greek. Franeker, The Netherlands: T. Wever, 1950.

    This is a translation of the Introduction and Chapter One of Popma's book. It was prepared as a study guide for members of the "Groen Club" at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

    ----------, “Calling, Task and Culture” (12 pp.). No bibliographical data available, but Popma is a classic, well-known and prolific Reformational author, though not much has been translated into English, probably because of his somewhat obscure style. His multi-tome series Levensbeschouwing was written post-WW II.

    S. U. Zuidema, “Existentialistic Communication.” Stencilled document. N.p., n.d. (38 pp.).

    ----------, “It's time for charismatic Calvinism: Tapping a hidden strength in our tradition.” The Banner, May 25, 1998, pp. 18-19.

    For a complementary article on this subject, go to the Kuyperiana page of this website and find:

    Jan H. Boer, “The Role of the Holy Spirit in Structural Transformation According to Abraham Kuyper: 29 Propositions.” Lecture delivered to Reformed Spirituality Network, Hope College, Holland, MI. 1999.

    Richard Mouw, Consulting the Faithful: What Christian Intellectuals Can Learn from Popular Religion. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994 (84 pp.). For reviews go to:

    ----------, “Dutch Calvinist Philosophical Influences in North America.” Calvin Theological Journal, April 1989, pp. 93-120. The article can be accessed at: – p. 206ff

    Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1949.

    Jon Woronoff, Series Editor, Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements. Including Frank Schallow and Alfred Denker, Historical Dictionary of Heidegger's Philosophy. Lanham MD, Toronto, Plymouth UK, 2010 (462 pp.). A pdf file.

    Not a Reformational entry, but an amazing resource library.

    4. Philosophy*

    Introductory Notes

    The published materials in the Reformational tradition are more on some topics than others. Philosophy is one of them; others include especially the sciences, both natural and social, along with politics, economics and theology. We include very few theological works outside of the Pioneers. When you peruse the sections devoted to these other topics you will note that that Reformational output there is strong. I confess that this section on Philosophy is somewhat scant, but be aware that almost the entire section under PIONEERS is philosophical in nature, while others are laden consciously with Reformational philosophic undertones, at least many items items among them.

    Note re “worldview”: I will not argue whether or not the concept "worldview" is a philosophic one, but I don't know where else to place this note. There are few concepts on this website or, in case you're reading its published ebook format that I expect to publish on < >, that occur as often as that of “worldview(s).” If that's where you are focusing, I advise you to look for the term on every page with the use of the SEARCH function ( ^F). You will probably get more than you bargained for. Enjoy the hunt!

    Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman, Co-Principal Editors, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

    The Encyclopedia “organizes scholars from around the create and maintain an up-to-date reference work.

    Miscellaneous* Authors

    Foundation of Christian Philosophy (Stichting voor Christelijke Filosofie), transl. Jan H. Boer, “Analyzing, actualizing and passing on:” Stichting voor Christelijke....

    Sophie, Dutch-language magazine of above Foundation. Amersfoort, the Netherlands.

    Daniel F. M. Strauss, “Sphere sovereignty, solidarity and subsidiarity.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, 2013, 3rd Quarter, pp. 93-123. Download here.

    Gerrit Glas, trans. John H. Kok, “What is Christian philosophy?Pro Rege, Vol. XL (1), pp. 1-17. Inaugural address delivered at the Free University in Amsterdam, 2010.

    ----------, “Christian philosophical anthropology: A Reformation perspective.” Philosophia Reformata, 75 (2010), pp. 141-180. Download here.

    Renee van Riessen, “Prof Dr. Gerrit Glas wint Herman Dooyeweerd prijs 2022: Laudatio, uitgesproken bij de toekenning van de Herman Dooyeweerd Prijs 2022.” Stichting Christelijke Filosofie.

    Brill, K. A.; Hart, Hendrik; Klapwijk, Jacob (eds), “Calvin and Neo-Calvinism on Non-Christian Philosophy; The Idea of Christian Philosophy.” Philosophia Reformata 38, 1973, pp. 43-61.

    D. F. M. Strauss, Philosophy as the Discipline of the Disciplines. Grand Rapids: Paideia Press, 2009 (715 pp.) This book can be accessed at:

    ----------, “Introducing Christian Philosophy.” Journal for Christian Philosophy, 2014, 4th Quarter, pp. 61-79.

    ----------, trans. David Hanson, “Scholasticism and Reformed Scholasticism at Odds with Genuine Reformational-Christian Thinking.” [It originally appeared in Afrikaans in Ned. Geref. Teol. Tydskrif (Dutch Reformed Theological Joural from South Africa ), March 1969 (pp.97-114).]

    Jeremy Ive, “Relationships: The theological and philosophical foundations.” Relational Thinkers Consultation, September 2014 (pp. 30).

    Bruinsma, “Of Time and Eternity.” CC, October 23, 2017, p. 17.

    Ryan T. Anderson, “Faith and Reason, Beauty and Holiness.” Commencement address at Franciscan University of Steubenville, May 13, 2017. Christian Union, May 17, 2017.

    Lambert Zuidervaart, “Philosophy, Truth, and the Wisdom of Love.” ICS exaugural address, May 12, 2017.

    ----------, Truth in Husserl, Heidegger, and the Frankfurt School: Critical Retrieval. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2017.

    Neal DeRoo, “Towards a Material Spirituality – Religion and Phenomenological Expression.” Scripture, Faith and Scholarship Seminar, Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, November 2017.

    Is spirituality one part of our lives that we experience in worship? Or does it permeate our whole being? Are we able to pull spirituality and religion apart? What would happen if we considered how our spirituality is embodied, deeply, in our world? In this inaugural episode of Critical Faith, Neal DeRoo explores these questions in his lecture. The recording is the first of three parts,

    Andreas, Jonathan, “Worship: A Modal Analysis.” Paper written at Edinburgh Theological Seminary. August 27, 2015.

    Klaas van der Zwaag, transl. Jan H. Boer, “Albert Camus: Philosopher of the Absurd.” Original title: “Albert Camus, filosoof van het absurd.” Sophie, 3/2013, pp. 22-25.

    Pieter Vos, Transl. Jan H. Boer, “The Human Deficit according to Immanuel Kant: The Gap between the Moral Law and Human Inability to Adhere to It.” Original title, “Het menselijk tekort volgens Immanuel Kant: De kloof tussen de morele wet en ons onvermogen er naar te handelen.” Sophie, February 2013, pp. 23-25.

    Bartholomew, Craig and Moritz, Thornsten (eds.) Christ and Consumerism: Critical Reflections on Our Age. Carlisle UK: Paternoster Press, 2000.

    Paul G. Tyson, “Transcendence and epistemology: Exploring truth via post-secular Christian Platonism.” Modern Theology, April 2008.

    Hendrik Hart, Understanding our world: An integral ontology. Co-published by University Press of America and Toronto: ICS, 1984 (498 pp.).

    “...this volume provides a general categorical framework underlying a Christian worldview. The main components which make up this framework are world origin, world order, and ordered world.”

    Working within the reformational tradition of Calvinian philosophy, Hart constructs an ontology of creation using the basic categories of world origin, world order and ordered world.

    W. V. Rowe, “On the Distinction between Continental and Analytical Philosophy.” Anakainosis Volume Six, No. 2, December 1983 (4 pp.).

    Jacob Klapwijk, “Rationality in H. Hart et al, eds., Rationality in the Calvinian Tradition.” Lanham: University Press of America, 1983 (pp. 93-111).

    David H. Freedman, ed., International Library of Philosophy and Theology. Modern Thinkers Series. Nutley NJ, USA: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.

    S. U. Zuidema, transl. Dirk Jellema, Sartre. 1978. Stenciled document (65 pp.).

    Johan van der Hoeven, Karl Marx: The Roots of His Thought. Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1976.

    A. D. R. Polman, transl. Calvin D. Freeman, Barth. 1960, 1982 (68 pp).

    Herman Ridderbos, trans. David H. Freeman, Bultmann. 1960.

    Hendrik van Riessen, trans. Dirk Jellema, Nietzsche. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presybyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1960 (56 pp.).

    Joost Hengstmengal, transl. Jan H. Boer, “The philosophy of the beard.” Sophie magazine, 2022.

    5. Physical Sciences*

    Institutions*, Journals

    Abraham Kuyper, trans. Jan H. De Vries, To Be Near Unto God. Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans-Sevensma, 1918 (pp. 229-230)

    “... God himself is behind nature. In everything that lives in nature, rustles, throbs and stirs itself, we feel the pulse beat of God's own life . In nature also everything is for the sake of religion, to reveal to us in it the glorious presence of God, to bring us the fostering sense that in nature everywhere the living and almighty God is with us on every side, and to fill us with the sublime impression of his Power, Divinity and Majesty.”

    Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation.

    The Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation is a fellowship of scientists and those interestred in science who want to understand how science should best interact with the life-giving Christian tradition.

    Scott Hilburn, “Follow the Star,” Cartoon, The Argyle Sweater. Distributed by Andrews McMeel Syndication, 2023.

    American Scientific Affiliation.

    Christian Reformed Church, “Resources on Climate Change:”

    CRCNA Position on Creation Care and Climate Change

    Centre for Public Dialogue (Canada): Climate Change

    Calvin Theological Seminary, “Science-Theology Site Updated.” 1 November 2016.

    In 2014, the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church in North America asked Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary, both in Grand Rapids MI, to compile a list of resources on “the relationship of science and theology….” Read further at:

    The actual resource list can be accessed at:

    Brian Clark et al, “The Christian Reformed Climate Witness Project.” In “Why My Reformed Identity Matters,” The Banner, May 2018, p. 25. See also

    The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion.

    The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion is an interdisciplinary research enterprise based in Cambridge. In addition to academic research, the Institute engages in the public understanding of science and religion by means of Courses, Conferences, Lectures, Seminars and the Media.

    The Institute and the above website are a must place for research in science and religion. Be sure to explore the site.

    American Scientific Affiliation (ASA).

    The American Scientific Affiliation, or ASA, was founded in 1941 as an international network of Christians in the sciences. As scientists, members of the ASA take part in humanity's exploration of nature, its laws, and how it works. As Christians, ASAers want to know not just how the universe operates and came into being, but why it exists in the first place.

    Perspectives on Science & Christian Faith. The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation.

    Stephen O. Moshier, "Engaging science and Christian faith with the Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation." Christian Scholar's Review, April 19, 2021. Engaging Science and Christian Faith with the Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation - Christian Scholar's Review

    World Rivers Day, celebrated annually the 4th Sunday of September.

    Millions of people in more than 70 countries participate in this celebration. It is a celebration of the world’s waterways. It highlights the many values of rivers and strives to increase public awareness and encourages the improved stewardship of rivers around the world.

    “Rivers are the arteries of our planet; they are the lifelines in the truest sense.”
                                                                                                         –Mark Angelo

    The Einstein Forum, Potsdam, Germany.

    The Einstein Forum is a foundation of the German federal state of Brandenburg that serves the public as an open laboratory of the mind. Underlying the Einstein Forum’s programming, along with the books and articles published by our staff, is an abiding belief that thinking has a purpose besides advancing scholarly and scientific knowledge. It must provide orientation, foster curiosity, and inspire creativity. Moreover, like Albert Einstein himself, it must be committed to social responsibility.

    Biologos*, Grand Rapids MI:

    < Biologos > constitutes a complete library on its own that a researcher should turn to for any question about Christianity/Bible/theology/philosophy connected with science. The entries below are only a few samples of the richness of this website.

    Subjects discussed on this page:

    Christianity and Science
    Scientific Evidence
    Biblical Interpretation
    God’s Relationship to Creation
    Human Origins

    Biologos, “K-12 educators resource center.”

    John Walton, “Interpreting the Bible: Common mistakes.”

    Can we look to Scripture for a biblical view on everything? Does it speak to modern issues of science? How can we interpret faithfully? John Walton weighs in.

    Deborah B. Haarsma, “Should Christians trust science?The Banner, November 2022, p. 40.

    Faith Stuits, “What the Webb Telescope images didn’t capture.” Biologos, July 18 2022.

    BioLogos, “Insights that make you think. And rethink.” Grand Rapids: Biologos, 2021.

    N. S. Wright and Francis Collins, “New world has been born,” a song. Biologos, 2021.

    Liam Maguire, “Why I'm reforming my views on evolution.” Biologos, October 31, 2019.

    Debora Haarsma, “Some Thoughts on the March for Science.” < > On The President’s Notebook, April 26, 2017. Haarsma is President of Biologos.

    ---------- and Loren Haarsma, “Framing the Conversation.” Biologos, March 18 2018.

    Kathryn Applegate, “Freedom in Sola Scriptura: Endless Forms Most Beautiful.” Biologos, October 24, 2017.

    ---------- and J. B. Stump, eds., How I Changed My Mind about Evolution. Biologos and Intervarsity Press, 2017.

    Many evangelicals have come to accept the conclusions of science while still holding to a vibrant belief in God and the Bible. How did they make this journey? Here are some stories of 25 people who have come to embrace evolution and faith, including Francis Collins, John Ortberg, and N.T. Wright.

    Jim Stump, “Adam and the Genome: Introduction.” First of four discussions of Dennis Venema and Scot McKnight, Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture after Genetic Science. Grand Rapids: Baker, February 2017. Biologos, January 30, 2017.

    Other members of the series:

    Pete Enns, “Adam and the Genome: Some Thoughts.”

    Denis Alexander, “Adam and the Genome: Some Thoughts.”

    This series can be accessed at:

    ----------, “What should we think of DNA experiments and developments?” Biologos, September 11, 2019.

    ----------, “On Faith and Science Seeking Understanding: Our Top 20 Blog Posts of 2017.” Biologos.

    Mark Noll, “How did the Reformation Reform the Study of Nature?” Biologos, October 31, 2017.

    Aaron Sathvanesan, Seth Axen, Ian MacLaren, “Three Christian Scientists Explain Why They are Marching for Science.” < > April 19, 2017. This article can be accessed at:

    J. Richard Middleton, “Faith and Science Seeking Understanding: Evolution and the Historical Fall – What Does Genesis 3 Tell Us about the Origin of Evil?” <Biologos,> March 2, 2017.

    Sciences–Miscellaneous Authors

    NASA, “First images from the James Space Telescope.” July 2022.

    These first images from the world’s largest and most powerful space telescope demonstrate Webb at its full power, ready to begin its mission to unfold the infrared universe.

    Ran Rudisill, “The lonely Vollenhovian: Exploring the intersections between Reformational Philosophy and science,” a blog at

    I am a PhD Junior Member in Philosophy at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto, Canada. I am passionate about Reformational philosophy and its potential to have a wide-ranging impact on all spheres of theoretical thought and human life, but most particularly (right now) in how it can impact philosophy of science and contribute fruitfully to the current science-religion debate.

    This blog is designed to be both a place for me to share my ideas but also hopefully a forum where broader discussions about Reformational philosophy can take place. I look forward to your comments, questions, and criticisms.

    Francis Collin with Ann Snyder, “Has science lost its authority?” Part of the series “The whole person revolution.” Comment Magazine, May 24, 2022.

    Reframe Ministries, “Think Christian—Seeing God in Science.” Grand Rapids MI: A Christian Reformed Ministry, n. d. < >.

    “What does it mean to watch, listen, and play through the olens of your Christian faith? At Think Christian we believe there’s “no such thing as secular.”

    Robert Mann, “How much faith should we put in science?Faith Today magazine, May-June 2023.

    A prominent scientist is distressed at Christian mistrust in science and scientists and is urging Christians to be involved in science.

    Andrew Davison, “Theological implications of the natural origins of life.” Lecture delivered to GFCF, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, November 23, 2023.

    Patrick Glynn, God: The evidence—The reconciliation of faith and reason in a postsecular world. Rocklin, California: Prima Publishing, 1997. [PDF]

    Naveen Athrappully, “Over 1,600 scientists and professionals sign ‘No climate emergency’ declaration.” The Epoch Times, September 1, 2023.

    Tom McLeish, “The poetry & music of science.” Zoom lecture co-sponsored by the Graduate Fellowship of Christian Faculty (UBC) and the Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation, University of British Columbia. Delivered September 29, 2021.

    Mike Hulme, “Advice to Christian Geography Professors.” Christian Scholar's Review, August 31, 2021.

    In the recent issue of CSR, you will find a new “Advice to...” column from Mike Hulme, a professor of geography at the University of Cambridge. Although addressed to a specific set of professors in geography, the essay really should be read by any Christian scientist, or any Christian professor for that matter. It is an excellent example of how Christ and the Christian story can animate learning in a particular discipline, and some of those forms can be easily transferred to other disciplines.

    Peter Copeland, “Knowing the limits of science.” Cardus' Convivium, August 10, 2021.

    Barbara Drossel, “How the laws of nature leave room for God’s action.” Carl F. H. Henry Center, July 6, 2021.

    Jurgen-Burkhard Klautke, “According to which paradigm do Reformed scientists work? A response to Zwart's response to Walicord and Hayes.” Pro Rege, June 2021, pp. 1-9.

    Peter Robinson, a video conversation with Stephen C. Meyer on intelligent design and the return of the God hypothesis. Published by Unknown UK Knowledge, Recorded March 30, 2021.

    John Lennox, Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2020.

    Mu Young Jeong, “Scope of Scientific Inquiry.” UC Berkeley TAUG, Spring 2014. This article can be accessed at:

    Noah Cho, “The Science of Christianity.” UC Berkeley TAUG, Spring 2014. This article can be accessed at:

    Seong Min (Daniel) Yoo, “The Limitations of Science and the Necessity of Faith.” UC Berkeley TAUG, Spring 2014. This article can be accessed at:

    Helen De Cruz, Religion and Science—Draft Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry. 2019.

    Jeff Hardins et al, eds., The warfare between science and religion: The idea that wouldn’t die. Johns Hopkins University Press, October 2018.

    The chapters of this book explore how moments of tension between religious commitment and the modern natural sciences have often been inflated into the myth of an eternal, irreconcilable conflict between religion and science. Different chapters focus on particular moments in history (e.g. Galileo) or practical groups within the church or within the academy, where the “warfare myth” has taken root. In so doing, contributions to this book tell a much more interesting (and evidence-based) story about how science and religious commitment relate to one another. A Kindle version is available for $2.99 (Newsletter from the de Vries Institute, January 5, 2023 ( .)

    Candice Goodchild, “Renewable Energy’s Dilemma.” CC, January 22, 2018, pp. 6-7.

    Sarah Clarkson, “Analysis of Genesis Helps Calm Science vs. Faith Debate.” Faith Debate.pdf (

    Lloyd Mackey, “Katharine Hayhoe: A Leading Climate Scientist and an Evangelical.” Church for Vancouver, October 12, 2017.

    Gregory J. Rummo, “Latest discoveries in the field of structural biology point to intelligent design.” Christian Scholar's Review, November 19, 2021.

    Catherine Elvy, “Evidence for Intelligent Design,” Christian Union, Spring 2017, pp. 51-52.

    Steve Paulson with Neil Turok et al, “The Origins of the Universe: Why Is there Something Rather than Nothing?” NourFoundation, Oct 20, 2014.

    James H. Olthuis, “The Word of God and Science.” ICS, n.d. (6 pp.).

    Sinai and Synapses—a Jewish website that bridges the religious and scientific worlds, offering people a worldview that is scientifically grounded and spiritually uplifting.

    Note from proprietor: The above description of the website assumes that religion and science are different worlds. That may be so from the Jewish perspective, but from the Reformational perspective, they are not separate items that need to be bridged, but religious perspectives are the foundation on which science is built. The religious is the pillar on which science rests.

    J. Richard Middleton, “Faith and Science Seeking Understanding: Evolution and the Historical Fall – What Does Genesis 3 Tell Us about the Origin of Evil?” <Biologos,> March 2, 2017.

    Rudy Eikelboom, “Paradigm Shifts in Science, Art and Easter .”CC, March 27, 2017, p. 3.

    D. F. M. Strauss, “The inner reformation of the sciences: An ambiguity in the radically orthodox thought of John Milbank.” Acta Theologica, 2016, pp. 190-209.

    Tim Reddish, Science and Christianity: Foundations and Frameworks for Moving Forward in Faith. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016.

    James H. Olthuis, “The Word of God and Science.” ICS, n.d. (6 pp.).

    6. Mathematics*

    Institution* and Journals

    Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences (ACSM).

    The ACMS was founded in 1977 as a network of Christian mathematicians dedicated to integrating mathematics with faith and to promoting quality teaching. It has four purposes for impacting the lives of Christians in the mathematical sciences, each arising from and connected to our mission statement and statement of belief:

    22nd ACMS Conference Proceedings — The Conference Proceedings for the ACMS conference held at Indiana Wesleyan University on May 29th — June 1st, 2019 is now available.

    The Computer Science Subgroup of the ACMS consists of computer scientists and mathematicians who teach computer science. Computer science will be represented in the program at the biennial convention by a contributed paper session and a panel discussion.

    Journal of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences

    The objective of the on-line proceedings is to provide a venue for the publication and distribution of materials relating Christian belief to mathematical and computing sciences. To view the past journal articles please see the archives.

    Mathematics and Christian Faith

    Mathematical Sciences...discussions that treat various aspects of mathematics, computer science, and related fields from a Christian perspective.

    List of Authors*

    Gene B. Chase and Calvin Jongsma, Bibliography of Christianity and Mathematics 1910-1983. Sioux Center, Iowa: Dordt College Press.

    Russell Howell, “Is faith required for mathematics?Christian Scholar's Review, July 8, 2021.

    ----------, “The matter of mathematics.” Christian Scholar's Review, June 3, 2021.

    Russell Howell and James Bradley, eds., Mathematics through the eyes of faith. San Francisco: HarperOne, 2011.

    Calvin Jongsma, Review of Russell Howell and James Bradley, eds., Mathematics through the eyes of faith. Dordt University: Pro Rege, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 24-26.

    Mathematics from a Christian perspective:
    With respect for the history and ever–changing applications of mathematical principles, James Bradley and Russell Howell, along with a team of fellow scholars, invite readers to consider the rich intersection of mathematics and Christian belief. Citizens of the twenty–first century generally believe that mathematics is all about numbers and formulas, with no religious significance— an attitude that belies the faith–based work of thinkers from Plato to Newton. It is time to reawaken our sensitivity to the vital spiritual matters raised by the study of mathematics, a discipline that demands profound thought and helps us understand the beauty and the order of our physical world. Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith explores questions such as: What is the relationship between chance and divine providence? Do concepts like infinity point beyond themselves to a higher reality? Is mathematics discovered or invented, and why is it effective in the sciences? This comprehensive work, one in a series of cosponsored by the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, is designed to help students and teachers understand how mathematics has evolved and how the interplay of mathematics and Christian belief can enrich the study of both.

    ----------, eds., Mathematics in a Postmodern Age: A Christian Perspective. Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans 2001.

    The discipline of mathematics has not been spared the sweeping critique of postmodernism. Is mathematical theory true for all time, or are mathematical constructs in fact fallible? This fascinating book examines the tensions that have arisen between modern and postmodern views of mathematics, explores alternative theories of mathematical truth, explains why the issues are important, and shows how a Christian perspective makes a difference.

    Calvin Jongsma, “Mathematics: Always Important, Never Enough: A Christian Perspective on Mathematics and Mathematics Education.” Sioux Center, Iowa: Dordt College, May 2016.

    ----------, “A Christian perspective on mathematics and mathematics education.” Journal of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, 2006.

    ----------, Mathematization and Modern Science. Sioux Center, Iowa: Digital Collections, Dordt College, 2001.

    This fascinating book examines the tensions that have arisen between modern and postmodern views of mathematics, explores alternative theories of mathematical truth, explains why the issues are important, and shows how a Christian perspective makes a difference.

    ----------, “A Christianity and Mathematics: An analysis of differing approaches to their interrelationship.” An edited version of a talk delivered at the annauol Jubilee Conference, Coalition of Christian Outreach, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 8, 1980.

    Harro Van Brummelen, Co-ordinator, Mathematics in the Christian School – A Preliminary Report Resulting from a Seminar Held in Toronto in July, 1971, under the auspices of the O.A.C.S. and the A.A.C.S. (Ontario Alliance of Christian Schools and the Association for the Advancement of Christian Studies) 90 pp.

    James W. Seidel, Mathematics: Giving Classical, Christian Education Its Voice. Sioux Center, Iowa: Digital Collections, Dordt College, 2011.

    John W. Warner, “Infinity and reality.” An essay on the usefulness of mathematics. A typewritten document, n.p. , n.d. (95 pp).

    7. Ecology*

    Calvin DeWitte, “Guardener’s Song.” Christian Scholar’s Review, February 27, 2023.

    Bob Smietana, “Faith leaders call for repentance and spiritual reformation to address climate change.” Religious News Service, August 17, 2923.

    Lindsay Vander Hoek, The land is waiting: Looking for movements toward indigenous-led conservation in northern Alberta. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Agriculture, 2021.

    Brian Minter, “Small things definitely matter during our climate emergency.” Vancouver Sun, August 21, 2021, p. C2.

    Suzanne Armstrong, “Summit on Canadian soil health.” CC, September 25, 2017, p. 19.

    ----------, “Bringing Faith to Farming in Canada: The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO).” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 15.

    ----------, The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario: Integrating Christian Principles with the Practicality of Farming, 2015 (385 pp.).

    Cheryl Mahaffy, “Edmonton Farmer Battles to Protect Prime Land from Urban Sprawl.” CC, May 22, 2017, pp. 1-2.

    Calvin B. DeWitt, Song of a scientist. Grand Rapids MI: Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2012.

    ----------, Earthwise: A guide to hopeful creation care. Grand Rapids MI: Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2011.

    Lori Culbert, “Water has flowed from our taps for 100 years. What about the next century?Vancouver Sun, July 13, 2024.

    Comment by Jan H. Boer, proprietor–This article is an example of the struggle many cities have to deal with due to climate change and population growth. It is a call on citizens to practice greater responsibility in their use of water. I have witnessed gross irresponsibility on the part of many highly educated Christians consumers, including close relatives and dear friends, who carelessly run their taps on and on, who thoughtlessly water useless lawns, etc. When I drew attention to the preciousness of water to a very educated and tap-running Christian friend, he indifferently shrugged his shoulder and declared he did not care. Though water metres seem an obvious partial solution, that will not phase comfortable consumers. Above all, consumer responsibility is the first requirement where Christians should be at the frontline.

    8. Technology*


    Marjolein de Jong, A quote: “Techbedrijven denken nauwelijks na over de impact van technologie op de maatschappij.” VU Magazine, December 21 2022.

    Translation: “Giant tech companies hardly give any thought about the impact of technology on society.”

    Calvin Institute of Technology. In Indonesian language.

    Christian Engineering Society (CES), Grand Rapids, Michigan.

    We strive to place all our work under the Lordship of Christ, whether in the academic arena, the corporate world, at home, in our community, and everywhere else. So in a sense all of life is our mission. However, these groups have a particular focus on humanitarian engineering projects that help the poor, the hungry, the physically challenged, and others who are disadvantaged.

    Organizations that tie engineering and missions together:

    If you would like to join this site to have the ability to make comments and add content, please contact Ted Song (

    Engineering Ministries International Canada.

    EMI Canada is a non-profit Christian development organization mobilizing Canadian architects, engineers, surveyors, and construction managers. We use our skills to serve people worldwide through the design of hospitals, schools, water systems, and many other facilities. Together, we are designing a world of hope.

    Indigenous People's Technology and Educational Center (ITEC), Dunnellon FL.

    ITEC develops tools and training programs, trains indigenous Christ-followers, and equips others to do the same both domestically and abroad. Our goal is to eliminate the potential for dependency by partnering with, training alongside, and learning from the indigenous churches. We call this interdependency, a concept found in passages throughout the Bible, and clearly in I Corinthians 12:12-31.

    ITEC trains and develops in dental, medical, eyesight, film, mechanics, farming and aviation sectors.

    Windows Resource Centre, “10 tips to use technology to manage your well-being.” Use technology to manage your well-being | Microsoft.

    Technology--Miscellaneous Authors

    Egbert* Schuurman*

    ----------, Transl. H. Donald Morton. Technology and the Future: A Philosophical Challenge. Wedge Publishing, 1980; Amazon, 2009. About the book:

    "Professor Schuurman is one of those rare individuals who are authentically equipped to address the issues of this study. In him the engineer and the philosopher meet. ...From the outset he regards technology itself as being comprehensible only within the framework of the grand coherence of meaning that was laid down in this world of many-colored developmental potentia by the creator of heaven and earth. It is for this reason that he can boldly and openly assert that man is called to the task of technology. ...I have no doubt that the commanding scientific study presented here will have an important impact on the English speaking world." – From the Foreword, by Bob Goudzwaard.

    A complete bibliography of Schuurman’s English publications can be accessed at:

    ----------, trans. James C. van Oosterom, Christians in Babel. Jordan Station ON: Paideia Press, 1987(60 pp.). Original title: Christenen in Babel.

    ----------, “Technology in a Christian-philosophical perspective.” A paper presented at a seminar at the ICS, Toronto, April 1979 (15 pp.).

    ----------, trans. Harry Van Dyke and Lammerd Tenyenhuis, Reflections on the Technological Society. Jordan Station ON: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1977 (66 pp.).

    Technology–Derek* C. Schuurman*

    ----------, “In control?” CC, April 12, 2021, p. 18.

    "A common element of the engineering mindset is the desire to make the world controllable. The consequences...are a technological approach to nature, treating it like an elaborate mechanism to be manipulated."

    Ethan J. Brue, Derek C. Schuurman, Steven H. Vanderleest, A Christian field guide to technology for engineers and designers. Intervarsity Press, April 2022.

    ----------, “On Kuyper and technology, or how a voice from the past can speak to our digital age.” Christian Scholar’s Review, January 15, 2020.

    ----------, “Letter to a young IT worker: Pursue technology that serves people.” CC, October 18, 2019.

    ----------, "Modern Devices and Ancient Disciplines", Faith Today, November/December 2017, pp. 39-41.

    ----------, "Weapons of Math Destruction", In All Things, October 20, 2017.

    ----------, “Technology and the Biblical Story”, Pro Rege, Vol. 46, No. 1, September, 2017, pp. 4-11.

    ----------, “Transhumanism and the Incarnation”, In All Things, January 6, 2017.

    ----------, “Technology and the Biblical Story”, a talk given at the 2016 Faith & Work Conference, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City, November 2016.

    ----------, "Approaches to Christian Education: From Elusive Towards a Larger and Deeper Approach", Pro Rege, Vol. 44, No. 3, March, 2016, pp. 14-20.

    ----------, The Meaning of Technology”.

    ----------, “The Rapture of the Geeks”, In All Things, November 5, 2015.

    ----------, “Technology and the Church”, God and Nature Magazine, Fall 2015.

    ---------- and Steven H. VanderLeest, “A Christian Perspective on Artificial Intelligence: How Should Christians Think about Thinking Machines?”, Proceedings of the 2015 Christian Engineering Conference (CEC), Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA, June 2015, pp. 91-107.

    ----------, Shaping a Digital World: Faith, Culture and Computer Technology, InterVarsity Press, 2013. Book link: The companion website for the book is here:

    Technology--Single* Listings

    Claire Giangrave, “Vatican conference ponders who really holds the power of AI.” Religion News Service June 27, 2024.

    Pope Francis has made artificial intelligence one of the main issues of his pontificate.

    David Hataj, “Craftman's Code.” Edgerton Wisconsin: Edgerton Gear, n.d.

    John Dyer, “The new Gutenberg: Bible apps could be as formative to Christian history as the printing press.” Christianity Today, December, 2022 (pp. 50-55).

    Charles C. Adams, “Reading the Subway Walls and Redirecting Communication Technology.” IAPCHE Contact, January 1998.

    9. Sociology*

    Institutions, Journals, Magazines

    The Good Society. Acton Institute, Grand Rapids MI.

    Until then, please watch The Good Society when you get an opportunity. The Good Society is a series of free, short, sharable films exploring the economic, moral, political, social, and theological foundations of a flourishing society.

    Journal of Contemporary Christian Studies, Christ the Redeemer College, London.

    The Journal of Contemporary Christian Studies (JCCS) is peer-reviewed, which provides a forum for exploration of various themes within Contemporary Christianity. We invite submissions of original research in the field of Contemporary Christian studies on various themes in: Theology Mission Apologetics Pentecostalism/ Charismatic Studies New religious movements and communities in Africa and Diaspora.

    Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Accessed December 2020.

    Exhibit at Congress Expo: Congress 2021 Expo is the largest virtual showcase of academic books in Canada! In addition to scholarly publishers and exhibitors, Expo is a hub for book launches and signings, and panel presentations. Do you know anyone who wants to exhibit at our first ever virtual Congress? We want to hear from you - email

    There's a fund for that: Are you interested in bringing an international speaker to your association's conference this year? Collaborating with another scholarly association to co-host a session? Or are you a graduate student interested in presenting at Congress? There's a fund for that! Visit the Congress website to learn more.

    Wikipedia: WikiProjectChristianity.” From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

    Greetings! WikiProject Christianity was formed in 2006 to better organize information in articles related to Christianity. This page and its sub-pages contain links and information about the project. This project's goal is to help focus and coordinate the efforts of Wikipedians on Christianity related topics, and increase article quality and coverage.

    As a group, we do not prefer any particular tradition or denomination of Christianity, but endeavor that all Christian traditions are fairly and accurately represented. The project now includes a wide range of articles on multiple denominations.

    AOSIS. Capetown, South Africa. < >.

    We unlock African knowledge for the world. Our services include publishing open access scholarly journals and books, developing customised eLearning Moodle platforms, developing impactful course content, and offering online Continuing Professional Development activities/courses. Many scholarly PDF publications.

    Institute for Christian Impact, Hephzibah Christian Centre, Peduase, E. E., Ghana.

    The Institute for Christian Impact (ICI) exists to mentor and equip leaders to meet the needs and challenges of the growing Church in Africa and to meaningfully bear effective witness by integrating Faith and Life.

    The Mission of the Institute is to equip younger generation of Christian leaders in Africa to bridge the gap between faith and life by bringing their faith and the Lordship of Christ to bear on all spheres of life.

    The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute, Kampen, Netherlands.

    Religion deeply influences how we live and think. The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute (NRI) at Theological University Kampen examines how this relation takes shape and develops globally over time in the tradition of Neo-Calvinism. To conduct academic research in relation to his tradition, we promote, support, supervise and coordinate the work of researchers, offer education on neo-Calvinism, organize conferences and expert meetings, facilitate publication of research, and present a collection of sources from representatives of Neo-Calvinism. Established in 2018, the NRI is one of the world's leading research institutes on neo-Calvinism.

    Cardus, Hamilton, Ontario

    Cardus*, Hamilton, Ontario — “a North American public policy think tank equipping change agents with strategic public theology. Cardus is the publisher of the quarterly journal Comment, a quarterly magazine published by CARDUS, Hamilton ON. and

    Some self-descriptions:

    “Cardus(root: cardo) Canada's premier hub for faith and common life, is a think tank dedicated to the renewal of North American social architecture. We conduct independent and original research, produce several publications, and regularly stage events with Senior Fellows and interested constituents across Canada and the U.S.

    Current research programmes in education, family, health, law, social cities, work and economics. An exceedingly rich mine of Reformational–type studies, publications and lectures that you must access when doing research in any of these fields. As time moves on, other fields are likely to be added and some may be dropped.”

    “The mission of Cardus is to seek the renewal of North American social architecture, drawing on the wisdom of 2,000 years of Christian Social thought. This means attending to the systems and practices and institutions that shape our culture, with a conviction that good architecture leads to flourishing, to what Scripture so often describes as shalom.”

            Publishers of two magazines: Convivium and Comment Magazine.

    Convivium means living together. Unlike many digital magazines, we haven't put up a digital paywall. We want to keep the conversation regarding faith in our common and public life as open as possible.

            Major websites: AND

    Anakainosis: A Journal for Reformational Thought.

    Anakainosis is an 'informal academic periodical published by the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship in Toronto, Canada'. It was first published in Sept 1978. Each volume comprised four issues. It contained articles, reviews and news updates of reformational scholars. It (re)published articles by Dooyeweerd, Roy Clouser, Robert Knudsen, Troost, Danie Strauss and many other well-known reformational scholars. It ceased publication in 1986. All the copies of the journal are available from here.

    Neo-Calvinist Discussion Group:

    This is a group for discussing the theology and legacy of Dutch neo-Calvinists like Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, and G.C. Berkouwer. Our goal is to apply the lordship of Christ to "every square inch" of life, so our topics are as wide-ranging as all creation: culture, theology, church, philosophy, spirituality, political/civic life, the arts, etc. We welcome genuine conversation and honest opinion, but expect that all posts will reflect the spirit of these theologians: respectful, winsome, and irenic. These authors were unafraid to critique, but they did so only after thoroughly examining the subject they were against, treating each view with respect, and pursuing a commitment to the Church's catholicity and unity. Posts that simply tear down other views, cause unnecessary offense, or otherwise do not reflect these values will be removed. The admins/moderators reserve the right to determine when comments violate these values. If you see comments which you believe warrant moderator intervention, please PM one of the moderators go to

    The Banner, the monthly magazine of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC). Grand Rapids MI.

    This magazine is a mix of Reformational, traditional Reformed and Evangelical writings that mirrors the thought and action of both the denomination and its members. Only select articles are featured on this website, but many others supplement the picture of an orthodox Reformed church.

    Forum, ed Jul Medenblik et al. Semi-annual magazine of CTS, Grand Rapids, MI, USA. Contains articles addressing alumnae about various academic and practical issues faced by church leaders.

    Nagel Institute for the study of world Christianity, Calvin University, Grand Rapids MI.

    Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship.

    An accredited scholarly journal that strives to promote foundational reflection in science. This research includes contemplation of the philosophical presuppositions of scientific disciplines, as well as reflection on the role of worldview in science. The Koers Association, as the official body, has been in existence since 1926. The Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship is the association's interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal which has appeared quarterly since 1935.

    The Koers is the association’s interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal which has appeared quarterly since 1935. Koers promotes the development of Christian scholarship/science in all fields of science and publishes original (mainly reflective) research contributions with an integrated worldview as the foundation. We provide a platform for authors to engage constructively and critically with Christian scholarly/scientific points of view in all fields of science.

    The articles are written mostly in English and Afrikaans and give South African perspectives, including all races. A perusal of any issue shows the wide range of articles with most having an accessible link.

    Reformed Perspectives, published by Reformed Perspective Foundation, Winnipeg.

    A magazine for the Christian family covering a wide range of subjects from a Reformed worldview perspective.

    Westminster Theological Journal.

    Edited for the faculty of the seminary, the Westminster Theological Journal was first published in November 1938, "going against the current of the times," in that it was "founded upon the conviction that the Holy Scriptures are the word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice..." The two editors were Paul Woolley and John Murray, and the issue contained a preface, "To Our Readers," one article, "Jesus in the Hands of a Barthian," by Ned Stonehouse, and four book reviews. It was published at a time when periodicals were in decline, and the world at large lived with the specter of a new world war.

    Ever since 1938, the journal has continued the legacy set by the founding editors. As such, the WTJ stands out as one of America's oldest and continuous running theological journals. Its original mandate to uphold historic Christianity against modern tides is as relevant and true today as it was in 1938. While many journals have come and gone since our first publication, it is our hope that WTJ will continue to thrive in the digital age and be a "must have" theological journal for a new generation of readers.

    Veritas Forum. Cambridge, MA, USA.

    The Veritas Forum helps students and faculty ask life's hardest questions. Many of the world's leading universities were founded to answer the big "why" questions. Our mission is to help them confront these questions anew. The first Veritas Forum was planned by students, faculty and chaplains at Harvard University in 1992. Since then, over 200 universities in North America and Europe have hosted over 2,000 Forums.

    The Veritas Forum is committed to courageous conversations. We place the historic Christian faith in dialogue with other beliefs and invite participants from all backgrounds to pursue Truth together.

    National House of Prayer, Ottawa and Airdrie, Alberta.

    VISION: At the National House of Prayer we desire to help mobilize informed and sustained prayer for all government leaders and the decisions they make. We seek to help build a bridge between our government leaders and caring Christians from across Canada. Our hope is that through these meaningful relationships, God would influence these leaders with a perspective of righteousness that would bless them as they serve our nation.

    "We hope to bring to you a series of blogs exploring this theme of what it means to endure as Canadian Christians today. My prayer is for God to encourage you with endurance in meaningful prayer. That intimacy with God, our prayerfulness may result in righteous acts and bold faith in our communities and thousands of lost souls coming to salvation in Jesus Christ."

    Christ on Campus Initiative

    CCI exists to prepare and circulate materials for college and university students, addressing an array of fundamental issues from a Christian perspective. Readers and organizations may circulate these essays without charge. Those wishing to contact CCI may email the Secretary, Dr. Scott Manetsch, at

    Consortium of Christian Study Centres—Cultivating thoughtful Christian presence; serving at the intersection of church and university. 37 centres throughout North America.

    Cultivating thoughtful Christian presence. The Consortium fans the flame of the study center movement by providing consulting, training, and other resoruces to dozens of ChristianStudy Centers located at universities throughout North America.

    The Gospel Coalition (TGC)– Colorado Springs, CO 80923. Foundation Documents of The Gospel Coalition

    The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a broad collection of churches, church leaders, and Christians originally founded by Tim Keller and D.A. Carson. The organization is distinguished by its emphasis on actively engaging the culture, and it provides an abundant amount of resource materials such as videos, books, and study guides. As the term coalition implies, the Gospel Coalition includes a diversity of Christians from different denominations. Doctrinally, the association is generally aligned with evangelical and Reformed perspectives.

    The Anselm House, formerly known as the MacLaurin Institute.

    The mission of Anselm House is to help University of Minnesota students and faculty —and the wider Twin Cities community—connect the dots of study, faith, work, and relationships to each other. We want to see the world and approach our lives as God created them to be: whole.

    Udo Middelmann, "The ABC's of a Christian worldview." A brochure from The MacLaurin Institute, now called the Anselm House, Minneapolis, MN., September 1999.

    Christian Scholars Review.

    Established in 1970, Christian Scholar's Review is a medium for communication among Christians who have been called to an academic vocation. Its primary objective is the publication of peer-reviewed scholarship and research, within and across the disciplines, that advances the integration of faith and learning and contributes to a broader and more unified understanding of the nature of creation, culture, and vocation and the responsibilities of those whom God has created. It also provides a forum for discussion of pedagogical and theoretical issues related to Christian higher education. It invites contributions from Christian scholars of all historic traditions, and from others sympathetic to the task of religiously-informed scholarship, that advance the work of Christian academic communities and enhance mutual understanding with other religious and academic communities.

    In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi is a theological and acclaimed Open Access journal that serves as the official journal of the Reformed Theological Society (Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging). Durbanville, South Africa: AOSIS Publishing.

    It has a broad coverage that promotes multidisciplinary, religious and biblical aspects of studies in the international theological arena, aiming to further Reformational Theology on a scientific basis. It encourages research that challenges traditional discourses within and between the fields of biblical, religious, social and human sciences as well as the constructive engagement with the natural sciences where applicable. All contributions are refereed anonymously by at least three other scholars who are recognised as specialists in the particular field of study and the comments of the referees are held in high esteem. English, Afrikaans and Dutch are the general languages of publication and articles in German will also be considered.

    More information can be accessed at:

    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies.

    The Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies is an international on-line publication of SCIRI (the Seminar for the Interdisciplinary Research of Religions and Ideologies) and SACRI (the Academic Society for the Research of Religions and Ideologies). It is a peer-review academic publication intended for professors and researchers interested in the study of religions and ideologies.

    J.S.R.I. encourages interdisciplinary approaches of religions, engaging the following domains: religious studies, philosophy of religions, ethics, political philosophy and political science, anthropology, sociology, interreligious dialogue and communications theory. All articles must explore the religious dimension of the issues covered.

    J.S.R.I. is an open-access journal published on the internet, with three issues per year. Publication in JSRI is completely free of charge.

    Sociology--Vanderwoerd*, James R.

    James R, Vanderwoerd, Secular and religious tensions in government-funded faith-based social services organizations. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, January 2003.

    ---------- & Lankfhof, K. (2020). An Exploratory Study of Stalking on Christian Campuses: Does that Happen Here? Christian Higher Education, 19(3), 177-191.

    ---------- & Cheng, A. (2017). Sexual Violence on Religious Campuses. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 44, 2, 1-21.

    ---------- (2016). The Promise and Perils of Anti-Oppressive Practice For Christians in Social Work Education, Social Work & Christianity, 43, 2, 153-188.

    ---------- (2015). All Things New: Neo-Calvinist Groundings for Social Work, Social Work & Christianity, 42, 2, 121 - 148.

    ---------- (2011). Reconsidering Secularization and Recovering Christianity in Social Work History, Social Work & Christianity, 38, 3, 244-266.

    ---------- (2010). The Challenge of Fundamentalism for Social Work Ethics: Can Anti-Oppressive Social Work Include Orthodox Religion?, Canadian Social Work, 12, 2, 68-87.

    ---------- (2009). Experiences of Sexual Coercion, Awareness of Services, and Acceptance of Rape Myths Among Students in Rural Colleges, Rural Social Work & Community Practice, 14, 1, 17-28.

    ---------- (2004). How faith-based social service organizations manage secular pressures associated with government funding, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 14, 3, pp. 239-262.

    ---------- & van der Woerd, E.R. (2020). “Is There More to This Story? Christianity in Social Work History and Implications for Social Justice” in L. Scales & M. Kelly (Eds). Christianity & Social Work: Readings on the Integration of Christianity and Social Work Practice, 6th Ed. Botsford, CT: North American Association of Christians in Social Work, pp. 63-80.

    ----------, (2012). “Social welfare in a diverse society: Loving the Neighbor You Don't Know”, in Christianity & Social Work: Readings on the Integration of Christian Faith and Social Work Practice, 4th Ed. (Eds: T.L. Scales & M.S. Kelly). Botsford, CT: North American Association of Christians in Social Work, pp. 215-234.

    ----------, (2008). “I Am Making Everything New! Biblical Themes for Macro Practice”, in Christianity & Social Work: Readings on the Integration of Christian Faith and Social Work Practice, 3rd Ed. (Eds: B. Hugen & L. Scales). Botsford, CT: North American Association of Christians in Social Work, pp. 119-138.

    ----------, (2008). “Who cares? Social welfare in a diverse society”, in Christianity & Social Work: Readings on the Integration of Christian Faith and Social Work Practice, 3rd Ed. (Eds: B. Hugen & L. Scales). Botsford, CT: North American Association of Christians in Social Work, pp. 179-196.

    (Vanderwoerd Book Review and Non-peer Reviewed)

    ----------, (November/December 2017). Is your daughter safer at a Christian college? Faith Today, pp. 36-38.

    ----------, (September 2017). Campus Violence And Moral Community Convivium.

    ----------, (June/July 2016). The culture of consent on campus. Convivium, pp. 19-23.

    ----------, (2011). Book review of One Hundred Years of Social Work: A History of the Profession in English Canada, 1900-2000, by T. Jennissen & C. Lundy (2011). Social Work & Christianity, 38, 3, 377-380.

    ----------, (Spring 2011). Do we need a welfare net or floor? Debating child poverty in Canada. Cardus Policy in Public, Volume 4, Number 2, pp. 64-72.

    ----------, Book review of The Poor You Have With You Always by Alan Keith-Lucas in Social Work & Christianity, Fall 2010, Vol. 37 Issue 3, pp. 371-374.

    Sociology—Miscellaneous* Authors

    Shannon McBride, “Pathways to restoration: University efforts to engage the past and the future.” Redeemer University: Resound, November 7, 2023.

    Andrew P. W. Bennett, ed., Indigenous voices of faith: Interviews. Cardus, March 2023.

    Os Guinness, “1776 versus 1789—A tale of two revolutions and America's present crisis.” A Christian Union Virtual Forum, September 21, 2021.

    Cardus, “Exit Covid: What have we learned and where should Canada be focusing post-pandemic?” CARDUS White Paper, June 21, 2021.

    Above includes a lengthy bibliography along with many links on Covid.

    ----------, “Cardus Counters Public Assumption,” an open letter to the public. December 4, 2017.

    Milton Friesen, et al, Religion and the good of the city. Cardus research program: Social Cities.

    Report 1: Milton Friesen, et al, The contemporary context of the city. May 1, 2017.

    Report 2: Milton Friesen, et al, The state of research and influence, August 17, 2017.

    Report 3: Milton Friesen, et al, The future conditions of the city, October 1, 2017.

    When you follow the various tabs, you will find many more reports and lectures on this rich research project.

    Ray Pennings, interviewed, “Figuring out social isolation.” Convivium, June 17, 2019.

    Andrew Whitehead, “Why Christian Nationalism makes American Christians less Christlike.” Religious News Service, August 18, 2023.

    Aleksandr Solzhnitsyn, trans. A. Klimoff, “Acceptance address,” Templeton Prize, May 10, 1983.

    Wole Adegboli, “The Biblical correlation of Yoruba sacred kingship and the attainment of development.” Academia Letters, Article 620, April 2021.

    Nathan Bierma, review of Amanda W. Benckhuisen, The Gospel according to Eve, in Forum CTS, Winter 2020, p. 28.

    “For much of church history, interpreting the Bible has been done by men. Benckhuisen's book recovers several significant female writers from relative obscurity to celebrate their contributions and hear their perspectives, especially on the stories in Genesis of creation and original sin.”

    Debbie W Wilson, “What does the Bible say about caring for animals?” Bible Study Tools, February 2023.

    Sonya Vanderveen Feddema, “The Journalist’s Task.” Review of All We Leave Behind: A Reporter's Journey into the Lives of Others. Christian Courier, March 10, 2018.

    James K. A. Smith, “We believe in institutions: If you care about the welfare of your city and your neighbours, take ownership of the institutions around you.” Comment.

    Joseph Ola, “African pioneered churches in the West: Limitations and possibilities.”


    Joseph Ola is currently studying MA African Christianity at Liverpool Hope University. Previously, he completed an MA Biblical and Pastoral Theology at Liverpool Hope University (2016-2017) during which programme he investigated the cross-cultural missionary initiative of African Pioneered Churches in Liver- pool, hence this article

    Kingsley L. Madueke, “From neighbours to deadly enemies: excavating landscapes of territoriality and ethnic violence in Jos, Nigeria.” Journal of Contemporary African Studies, November 2017 (pp. 1-16).

    An Exhibit of Reformational Attitudes Regarding “Canada 150+” from CC, June 12, 2017:

    Al Wolters, “Canada and Christ’s Dominion from Sea to Sea.” CC, June 12, 2017, pp. 1, 3.

    John Tamming, “Glorious and Free.” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 5.

    Hugh Cook, “From Colony to Dominion: Canadian Literature Yesterday and Today.” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 6.

    Katie Munnik, “A Wealth of Wilderness.” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 7.

    Roland De Vries, “Canada, a Country of Reconciliation?CC, June 12, 2017, p. 7.

    Trent DeJong, “Why Christians Ought to Be Royalists.” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 10.

    Life Site News Staff, “Rescued from the memory hole: Some First Nations people loved their residential schools.” June 28, 2021.

    Krista Dam-Vandekuyt, “Visiting Canada’s Shame: Re-education and Reconciliation in the Legacy of the Residential Schools.” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 11.

    Suzanne Armstrong, “Bringing Faith to Farming in Canada: The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO).” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 15.

    Moses Onyendu Okai, “The proliferation of churches in modern Nigeria: Social-political and economic reconsiderations.” Research Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 18, 2016.

    Joel Kamsen Tihitshak Biwul, “The African tradition of burial in the ancestral land and its implications for the African church today.” TCNN Research Bulletin, September 2014.

    Eds. Terry A. DeYoung et al, Everybody belongs; Serving together: Inclusive church ministry with people with disabilities. Grand Rapids MI: Reformed Church Press AND Faith Alive Christian Resources AND Christian Horizons, Elim, 2021.

    Henry R. Van Til, The Calvinistic Concept of Culture. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1959, 1972.

    Robert D Knudson, “Sociology.” Paideia Press and Reformational Publishing Project. N.p; n.d. A stenciled document.

    Hendrik van Riessen, Modern Society in the Light of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. N.p., n.d. (11 pp.).

    ----------, trans. and ed. under supervision of David Hugh Freeman, The Society of the Future. Philadelphia: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1952 (258 pp.).

    Robert D. Knudsen, “Sociology.” No further bibliographical information is available, but judging from the bibliography, 1968 or later (35 pp.).

    Martin Vrieze, “Introduction to Sociology.” A stenciled document, n.p., n.d., but, judging from bibliography, 1961 or later (56 pp.).

    James H. Olthuis, “The Reality of Societal Structures.” No bibliographical data (16pp.).

    Michael Van Pelt, “Renewing Canada’s Social Architecture.” Cardus October 2008.

    Ben Johnson, “Walter Williams, RIP.” Acton Institute Powerblog, December 2, 2020.

    Anthony Brown, “What does it mean for us to be egalitarian?” A sermon about gender equality delivered at First Baptist Church, Vancouver BC, August 16, 2020.

    Thomas Reese, “Prophets are social critics, not fortunetellers.” RNS, February 11, 2020.

    James Sale, “The Tower of Babel we built.” ET, January 3-8, 2020.

    Interview with Mark Bjelland about his Good places for all. Grand Rapids: Calvin Press, April 2020, in Calvin Spark, Spring 2020.

    Perry L. Glanzer, “The tragic academic neglect of mothers' impact: And a Christian remembrance and call for change.” Christian Scholar's Review, May 7, 2021. A partial preview.

    Catherine Yang, “Rebecca Friedlander: On helping women define 'Beautiful'.” ET, October 17-23, 2019, pp. C10-C11

    Pastors’ Wives Ministry. This online document can be accessed at:

    Note from proprietor of this website: I include this item because it is a worthy ministry to worthy people and, secondly, the webmaster for this item is also the former volunteer webmaster for this website. It is out of gratitude for his work for me that I share this ministry website with you. Thank you, David!

    Ruth Everhart, Ruined. Carol Stream IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2016. Named “2017 Book of the Year” by Christianity Today.

    Prayer from a pregnant woman who had years earlier been “ruined” by rape. This one item from the book is a pearl I do not want to hide behind a URL (pp. 277-278):

    “I was unprepared for the spiritual changes that pregnancy brought, especially the change in how I prayed.

    Each day brought many opportunities for prayer – in class, in chapel, at mealtimes. As I’d been taught to do, and as I’d done my whole life, I would begin to pray by bowing my head. But being pregnant changed this simple action. Dropping my chin brought my attention to my belly, which each day was a tablespoon bigger. A prayer would rise from me, a prayer that didn’t need words – certainly not a specific formula. This prayer was formed by an awareness of heartbeats, of blood pulsing through veins, of nourishment moving through a placenta. This prayer was carried to God upon the exhalation of my breath, and began again with inhalation.

    At first I fried to insert words into this process, proper words laid in sentences. But why? I could simply let the prayer rise and fall. It’s what my awareness wanted to do: to pause and lift this growing life to God for blessing and then gather that life back to my center. This prayer loop was wordless, spontaneous, unending. This was a loop of breath that was grateful for breath.”

    This website is a source for reviews of the book:

    Darren Roorda, “Christian Citizenship on Canada’s Birthday.” The Banner, June 2017, p. 26.

    Anonymous, The Definitive Guide to Finding, training, and Keeping Church Volunteers<---/a>. Rose Bible News, < >. n.p., n. d. “Discover the seven hidden factors to creating a healthy, sustainable volunteer culture that grows your church and prevents burnout before it happens.”

    Douglas Todd, “Can Metro Vancouver churches plug dire housing gap?” VS, April 1, 2019.

    Metro Vancouver's churches have been leading spirited campaigns to supply more housing for the city's 2.4 million residents and new arrivals.

    Robert Sweetman, “Christian Institutions without Pillars.” Christian Courier, April 25, 2016.

    Katelyn Beaty, “Proximity over Punditry: Seeing and Being Seen in Back Row America,” review of Seeking Respect in Back Row America, by Chris Arnade. Comment, September 5, 2019.

    Ardee Coolidge with Heather Creekmore, “Why the Elderly Should Care about the Cause of Abundant Life.” Care Net, Abundant Life Blog, July 30, 2019.

    Eddy M. Elmer, Social Isolation and Loneliness among Seniors in Vancouver: Strategies for Reduction and Prevention: A Report to the City of Vancouver and Vancouver Coastal Health. Vancouver, BC: City of Vancouver Seniors’ Advisory Committee, 2018. Contains 45 pages of references, not counting the footnotes. City of Vancouver Seniors’ Advisory Committee, Brochure: “Social Isolation and Loneliness among Seniors-A Factsheet for Service Providers.” N.d.

    Figuring out Social Isolation.” An interview by Convivium with Ray Penning, beginning as follows, June 17, 2019:

    Convivium: The main findings come as no surprise to Cardus, but I assume will come as a surprise to an awful lot of people - the role that faith and active participation in religious communities have in combating both social isolation and loneliness. Can you elaborate on that a little bit? What did the findings mean to you?

    Ray Pennings: I think the interesting thing was we had decided on social isolation as a big question and designed this survey to do a bit of a landscape analysis and a benchmarking. So, we did not specifically set out to look up a role of any one institution.

    Anita Singh, “Having a purpose can add years to life.” Vancouver Sun, June 13, 2023.

    Peter Jon Mitchell, “Marriage the key to more stable family lives.” The Province, May 12, 2019, p. 33.

    Michael W. Chapman, “Report: Europe's Youth Abandoning Christianity.” Catholic News Service, March 22, 2018.

    ----------, “Who Decides the Land Is ‘Sacred’?” VS, November 19, 2017.

    J. Daniel Rollins, “Leading Jesus Way: Executives Committed to Servant Leadership.” An interview with Mark Deterding. CC, September 11, 2017, p. 10.

    Eric O. Jacobsen, “Hospitable Neighborhoods.” The Banner, December 2016, pp. 17-20.

    Milton Friesen, Charity and Social Capacity – A Roundtable Summary, Nov. 28 2016. Documentation about this effort can be accessed at:

    Rollien Ebbers and Aart Deddens, trans. Jan H. Boer, “Long Live Superficial Contacts,” interview with Femmianne Bredewold. Sophie, 2/2014, pp. 18-21.

    George Monbiot, “The Gift of Death.” Guardian, December 11, 2012. (All about the tradition of Christmas giving)

    John C. Vander Stelt, “Church in Society (An Orientation).” N.p., n.d. (23 pp.).

    Dayo Adewoye, “A cause for the Nigerian Church” The online home of The Christian Mind, Lagos, September 16 2019.

    Jul Medenblik et al, eds., “Loving your neighbor: Forming citizens of God's Kingdom in prison and upon re-entry,” Forum, Calvin Theological Seminary, Vol. 28, No. 1, Winter 2021.

    Jul Medenblik et al, eds. “A synopsis of a prison conference.”

    Lisa Deyoung, "Cry aloud," a poem.

    Chris De Man and Margaret Mwenda, "The role & response of the church in an age of mass incarceration in the US."

    Shawn Brix, "Incarceration in Canada: Addressing a colonial past."

    Todd V. Cioffi, "Visit the prisoner."

    Gary Burge, "Loving your neighbor: Calvin Prison Ministry."

    Christy Wolff, "Change from the inside out." Example of Nick Nichols, a graduate.

    Ryan Huey, “The carceral state and prison activism.” The H-Net Book Channel, n.d.

    Prison Mathematics Project (PMP), Phoenics, Arizona USA.

    We connect prisoners who are dedicated to change with mentors who support and encourage their interest in mathematics and help to provide the necessary communal framework for rebuilding their lives both during and after their incarceration.

    Radio Free Acton, “RFA Redux: David LaRocca on Brunello Cucinelli's new philosophy of clothes.” December 19, 2018.

    Lee Hardy, “The Fabric of Our Neighbourhoods.” Spark: The Calvin College Magazine, September 6, 2017.

    Nurith Aizenman, “Goats and Soda: Stories of life in a changing world—A new 'Taxonomy of Corruption' in Nigeria finds 500 different kinds.” August 28, 2018.

    Ferdinand P. Kruger and Ben de Klerk, eds., Corruption in South Africa's liberal democratic context: Equipping Christian leaders and communities for their role in countering corruption. Durbanville, South Africa: AOSIS, 2016.

    Douglas Todd, “Cooper's expose of corruption an eye opener.” A review of Sam Cooper's Willful blindness: How a network of narcos, tycoons and CCP agents infiltrated the West. Vancouver Sun, June 19, 2021.

    Edward Alsworth Ross, Sin and Society: An Analysis of Latter-Day Iniquity. With a letter from President [Theodore] Roosevelt. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Company (The Riverside Press Cambridge [Mass.]), November 1907, fifth impression. Including a more contemporary Introduction by Ronald Roper, October 18, 2012.

    Ron Roper, “Sin and society: An analysis of latter-day iniquity, by E. A. Ross.” Not published, Oct 18, 2012. SIN AND SOCIETY, by Edward Alsworth Ross (emphasized edition, plus original page numbers).pdf

    Victor Audu, “Paradise: A source of inspiration for the renewal of social and economic structures in a global society.” Top honour theological essay for the 2013Lombard Prize organized by the World Communion of ReformedChurches (WCRC). Reformed World, volume 63 (2), September 2013, pp. 36-46.

    Steve Bishop, “Resources for a Christian approach to language and linguistics.” An Accidental Blog, October 23, 2008.

    ----------, “You should know Neo-Calvinism.” The Laymen’s Lounge, 2021?

    David I. Smith, “Shouting at your neighbour: Why we bother with other people’s languages.” Christian Scholar’s Review, October 6, 2021

    Albert Weideman, “Ten theses on ‘Is applied linguistics linguistics applied?’” Academia, letters, July 2021.

    Albert Weideman, Beyond Expression: A Systematic Study of The Foundations of Linguistics. Grand Rapids: Paideia Press, 2009 (240 pp.).

    Beyond Expression is a book for anyone who is interested in the Philosophy of The Cosmonomic Idea regardless of the discipline they may be in or what their particular interests may be. Beside the fact that the work is an outstanding study of the foundations of linguistics, it has the significantly added benefit of being a beautifully written and superbly clear example of how to do systematically coherent analysis in the tradition of the Cosmonomic Idea. In other words, if you really want to see “how it’s done,” this is the book for you.

    Danie Strauss, “The paradigm of Weideman: Appreciating the uniqueness of language and scholarly disciplines” Journal for language teaching, 46/2, 2012.

    Download here

    ----------, “Autoethnography and the presentation of belief in scholarly work.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, 3rd Quarter, 2015, pp. 125-141.

    ----------, “The modal delimitation of the field of linguistics.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, 4th Quarter, 2013.

    The Interfaith Council for Environmental Stewardship, The Cornwall Declaration On Environmental Stewardship, 2000.

    Paul A. Marshall, “Overview of Christ and culture.” In Robert E. VanderVennen, ed., Church and Canadian culture. Lanham, New York, London: University Press of America, 1991 (pp. 1-9).

    Wybe...,”An old man’s dream of sharing purposeful living with the young.”

    This “old man” is eager to mentor today’s teenagers and young adults, knowing that most of them wonder what the future holds for them. Here he provides them with a comprehensive life vision that touches numerous areas of our existence.

    Vaclav Havel, transl. Paul Wilson, “The power of the powerless.” October 1978. Essay in John Keane, ed., The power of the powerless: Citizens against the state in Central-Eastern Europe. London: Hutchison, 1985. Václav Havel( AND / OR

    This famous essay was the subject of a webinar by The Society of Christian Scholars, October 20, 2022.

    Sociology–Special* Subjects

    Marriage* and Family*

    Family Life Canada.

    Marriage mentoring; marriage transformation. Bringing health and hope to marriages and families for over 30 years.

    FamilyLife Canada is a division of Power To Change Ministries based in Langley, British Columbia. For more information visit

    Levi Minderhoud, “The erosion of the family that Christians aren't talking about enough.” Church for Vancouver, July 1, 2021.

    Perry L. Glanzer, “The tragic academic neglect of mothers’ impact: And a Christian remembrance and call for change.” Christian Scholar’s Review, May 7, 2021. A partial preview.

    Katy Faust, “Surrogacy makes more babies. Pro-lifers should still oppose it.” Christianity Today, April 18, 2024.

    Harry Van Belle, “Sex before marriage.” (not the actual title). Unpublished letter to Editor of The Banner, September 2020.

    Peter Jon Mitchell, “Marriage the key to more stable family lives.” The Province, May 12, 2019, p. 33.

    Dorothy Vaandering, “Seven Generations: Taking Personal Responsibility for Broken Relationships of the Past.” CC, July 23, 2018, pp. 1, 3.

    Henry Wildeboer, “From Common Law to In-Law: A Pastor’s Insight on Marriage and Weddings.” CC, September 11, 2017, p. 5.

    Jan H. Boer, “The Case for Marriage,” a response to Wildeboer above. CC, December 11, 2017, p. 5.

    Maaike VanderMeer, “Canadian Colonialism Dressed up as Aid.CC, August 28 2017, pp. 1,3. This article is part of a Christian Courier issue focused on the theme of “family and children.”

    “‘Unwanted pregnancies’ are not the problem as much as unwanted wars, unwanted famines, unwanted rape, unwanted incest and unwanted displacement. Mama Rebecca didn’t weep because her children ought not to have been born. She wept because they ought not to have died.”

    Tim Davy and Mark Walley, “Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children: Shaping a Church Response.” The Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics: “Ethics in Brief,” Summer 2017 (Vol. 22; No. 5).

    Leonard Vander Zee, “Baptizing Babies.” The Banner, January 2017, p. 38. http://prod.assets....

    Brian Bethune, “Why embracing our inner polygamist is good for marriage.” This book explores what humans have won, and lost, with the decline of polygamy. Macleans, March 4, 2016.

    Daniel F. M. Strauss, “The tension between (methodological) individualism and (w)holism." Journal for Christian Scholarship, 1st Quarter, 2016, pp. 119-140.

    Shiao Chong, “Jesus taught that adultery is the only ground for divorce. Does this mean that you cannot divorce an abusive spouse?FAQs, The Banner, February 2015, p. 17.

    Anne Kingston, Why it's time to face up to old age. The social and economic costs of ignoring the elderly in a society bent on denying and defying age. Macleans, October 13, 2014.

    Rollien Ebbers and Aart Deddens, trans. Jan H. Boer, “Long Live Superficial Contacts,” interview with Femmianne Bredewold. Sophie, 2/2014, pp. 18-21.

    Amos Yong, “Sons and Daughters, Young and Old: Toward a Pentecostal Theology of the Family.” Regent University School of Divinity. Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK: Equinox Publishing, 2012, pp. 147-173. equinoxonline.

    Jeremy G. A. Ive, “The Dynamics of Formation and Change in Families, Marriages and Friendships: the Theological and Philosophical Context.” Christian Scholar’s Review, July 19, 2011. Guest Post - Our Students Are No Joke - Christian Scholar’s Review (

    Ray Pennings, Public religion in a privatized society: The role of Christianity in secular society. Presentation made to Members of Parliament (MP) and Senators in the Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, and co-sponsored by Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott and Liberal MP John McKay; organized by ARPA on May 4, 2010.

    Anneke Stasson, “Modern marital practices and the growth of world Christianity during the mid-twentieth century.” Church History 84:2 (June 2015), 394-420.

    CanaVox– re marriage worldwide.

    Cana Vox, “Care about Marriage?” Discover a Reading Group: "Giving marriage a voice."

    Cana Vox hosts reading groups to study and discuss the beauty of marriage as one man, one woman, for life.

    Andrea Mrozek, an interview, “Marriage vs Common Law – What the Census Overlooked.” ARPA Lighthouse News, August 22, 2017.

    ----------, Peter Jon Mitchell, “Building Instability.” Cardus Family Research, August 3, 2017.

    ---------- and Anna Buhrmann, “Parental Discipline: The Case for Keeping Section 43.” Hamilton ON: Cardus – (12 pp.).

    Melissa Moschella. To Whom Do Children Belong? Parental Rights, Civic Education, and Children’s Autonomy. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

    At the heart of the book is the idea that an intimate relationship inescapably exists between biological parent and child.

    Anna Buhrmann – Review “To Whom Do Children Belong?” Comment; Cardus Monthly, Nov. 30, 2016. This review can be accessed at:

    Source unknown: My parents spanked me as a child. As a result, I now suffer from a psychological condition known as “respect for others.”

    Same-Sex* Marriage

    Controversy in the Christian Reformed Church (CRC):

    Committee to Articulate a Foundation-laying Biblical theology of human sexuality, “Biblical theology of human sexuality.” Agenda, CRC Synod 2021. (CRC=Christian Reformed Church).

    1. Link to full report:
    2. Link to Executive summary (please note that this summary, while concise, is in many ways too short to give a full picture of the report. itself):
    3. Link to “What Christians Think about Homosexuality: Six Representative Viewpoints”
    4. Same-Sex Marriage Resources and Church Order History for CRCNA – we highly recommend you look at this article and its attached resources, compiled by a pastor in the Christian Reformed Church.

    Kristen Parker, “The Hesed Project: A response to the Human Sexuality Report.” The Banner, April 2022, p. 19.

    The Hesed Project is the work of an informal group of Christian Reformed Church (CRC) members in response to the human sexuality report to be submitted to the CRC Synod in 2022. It invites people “to explore, discuss, and discern what this kind of embracing love means...”

    Harm Venhuizen, “’Walking a tightrope’: Calvin’s complicated stance on LGBTQ+ issues has caused problems for decades.” Chimes, Calvin University’s official student newspaper, April 21, 2022.

    Duana Kelderman, “The Bible and same-sex marriage.” A lecture delivered at Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids MI, February 2023.

    Paul Verhoef, “Same-Sex marriage resources and Church Order history for CRCNA.” November 17, 2020.

    Al Wolters, Christian Reformed Church “Synod Studies Sexual Ethics.CC, June 10, 2019, pp. 1, 3. To access the Christian Reformed Church resources mentioned in this article, go to:

    Gayla R. Postma, “Same-sex relationships: The struggle in the Christian Reformed Church in North America.” The Banner, November 2020 (pp. 10-14).


    This is an edited title to clarify the topic. The original title is “Same-sex relationships and the CRC.”

    Postma's and some of the other reports referenced below can be found under “CRC Resources—Acts and Agendas” at Synod Resources | Christian Reformed Church (

    Nicholas Wolterstorff, “Response to the human sexuality report to the CRC Synod of 2021.”

    Gwyneth Findlay, “Wolterstorff says ‘yes’ to same-sex marriage.” Chimes, October 21, 2016. This article can be accessed at:

    Jonathan Cohn, “An elite Christian college has become the latest battleground in America’s culture wars.” Huffpost, June 19, 2022.

    Clayton Libolt, “Synod Recommends Pastoral Advice for Same-Sex Marriage.”

    Josh Parks, “CRC leaders wrestle with same-sex marriage: a look at Synod 2016.” Chimes, December 9, 2016. This article can be accessed at:

    William De Vries, et al, "Classis Grand Rapids East (CRC) study report on Biblical and theological support currently offered by Christian proponents of same-sex marriage," January 2016. (142 pp.). AND

    Classis Grand Rapids East consists of a group of Christian Reformed congregations in Grand Rapids, MI.

    A Small Group Discussion Guide for the Report from the Classis Grand Rapids East Study Committee on "The Biblical and Theological Support Currently Offered by Christian Proponents of Same-Sex Marriage" October 25, 2018.

    Gayla R. Postma, “Michigan Classis Accepts Study Report on Same-Sex Marriage, Offers It to Synod 2016.” The Banner, January 2016. AND

    Council of First Christian Reformed Church (CRC), “An overview of existing 'same-sex' overtures.” Letter from (unidentified) CRC Council to its congregation, August 31, 2021.

    Alissa Vernon, “Synod 2023: Incomplete and broken.” The Banner, June 19, 2023.

    Abigail Ham, “The space to remain together: Faculty seek protection for variety of viewpoints on sexuality.” Calvin University’s student newspaper, Chimes, July 26 2022.

    Andrew Beunk, An emotional response to CRC status confessionis, July 11, 2022.

    Jim Joosse, “The church and human rights and theology.” CC, November 9, 2020.

    Harry van Belle, “Gays: In or out of the CRC?” Unpublished paper, June 6, 2021.

    Roxanne Van Farowe, “Everyone’s talking about the Human Sexuality Report.” The Banner, June 6, 2022.

    Joel Carpenter, “Status confessionis,” open letter to friends, Calvin University and CRC., July 11, 2022.

    Madalyn Buursma, “CRC Synod votes to recommend Human Sexuality Report.” Grand Rapids MI:, June 14, 2022. AND

    Clay Libolt, “Closed Doors and Open Windows.” Peripatetic Pastor, June 24, 2022.

    Other Sources (non-CRC)

    Walter Brueggemann, “How to read the Bible on homosexuality.” Views, September 4, 2022.

    Tim Keller and David Eisenbach, a dialogue on “What do Christians have against homosexuality?” at Columbia University, 2008. < >

    Kristen Parker, Christian Reformed “Synod (2023) upholds ‘Confessional Status’ on interpretation of Unchastity.” The Banner, June 15, 2023.

    Kyle Dillon, “Four Christian Responses to Gay Marriage.” Allkirk Network, January 4, 2021. < >

    Angela Reitsma Bick, “Don't leave your faith behind.” CC, April 12, 2021, pp. 6-7.

    Branson Parler, “Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality.” Executive Committee of the Regional Synod of the Great Lakes in the RCA (Reformed Church in America), July 11, 2018.

    Evgeny Afineevsky, “Pope Francis endorses civil union laws for gay couples in new documentary.” CBC and The Associated Press, Oct 21, 2020.

    Ann Scheible, “Male and Female He Created Them: The Vatican's document on gender theory and education.” June 11, 2019.

    David Gibson, “A Vatican opening on sexuality worries conservatives—and cheers reformers.” Religion News Service, Oct 30, 2018.

    Health–Single* Listings

    Ted Fenske, “Vaccination for the nation?” Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity, December 17, 2020.

    Ronald B. Rice, “The Biblical response to pain and suffering,” a sermon on Psalm 88 delivered at West Side Presbyterian Church, Seattle, April 29, 2018.

    J. R. Kriel, Removing Medicine’s Cartesian Mask: The Problem of Humanising Medical Education. Part 1. Orginally published by the Institute for Reformational Studies, Potchefstroom, 1988. This version is published in the Journal for Biblical Medical Ethics (JMBE), Vol. 3, No. 2.

    Removing Medicine's Cartesian Mask. The Problem of Humanizing Medical Education: PART I | Biblical Medical Ethics, Inc. (

    Roger Abbott, “Why Do Humans Allow Suffering? Towards a Better Theology of ‘Natural’ Disasters.” The Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics: “Ethics in Brief,” Summer 2017 (Vol. 22; No. 3).

    The Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics: “Ethics in Brief,” Summer 2017 (Vol. 22; No. 5).

    FG and the new Department of Traditional Medicine.” Nigerian Tribune, January 20, 2021 via Gamji, a Nigerian news and views website.

    For more literature on Nigerian Traditional Medicine go to the section" Wholistic Health Care" on the BOERIANA page of this website.

    Staff Writer, “Holy See: Certain anti-Covid-19 measures limit religious freedom.” Vatican News, November 11, 2020.

    Fran Quigley, “How a Baptist pastor developed Canada's single-payer system.” Sojourner, March 2019.

    An excerpt of this article entitled “Canada's Father of Medicare-Tommy Douglas” can be found in the magazine of the Council of Senior Citizens' Organizations of B.C. COSCO News, March 2019, p. 14.

    Simon Jooste, “Is it ethical for a Christian to treat depression with anti-depressants?StellenboschTheological Journal, 2018, Vol. 4, No. 1, 179-198.

    Mary Vandenberg, “Loving Your Neighbor with Dementia.” Calvin Seminary Forum. Fall, 2016, pp. 14-15.


    David Cooke, an email letter about Canadians & Government against Christians (not original title). Campaign Life Coalition, February 8, 2020.

    Tom Campisi, “For ‘Pro-Abundant Life’ organizations, Roe v Wade is just the beginning.” Christian Union Magazine, August 8, 2022.

    Yvetter Lopez-Warren, “An open letter to the women graduates of Lake Highlands High School.” Posted by Care Net, June 11, 2021.

    Be sure to read the readers' responses below the letter.

    Author unknown, “Are appeals to divine law problematic?” This is a book excerpt of solid quality on feticide and abortion that somehow surfaced during the course of research. Its origin, including title, publisher, date, are all unknown (pp. 79-218).


    Seth Dillon CEO, Babylon Bee.

    The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life. The Babylon Bee was created ex nihilo on the eighth day of the creation week, exactly 6,000 years ago. We have been the premier news source through every major world event, from the Tower of Babel and the Exodus to the Reformation and the War of 1812. We focus on just the facts, leaving spin and bias to other news sites like CNN and Fox News.

    If you would like to complain about something on our site, take it up with God. Unlike other satire sites, everything we post is 100% verified by


    Michael McManus, “Recovery,” a privately shared personal poem about addiction, August 2015.

    Graduate and Faculty Christian Forum, “Expert Panel on Addiction,” Vancouver BC, University of British Columbia, March 14, 2018.

    Sexual* Issues

    Zachary King, “Pastoral position on homosexuality.” A video, November, 2023, explaining the official position of the Christian Reformed Church.

    Nick Overduin, review of James K. Beilby and Paul Rhodes Eddy, eds., Understanding transgender identities: Four views. Calvin Theological Journal, Vol. 58, No. 1, April 2023 (pp. 166-169).

    Billboard Chris, a public crusader against gender ideology and puberty blockers. Includes a short recording of a chat with a member of the public in Vancouver’s West End. Billboard Chris AND

    This is NOT intended as a political statement so much as an illustration as to how far the ideology has gone among leaders in British Columbia.

    The Center for Faith, Sexuality and Gender, Boise, Idaho, USA.

    The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender is a collaboration of Christian pastors, leaders and theologians who aspire to be the Church's most trusted source of theologically sound teaching and practical guidance on questions related to sexuality and gender.

    We seek to address two primary needs in the church. One, to help leaders cultivate a more robust biblical ethic of marriage, sexuality and gender. Two, to help churches and organizations create a safe and compassionate environment for LGBT+ people, their families, and anyone wrestling with their sexuality or gender identity.

    Sharon Kirkey, “Undetermined: Long Story.” Vancouver Sun, November 11, 2023 (pp. c1-c4). Digital title-- “Contentious surgeries: Intersex babies present ethical dilemma.” Vancouver Sun ePaper

    Michael R. Wagenman, “1946: A text in context.” Review of the movie “1946: The mistranslation that shifted culture.” Christian Courier, January 24, 2024.

    Jeffrey A. D. Weima, “The film 1946: Hollywood gets the Bible’s teaching on same-sex acts wrong: 5 important points to refute the 1946 claim!” < >

    Silma Suba, “How college chaplains became vanguards for LGBTQ acceptance on campus.” Religion News Service, June 25, 2021.

    Julia Beazley, “EFC welcomes UN Special Rapporteur’s report on prostitution.” Church for Vancouver, June 19, 2024. “EFC” stands for “Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.

    Steven McMullen, “Prostitution and the limits of economics in reasoning.” Christian Scholar’s Review, May 6, 2021.

    James R. Vanderwoerd & Cheng, A. (2017). Sexual Violence on Religious Campuses. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 44, 2, 1-21.

    ----------, (June/July 2016). The culture of consent on campus. Convivium, pp. 19-23.

    ---------- (2009). Experiences of Sexual Coercion, Awareness of Services, and Acceptance of Rape Myths Among Students in Rural Colleges, Rural Social Work & Community Practice, 14, 1, 17-28.

    Chelsey Harmon and Harry Van Belle, “Sex, intimacy, and the single person.” The Banner, June 19, 2013.

    Harry Van Belle with comments by Jan H. Boer, “Gays in or out of the CRC,” an unpublished dialogue, May 17, 2021.

    John Carpay, “Gender related Senate bill based on ideology, not science.” ET, December 19-26, 2019.

    Be Amazing Campaign.

    Human sex trafficking / sexual exploitation is the fastest growing crime in the world.

    Mark Brouwer, “Understanding and overcoming today’s epidemic of artificial sex.” The Banner, February 2023, pp. 32-34.

    World Council of Churches (WCC), “We cannot be silent: A joint statement from the World Council of Churches about gender-based violence in faith communities.”

    Jack Taylor, “Sex trafficking—are Christian youth at risk?The Light Magazine, Oct 11, 2019.

    ----------, “Child sex trafficking—fastest growing crime in Canada.” The Light Magazine, May, 2018.

    Lynn Armstrong, “Hooked on Porn: For those who want to stop, there is help.” Salvationist—The Voice of the Army, June 6, 2019.

    Aaron Baart, “500 Million Websites CAN Be Wrong: What every young person should know about porn.” The Banner, September 10, 2018.

    Gabriele Kuby, The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom. Interview by Eric Metaxas. N.d.

    Brian Dykema, “Christian sexual liberation: On the sex lives of the Holy Family.” Comment from Cardus, August 31, 2023.

    Nancy Pearcey, Love thy body: Answering hard questions about life and sexuality. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, January 2018.

    ----------, “Learning to love thy body: An interview with Nancy Pearcey.” Danvers Audio, a broadcast of the Council of Biblical Mandate, an audio, n.p., n. d. The host, Colin Smothers, was too quick for us to catch the name of the interviewer and other information. However, the interview itself is clear.

    Hendrik Hart, “Scripture-oriented spiritual maturity for loving our LGBTQ neighbor.” CC, July 31, 2017.

    Bob Bruinsma, “God’s Gender.” CC, January 23, 2017, p. 16.

    ----------, “God’s Gender: Is God Male or Female?” CC, January 22, 2017. This article can be accessed at:

    Note from proprietor of this website: The above entry includes criticism about referring to God as a female, a “she.” I include this article partially because I received the same criticism for so referring to Her in our memoirs. See first entry on the Boeriana page of this website – Every Square Inch.

    Justin Taylor, “The Real Reason Porno Shops Don’t Have Windows.” January 5, 2017. This article can be accessed at:

    Iain T Benson, “When Injustice Uses the Law: The missing Logic of the Claim for Same-sex Marriage.” Centre for Cultural Renewal, Ottawa: Centre Points, Winter/Spring 2003-2004, pp. 1-3, 11.

    Larry R. Holben, “What Christians Think about Homosexuality: Six Representative Viewpoints”? 1999. Bibul Press, January 1, 2000 (pp. 320).

    Jeffrey Satinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1996 (280 pp.).

    Bob Thune, review of above, June 30, 2011.

    Sherry Tyree, review of above, Voices Online, vol. XIII, no. 4, December 1998.

    Readers’ strongly conflicting opinions on this controversial book can be found at:

    ARPA, “Conversion Therapy.” Policy Report for Parliamentarians, Fall 2019. Ottawa: Association for Reformed Political Action.

    ----------, “Medical gender transition.” Respectfully Submitted series, ARPA Canada, Fall 2023.

    ----------, “Responding to proposals to ban conversion therapy.” Ottawa: ARPA, October 2, 2019.

    ----------, “Interveners in transgender case, appeal for prayer as well as justice.” Church for Vancouver, September 4, 2019.

    ----------, “Respectfully Submitted: Pornography. Association for Reformed Political Action, Winter 2024. < >.

    Matthew J. Tuininga, “Gentiles, Homosexuality, and Grace in the Body of Christ.” The Banner, December 2017, pp. 32-33.

    Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, “My Journey with the LGBTQ against SOGI 123.The Light Magazine, March 2018, p. 14.

    Andrew T. Walker, “It’s Time to Rethink Modern Sexuality.” National Review, October 10, 2017.

    Family Policy Institute of Washington, Understand the transgender issue: Educating and equipping parents to respond. October 2019.[1] [2] [3]

    SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION: This guide is the product of a unique collaboration between organizations with very diverse political opinions and one common concern: The negative consequences of treating bodily sex as irrelevant.

    Heather Hahn, “African bishops speak out on terrorism, sexuality.” United Methodist News Service, Nov. 4, 2015.

    John Sikkema, “‘Gender Neutral’ Health Cards and the New Gnosticism.” ARPA Canada accessed on July 27, 2017.

    Charles J. Chaput, “Redemption of the Erotic.” Christian Union, March 8, 2017. Excerpt from book Strangers in a Strange Land.

    Kevin Wax, “C.S. Lewis Talks to a Dog about Lust.” The Gospel Coalition, February 2, 2017.

    Anonymous, “4 Views on Homosexuality and the Bible.”, November 7, 2016.

    Marshall Segal, “Never Harmless, Never Private, Never Safe: Fighting Porn with Superior Pleasure.” From, October 26, 2016.

    Andrew Sloane, “Male and Female He Created Them? Theological Reflections on Gender, Biology and Identity.” Ethics in Brief, KLICE, Summer 2016, Vol. 21, No. 4.

    This paper reflects theologically on gender, biology and identity in light of ambiguous sexual biology (‘intersex’) and psychology (‘gender dysphoria’). It affirms the goodness and diversity of bodily, sexed and gendered existence, while acknowledging the brokenness of the world and human experience of it. It closes with some suggested responses to these realities.

    Eileen Scott, “Seeking to Abolish Sex Week: Undergraduates for a Better Yale College Circulate Petitions.” The Ivy League Christian Observer, February 10, 2012.


    The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute, Standford University.

    Building upon the achievements of Stanford University's Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, the King Institute supports a broad range of educational activities illuminating Dr. King's life and the movements he inspired.

    Lerone Martin, “In celebration of MLK Day—Soul force: The challenge of Martin Luther King Jr.” Lecture delivered at Calvin University, January 15, 2024.

    Christian Reformed Church, Indigenous Ministry: Walking the road to reconciliation. Burlington, Ontario.

    Krista Dam-Vandekuyt, “Visiting Canada’s Shame: Re-education and Reconciliation in the Legacy of the Residential Schools.” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 11.

    Douglas Todd, “Residential School Story Becoming Over-Simplified, Says Chief.” Vancouver Sun, April 21, 2017.

    B.C. Chief Robert Joseph regrets Canadians are becoming “too positional” about residential schools. “I wouldn't want to have a reconciliation that simply balances the ledger and still has hatred afterwards. That would be tragic; that would be same old, same old.”

    Tanya Gaw, “The Canadian systemic racism ruse: Truth and revelation.” Action4Canada, November 15, 2023.

    Roland De Vries, “Canada, a Country of Reconciliation?CC, June 12, 2017, p. 7.

    Douglas Todd (with BC Chief Robert Joseph), “The Danger of Dualism: Residential School Story Getting…Over-simplified, Says Chief.” Vancouver Sun, April 22, 2017.

    Chief Joseph: “Canadians now see the wreckage of the residential-school past and wonder how we are going to find a new way forward. I wouldn’t want to have a reconciliation that simply balances the ledger and still has hatred afterwards.”

    12 days of reconciliation with indigenous peoples.” Indigenous Corporate Training, December 9, 2015.

    Kathy Vandergrift, “All nations before God's throne: The role of the church in reconciliation.” CC, July 13, 2015, pp. 1-2, 5.

    ----------, “Reducing Racism in Canada.” CC, March 27, 2017, p. 8.

    Heather Creekmore, “The year of love: Martin Luther King, Jr.” Care Net, July 6, 2021.

    Retief Muller, “Evangelicalism and racial exclusivism in Afrikaner history: An ambiguous relationship.” Journal of Reformed Theology, (2013) (204-232).


    Centre for the Study of Slavery and Justice, Brown University.

    Network on the history of slavery— https://networks.h-net....

    H-Slavery is H-Net's Network on the history of slavery.

    Samuel Gregg, “Catholicism and slavery: Setting the record straight.” Acton Institute, March 11, 2024.

    Cathy Peters, “Preventing child sex trafficking in BC.” Peters is the BC anti-human trafficking educator, speaker and advocate. N. d.

    John B. Carpenter, “A Secular Jew Makes a Surprising Discovery about Christians and American Slavery.” Grand Rapids: Acton Commentary, April 17, 2019.

    Jack Taylor, “Sex trafficking—are Christian youth at risk?The Light Magazine, Oct 11, 2019.

    ----------, “Child sex trafficking—fastest growing crime in Canada.” The Light Magazine, May, 2018.

    Youval Rotman, “The Medieval Mediterranian slave trade.” Trade in Byzantium: Papers from the Third International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium, N. Necipoglu, P. Magdalino (eds.), Koç University Publications, 2016 (12 pp.).

    Department of Justice, Government of Canada, “Prostitution Criminal Law Reformed Bill C-36: The protection of communities and exploited persons Act” and miscellaneous documents, December 6, 2014.

    The US Center for World Mission, “The global slave trade.” Mission Frontier, July-August 2007.

    Author(s) not clearly indicated, “Historical slavery and (de)colonization.” Vrije Universiteit (Free Reformed University, Amsterdam, July 2023.

    Ron Csillag, “Slavery lives again.” Faith Today, January-February 2007, pp.18-23.

    Grace Boneschansker, “A history of the slave trade in Canada.” Faith Today, January-February 2007, pp.20, 22.

    Nuwoe-James Kiamu, The Mind of Christ: A Paradigm toward a Biblical Theology of Transformational and Proactive Responses to Violence. A thesis in the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Submitted to the School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Jos, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University Of Jos, Nigeria, June, 2006.

    Theola Labbe, “Hidden in plain sight: the Mideast's slave legacy.” VS, February 28, 2004.

    Fiachra Gibbons, “In the service of the Sultan.” Review of Ronald Segal, Islam's Black slaves: The other Black diaspora in The International Guardian, April 6, 2002.

    Criminology* Prisons*

    Renze Nauta, “Humanizing criminal records: Towards a view of the whole human person.” Cardus, November 23, 2023.

    Maria Baer, “Why prison ministries are growing: Adaptations for COVID-19 are helping Christians reach incarcerated people, with eager cooperation from government officials.” Christianity Today, October 23, 2023.

    Jul Medenblik et al, eds., “Loving your neighbor: Forming citizens of God's Kingdom in prison and upon re-entry,” Forum, Calvin Theological Seminary, Vol. 28, No. 1, Winter 2021.

    Jul Medenblik et al, eds. “A synopsis of a prison conference.”

    Lisa Deyoung, "Cry aloud," a poem.

    Chris De Man and Margaret Mwenda, "The role & response of the church in an age of mass incarceration in the US."

    Shawn Brix, "Incarceration in Canada: Addressing a colonial past."

    Todd V. Cioffi, "Visit the prisoner."

    Gary Burge, "Loving your neighbor: Calvin Prison Ministry."

    Christy Wolff, "Change from the inside out." Example of Nick Nichols, a graduate.

    Ryan Huey, “The carceral state and prison activism.” The H-Net Book Channel, n.d. Prison Mathematics Project (PMP), Phoenics, Arizona USA.

    We connect prisoners who are dedicated to change with mentors who support and encourage their interest in mathematics and help to provide the necessary communal framework for rebuilding their lives both during and after their incarceration.

    Sociology--Work*, Labour*, Unions*


    Christian Labor Association (CLA)—USA. Headquartered in Zeeland, MI, USA.

    Representation with integrity. Since 1931 our balanced and inclusive approach to labor relations has provided dignity and respect for both employees and employers.

    Boer, the creator of this website, was involved in the CLA. See the BOERIANA page for information.

    Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC)



    Guide: The CLAC Quarterly Magazine,

    Alan Doerksen, “Christian Labour Association of Canada celebrates 50 years of growth.” CC, September 23, 2002.

    Neil Roos, “Realizing a Dream.” Guide, vol. 60, no. 6, 2012, pp. 16-19.

    “The year 1963 provided a defining moment for the civil rights movement. It also provided a defining moment for the Canadian labour movement.”

    Dolf de Zoete, ed. A Union that Works: CLAC’s Story from the Pages of the Union’s National Magazine. Mississauga: CLAC, 2012 (218 pp.).

    CLAC Foundation Vision: “To assist in restoring positive, healthy and cooperative workplace communities for workers in need within Canada and abroad.” Through this arm, the CLAC union itself (see above) can concentrate on its own membership in Canada, while through the Foundation it can reach out to labour-related challenges both nationally and internationally. This is not an academic entry, but the information gives academics perspectives on a Christian approach to labour relations.

    CJL Foundation and the Christian Labour Association of Canada, Submissions to the Royal Commission Inquiry into Civil Rights in the Province of Ontario. N.p., 1964 or later.

    CJL refers to “Committee for Justice and Liberty,” but has morphed into “CPJ” or “Citizens for Public Justice” headquartered in Ottawa. Website < >

    Flyn Richie, “Christians have mixed record on worker justice, but CLAC has persevered.” Church for Vancouver, March 29, 2023.

    Readers are encouraged to follow the many links in this article. It amounts to a small library on the subject of labour.

    International Theology of Work Grand Program, Mustard Seed Foundation. Accessed August 19, 2023.

    The Theology of Work (TOW) Grant Program was established in 2006 by the Mustard Seed Foundation and is administered by the Bakke Graduate University (BGU). Grants are available to seminaries, colleges and bible schools, both nationally and internationally, to create and offer accredited (formal) theology of work educational programs for future pastors that will enable them to effectively steward the callings and vocations of their congregants who are working in the marketplace and other non-church centered environments. Grants are also available for organizations, such as pastor and church networks, to create and offer continuing education (non-formal) programs in the theology of work for practicing pastors. We encourage grant recipients (both formal and non-formal) to use their classes to engage and empower selected church leaders who work in the business world as well. Read more about our purpose here, and be sure to visit our partners Mustard Seed Foundation.

    Denver Institute for Faith and Work.

    Our vision is that every person’s work brings hope and life to their city.

    If people believe their work is central to God’s work in the world, they will find hope for and in their work and become agents of life in their workplaces, professions, industries, and cities.

    Our mission is to prepare people to serve God and others in their daily work so that workplaces and cities are transformed.

    Labour–Miscellaneous* Authors

    Harry Antonides*

    ----------, Reclaiming Our Daily Work. 1994, 1995.

    ----------, A Christian Labour Association. 1991.

    ----------, Is there Room for a Christian Presence in the Public Square? CLAC and Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1987.

    ----------, Socialism or Capitalism: Must We Choose? 1985.

    ----------, Renewal in the Workplace: A Critical Look at Collective Bargaining. CLAC, 1982.

    ----------, New Directions in Labour Relations: In Critique of Paul Weiler. 1981.

    ----------, From Confrontation to Partnership. 1980.

    ---------- et al, The Freedom of Work. 1968.

    ----------, Some Thoughts on Christian Social Action. 196?

    Bibliography of Reformational Perspectives on Labour and Unions found at: AND

    Labour–Single* Listings

    David Robinson, “Evangelicals on the job: Is faith-work integration always a good thing?” Review of Andrew Lynn, Saving the Protestant ethic: Creative class evangelicalism and the crisis of work. Comment Magazine, August 8, 2024.

    Aren Plante, “Effective immediately: Jesus no longer works here.” Christian Courier, November 2, 2022.

    Gustavo H. R. Santos, “Homemade tales: The paradoxical powers of domestic workers.” Comment, July 4, 2024. < >

    Brian Dykema, “Christianity and organized labour.” Review of Heath W. Carter, Union made: Working people and the rise of social Christianity in Chicago. Cardus’ Comment , March 24, 2016.

    Bio of Brian Dykema--

    E. L. Hebden Taylor, Reformation or Revolution: A Study of Modern Society in the Light of a Reformational and Scriptural Pluralism. Nutley NJ: The Craig Press, 1970.

    Table of Contents
    Preface v
    Introduction 1
    1. The biblical philosophy of man, society, science, and history 9
    2. The degradation of work in modern society 100
    3. The Communist theory of labor, industry, and society 143
    4. The western humanist theory of labor, industry, and society 192
    5. The Roman Catholic philosophy of labor, industry, and society 240
    6. The scriptural basis for a scientific and sociological pluralism 305
    7. The economic and social church militant 361
    8. The Reformational conception of the business enterprise 432
    9. The Reformational understanding of labor and race relations 486
    10. Restoring meaning to work in modern society 550
    Conclusion 613

    Stan W. Wallace, “Thinking Christianly about life and work,” a blog.

    I write for thoughtful Christians who are committed to loving God with their minds. Here are the five specific ways I hope the articles I post will be helpful. In short, I desire to help fellow believers “think Christianly about life and work” and thus love God more fully by “thinking God's thoughts after Him.”

    Wallace is on the staff of Global Scholars USA, the organization set to take over this entire website.

    Brian Walsh, “Worship and work must be one.” Review of Matthew Kaemink and Cory B. Wilson, Work and worship: Reconnecting our labour and liturgy. CC, March 8, 2021, p. 11.

    Dylan Pahman, “The Cooperative Magic of Work.” Religion & Liberty, The Acton Institute's International Journal of Religion, Economics and Culture, Summer 2017, Vol. 27, No. 3 (p. 11).

    “Work,” writes the Reformed theologian Lester DeKoster, “is the form in which we make ourselves useful to others.”

    Skye Jethani, “Recapturing a Theology of Work.”

    “Jethani shares insightful thoughts on the theology of vocation and calling – and talks about what happens when the church abandons it...,” comment in Christian Union, March 8, 2017. This article is an example of the spreading influence of Reformational perspectives among Evangelicals, who not so long ago had nothing meaningful to say on this subject – Jan H. Boer

    Stephen Lazarus, “Vocations, Vacations and Politics in Public.” Comment, Summer 2007.

    Lois Berkhof, The Christian Laborer in the Industrial Struggle. Grand Rapids: Eerdman-Sevensma, 1916 (31 pp.).

    Barry Slauenwhite, “How to build trust in your workplace.” Faith Today, January/February 2020.

    Bradshaw Frey et al, At Work and Play: Biblical Insight for Daily Obedience. St. Catharines ON: Paideia Press, 1986. http://www.reformationalpublishing...

    At Work and Play is just the book to put in the hands of young Christian students. How I wish I might have had such wise (by which I mean scripturally directed) and such subjective relevant counsel when I was starting out in the early '30s! What a powerful final chapter! There is, thank God, growth of insight in the Christian Camp; the Spirit of God is at work on behalf of His (young) people.” – Dr. H. Evan Runner, Calvin College

    “Pittsburgh's Fab Four have done it again! Their sequel to All of Life Redeemed seeks to show students in secular universities how to achieve an integrity that is both academically and Christianly authentic. I have not seen a better tool for the purpose.” – Dr. J.I. Packer, Author: Knowing God, Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia

    Greg Chandler, “Christian labor union emphasizes cooperation.” Grand Rapids Press, Februry 13, 1998.

    Paul Marshall et al, Labour of Love: Essays on Work. Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1980 (130 pp.).

    Edward Vanderkloet et al, Beyond the Adversary System: Essays on Industrial Relations. CLAC, 1976.

    Arnold H. De Graaff, “Get the Word!” Keynote address delivered at the Christian Labour Association of Canada's Seventeenth Annual Convention, Toronto, April 26, 1969. Rexdale ON: CLAC, April 26, 1969 (15 pp.).

    Kinesiology*, Sports*

    Christian Society for Kinesiology, Leisure and Sport Studies, Journal of the Christian Society for Kinesiology, Leisure and Sport Studies, online “annual faith-integrated research in kinesiology, leisure studies, health and wellness, sport studies, recreation, physical education and related areas. Articles may be either philosophical or data-based.” Related links: health, and education, and

    2018 Annual Conference at: Judson University, Elgin, IL, USA, June 6-8.

    2019 Annual Conference at: Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, October 23-27. In conjunction with the Global Conference on Sport and Christianity.

    Shannon McBride, “Redeeming the body: Restoring the crowning jewel of God’s creation.” Resound, Redeemer University College, Hamilton Ontario, March 22, 2023.

    Bob Bruinsma, “7 reasons to boycott the Olympics.” Christian Courier, August 2, 2024. Mail - JanFran Boer - Outlook (

    Leah-Joy Gaenster and Avery Johnston, “Faith in Sport: Two award-winning student-athletes share stories of keeping the faith and running by the light.” Resound, Redeemer University College, Hamilton Ontario, March 22, 2023.

    The Faith Driven Athlete.

    “Your Game; God's Glory.” Welcome to the Faith Driven Athlete, where faith and sports collide in authentic stories told by athletes, coaches, and sports fans.

    Heather Creekmore, “Allyson Felix: Motherhood doesn't slow women down.” Care Net, December 17, 2021.

    Matt Hoven, “Lived Religion and Sports.” Christian Scholar’s Review, June 21, 2021.

    Clayton Trutor, “From Eric Liddell to Alyson Felix: Why faithful fans are drawn to Olympians: Christian athletes testify to the Gospel in competition and beyond.” Christianity Today, July 23, 2021.

    Morgan Lee, with reporting by Dorcas Cheng-Tozun, “Meet the Rio Olympians who put God before Gold: A glimpse of inspiration and testimony from some of Team USA’s Christian athletes.” Christianity Today, August 6, 2016.

    Gregg Twietmeyer, “What counts as success in sports?Christian scholar's Review, March 23, 2021.

    ----------, “What counts as success in sports?” Part II. Christian scholar's Review, March 24, 2021.

    ----------, “What counts as success in sports?” Part III. Christian scholar's Review, March 25, 2021.

    Mike Austin, “Sports, character and union with Christ.” Christian Scholar’s Review, October 22, 2001.

    Paul Putz, “How the coronavirus could change America's religion of sports.” RNS, March 26 2020.

    Fredrick Nzwili, “Kenyans see 'hand of God' in Kipchoge's record-breaking marathon run.” RNS, October 17, 2019.

    Catherine Elvy, “Personal Best: Kao '18 reflects on stellar swimming season; Spiritual growth.” Student Union—The Magazine, Spring 2018, pp. 18-19.

    The Inaugural Global Congress on Sports and Christianity.” Held at York St. John University, January 10, 2017.

    Declaration on Sport and the Christian Life.” January 10, 2017.

    Inaugural Global Congress on Sports and Christianity (IGCSC), 24-28 August, 2016. Hosted by the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, York St John University, York, UK, in collaboration with the Bible Society.

    The IGCSC website can be viewed at

    One of the keynote presentations (Prof Shirl J Hoffman) will focus on the recently published “Declaration for Sport and Christian Life”, which is a benchmark document for the field of sport and Christianity

    The London based Christian Think-Tank, Theos hopes to publish an accessible report that will comprise a number of short essays from the IGCSC.

    An International Peer-Review (Academic) Journal – There is a possibility that an International Journal on Sports and Christianity (IJSC) will be launched at the IGCSC, which will be hosted by the Centre for Sport, Spirituality and Religion at the University of Gloucestershire, UK.

    Roger D. Lipe, “Recap of the 2nd Global Congress on Sport and Christianity.” Held at Calvin University, Grand Rapids MI, October 23-27, 2019. AND https://sportchaplainsportmentor.... See below for similar article:

    Phil de Haan, “Calvin hosts Global Congress on Sport and Christianity.” The Banner, December 2019, p 18.

    Catherine Elvy, “Huddle Up: Ministry Director Mentors Penn Football Players.” Christian Union, August 27, 2019.

    Anonymous, “Olympian loses landmark battle over testosterone.” VS, May 2, 2019. AND many more websites.

    Brian R. Bolt, Sport Faith Life. Calvin Shorts series. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Calvin College Press, September 4, 2018, in both hard cover and eBook formats. Introduction and comments.

    Wiebe K. Boer, A Story of Heroes and Epics: The History of Football in Nigeria. Ibadan: Bookcraft, 2018.

    The History of Football in Nigeria offers a deep insight into the country's social and political culture during colonial rule, showing how national sentiment grew and strengthened with the scope and popularity of the sport.. The study is an important contribution to Nigerian history and its complex colonial background.

    Professor Lamin Sanneh, Yale University

    I remember with fondness how Dr. Wiebe Boer challenged and reconstructed everything I thought I knew about African history during his time as my history professor at Calvin College. He brought his unique approach to this amazing book, and readers will put it down with a renewed sense of what unites us as Nigerians and Africans. As a fiercely passionate Nigerian and an avid football fan, I had never connected these two elements, but reading this book, I developed a deeper understanding of my history, and a clearer vision of how we can continue to grow together.

    Jude 'MI' Abaga, CEO, Chocolate City Music

    Sean Sullivan, “From Ancient Greece to Pyeongchang: The Olympics and Pseudo-Religion.” CC, February 12, 2018, p. 6.

    J. Daniel Rollins, “Leading Jesus Way: Executives Committed to Servant Leadership.” An interview with Mark Deterding. CC, September 11, 2017, p. 10.

    ----------, “God in My Sporting: A Justification for Christian Experience in Sport.” Online Journal, November 11, 2012.

    Justine Greve, Jesus Didn't Tap: Masculinity, Theology, and Ideology in Christian Mixed Martial Arts—an abstract. University of California Press on behalf of the Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture, 2014.

    Miscellaneous Subjects

    Ann Snyder, “Seedbeds for social change: Patterns in transformation.” Cardus Comment, Summer 2023, vol. 41, no. 02.

    “Committee to Review the Decision re Women in Office for Synod 2000.” Synod of Christian Reformed Church, Acts of Synod,” 2000. < 2000_report_womeninoffice.doc ( >.

    “The Danverse Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood,” Wheaton: Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW), November 1988. < >.

    Ali Al Ashoor, “A homeless Ontario man applied for assisted suicide. Now, he’s sober and the author of a book.” National Post, December 29, 2023.

    The man Tyler James Dundas went from being homeless and seeking death, to getting sober, building a community and writing a book about homelessness.

    ----------, “It took a lot of nurturing: A journey from seeking MAID to choosing life.” Interview with Tyler J. Dunlop, a Christian former addict and homeless person.” Vancouver Sun, December 30, 2023, p. NP4.

    Tim den Book and Tyler J. Dunlop, Therefore choose life: My journey from hopelessness to hope. Amazon, November 2023.

    Pastor John Tsang, Dr. Leona Adams, Dr. Joy Liao, Seminar on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) held at First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, October 20, 2023. < MAiD Seminar Hand out .pdf >.

    Flyn Ritchie, “MAiD lawsuit poses a serious challenge for St. Paul’s and all other Catholic hospitals.” Church for Vancouver, June 20, 2024.

    Perry L. Glanzer, “Can land acknowledgements be Christian?Christian Scholar’s Review, February 21, 2023.

    Clayton D. Carlson, “In defense of committee meetings.” Christian Scholar’s Review, September 29, 2022.

    Flyn Ritchie, “Visit to Pope Francis was profound, but ‘God is not done with this story yet.’Church for Vancouver (digital weekly), June 30, 2022.

    Paul Pierce, “Transitions of life: Healthy aging; Retirement and the spiritual journey.” Paper distributed at various seminars. April 2022.

    Roosma, “Creating conversation: ‘Hidden’ workers are welcomed by Ministry to Seafarers.” Church for Vancouver (digital weekly), June 30, 2022.

    Chat Canada–Aging well in our day: Conversation and Resources. (20+) CHAT Cana.da | Facebook AND

    Taylor Johnson, “From witchcraft to Jesus” (not original title). Sent as email by a friend, August 26, 2023.

    Ron Roper, “Sin and society: An analysis of latter-day iniquity, by E. A. Ross.” Not published, Oct 18, 2012. SIN AND SOCIETY, by Edward Alsworth Ross (emphasized edition, plus original page numbers).pdf

    Canadian Centre for Christian Charities, “Standards of Accountability.”

    If you are planning to set up a Christian charity, whether a church or some other Christian charity, here is a sample for a standard set of rules for accountability.

    Clinton E. Stockwell, A better class of people: Protestants in the shaping of early Chicago, 1833-1873. Thesis submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois of Chicago, 1992.

    Gary Rekker, “The role of Christianity in democratic societies.” Review of Harmen Boersma, Decisive democracy: The way of life for all. Christian Courier, July 1, 2024, p. 10.

    Alice Chatley, “The world’s least corrupt countries, ranked.” April 10, 2022.

    Olufemi Olunyi, Darwin Comes to Africa: Social Darwinism and British Imperialism in Northern Nigeria.

    Amanda Witt, “The Nigerian Experiment.” Review of Olufemi Olunyi, Darwin comes to Africa: Social Darwinism and British imperialism in Northern Nigeria. Salvo No. 67, Winter 2023.

    Jim Harries, Overcoming invented ogres: African Traditional Religions and world religions in African Christian perspective. ERT (2018), pp. 171-184)

    Jim Harries, “Witchcraft, envy, development and Christian mission in Africa.” Missiology: An international Review, 2012.

    Jim Harries, “The magical worldview in the African church: What is going on?Missiology: An international review, October 2000.

    10. Psychology*

    Institutions*, Journals

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS), Batavia IL, USA.

    CAPS is more than a professional association; it is a fellowship. While CAPS members represent a variety of denominations, professional groups and theoretical orientations, they are united in their commitment to Christ and to professional excellence. It is this common foundational passion that compels us to engage with one another professionally, spirituall and personally.
    1200 members; 25 countries; 60 years; produced 140 journals.

    Journal of Pschology and Christianity. The Free Library.

    A peer-reviewed academic journal that is "designed to provide scholarly interchange among Christian professionals in the psychological and pastoral professions."[1] Topics covered include clinical issues, research, theoretical concerns, book reviews, and special theme areas.

    Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, The Sanctuary Course Coursebook. Vancouver BC. 2022. < >

    For further information, subscribe to Sanctuary’s newsletter at < >.
    For information about the course email < >.
    The purpose of this course “is to raise awareness and reduce stigma by starting conversations about mental health....”

    Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Ottawa.

    Vision: A society where understanding of diverse human needs, behaviours and aspirations drive legislation, policies and programs for individuals, organizations and communities.

    Mission: Advancing research, knowledge and the application of psychology in the service of society through advocacy, support and collaboration.

    Psynopsis, publication of CPA above.

    Psychology—Miscellaneous* Authors

    Stan W. Wallace, Have we lost our minds? Neuroscience, neurotheology, the soul and human flourishing. (

    With advances in neuroscience, many Christians are confused about what the soul is and its role in human flourishing. This confusion is rapidly increasing through the writings of “neurotheologians” such as Curt Thompson and Jim Wilder, who imply our brains are ultimately the cause of our thoughts, beliefs, desires, choices, and very identity. Are we ultimately a soul? Are we ultimately a body? Are we ultimately some combination of the two? This confusion leads to further confusion about how we flourish in our personal and professional lives.

    Dr. Stan Wallace addresses this confusion about what we fundamentally are, in his book Have We Lost Our Minds? Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, and Human Flourishing, and he offers helpful answers to these questions and points the way forward. This book identifies and corrects the wrong assumptions of neurotheologians, outlines a biblically and philosophically sound understanding of our soul and its relation to the body, and illustrates how this understanding is the right path toward more fully loving God and loving others.

    Tammy Kennington, “Surprising things the Bible says about mental illness.” Bible Study Tools, January 20, 2023.

    Jusin K Hughes, “How pastors can be mental health advocates.” Biologos May 14 2024.

    Marjorie Lindner Gunnoe, The person in psychology and Christianity: A faith-based critique of five theories of social development. InterVarsity Press, 2022.

    Mary Vandenberg, “Shame, Guilt, and the Practice of Repentance: An Intersection of Modern Psychology with the Wisdom of Calvin.” Christian Scholar’s Review, June 21, 2021.

    Harry H. A. Van Belle, Explorations in the History of Psychology: persisting themata and changing paradigms. Sioux Center, Iowa: Dordt College Press, 2013. An excerpt.

    Peter Schuurman, “Something Sacred for Secular People.” Review of the above, CC, April 13, 2020.

    Harry A. Van Belle, Basic intent and therapeutic approach of Carl R. Roger: A study of his view of man in relation to his view of therapy, personality and interpersonal relations. Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1980.

    Ron Klok, “The Language of Feelings.” The Banner, March 2018, pp. 36-37.

    Robert J. Ritzema, “What’s Your Story?” The Banner, December 2017, pp. 38-39 (psychology).

    Willem Ouweneel, transl. Theodore Plantinga, Heart and Soul: A Christian view of Psychology. Paideia Press, 2008 (165 pp). Original title: Hart en ziel. This book can be accessed at: http://www.reformationalpublishingpr...

    John Sneep, “ Ecopsychology: An introduction and Christian critique.” Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 2007, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 166-175.

    James H. Olthuis, “Straddling the boundaries between theology and psychology: The faith-feeling interface.” Toronto: ICS. Originally published in Journal of psychology and Christianity, Volume 4, Number 1, Spring 1985, pp. 6-15.

    11. Economics*, Business, Politics*

    John Calvin* in his comments on Genesis 2:15 (Genesis Commentary, 1554):

    “The custody of the garden was given in charge to Adam, to show that we possess the things which God has committed to our hands, on the condition that, being content with the frugal and moderate use of them, we should take care of what shall remain. Whoever possesses a field, so partake of its yearly fruits, that they may not suffer the ground to be injured by their negligence, but let them endeavor to hand it down to posterity as they received it, or even better cultivated. Let them so feed on its fruits, that they neither dissipate it by luxury, nor permit it to be marred or ruined by neglect. Moreover, that this economy, and this diligence, with respect to those good things which God has given us to enjoy, may flourish among us; let everyone regard themselves as the steward of God in all things which they possess. Then they will neither conduct themselves dissolutely, nor corrupt by abuse those things which God requires to be preserved.”

    Abraham Kuyper, trans. Jan H. De Vries, “Rich in God vs Rich in Money” (not original title) in To be near unto God, chapter 3, pp. 10-16. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans-Sevensma, 1918.

    Paul B. Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics. Calvin University, Grand Rapids MI.

    The Institute contributes to the work of integrating Christian faith and politics by providing resources and motivating future scholars and leaders.

    Institutions*, Journals, Magazines

    Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA*)–
    ARPA Canada | Association for Reformed Political Action

    It should be noted that ARPA articles are random selections. The organization has itself by now published an entire library on a wide range of issues from at least a Reformed if not Reformational perspective. You do well to peruse their website, especially its political work, while their work is also scattered under other various heading. Your best bet is using the FIND < control F > function to find all of ARPA on this page. Even better, go to their website.

    ----------, Human Rights--

    Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA—Australia). < >.

    The Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA--Australia) is a non-partisan organisation established by members of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia, a protestant Christian denomination...spread across 16 congregations in Western Australia and Tasmania.

    ARPA Australia aims to encourage members of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia to study and discuss political issues in the light of God’s Word, to educate these members about current political and social matters and to promote these scriptural views to the wider community as well as in the political arena.

    The Center for Public Justice, Washington DC.

    The Center for Public Justice is an independent, nonpartisan organization devoted to policy research and civic education. Working outside the familiar categories of right and left, conservative and liberal, we seek to help citizens and public officeholders respond to God's call to do justice.

    Public Justice Review, a publication of the Center for Public Justice. Public Justice Review (PJR) explores in depth specific questions of public justice, equipping citizens to pursue God's good purpose for our political community.

    Paul B. Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics. Calvin University, Grand Rapids MI.

    The Institute contributes to the work of integrating Christian faith and politics by providing resources and motivating future scholars and leaders.

    Timothy Plan—Biblically Responsible Investing.

    Investing for college, retirement, a rainy day or whatever your financial goals may be. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that you have invested with integrity. See the book by Dr. Jan H. Boer—Caught in the Middle found on the BOERIANA page of this website.

    The Acton Institute, Grand Rapids MI, USA.

    The Acton Institute is a think-tank whose mission is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles.

    This direction recognizes the benefits of a limited government, but also the beneficent consequences of a free market. It embraces an objective framework of moral values, but also recognizes and appreciates the subjective nature of economic value. It views justice as a duty of all to give the one his due but, more importantly, as an individual obligation to serve the common good and not just his own needs and wants. In order to promote a more profound understanding of the coming together of faith and liberty, Acton involves members of religious, business, and academic spheres in its various seminars, publications, and academic activities. It is our hope that by demonstrating the compatibility of faith, liberty, and free economic activity, religious leaders and entrepreneurs can contribute by helping to shape a society that is secure, free, and virtuous.

    Quote about and from Lord Acton after whom this institute is named:

    Today we remain as committed as ever to individual liberty guided by personal moral responsibility. Our namesake, Lord Acton, gave us a sublime purpose when he wrote, “Liberty is not the power of doing what we like, but the right of being able to do what we ought.”

    Read Our Mission & Core Principles

    Journal of Markets and Morality, Grand Rapids MI.

    This Journal is an interdisciplinary, semiannual journal (Spring and Fall) published by the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion & Liberty, a nonprofit, educational organization that seeks to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles.

    This is a most exciting and profound journal on social theology from every Christian tradition that I urge on to every researcher in that field— Dr. Jan H. Boer, proprietor of this website.

    Daniel J. Hugger, ed., Lord Acton: Historical and Moral Essays. Grand Rapids: Acton Institute, 2017 (283 pp.).

    Liberty is contested because it is complex. It is not merely a concern of political science or economy, an abstract philosophical concept, or a theological doctrine. It is all those things and many things besides; it is, as Lord Acton said, “the delicate fruit of a mature civilization.” To understand this complex and contested idea, the best place to begin is with Acton himself, the foremost historian of liberty. This collection of Acton’s most important historical and moral essays introduces contemporary readers to his account of the emergence and impact of the idea of liberty.

    Dylan Pahman, “Review essay: The shadow of Constantine and our economic life.” Acton Institute’s Journal of Markets and Moirality, Vol. 20, No. 2, Fall 2017, pp. 311-323.

    About an approach to economics from within the Russian Orthodox Church. Download here.

    Interfaith* Center on Corporate Responsibility* (ICCR) New York—

    Our Mission: Through the lens of faith, ICCR builds a more just and sustainable world by integrating social values into corporate and investor actions. ICCR works by means of corporate dialogues, shareholder resolutions, roundatables and policy advocation.

    For more details go to Jan H. Boer, Caught in the middle: Christians in transnational corporations. On the Boeriana page of this website.

    ----------, “Investor Guidance on Responsible Contracting.” 2024.

    Faith Life Financial.

    Our mission—Protecting your financial future
    Living your Christian values
    Building a better world

    The Brookings Institute, Washington DC.

    The research agenda and recommendations of Brookings’s experts are rooted in open-minded inquiry and our 300+ scholars represent diverse points of view. Research topics cover foreign policy, economics, development, governance and metropolitan policy.

    Henry Kaestner et al, Faith Driven Entrepreneur: What It Takes to Step into Your Purpose and Pursue Your God-Given Call to Create. Faith Driven Entrepreneur, n.d.

    Join other Faith Driven Entrepreneurs as, together, we...

    —Identify the values, habits, and traits that empower us to successfully build businesses, serve our communities, and faithfully pursue a loving relationship with God;

    —Discover the potential God wants to unleash through our work

    Economics and Political Science—Multiple* Listings

    Hiemstra*, John L.

    The following Hiemstra series is not easily accessible if you don't live in Canada and even then you may have to do some traveling. I include them, because this represents a practical and hard hitting political approach based on the Reformational concept of pluralism in education and, especially, in the media. For those interested in pluralism in Canada, this body of literature is a must.

    ----------, interviewed by Angela Reitsma Bick, “Trans Mountain Diet: Canada needs normative de-growth, not more pipelines.CC, May 27, 2019, pp. 1, 3.

    ----------, “Calvinist pluriformity challenges Liberal assimilation: A novel case for publicly funding Alberta's private schools, 1953-1967.”

    ----------, “Government relations with religious non-profit agencies in Alberta: Public accountability in a pluralist society.” Calgary: Canada West Foundation, 1999 (20 pp.).

    ----------, Worldviews on the air: The struggle to create a pluralistic broadcasting system in the Netherlands. Lanham Md: University Press of America, 1997 (174 pp).

    ----------, “Increasing federal deficits in an age of economic growth: Is no one responsible?” Lecture delivered to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, St. Catharines Ontario: Brock University, June 2-4 1996 (43 fiches).

    ----------, “Amending the 'institutional approach' for the role played by worldviews in policy making: A case study of 'territorial plurality' and the accommodation of non-geographical plurality in Canadian broadcasting policy.” Lecture delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Ottawa, June 6-8 1993 (on microfiche 70 of 73).

    ----------, “A submission to the Special Joint Committee on a Renewed Canada regarding the Government of Canada's proposals in Shaping Canada's Future Together.” Department of Politicial Science, The King's College, Edmonton, December 4, 1991.

    ----------, “Genuine Canadian Content: Fair access to broadcasting for all worldview streams in Canadian Society. Submission to the Camnadian Radio-Television and Tewlecommunications Co0mmission on a Review of the policy on Religious Broadcasting.” Department of Politicial Science, The King's College, Edmonton. N.d.

    ----------, “Oral presentation: CRTC Hearings on Religion in Broadcasting, based on the written submission: Genuine Canadian Content: Fair Access to Broadcasting for all Worldview Streams in Canadian Society.” Department of Politicial Science, The King's College, Edmonton. N.d.

    ----------, The role of worldviews in the politics of accommodation: A case study of the Dutch broadcasting policy (1919-1930). Unpublished dissertation for the Faculty of Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Political Science, University of Calgary, December 1992.

    ----------, “Trudeau's political philosophy: The role of federalism in assimilating the 'French Canadians.'” Lecture delivered to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Victoria BC, May 27-29 1990 (On microfiches 2 and 3).

    ----------, “Politics in Canada.” Vancouver: Regent College, 1986. Audiobook on cassette.

    ----------, Trudeau’s Political Philosophy: Its Implications for Liberty and Progress. Toronto: ICS, 1983 (107 pp).

    James W. Skillen*

    ---------- and James R. Skillen, “The Trump Presidency: Everything Up for Grabs.” Klice Comment, February 10, 2017.

    James W. Skillen is founder and former President of the Center for Public Justice in Washington DC. James R. Skillen is Assistant Professor at Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI.

    Bruce C. Wearne, “Public justice for all: Supplement to the annotated bibliographical listing of the works of James W. Skillen from 1/ 2008—3/2012 with an introductory essay, suggested research topics, and appendices for students, teachers and lecturers to assist ongoing research.”

    James W Skillen, “The Question of a Christian Worldview.” Washington DC: The Center for Public Justice, Public Justice Report, Vol. 28, No. 1 (March 18, 2005). The article itself is found in the Islamica/Guest Articles section.

    ----------, “Christian politics in the 21st century.” Washington DC: Center for Public Justice, Public Justice Report, fourth quarter 1998, pp. 6-7.

    ----------, “Freedom of religion; Freedom of conscience.” Washington DC: Center for Public Justice, Public Justice Report, November-December 1996, p. 6.

    ---------- and Rockne M. McCarthy, Political order and the plural structure of society. A brief preview and the table of contents. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991. Pp. ix, 421. ISBN 1-555-40641-6.

    “This excellent volume explores three forms of pluralist theory— those based on historical doctrines of custom and tradition, Catholic doctrines of natural law and subsidiarity, and Calvinist doctrines of sphere sovereignty and creation— and compares and evaluates each of these forms of pluralism within the context of American thought” (Eerdmans, 2000).

    ----------, Jan H. Boer, editor. “Making Your Own History,” selected excerpts from Skillen’s “Politics, Pluralism, and the Ordinances of God.” In H. Vander Goot (ed.), Life Is Religion: Essays in Honor of H. Evan Runner. St. Catharines: Paideaia Press, 1981. Pp. 195-206.

    Paul Marshall*

    ----------, “Conceptual issues in contemporary religious freedom research.” International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF), International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2008 (p. 7ff) (156 pp.).

    ----------, “Human Rights.” Prague: Comensius Institute, 2008 (11 pp.).

    ----------, “Two types of rights.” Abstract including full references. Canadian Journal of Political Science, December, 1992 (pp. 661-676).

    ----------, “Liberalism, Pluralism and Christianity.” Revised version of “Liberalism, Pluralism and Christianity: A Re-Conceptualization.” Fides et Historia, vol. xxi: 3, October 1989, pp. 4-17.

    ----------, Human Rights Theories in Christian Perspective. Toronto: ICS, 1983. Find this and parallel documents by Marshall on the Islamica page of this website: Christians and Muslims: Parameters for Living Together, volume 8-2 of the series Studies in Christian-Muslim Relations, Appendix 87.

    Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA)* Authors

    Mark Penninga* et al

    ----------, “You Are Invited to the Anti-Revolutionary Party!” ARPA blog: Canadian Politics, April 8, 2019.

    ----------, “Opinion: Time and Place for Spanking.” VS, December 5, 2015.

    See www.keep43.can for supporting arguments.

    See for opposing view.

    NOTE from proprietor of this website: I am the product of a tradition of occasional reasonable spanking when deserved, and I emerged a humane, highly educated and successful person from a peasant background with no spanking baggage to sour my life. The same holds true for all 9 of my siblings as well as for the 12 and 10 siblings of my father and mother respectively. It is not spanking that is the problem, but the attitude with which it is done and its consequent severity. Is personal Canadian humaneness challenged at this front?

    Source unknown: My parents spanked me as a child. As a result, I now suffer from a psychological condition known as “respect for others.”

    ----------, “British Columbia shows restraint in COVID-19 response.” April 24, 2020.

    ----------, “ARPA launches brand new campaign!” January 29, 2020.

    ----------, Letter re: Bill C-14, “To the Dear Honourable Members of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights,” April 29, 2016 – – re. euthanasia law.

    ----------, Building on Sand: human dignity in Canadian Law and Society.

    ARPA, “ARPA Canada Applauds Supreme Court for Recognizing Limits of Judicial Authority.” May 31, 2018.

    ----------, “Censoring the Bible—State Board Tells Christian School to Stop Reading Offensive verses.” Lighthouse News, June 20, 2017.

    Andre Schutten, No Neutral Ground: A Christian Critique of the Secular Onslaught in Provincial Education Systems. Ottawa: ARPA Canada, 2015.

    “There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by satan.” – C.S. Lewis

    Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, a subsidiary of Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA). <>

    Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli*

    ----------, Proposal – Walking on the Elevated Avenue: Insights from the Successes and Failure of Ordinary Christians, as They Struggle to Exemplify Jesus Christ in the Fast-paced International Business World. March 18, 2003.

    ----------, Working for God in the marketplace: Insights from the successes and failures of ordinary Christians, as they struggle to exemplify Jesus Christ in the fast-paced international business world. Lagos: Samtob Ventures, 2005.

    ----------, “The role of faith and belief in modern Africa.” TED Global, 2017 (a recording).

    Google Ndidi Nwuneli and you will find a score of amazing websites.

    Email: < >.

    Ndidi Nwuneli is the founder and managing partner of LEAP Africa, a consulting, training and coaching organization. Prior to establishing this company, Ndidi started two nonprofit organizations focused on promoting entrepreuneurship in Nigeria. Ndidi also worked as a management consultant with the Bridgespan Group and with McKinsey & Company’s Chicago, New York and Johannesburg offices.

    “Corporate America, characterized by individualism and cut-throat competition, presents unique challenges for Christians. Caught in the web of 14-16 hour days and weekend work, many Christians have little or no time for the spiritual support and fellowship that they so desperately need and desire. Christians rarely become active members of local churches or participate in weekly Bible studies or fellowships. As they struggle to find time to fellowship with God, they also face the unique pressures and stressed of corporate America. These believers crave support to help them through the maze.”

    Contributor, “Ndidi Nwuneli Writes on What Every Entrepreneur Should Know about Starting.” February 11, 2016.

    Ben Johnson*

    ----------, “Bernie Sanders' pagan view of charity.” Grand Rapids: Acton Institute, March 11, 2020.

    ----------, “Study: Socialism turns people into liars.” ACTON Institute Powerblog, April 15, 2019.

    ----------, “4 Ways Protestants Approach the Government” (video). ACTON Institute Powerblog, November 13, 2018.

    Economics, Political Science—Single* Listings

    The Acton* Institute, The Good Society Series 1-6. Grand Rapids, 2018.

    Emad Thabet, “Christian Reformed political thought: The question of religion from Christian Reformed perspective.” N.p., n.d. (19 pp).

    Terence Sweeney, “Tending and bettering.” A review of Ephraim Radner, Mortal goods: ReimaginingChristian political duty. Comment Magazine, August 8, 2024.

    Steven McMullen,“What does Christianity have to do with economics? Three approaches. Christian Scholar’s Review, July 2, 2024.

    Miranda Zapor Cruz, Faithful politics: Ten approaches to Christian citizenship. IVP, 2024.

    Christians who share very similar faith convictions can arrive at different political conclusions. There are, however, principles from Scripture and theology that should inform our thinking and remind us that our ultimate citizenship is in the kingdom of God. Faithful Politics helps us learn from Christians of the past as we discern how to be salt and light in our own time and place.

    Andrew Kaufmann, “Christianity and political power: Four cautionary words.” Christian Scholar’s Review, April 22, 2024.

    Sharon Thiong’o, “Webinar explores divesting from fossil fuel companies.” World Communion of Reformed Churches, June 21, 2024.

    A Pastoral Statement Of The Bishops' Council Of The Lutheran Church Of Christ In Nigeria (LCCN) Issued During Their Meeting Of 29th – 30th July 2022 At The Church Headquarters, Numan, Adamawa State, Nigeria.

    Jayson Casper, “Nigerian Christians protest Muslim-Muslim ticket as a ‘declaration of war’.” Christianity Today, July 26, 2022.

    Todd Steen, “Fiscal justice for the generations.” Christian Scholar’s Review, May 24, 2021.

    Todd Steen is the Granger Professor of Economics at Hope College (Holland MI), and he serves as the Managing Editor of Christian Scholar’s Review. Portions of this blog entry were initially presented at the annual meetings of the Christian Business Faculty Association in 2018.

    Keith Sewell, “Why Edmund Burke is important.” Pro Rege, June 2022, pp. 36-48.

    A brief, succinct and important introduction to one of Abraham Kuyper’s progenitors about the French Revolution and anti-revolutionary theory.

    Samuel Vandeputte, “Can public justice survive populism?” Shared Justice programme at the Center for Public Justice, October 12, 2021.

    Bernard B. Fyanka, “Pandemics and the church and state in history.” Academia Letters, July 2021.

    Curtis Korver, “The Holy Spirit and real estate property.” (Not original title). Sermon preached at the Christian Reformed Church in Port Alberni, BC, Pentecost, May 23, 2021.

    Amy MacLachlan, “Would Jesus buy bitcoin? How cryptocurrency might change the world.” CC, February 24 2021.

    Corporate Knights, ”The voice for clean capitalism.”

    To accelerate change, we are helping companies switch gears.

    Articles, events, rankings, magazines.

    Josh Zinner, “Our work to challenge SEC rule changes that would weaken corporate responsibility.” ICCR, August 10, 2020.

    Anna Kruger, “500 million Christians urge G20 to fix broken economic architecture.” An open letter to The Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the Group of 20 (G20).

    Samuel Gregg, “Re-broadcast on the life and impact of Michael Novak,” an interview. Grand Rapids: Acton Institute, March 11, 2020 (a recording).

    Dan Hugger, “Wilhelm Roepke: An economist against the technicians.” Acton Commentary. Grand Rapids MI: Acton Institute, December 11, 2019.

    Trey Dimsdale, “Why Christianity is necessary for liberty.” Acton Institute, April 19, 2023.

    Catholic Just War Theory – –

    Emile A. Doak, “Retreat and engage: Towards a conservatism for the common good.” Crisis, March 30, 2020.

    Jana Riess, “Mormon $100B fortune offers to do more good.” CT, February 10, 2020.

    Daniel Harrell, “The Table: On king and country—A conversation on evangelical Christians' politicial obligations.” RNS, February 11, 2020.

    Brian Dijkema, “Who’s Afraid of Social Justice? A Christian Social Justice Manifesto.Comment, August 1, 2019.

    Renato S. M. Costa, “A sphere sovereignty theory of the state: Looking back and looking forward.” International and Public Affairs, 2019; 3 (1): 13-19.

    David Schelhaas, “Why I am a Christian Democrat.” Reformed Journal, September 1, 2016.

    Preston Pouteaux, “Caring for Politicians in a Harsh Culture.” Faith Today, July 3, 2019.

    Andrew Stephens-Rennie, “Revillaging: transforming charitable food ministry to an agent of shalom.” Church for Vancouver, May 16, 2019.

    Benyamin F. Intan, “Religious Freedom and the Pancasila-based State of Indonesia: A Neo-Calvinist Idea of Principled Pluralism.” CTJ, April 2019, pp. 57-90

    Isaac N. Mutua, “The 2020 Kenyan Election: A test for the Handshake and its Agenda.” March 1, 2019.

    ----------, “Surprising handshake that brought tranquility.” August 26, 2018.

    Kathy Vander Grift, “War-Talk:” Canadian Council of Churches, “Principles of Peace.” The Christian Reformed Church on peace and war. CC, November 26, 2018, p. 13.

    Joseph Sunde, “The sharing economy: How do we maintain a culture of ownership?” Acton Institute Powerblog, November 13. 2018.

    Sam Riches, “Frank Stronach: Magna magnate calls on firms to embrace ‘fair enterprise’ model.” Vancouver Sun, June 15, 2023.

    Council for World Mission (CWM—a partnership of churches in world mission), “ Ecumenical Panel Releases Joint Statement on Alternative Financial and Economic Architecture.” May 3, 2018.[1]

    Greg Herrick, “Paul and Civil Obedience in Romans 13:1-7.” N.p., n.d.

    Joseph Sunde, “The sharing economy: How do we maintain a culture of ownership?” Grand Rapids: Acton Institute Powerblog, November 13, 2018.

    Jordan J. Ballor, “Good Markets: Adam Smith and the common sense of commercial society.” CC, November 12, 2018.

    Calvin Burgess, “T. Y. Danjuma, Dominion Farms and the Secret Files.” Satellite Times, March 25, 2018.

    Supporting Data: “Calvin Burgess.”

    Related SourceWatch articles:

    Dominion Farms Limited
    Global Land Grab
    Yala Swamp
    Bondo District, Kenya

    References: Jump up↑ Management Team, Dominion Farms, Accessed February 26, 2012.

    Matthew Cooke about Matthew Tuininga, “Tuininga Speaks about ‘Politics and the Kingdom of God.’” The Banner, May 2018, p. 29.

    Phil Tanis, “Panel works for economic and climate justice.” World Council of Reformed Churches, April 25, 2018.

    Rudy Eikelboom, “The Governor General, Religion and Science (1).” CC, January 22, 2018, pp. 8.

    Fellowship of the Churches of Christ in Nigeria, “Communique.” General Assembly held at Alushi, Akwanga, Nassarawa State, Nigeria, January 9-14, 2018.

    Andre Schutten and John Sikkema, “Separation of church and state, but not faith and politics.” Concluding chapter to Andre Schutten and John Sikkema, “Opportunity and Temptation: A Reformed Christian legal perspective on church discipline in Canada.” Hamilton ON: CRFI, 2018 (pp. 19-20).

    The Epoch Times, “How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World.” The Epoch Times Special Series. A serialization of a translation from the new Chinese book with the title of this article, by the editorial team of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

    ----------, “Hijacking the media”. The ET special series, “How the spectre of Communism is ruling our world.” March 26-April 1, 2020. To read the full series online, go to the website of the paper.

    Ron Kuipers, “From the Roots: Religion and the Public Life of the Liberal Democracy.” Lecture delivered at an Interdisciplinary Studies Conference “'Glorious and Free’?! Generous Citizenship for the Next 150,” The King’s University College, Edmonton, 2017. Listen to Ron’s talk.

    Lloyd Rang, Prayer and Action in Politics. CC, December 11, 2017, p. 9. The actual title: “The Limits of Thoughts and Prayers.”

    Joshua Harris, “Corporate Crossroads: Working Towards Sustainable Development Goals in Global Business.” CC, November 27, 2017.

    Kingsley L. Madueke, “From neighbours to deadly enemies: excavating landscapes of territoriality and ethnic violence in Jos, Nigeria.” Journal of Contemporary African Studies, November 2017 (pp. 1-16).

    Brian Dijkema, “Yes, economics is religious. This is not a bad thing.” Hamilton ON: Cardus, September 27, 2017.

    David A. Hoekema, “From Just War to Just Peace.” The Banner, April 2017, pp. 36-37.

    Shiao Chong, “Anticipating Christ’s Inauguration” (about a Christian style of politics). The Banner, April 2017, p. 6.

    Suzanne Armstrong, “Bringing Faith to Farming in Canada: The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO).” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 15.

    Cheryl Mahaffy, “Edmonton Farmer Battles to Protect Prime Land from Urban Sprawl.” CC, May 22, 2017, pp. 1-2.

    Michael White, “Vancity Banks on Doing the Right Thing.” West-Ender, February 23, 2017.

    Vancity President and CEO Tamara Vrooman: “What people are observing is that inequality is inefficient by almost any measure.” – Tamara Vrooman, Vancity President and CEO.

    Sean Speer, “Lost in the Aggregate: Our Government doesn’t Need More Rules; It Needs More Judgement.” Comment, February 2, 2017.

    Nick Loenen, “Put People before Profit to End the Affordable Housing Crisis.” CC, February 27, 2017, pp. 1-3. This article can be found at at date.

    Abram Van Engen. “Advancing God’s Kingdom: Calvinism, Calvin College, and Betsy DeVos.” Religion & Politics, a Project of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics, January 30, 2017.

    Jonathan Chaplin, “The Right Kind of ‘Secular State’ – A Christian Perspective.” KLICE Comment, January 2017.

    ----------, “The gospel and politics: Five positions.” A paper to accompany the teaching manual for a course Chaplin taught at the University of Toronto, 1985. Toronto: ICS, 1985.

    Aaron Gunn, “Unscrewing the Millennials.” C2C Journal, December 2016.

    Gunn is the Executive Director of Generation Screwed, a university campaign of the Canadian Tax Federation that aims to make the Millennial generation aware of the critical state of affairs with respect to the Canadian national debt with which the senior generation together with the Boomers have and still are saddling Millennials. The article not only speaks of the debt itself, but also of the force of political correctness on our campuses, the increasing restraint on freedom of speech and organization, and of irresponsible handling of public finance.

    Probably Gunn has never heard of Reformational philosophy, but his article is so full of facts and tendencies and so emphasizes responsible public finance that it fits well on this page where genuine facts, emphasis on freedom and responsibility in public administration are important underlying issues.

    Peter Berkowitz, “Why the Right Splintered But the Left United.”, November 2, 2016.

    Note: This article is included here for what it says clearly about the basics of contemporary liberal ideology. The explanation of that ideology is very much in line with Reformational perspectives and experience in both Canada and the USA.

    Stephen C. Perks, The Politics of God and the Politics of Man: Essays on Politics, Religion and Social Order. Taunton UK: Kuyper Foundation, 2016 (330 pp.). http://static1...

    Guy Brandon, “Crumbling Foundations: A Biblical Critique of Modern Money.” Jubilee Centre, 2016.

    John Bowlin (Ed.), Calvinism and Democracy – New Essays in Reformed Theology and Public Life. The Kuyper Center Review, Princeton Theological Seminary, vol. 4. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014.

    Note from Jan Boer, creator of this website: Most of the essays in this book discuss Kuyper writings, many of which can be found either partially or wholly on the Kuyperiana page of this website.

    Luke Foster, “More than Money.” Report on lecture by Robert Doll, the keynote speaker at an event hosted by The Veritas Forum ( The Ivy League Christian Observer, Fall, 2013, p. 5.

    Aart Deddens, “A place to Stand: African Independence Dependent on Her Own Strengths and Creativity.” An interview with Henk Haenen and Anthony Otieno Ong’ayo. Sophie, September 2013, pp. 28-31.

    Lans Bovenberg,transl. Jan H. Boer, “Love as Risk-Bearing Capital: The Good Life and Economics.” Original title: “Liefde als risicodragend kapitaal: Over het goede leven en economie.” Sophie, 4/2013, pp. 10-13.

    Jeffrey Haynes, An introduction to international relations and religion. London and New York: Routledge, 2nd edition, 2013. PDF

    Buijs, G.J., 2012, “Worldview, the credit crisis and the ‘unity of life.’ From ‘framework’ to ‘deep commitment’.” Koers – Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 77(1), 2012 (9 pp.).

    Roel Jongeneel, trans. Jan H. Boer, “European Christian Democrats in Crisis: Relational Economy as Solution.” Original title: “Europese christendemocraten in de crisis: Relationele economie als antwoord.” Sophie, October 2012, pp. 4-7.

    Zamani B. Kafang, Integrity and Politics in Nigeria. Nigeria: Zoe Graphics, 2011 (60 pp.)

    Hoogland, Jan. “The Problem of ‘Christian’ Politics.” Transl. Jan H. Boer. Original title: “Zou Jezus op een ‘christelijke’ partij stemmen?” Sophie, 3/2011, pp. 26-27.

    Jeffrey Haynes, An introduction to international relations and religion. London and New York: Routledge, 2nd edition, 2013. PDF

    Zamani B. Kafang, Integrity and Politics in Nigeria. Nigeria: Zoe Graphics, 2011 (60 pp.)

    Roel Jongeneel, trans. Jan H. Boer, “The Concept of Interest: History, Philosophy, Theology. Modernity.” Original title “Met Rente,” Sophie, March 2011, pp. 28-31.

    Hoogland, Jan., trans. Jan H. Boer, “The Problem of ‘Christian’ Politics.” Transl. Jan H. Boer. Original title: “Zou Jezus op een ‘christelijke’ partij stemmen?” Sophie, 3/2011, pp. 26-27.

    Aart Deddens, transl. Jan H. Boer, “Greed or Compassion?” Original title, “Hebzucht of genade?” Beweging, Fall 2010, p. 13.

    Michael Novak, “How Christianity Created Capitalism.” Acton’s Religion & Liberty, vol. 10, no. 3. July 20, 2010.

    Cornelis Van Dam, God and Government: A Biblical perspective on the role of the state. Presentation made to Members of Parliament (MP) and Senators in the Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, and co-sponsored by Liberal MP John McKay and Conservative MP Maurice Vellecott; organized by ARPA on March 3, 2009.

    ----------, The Promise of the Future. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2000 (534 pp.). PDF

    Jeong Kii Min, Sin and Politics: Issues in Reformed Theology. New York: Peter Lang, 2009.

    Publishers: This is a preview. The total pages displayed will be limited. Yes, but a large chunk here is better than a mere listing.

    Note from website proprietor: I do not know to what extent this work is Reformational in its inspiration. However, it is valuable to have a Korean Reformed perspective represented on this page.

    Steve Monsma, Healing for a Broken World: Christian Perspectives on Public Policy. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2008.

    Kent A. Van Til, “Subsidiarity and Sphere-Sovereignty: A Match Made in ….?” Theological Studies 69, 2008 (pp. 610-636).

    Stephen Lazarus, “Vocations, Vacations and Politics in Public.” Comment, Summer 2007.

    Hans-Martien ten Napel, “In search of the radical middle: Navigating Populism and Progressivism.” 27th Annual Kuyper Lecture Delivered at Calvin University, April 4, 2024.

    Ten Apel explores the political landscape in the US and Europe, addressing the challenges posed by populism and progressivism. How should Christians navigate these political shifts? What insights can be gained from neo-Calvinist thought? This engaging discussion aims to illuminate a path forward, drawing on Hans-Martien’s Dutch neo-Calvinist background, expertise as a constitutional and legal scholar, and familiarity with US constitutional and policy developments.

    Hans-Martien ten Napel, “Multicultural democracy: In search of a Reformed approach,” REC Focus, June 2006, pp. 89-103.

    African Forum on Religion and Governance, Official statement of a conference held in Abuja, Nigeria, on July 25-28, 2006. For the text, see Jan H. Boer, Christians and Muslims: Parameters for Living Together, vol. 8-2 of the series Studies in Christian-Muslim Relations. Belleville ON, Canada: Essence Publishing, 2009, pp. 159-163. Also see Then go to the Index, pp. 541-542 for further references to the Forum. I recommend a serious perusal of the entire series for much more on this subject, especially the 100+ appendices.

    R. Paul Stevens, ed., “The Almighty (and the) Dollar.” Vocatio, Vancouver: Regent College Foundation, Vol. 5, No. 1, August 2001.

    “This issue.arises from a vigorous discussion during the Christian in the Marketplace Conference, Regent College, February 10, 2001” —R. Paul Stevens, ed.

    Steve Brinn, “New financial twists; Same old fallen world.” Pp. 1-5.

    V. Philips Long, “Good, bad or indifferent? Wealth according to the Old Testament.” Pp. 6-10.

    R. Paul Stevens, “Wealth: a blessing, a temptation or a sacrament?” Pp. 11-13, 16.

    John G. Stackhouse, Jr., “Money in Christian History.” Pp. 17-20.

    Ronald J. Sider, “Is there a Biblical definition of economic justice?” Pp. 21-24.

    Don Flow, “Toward a theology of profit.” Pp. 25-28.

    ----------, “The marketplace: Mission field or mission?Crux, Vancouver: Regent College, September 2001, pp. 7-16.

    Robert A. Sirico, The Entrepreneurial Vocation. Grand Rapids: Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, 2001 (39 pp.). This document can be accessed at:

    John Witte Jr. and Joel A. Nichols. Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment. Boulder, CO: Westview Pres, 2000, fourth edition.

    – A brief summary of the book

    – A review by James W. Skillen.

    A revised version of this review has appeared in Calvin Theological Journal, Nov., 2000, pp. 368-370.

    Bartholomew, Craig and Moritz, Thornsten (eds.) Christ and Consumerism: Critical Reflections on Our Age. Carlisle UK: Paternoster Press, 2000.

    Ryan Tumilty, “Bapkis from big tobacco.” Vancouver Sun, July 5, 2024.

    This is a local example of the smoking culture. Just in Canada’s small population, smoking takes 48,000 deaths per year, which is more than 1% of the population and costs its health care system $6.5 billion annually. So far big tobacco corporations have not paid a penny towards the damage they cause.

    Chris Gousmett, Christianity and Politics: A Reformational Perspective. Potchefstroom: Institute for Reformational Studies, Potchefstroom University, December 1999 (62 pp.).

    Calvin P. Van Reken and Peter Vander Meulen, The church's role in social justice. CTJ, 1999 (pp. 198-202).

    Fred Van Geest, “A Reformed Christian perspective on global justice and political economy.” Paper delivered at the “Conference on Justice” at Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Alabama, March 20-22, 1998. Dordt College: Pro Rege, September, 1999 (pp. 9-23).

    Nick Loenen, Citizenship and democracy: A case for proportional representation. Dundurn, September 1, 1997.

    Pandang Yamsat, “A Christian concept of politics.” A paper read at the Jos-Bukuru Theological Society, n.d., but in the 1990s (12 pp.).

    Stu McNish, “Conversations that matter: Do you have intentional integrity?” VS, September 4 2020.

    The ethical lines can easily get blurred when doing business online when the consequences are harder to see.

    Brent Vandermeer, “Market & Mission: Building a socially responsible investment portfolio.” Christian Courier, March 25, 2019.

    Douglas Todd, “Churches doing their best to plug housing gap.” Vancouver Sun, March 28, 2019, p. A3.

    Os Guinness, “The foundations of American Democracy.” Lecture delivered at Gainesville Fl: Cade Museum for Creativity and Invention, February 21, 2019 (video).

    Johann Gerhard, trans. Richard J. Dinda, “Of interest and usury.” Journal of Markets and Morality, vol. 22, No. 2, 2019 (pp. 557-596).

    Peter Stockland, “Beneath the Summer Job Controversy.” Convivium, December 6, 2018.

    Matthew C. Halteman, “Eating toward Shalom: Why Food Ethics Matters for the 21st Century Church.” The Banner, March 2018, pp. 32-34.

    Godfrey Nkongolo, UJAMAA: A gift from Tanzania to Africa—A critique of current social and political systems in Africa and Ujamaa as an alternative. An unpublished thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Philosophy. Toronto: ICS, November 1, 2016.

    Clinton E. Stockwell, “Beyond political Augustinianism.” This post is part of an ongoing symposium interacting with Lambert Zuidervaart's book Religion, Truth, and Social Transformation: Essays in Reformational Philosophy. April 11, 2016.

    L. M. Herrington et al (eds.), Nations under God: The geopolitics of faith in the twenty-first century. Bristol: E-International Relations Publishing, 2015.

    C. J. Cronje and R. Coletto, “Corporate annual reports: Towards a non-reductionist approach.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2015.

    This issue of this Journal contains quite a number of solid Reformational studies in various disciplines. Highly recommended. Whatever your discipline or interest, do not fail to check it out.

    Kaarina Aitamurto, “More Russian than Orthodox Christianity: Russian Paganism as nationalist politics.” In above, pp. 126-132.

    This tome is a virtual encyclopedia of subjects or library containing such a wide range of chapters that any researcher on any subject to do with religion, politics, justice, war, violence, etc., etc. must at least peruse the Table of Contents. I wanted to reproduce that Table here, but the digital arrangement would not allow it. But this is a must that you can miss only at your academic peril.

    A conversation with David Koyzis.” The American Commons, July 10, 2021.

    David Koyzis, “The Return of ‘Holy Russia.’CC, January 11, 2016.

    Holly Taylor Coolman, “Don't make politics your religion.” The American Commons, July 10, 2021.

    Jamin Hubner, “Christian libertarianism: An introduction and signposts for the road ahead.” The Christian Libertarian Review 1 (2018), 74 pp.

    A. Kravtsev, “Five views on Christian responsibility towards the state in light of James D. Hunter’s ‘theology of faithful presence.’” Deerfield, Illinois, November 2015.

    Pieter Buys, Susan Visser, Merwe Oberholzer, “A critical consideration of ethical foundations for the accounting profession.” Koers, Vol. 77, No. 2 (2012).

    When considering some of the key reasons for the desperate state of the current global economic environment, it is difficult to deny accounting's role therein. Although accounting institutes require adherence to codes of conduct, the question remains as to what happened to the stewardship function of the accounting profession. This article has critically reflected on the question, 'What constitutes an ethical accounting profession'? The key principles within many institutes' codes of conduct, such as competency, integrity, objectivity and confidentiality, have been considered against the background of utilitarianism, formalism and virtue ethics as foundational ethical theories. This article has concluded that although these principles aim to provide a framework for ethical accounting conduct, individual subjectivity on the part of the accountant will play a role in how these ethical principles become ethical practices.

    Gerald Vandezande, Public Justice Advocate, member of the Order of Canada, co-founder of Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), July 18, 2011. A national hero's Reformational swan song on YouTube.

    ----------, “Hope-filled advocacy for public justice: Love is a better way.” Special lecture delivered at a special convocation to award the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters, ICS, October 20, 2006.

    Margaretta Linda Patrick, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada in the public sphere, 1983-2006. A thesus presented to the University of Waterloo in fulfillment of the thesis requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies. 2011.

    John Tenyenhuis, “Let's tell each other what we earn: Questioning our financial secrecy.” The Banner, April 12, 1999, pp. 17-19.

    Michael Wagner, Leaving God Behind: The Charter of Rights and Canada's Official Rejection of Christianity.

    The adoption of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982 amounted to a wholesale change in Canada's constitutional and legal foundation. There is no such thing as neutrality. With the Charter, Christianity was cast aside and secular humanism became the ultimate basis of Canada's constitution. AND

    NOTE: The above links seem to be off and on. However, the root link IS valid: < https://christianrootscanada >

    Tim Essenburg, review of Ulrich Duchrow and Franz J. Hinkelammert, Property for people, not for profit: Alternatives to the global tyranny of capital. Religious Studies Review, 2007.

    Soon after opening his legal practice in Edmonton, “I soon came to understand that most of the legal profession is there to protect vested interest. It has little or no interest in marginalized peoples.”

    John Olthuis, 1965, Member of the Order of Canada
    Find Olthuis’ story a few lines below

    Two major truths from Canadian Chief Justice (retired) Beverly McLachlin:

    The practice of law is all about winning.

    Liberty for all, but not at the expense of the other person.

    I recently had dinner with a group of graduating seniors from one of Christian Union’s ministries. Our dinner conversation included a lot of discussion of humility–an unusual topic for this demographic. “I came here planning to be rich. Now I want to be more of a slave to Christ,” one of the women said. Wow! What a powerful witness to what four years of faithful study of scripture and discipleship can make possible.

    Christine Foster
    Vice President of Alumni Engagement

    Christian Union—June 2, 2021

    Institutions*, Journals, Magazines

    "Speedbump" <
    (For a laugh !! or ??)

    Christian Legal Society. Springfield VA, USA.

    Christian Legal Society is dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through the practice of study of law, the defense of religious freedom and life, and the provision of legal aid to the needy.

    Founded in 1961, Christian Legal Society (CLS) seeks to fulfill God's command found in Micah 6:8 by bringing glory to God by inspiring, encouraging, and equipping Christian lawyers and law students, both individually and in community, to proclaim, love, and serve Jesus Christ through the study and practice of law, through the provision of legal assistance to the poor and needy, and through the defense of the inalienable rights to life and religious freedom.

    Among its many resources are Christian legal studies and publications.

    The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms PDFs provided by the Government of Canada, online: < >.

    Christian Legal Fellowship

    As Christian legal professionals, we are heirs to a tradition of legal thought that bears on many of the most pressing questions facing our culture and profession. We also understand that the practice of law is a vocation: a calling from God. We believe it is our responsibility to work with others to pursue what justice requires in a free and democratic society.

    Christian Legal Fellowship (CLF [Canada]—Symposiums, publications and other resources.

    Christian Legal Journal.

    The Christian Legal Journal is the periodic publication of the Christian Legal Fellowship (CLF). The Journal addresses relevant legal issues from a Christian perspective. Its scholarly articles are written by high-profile professionals and are designed to encourage members in their legal career path, keeping them informed of current legal issues impacting the Christian community. All members of the Christian Legal Fellowship automatically receive a subscription to the Christian Legal Journal.

    Lawyers' Christian Fellowhip, London. and Lawyers Christian Fellowship | Global Connections

    Throughout the world there are many Christian lawyers who either collectively or individually are seeking to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the legal profession in their own countries and circumstances. The Lawyers' Christian Fellowship here in the UK rejoice in the fellowship and partnerships that have been built up and span across the various continents from Africa to Australia, the United States and across Europe.

    Christian Lawyers' Fellowship of Nigeria (CLASFON), Abuja, Nigeria. Vision:

    The Journal of Law and Religion. Cambridge University Press.

    Ethics and Law Interest Group, a bibliography of its publications in footnote 29, Journal of Law and Religion. Incomplete document, n. d, footnote 29, attachment 1.

    Lawyers for Jesus--- **

    Are you conservative, liberal, none of the above? Why does what we believe about politics matter? And what does it say about what we value?

    Lawyers for Jesus is hosted by the partners at the law firm Mauck & Baker, LLC located in downtown Chicago. We are Christian attorneys serving God in the legal field, from estate planning to civil liberties. Each week on Lawyers for Jesus, the attorneys of Mauck & Baker cover topics relating to the Gospel in the law, society, politics, in the marketplace, and more. Our past guests have included experts on religious freedom, Christian activists, ministry leaders, politicians, and other prominent, interesting figures of today! Tune in everyday on AM 1160 for Lawyers for Jesus Radio. Each week, the attorneys from Mauck & Baker will cover a variety of topics relating to the Gospel in law and in the marketplace.
    Listen live to AM 1160 by clicking here.
    You can also listen to the Lawyers for Jesus podcast on, on iTunes, and SoundCloud.

    Berman*, Harold J.

    ----------, “The Religious Sources of General Contract Law: An Historical Perspective.” The Journal of Law and Religion (JLR), Vol. IV, No. 1, 1986, pp. 103-124.

    Abstract can be accessed at:

    ----------, “Religious Foundations of Law in the West: An Historical Perspective.” Journal of Law and Religion, Summer 1983, pp. 3-44.

    Abstract can be accessed at:

    ----------, Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983.

    James R. Sweeney, Review of the above in The Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. II, no. 1, 1984, pp. 197-205.

    Robert W. Lovin, Review of the above book in the same edition of the above Journal…, pp. 206-214.

    ----------, “The Religious Foundations of Western Law.” Catholic University Law Review, Spring 1975, pp. 490-508. This document can be accessed at:

    John Witte Jr., “A New Concordance of Discordant Canons: Harold J. Berman on Law and Religion.” Emory Law Journal, Vol. 42, pp. 523-560.

    Howard J. Vogel, “A Survey and Commentary on the New Literature in Law and Religion.” Journal of Law and Religion, Summer 1983, pp. 91-95, describes Berman’s contribution.

    ----------, The Interaction of Law and Religion. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1974.

    Nicholas Aroney, “Law, Revolution, and Religion: Harold Berman’s Interpretation of the English Revolution.” Journal of Markets & Morality, Volume 8, Number 2 (Fall 2005), pp. 355-385.

    Benson,* Iain

    ----------, “Need for a Larger Role of Religion.” Centre Points, No further bibliographical information given. See footnote 1 in the article.

    ----------, “Taking a Fresh Look at Religion and Public Policy in Canada: The Need for a Paradigm Shift.” Background Paper for the Government of Canada Policy Research Initiative (PRI) “Religion and Public Policy.” 2007? (34 pp.).

    ----------, “Democracy & The Montreal Swingers Cases.” Ottawa: Centre for Cultural Renewal, Centre Points, January 4, 2006, pp. 3-4. Republished by Cardus

    ----------, “The Idolatry of Law: When Law is Seen as 'Like Religion'.” Centre Points 12, Winter 2004-2005, pp. 1-4. This article can be accessed at: AND

    ----------, Bibliography of the writings of Benson and his magazine Ex Lex.

    Note: The above is only a small sample of Benson’s writings, but enough to give you a taste and to search for more! It should be realized that his Centre for Cultural Renewal has been absorbed into Cardus in 2010.

    Morsink*, Johannes

    ----------, Inherent Human Rights: Philosophical Roots of the Universal Declaration. Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania: Penn Press, 2017 (328 pp.).

    Morsink is Professor of Political Philosophy at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey, and the author of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Origins, Drafting, and Intent. He is a graduate of Calvin College/ University (1963).

    ----------, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Challenge of Religion. Columbia: The University of Missouri Press, 2016 (pp. 386).

    Preview –

    Summary – Repulsed by evil Nazi practices and desiring to create a better world after the devastation of World War II, in 1948 the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Because of the secular imprint of this text, it has faced a series of challenges from the world’s religions, both when it was crafted and in subsequent political and legal struggles.

    The book mixes philosophical, legal, and archival arguments to make the point that the language of human rights is a valid one to address the world’s disputes. It updates the rationale used by the early UN visionaries and makes it available to twenty-first-century believers and unbelievers alike. The book shows how the debates that informed the adoption of this pivotal normative international text can be used by scholars to make broad and important policy points.

    “This is a very important contribution to the literature on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to human rights studies more generally.” – William A. Schabas, Professor of International Law, Middlesex University–London.

    “It is well written, well argued, and hopeful. It certainly fills a gap, and does it in an interesting way.” – Lorenzo Zucca, Professor of Law and Philosophy, King’s College London.

    Taylor*, E. L. Hebden

    ----------, The New Legality in the Light of the Christian Philosophy of Law. Rousas J. Rushdoony, ed., University Series: Historical Studies. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1967 (55 pp.).

    ----------, The Christian philosophy of Law, Politics and the State: A Study of the Political and Legal Thought of Herman Dooyeweerd of the Free University of Amsterdam, Holland, as the Basis for Christian Action in the English-Speaking World. Nutley NJ: The Craig Press, 1966 (653 pp.). This book is accessible at:

    David H. Freeman, Review of the above. The Banner, April 19, 1968.

    Law and Religion Forum, “Imago Dei and the (forgotten) roots of human rights.” November 23, 2011.

    Victoria Brayshaw-Driessen, “A high honour; a just mission: Lawyer and indigenous rights advocate John Olthuis appointed Order of Canada.” Christian Courier, July 1, 2024, pp. 24, 23.

    Along with Gerald Vanderzande, Olthuis is one of two Canadian Christian social advocates for the marginalized by way of the Kuyperian Reformational tradition to be rewarded the Order of Canada. The two were cofounders of Citizens of Public Justice, which emerged from the womb of the constituency of the Christian Reformed Church Canada and prominently continues its advocacy for the marginalized.

    Piers Gooding, Ethics and Law Interest Group, “eMHIC special interest group for ethics and law,” February 2021.

    Mark Penninga, Building on Sand: human dignity in Canadian Law and Society.

    ARPA, “ARPA Canada Applauds Supreme Court for Recognizing Limits of Judicial Authority.” May 31, 2018. ARPA: Association for Reformed Political Action.

    Eileen Scott, “Defending Life at Harvard Law School: Student Organization Gains University Recognition.” Christian Union, March 8, 2017.

    Jim Joosse, “The Church and Human Rights and Theology.” CC, Nov. 9, 2020.

    Andre Schutten and John Sikkema, “Opportunity and Temptation: A Reformed Christian Legal Perspective on Church Discipline in Canada.” Hamilton ON: CRFI, 2018 and January 21, 2019.

    This paper is the third in a series of presentations made at the Cardus Religious Freedom Institute's Symposium on the Intersection of Civil and Canon Law.

    Alexander Laschuk, “The Role of Canon Law in the Catholic Tradition and the Qjuestion of Church and State.” January 14, 2019.

    Francis Morrissey, “Canon Law and Its Intersection with Civil Law throughout Canadian History.” January 7, 2019.

    Benjamin Perrin, “What would Jesus think of our criminal justice system and why should you care?.” Church for Vancouver, November 22, 2018.

    Gary Shapiro, “Biblical Jurisprudence: Law School Seminar Examines Old and New Testaments.” Student Union—The Magazine, Spring 2018, pp. 42-43.

    Bruce Pardy, “Welcome to Law School, where feelings are more important than facts.” ET, December 19-26, 2019, p. A4.

    Nicole Russell, “Why Progressives are freaking out about Trump's judicial appointments.” ET, December 19-26, 2019, p. B5

    Joe Carter, “C. S. Lewis on how the humanitarian theory of punishment threatens liberty.” Acton Institute Powerblog, January 11, 2019.

    Paul Babie and Vanja-Ivan Savic, eds., Law, Religion and Love: Seeking Ecumenical Justice for the Other—a partial preview. New York: Routledge, 2018.

    Raymond Hausoul, trans. Jan H. Boer, “Thora and Customary Law.” Original: “Thora en Gewoonterecht,” StudieBijbel Magazine, June 2017, pp. 10-13.

    Ian Hunter, Three Faces of the Law: A Christian Perspective. Mississauga ON: Work Research Foundation, 1996.

    “The subject matter is highly relevant, indeed disturbing. Where is Canadian law taking us? Starting with Heraclitus’ dictum: “All law is nourished by one law, which is divine,” and present with astonishing clarity current case law as evidence, Professor Hunter exposes the subversive influence of the Charter of Rights that has been invoked by our courts to render Canadian law secular, anemic, confused, and impotent. What is politically and socially correct has become the controlling factor in our courts and law schools. The effects of this are found in three key areas: justice, liberty, and life.” – Dr. Allen Churchill, Dean of the Ottawa Summer School

    Review by Herman Faber in Clarion, magazine of the Canadian Reformed Church, August 21, 1998, pp. 406-407. This review can be accessed at:

    Summary of main points by Harry Antonides can be accessed at:

    Emad Thabet, “Christian Reformed Church political thought: The question of religious freedom from Christian Reformed perspective.” A pop-up article from nowhere-n.p, n.d. < >

    Western Trinity* University Law School--

    Ian Peach, “This Charter applies...”: The Supreme Court of Canada's Fundamental Error in the Trinity Western University decisions. Constitutional Forum, Vol. 30 No. 1 (2021). PDF

    Barry W. Bussey, The legal revolution against the accommodation of religion: The secular age versus the sexular age. PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof. mr. C.J.J.M. Stolker, volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op donderdag 27 juni 2019 klokke 12:30 uur. Leiden: University of Leiden, June 2019.

    Geoffrey Trotter, “TWU law school case: Implications for the Evangelical community.” Church in Vancouver, September 19, 2018.

    Derek Ross, “An Illiberal Outcome: A Lawyer Examines the Supreme Court's Trinity Western (University) Ruling.CC, July 9, 2018 (p. 6).

    Kate Shellnutt, “Canada's Supreme Court rejects country's only Christian law school: Trinity Western University's loss over its LOGBT stance is seen as a blow to religious freedom.” CT, June 15, 2018.

    Kristopher Kinsinger, “TWU Has Charter Right to Be a Distinct Entity.” VS, December 15, 2017.

    “In Support of TWU Law School.” Submissions to The Law Society of BC in Support of the Law School Application of Trinity Western University, 2014.

    Kate Tracy, “Canada's first Christian Law School approved despite gay lifestyle ban: Trinity Western University overcomes opposition from other law school deans.” CT, December 19, 2013.

    NOTE: Subsequent developments have led to the rescindment of the above legal decision. At the time of this writing (January 2020), the legal battle is still raging.

    Dwight Newman, “On The Trinity Western University Controversy: An Argument for a Christian Law School in Canada.” Constitutional Forum, Vol. 22, Number 3, 2013.

    Bill Brewbaker, “Christian legal thought—why bother?” Christian Scholar’s Review, August 16, 2024.

    C. Scott Pryor, Looking For Bedrock: Accounting for Human Rights in Classical Liberalism, Modern Secularism, and the Christian Tradition, Campbell Law Review, Regent University, 2011.

    13. Education*

    Institutions*, Journals, Magazines

    Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). < >.

    The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities is a higher education association of more than 185 Christian institutions around the world. Since 1976, the CCCU has served as the leading national voice of Christian higher education. With campuses across the globe, including more than 150 in the U.S. and Canada and more than 30 from an additional 19 countries, CCCU institutions are accredited, comprehensive colleges and universities whose missions are Christ-centered and rooted in the historic Christian faith. Most also have curricula rooted in the arts and sciences. The CCCU’s mission is to advance the cause of Christ-centered higher education and to help our institutions transform lives by faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth.

    International Network for Christian Higher Education (INCHE).

    The former name of INCHE was International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education (IAPCHE). There are a number of older entries on this website using “IAPCHE,” but please recognize them also as INCHE items.

    INCHE (IAPCHE) is a network of institutions and individuals worldwide committed to advancing Christian education through training, capacity building, scholarship, and networking in ways that reflect both the universal and the local. It has regional offices on all continents.

    INCHE (IAPCHE) is a global organization of individuals and institutions, connected with the shared goal of serving Jesus as Lord by fostering the development of Christian higher education worldwide. Together, this is achieved by sharing information and research, equipping others with training and scholarship, and cultivating enduring relationships through networking and mutual exchange.

    INCHE (IAPCHE) also publishes a newsletter called “Contact” – It is published quarterly as a way of informing its members about news from across the world. If you have any news items you would like to share with INCHE’s members, please contact INCHE at above website. The following website brings you to the newsletter.

    One feature of Contact is occasional highly academic inserts that are listed here: Some titles are no longer current.

    Quotes/Recommendations from members:

    “We teach our professional peers and our students to engage intentionally as Christians in all areas of culture, including agriculture, arts, business, education, health care, ministry, politics and sports.”

    “We need faculty that know Christ, and can make him known, in class and outside of class.” Medard Rugyendo, Principal of Bishop Barham University College at Uganda Christian University.

    “The internet brings a bridge that makes the INCHE schools.communicate and share with each other as they've never been able before.” Tom Benson, Green Mountain College

    The De Vries Institute for Global Faculty Development—an institute of Calvin University.

    The De Vries Institute at Calvin University exists to strengthen the connection between faith and learning. We provide deep learning and wide-ranging resources for Christian educators and leaders around the globe and across the range of academic disciplines.

    Calvin Digital Commons, Hekman Library at Calvin University, De Vries Institute Newsletter, October 5, 2022.

    Ever looking for documents like working papers, conference papers, master’s theses, etc? Calvin Digital Commons holds the work of individuals, teams, and programs across the many fields of teaching, learning and scholarship.

    Internet Archive.

    The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, people with print disabilities, and the general public. Our mission is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge.

    Today (accessed July 21, 2023) our archive contains:

    • 735 billion web pages
    • 41 million books and texts
    • 14.7 million audio recordings (including 240,000 live concerts)
    • 8.4 million videos (including 2.4 million Television News programs)
    • 4.4 million images
    • 890,000 software programs

    International Journal of Christianity and Education. Ed., David I Smith.

    Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning, Calvin University.

    Promoting pedagogy, learning and educational leadership from an integrally Christian perspective.

    The Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning is located at Calvin University, an institution of higher education in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Kuyers Institute is a research institute concerned with Christian contributions to teaching and learning in a variety of educational contexts and at various levels of education. It produces the Journal of Education and Christian Belief.

    The Kuyers Institute promotes Christian reflection on every aspect of education, from pre-kindergarten to the college level. We conduct and publish research, develop new approaches and resources, and provide training for educators in many countries and educational settings.

    Sarah Robinson, “Collecting, curating and sharing: The role of research centres at Christian postsecondary schools.” Faith Today, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, March-April 2023, pp. 48-52.

    Gregory A. Smith, “The Biblical worldview and libraries.” Christian Scholar’s Review, July 12, 2023.

    Description of various Christian research centres. A very useful item for research in many disciplines, for scholars of all persuasions.

    Australian Association of Christian Schools, Dickson, Australia.

    Annual Reports of AACS.

    Christian Teachers Journal --

    Teachers' Christian Fellowship.

    The Teachers' Christian Fellowship is a sectional group of the Graduates' Christian Fellowship (GCF). It was started in 2 November 1968 by a group of teachers who felt the importance of a continuing witness to Christ after graduation.


    • To encourage Christian teachers in their witness in schools, colleges and other institutions
    • To enable them to relate their faith to education and
    • To build fellowship among them
    • To encourage Christians to formulate a Biblical perspective towards educational issues This website is intentionally built around concrete examples of teachers connecting Christian faith with their teaching.

    Sponsored by:

    Transforming Lives UK / The Stapleford Centre:
    Transforming Lives is a UK-based, interdenominational project managed by The Stapleford Centre. Its purpose is to raise the profile of teaching as a Christian vocation and to support the development of a distinctively Christian and inclusive approach to education. AND

    The Anglican Education Commission Sydney, Australia:
    The Anglican Education Commission exists to support, encourage, and challenge Christians involved in learning and teaching, whether it be in churches, preschools, schools (government, Christian, and Anglican), colleges, or universities. It seeks to transform education through recruiting Christians into teaching and by working together with like-minded Christian organizations

    The Kuyers Institute, Grand Rapids MI, USA:

    Society of Christian Scholars, Overland Park, Kansas.

    "Equip Christian professors to Influence their students and Renew their nations."

    Our vision is that one day. . .

    Global Scholars Canada(GSC)—Networking and equipping Christian academics worldwide.

    Imagine a guild of Christian academics around the globe, developing faith-filled educational opportunities for the cultural leaders of tomorrow.

    – Dr. Peter Schuurman, Executive Director

    The Global Scholars work is one of the most extraordinary mission movements in the world today. It is costly, and often it will not see huge immediate returns, but it is a rare, farsighted and remarkable work that is sowing seeds of unimaginable significance. I couldn't be more supportive.

    – Dr. Os Guinness, Author and Speaker

    GSC plays a strategic role in global Christian mission - encouraging and fostering quality Christian leadership in the universities of the world. And what an opportunity(!) - to shape the minds of future leaders in countries in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and elsewhere. Emerging scholars should definitely consider this as an opportunity for international involvement.

    – Dr. Gordon T. Smith, President, Ambrose University College & Seminary (Calgary, Alberta)

    The university is the front line in the battle for the hearts and minds of students - the leaders of tomorrow. I have followed the work of Global Scholars from the beginning. Their work is a strategic and necessary component in what God is using to reach intellectuals and leaders today.

    – Dr. Ravi Zacharias

    Make sure you follow the link and access the publications of GSC academics.

    Peter Schuurman and Anna Sklar, eds., Christian academics crossing borders: A history of Global Scholars Canada since 1995. Global Scholars Canada, 2021.

    Danny McCain, “Development of the Society of Christian Scholars' in Nigeria.” Lecture delivered at the National Maiden Conference of the Society of Christian Scholars held in Calabar, Nigeria, 7-10 April, 2021.

    Theme of conference: “Faith and Scholarship Integration in Tertiary Institutions.”

    The lecture is followed by McCain's report on a Nigerian Presbyterian church anniversary celebration as a sample of boisterous joy.

    Individual Education* Articles

    Peter Cimala, “The need for mentoring and coaching of Christian scholars.” Society of Christian Scholars, August 15, 2024.

    Deani Van Pelt, “Charting new horizons for independent education. Lecture delivered under CARDUS, November 9, 2023. Charting New Horizons for Independent Education - YouTube

    Improving your vocabulary.

    Here are a few tips to help you maximize your learning experience-and to help you enrich your English vocabulary for your research and writing projects.

    Calvin Seerveld, J. R. Kriel, et al, In a Reformational Key – Papers presented in thankfulness for the life, work and vision of Duncan L. Roper. Dunedin New Zealand: Thumbwidth Press, 2020. PDF. AND Shop | Thumbwidth Press

    This is an astounding series of inexpensive books, many of them digital, on virtually every aspect of life, by a wide range of well-known Reformational scholars. If you're building an excellent Reformational library on the cheap, this is the place to go.

    African Journal of Teacher Education (AJOTE). https://journal.lib...

    African Journal of Teacher Education (AJOTE) is a forum for examining, discussing, and publishing local, national, regional and trans/continental policies, practices, experiments and research on the training, preparation, hiring, and retention of teachers for all levels and tiers of Africa’s education sector.

    AJOTE welcomes interdisciplinary and comparative exploration of all topics in the field of teacher education. Interim, tentative, and complete project reports and commentaries are welcome. In addition to feature articles, experiment and research digest ideas, and reviews, AJOTE accepts audio, video and film contributions.

    The Witherspoon Institute. About -

    The Witherspoon Institute carries out its educational mission by providing seminars and similar opportunities to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students to examine the moral foundations of political, philosophical, and social thought.

    Public Discourse–journal

    Public Discourse is the online journal of the Witherspoon Institute. Founded in 2008, the publication is dedicated to providing thoughtful, philosophically rigorous commentary on the most important issues of the day. The journal strives to enhance public understanding of the moral foundat?ions of free societies by making the scholarship of fellows and affiliated scholars available and accessible to a general audience. Public Discourse authors write on a wide array of topics in a variety of academic disciplines, but they are united by a common commitment to the idea that truth exists, is knowable, and should inform our politics and culture.

    Its online journal, Public Discourse, publishes daily articles to foster constructive public discussions about what the Institute believes to be the five pillars of every decent and dynamic society: the individual, the family, the university, the market economy, and the state. Finally, the Institute sponsors grass-roots efforts to educate the general public about the nature and importance of marriage and family life through its CanaVox initiative.

    CanaVox– re marriage worldwide.

    Free Online College Courses. “Free Online College Courses (”

    Though this educational service is basically secular and not Reformational, its information is included here because it opens the door to a wide educational experience free and accessible anywhere. The same holds true for JSTOR, the next entry.

    JSTOR — currently offers more than 12 million academic journal articles, 85,000 books, and 2 million primary source documents in 75 disciplines. Start your research now.

    Open and free content on JSTOR and Artstor | About JSTOR

    BOER—The operative word for JSTOR seems to be "OPEN" access.

    Note the explanatory note under the previous entry.

    JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

    We help you explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform. We collaborate with the academic community to help libraries connect students and faculty to vital content while lowering costs and increasing shelf space, provide independent researchers with free and low-cost access to scholarship, and help publishers reach new audiences and preserve their content for future generations.

    JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization that also includes Artstor, Ithaka S+R, and Portico.

    David & Jesse Weir, “Yesterday's Books—Africa Catalogue.” July 2021. AND AND < >

    We believe you will be interested in our latest list of AFRICA books.
    Our mailing address is: Yesterday's Books, 6 Cecil Avenue, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 9EH, United Kingdom.


    Joel Carpenter, “Reawakening Evangelical Intellectual Life: A Christian Scholar's Review.” Christian Scholar's Review, February 28, 2022.

    David Henreckson, “Mind and heart: Addressing the crisis of formation in Christian higher education.” Christian Scholar’s Review, August 12, 2024.

    Leping Mou, Peter Tze Ming Ng, Ruth Hayhoe, eds, Liberal arts and the legacy of China’s Christian Universities. Singapore: Springer Nature. May 4, 2023 (pp. 301).

    Jonathan Eckert, “Collective leadership: A catalyst for improving in Christian schools.” Cardus, January 23, 2023.

    ----------, Leading together: Teachers and administrators improving student outcomes. Corwin, November 2017.

    Steve Holtrop, “Christian graduate programs: Transformational, not transactional.” Pro Rege, September 2021, pp. 24-34.

    Perry Glanzer, “The art and science of being an excellent student.” College Faith Podcast, September 21, 2021.

    Exploring the intersection of Christian conviction and higher education.

    ----------, “Christian graduate education curricula is missing Christianity.” Christian Scholar’s Review, August 4, 2023.

    ----------, “The secular university’s problematic justifications for general education: But Christians need to provide better alternatives and not simply a better justification.” Christian Scholar’s Review, June 16, 2023.

    Perry Glanzer, “A theology of dissertation (and thesis) writing: Some preliminary thoughts.” Christian Scholar's Review, September 3, 2021.

    Douglas Todd, “There is an alternative.” (About left vs right on university campuses). Vancouver Sun, June 5, 2021, p. B3.

    Matt Stoller, “Beware big tech’s beholden scholars.Vancouver Sun, June 19, 2024, p. NP2.

    The lurid story of U.S. prof Joshua Wright exposes the often-too-tight ties between tech giants, academia and the legal world.

    Todd C. Ream, “Searching for the soul of the university: An interview with George M. Marsden.” Christian Scholar’s Review, May 12, 2021.

    Craig DeRoche, “Radical indoctrination at school.” Family Policy Alliance, August 30, 2021. Mail - JanFran Boer - Outlook (

    Tim Muehlhoff, “Spiritual battle in the classroom” (part 1). Christian Scholar’s Review, May 30, 2023.

    Association for Reformed Political Action, “Educational Diversity.” Part of the series “Respectfully Submitted,” Policy Report for Parliamentarians, Spring 2021.”

    John M. Hunt, “Thoughts on academic titles.” Christian Scholar's Review, January 20, 2021.

    Matt Kucinski, “Calvin University 2023 grads reflect on earning bachelor’s degree behind bars.” Calvin University,May 10, 2023.

    Lisa Hosack, “The flourishing teacher: An interview with Christina Bieber Lake, author of The Flourishing Teacher: Vocational Renewal for a Sacred Profession.” Christian Scholar's Review, May 11, 2021.

    Derek C. Schuurman, “Forging a Christian college core curriculum.” Christian Scholar's Review, April 9, 2021.

    Timothy Van Soelen and Whitney Minderhoud, review of Lynn E Swaner and Andy Wolfe, Flourishing together: A Christian vision for students, educators & schools, 2021. Pro Rege, June 2022, pp. 49-51.

    David I Smith et al, Digital life together: The challenge of technology for Christian schools. Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 2020.

    ----------, Director of Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning, Calvin University.

    Smith writes on teaching and learning.

    Sarinah Lo, Faith-Integrated being, knowing, and doing: A study among Christian faculty in Indonesia. Carlisle, Cumbria, UK: Langham Monographs, 2020.

    Ndu B. Akuchie, “Theological Education in the Context of Violence and Terrorism,” Being a Commissioned paper presented by Rev. Ndu B. Akuchie, M.A., Th.D., President, Nigerian Institute for Christian Education and Leadership, (NICEL), Okigwe, Imo State, Nigeria, at the 16th International Theological Education Conference, held at The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria, March 5th - 7th, 2019.

    Michael Zwaagstra, “The fine line between education and indoctrination.” ET December 19-26, 2019, p. B6.

    LifeSiteNews Staff, “Rescued from the memory hole: Some First Nations people loved their residential schools: World-renowned Cree playwright Tomson Highway testified to having had good experiences at one such school.” LifeSiteNews, June 28, 2021.

    John Carpay, “Should schools 'cleanse the spirits' of children?.” (Regarding Aboriginal religion in public schools.) ET, December 5-11, 2019, p. B6.

    Barbara Kay, “Educational earthquake: 'Disappearing' the great writers from schools.” ET, November 21-27, 2019, p. A5.

    Flyn Ritchie, “Surrey Christian (school) Targeted; Independent Schools May Face Political Challenges.” Church for Vancouver, March 7, 2019.

    …United Nations Article 26, which covers education, along with the pertinent Section (41) of the BC Human Rights Code:

    1. If a charitable, philanthropic, educational, fraternal, religious or social organization or corporation that is not operated for profit has as a primary purpose the promotion of the interests and welfare of an identifiable group or class of persons characterized by a physical or mental disability or by a common race, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, political belief, colour, ancestry or place of origin, that organization or corporation must not be considered to be contravening this Code because it is granting a preference to members of the identifiable group or class of persons.

    Alex Newman, “Christian Secondary Schools Are a Good Investment.” Faith Today, Jan/Feb. 2019.

    Stefaan Blancke, et al, “The implications of the cognitive sciences for the relation between religion and science education: The case of evolutionary theory.” This paper has been accepted for publication in Science and Education. 2019?
    The original publication is available at Also see:

    Charless L. Glenn, “Look to the Dutch for True Educational Pluralism.” Grand Rapids: Acton Institute, Acton Commentary, September 12, 2018.

    Cardus Education Survey 2018: British Columbia Bulletin.

    Shirley Roels, “A Christian Educator’s Hike.” IAPCHE’s Contact, Sept. 2017, pp. 2-3.

    H. Fernando Bullon and Nicolas Panotto, The Sixth IAPCHE (now called INCHE) Latin American Consultation Papers in Spanish. Lima, Peru, July 2017. Theme: “Where is Protestantism in Latin America Going? A Multidisciplinary and Prospective Vision at the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.”

    Discussions on some critical questions are featured, such as: At this five-hundredth anniversary of the Reformation, what is the state of Latin American Protestantism in its evolutionary process? What is the significance of its presence in the religious, social, cultural, economic, and political transformation of the region? Will Latin America receive the best of Protestantism and its historical contributions? What obstacles occurred and continue to occur, or what new factors have arisen in the context or wihin Protestantism itself? What perspectives can we expect for the near future?

    The aim was to give a multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary perspective. Thus, the book contains the papers presented in various disciplinary panels: Bible and Theology, Missiology and Pastoral, Church History, Social Sciences (Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, Development and Environmental Studies), Education (Basic and Higher, Theological), Literature and Arts, and Communications. Amongst the themes addressed in these papers are:

    IAPCHE members may also access the individual papers at (login required).


    ARPA, “Censoring the Bible—State Board Tells Christian School to Stop Reading Offensive verses.” Lighthouse News, June 20, 2017.

    Andre Schutten, No Neutral Ground: A Christian Critique of the Secular Onslaught in Provincial Education Systems. Ottawa: ARPA Canada, 2015.

    “There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by satan.” – C.S. Lewis

    Derek Schuurman, “Creeds, Confessions and Christian Colleges.” CC, February 12, 2018, p. 15.

    ----------, “Approaches to Christian Education: From Elusive Towards a Larger and Deeper Approach.” Pro Rege, March 2016, pp. 16-22.

    Robert Sirico, “Homeschooling a parent's choice, not the state's.” Action Institute Powerblog, January 16, 2019.

    David I. Smith

    David I. Smith, Partial educational bibliography.

    ----------, “Finding Faith in School.” CC, January 22, 2018, p. 12.

    Diane Stinton, Dean of Students, An open public letter showing the wide vista of Christian tertiary education. Regent College, Vancouver BC, n.d.

    Michael Wagner, “Christianity and Public Education in Canada.”

    Jennifer Neutel, “Finland Excursion Inspires Educators.” CC, November 27 2017.

    Thirty four Christian educators who embarked on an Educational Finland Exploration with Ontario Christian School Administrators Association (OCSAA) Sept. 23-29 are now unpacking ideas and possibilities for their own schools.

    Harry Fernhout, Editorial: “In Service of Integral Christian Higher Education.” Contact, June 2017, p. 2.

    ----------, “Editorial: Claiming the Academic Arena.” IAPCHE Contact, March 2017.

    Beth Green, “Schools Bridging Faith and Science.” Convivium, May 8, 2017.

    Data unearthed by the Cardus Religious Schools Initiative at the University of Notre Dame debunk popular caricatures of religious schools as sinkholes of anti-science obscurantism.

    ----------, “Private schools form an important part of B. C.'s school system.” VS, October 26, 2018. Along with several more websites.

    Cardus Education Team, Open letter to readers of Comment Magazine (a segment), Cardus, April 18 2018.

    Cardus education report released. Download the full report here

    “Why Christian School?” Inquire along with me on the ACSI blog today.

    Emily DeRuy, “Betsy DeVos’s Misunderstood Alma Mater: Calvin College Is No Fundamentalist School.” The Atlantic, March 1, 2017.

    Monica deRegt, “Sir Ken Robinson’s New ‘Learning Revolution’ Echoes Old Gospel Themes.” CC, February 27, 2017, p. 12.

    “Private versus Public Schools – A Difference in Worldviews,” to Pete McMartin, retired VS columnist, February 4, 2017. A farewell and response to his parting column, “…and so, Goodbye,” February 4, 2017, p. A3.

    As to McMartin’s other columns against private schools, see:

    “This is egalitarian Canada? BC taxpayers should not be paying any part of private-school education,” VS, October 22, 2016, p. A3.

    “Tax Deductions Add Support to Private Schools,” VS, November 2, 2016, p. A3.

    Responses to McMartin’s articles can be accessed as follows:

    Douglas Todd, “Schools Lost Their Faith.” Vancouver Sun, October 9, 2016.

    ----------, “The ‘Great Professor’s’ Blind Spot.” VS, October 8, 2016.

    J. L. van der Walt, et al, “Three current developments in teaching-learning and knowledge-creation and the implications thereof for education: A Reformational perspective.” Journal for Christian Scholarship, vol. 52, 2016.

    Download here

    Nick Lantinga, “Educating Ambassadors.” Online:, June 30, 2016.

    ----------, “Bigotry Perhaps; Faithfulness for Sure.” Contact: Newsletter of the International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education (IAPCHE), January 2005.

    Joseph Oh and Nicholas S. Lantinga, “Correlation between Faith and Identity in Korean Christian Higher Education.” Handong Global University, 2015/2016 (23 pp.).

    Nick Loenen, “BC Independent Schools and Public Funding.” Speech delivered originally to a group of 40 American visitors at Willoughby Christian Reformed Church (CRC), Langley BC, October 4, 2015 and to a meeting of the BC region of CRC at First Vancouver CRC, October 4, 2016.

    Hubert R. Krygsman, “Roots and Fruits: State of the University.” Lancaster ON: Redeemer University College. Address delivered by President Krygsman, 27 August 2013 (14 pp.).

    Mwenda Ntarangwi, “Journeys that have Shaped My Life.” Contact, IAPCHE September 2012, pp. 2-3. This article can be accessed at:

    John H. Westerhoff III, Will Our Children Have Faith? Third Revised Edition. New York: Morehouse Publishing, 2012. Partial Preview.

    This item is included to represent a liberal version of church education in distinction from the Reformational Christian day school tradition promoted on this website.

    Hubert R. Krygsman, “Educating for Joy: Inaugural Address.” Hubert R. Krygsman, President Redeemer University College, Lancaster ON, 6 November, 2010.

    ----------, “The Soul of the Curriculum: A Framework for Integral Christian Education.” Contact, IAPCHE, May 2004, insert (8 pp.).

    Keith C. Sewell, “Free Christian University: Review essay.” Pro Rege, June 2009, Vol. 37, No. 4.

    David Naugle, “A Paideia Proposal: The Educational Power of Great Tradition Christianity.” IAPCHE Contact, p. 2, n.d.

    Doug Blomberg, Wisdom and curriculum: Christian schooling after postmodernity. Sioux Center, IA: Dordt College Press, 2007 (256 pp.). (Under contract for translation and publication in Korea.)

    Blomberg presents an interpretation of essentially Christian schooling that challenges the conventional wisdom of both its advocates and critics. In asserting that education should teach students to be discerning of the worldviews that are operative in their own education, he strikes an important blow for the kind of Christian schooling he advocates, as well as puncturing the oft-held position that secular education is in and of itself values-neutral. He proffers the view that schools bringing their own values and beliefs forward in an explicit manner is the only authentic and honest way of proceeding. At the heart of this position is his final dismantling of the validity of disjoining theory and practice.

    A Review Essay by Dirk Windhorst, Redeemer University College.

    Isaac N. Mutua, “What Is That in Your Hand? Realizing Africa’s Potential.” Contact, IAPCHE, September 2005, insert (12 pp.). This article may be accessible at:

    Roger Henderson, “What Makes a Good Teacher/Leader?” IAPCHE’s Contact, February 2004, p. 3. Reprinted in Comment Magazine, April 11, 2008.

    Michelle Hughes and Clinton E. Stockwell, “Reflections on Practice: Experiential Education as Personal and Social Transformation.” Contact, IAPCHE, January 2005, insert (16 pp.).

    Charles L. Glenn, “Historical Background to Conflicts over Religion in Public Schools.” IAPCHE’s Contact, February 2004, an insert (12 pp.). Also in Pro Rege of Dordt College, Sept 2004, pp. 1-19. This article can be accessed at:

    Steven C. Vryhof, Between Memory and Vision: The Case for Faith-Based Schooling. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004.

    Publishers: “This is a preview. The total pages displayed will be limited.” Yes, but a large chunk here is better than a mere listing.

    Daniel J. Ribera, The Integration of Faith and Learning in the Christian School Ribera Leadership Colloquium, Seattle Pacific University, 2004.

    Michael W. Goheen, “The Gospel and the idolatrous spirit of the University Keynote Address, International Association for Promotion of Christian Scholarship Conference, Karoli Gaspar University, Budapest, Hungary, 3 July 2002.

    Victoria Cunningham, Justice Achieved: The Political Struggle of Independent Schools in British Columbia. Vancouver: Federation of Independent School Associations (FISA) in British Columbia, 2002 (311 pp.).

    “Shaping Education Policy with Big Ideas and Faith.” The Calvin Spark, winter 2011, p. 47. This article can be accessed at:

    This is a one-page summary of Fred Herfst, who spearheaded FISA for 25 years.

    Calvin Seerveld, “Reformational Christian Philosophy and Christian College Education.” IAPCHE Newsletter, 2002.

    Joel A. Carpenter, “The perils of prosperity: Neo-Calvinism and the future of Religious Colleges.” Paper delivered at the conference, The Future of Religious Colleges, held at the Kennedyu School of Government, Harvard University, October 6-7, 2000. Contact, March 2001.

    Lambert Zuidervaart, “Deep Water from the Kuyperian Well: The Future of Higher Education.” ICS Newsletter Perspective, March 1998, pp. 7-11.

    Jim Lont, “The Vital Stake of the African Church in Christian Higher Education’s Worldview and Scholarship: Two Issues and Some Suggestions for Scholarship Helpful to the Church.” Paper delivered at the African Regional Conference of IAPCHE. Gboko, Nigeria, January 11-15, 1998.

    John Vriend, “No Neutral Ground: Why I’m Committed to Christian Education.” Perspective, Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship Vol. 7, No. 5 September/October, 1973, pp. 17-21.

    HendrikVan Riessen, “The University and Its Basis.” A lecture delivered in Unionville ON in the context of the Unionville Lectures and published in the series Christian Perspectives (see above under Runner). This edition is a typed version from St. Catharines ON: Paideia, n.d. (45 pp.).

    Paul Kienel, “Ten Reasons Why You Should Send Your Child To A Christian School,” Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

    The website of ACSI is:

    Note: While the ICS is Reformational and representative of the spirit underlying this website, that of ACSI is more Evangelical. A knowledgable reader will discern the difference.

    David Brooks, “The Cultural Value of Christian Higher Education.” Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, CCCU Advance, Vol. 7/ No. 1. To be accessed at:

    Arnold H. DeGraaff, “The Nature and Aim of Christian Education.” N.p, n.d.

    J. D. Dengerink, “The Necessity of Christian Universities.” The Association for Reformed Scientific Studies, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada n.d. (12pp). This article can be accessed at:

    Jan Waterink, Basic Concepts in Christian Pedagogy. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1954. St. Catharines ON: Paideia Premier, 1980 (148 pp.).

    14. Religion*


    The term “religion” has several layers of meaning. On this page and, indeed, this entire website, it is defined as the underlying pre-scientific and pre-rational, mostly assumed and unexamined basic perception of life on basis of which a person makes his choices and decisions and builds her life. In this context, religion underlies everything else and is definitely not a separate area of life that can be distinguished from other cultural segments.

    Given that perception of religion, the reader can rightly wonder why there is a special section devoted to the subject as if it were an aspect of culture alongside the political or educational.

    The reason is the second main meaning of the term. It has in addition also a public institutional face in terms of church, mosque, temple and their myriad of organizational and, thus, cultural bodies that do indeed exist alongside other cultural aspects. It is that side of religion that is the focus here, its sociological aspect.

    But these are not totally separable or distinguishable from each other either. Especially under subjects like human rights and freedom of religion, it is the underlying presuppositions that are taken to the courts when the freedom of religion in the form of its institutions and practices is being challenged. Often the challengers of religion base their arguments on the institutional side, while the defenders argue on basis of religion as the unexamined assumptions and beliefs held by the accusers. One might describe these legal battles as between full-fledged mature apples and crab apples. The latter are often represented by secularists or leftist church leaders who have bought into the leftist secular framework.

    Religion--Institutions*, Journals, Magazines

    A confession: The selection here is scandalously sparse. Potential candidates could fill an unending series of tomes. The emphasis is largely on the Christian Reformational religion school of thought. No further comments.

    Jon Woronoff, Series Editor, “Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements.” In Ludwig W. Adamec, Historical Dictionary of Islam. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.

    Religious Freedom (IJRF) International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). Vol. 6, Issue 1 / 2, 2013, pp. 111-126.

    American Academy of Religion (AAR), (

    We are the largest scholarly society dedicated to the academic study of religion, with more than 6,000 members around the world. Our mission is to foster excellence in the academic study of religion and enhance the public understanding of religion.

    ----------, Journal of the American Academy of Religion (JAAR). < >.

    ----------, Reading Religion, review magazine.

    Babatunde Adereni Adedibu, ed., Journal of Contemporary Christian Studies. Kennington, London UK. ISSN 2507-00901

    International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF), International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2008 (156 pp.)

    The International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF) is published twice a year and aims to provide a platform for scholarly discourse on religious freedom in general and the persecution of Christians in particular. It is an interdisciplinary, international, peer reviewed journal, serving the dissemination of new research on religious freedom and contains research articles, documentation, book reviews, academic news and other relevant items.

    Cardus Religious Freedom Institute (CRFI)– a brochure of 2019.

    Freedom of religion and conscience is at the foundation of our country's democracy. It has shaped the genuinely pluralist nature of Canadian society. But an amnesia has developed whereby expressions of religious faith have been marginalized from the public debate and civil society institutions.

    The CRFI aims to reverse this amnesia by leading and equipping our partners within Canada's faith communities, and defending and promoting expressions of public faith. This work is central to the mission of the CRFI, understanding that religious freedom is the fundamental right of all people of faith and of no faith.

    Barnabas Today-- Home | Barnabas Today.** Barnabas Aid magazine, November / December 2020, p. 18.

    Launched in September 2020, the aim of Barnabas Today is to provide spiritual resources to encourage believers facing pressure and difficulties of many kinds. We are prioritizing resources created by our brothers and sisters living in situations of poverty and persecution...."

    It is a place where Christians can freely watch, read, listen or download material to touch their hearts, educate their minds and strengthen their souls. There are hymns and songs in different languages with music coming from different continents.

    Barnabas Fund Resources. An amazing library of studies, mostly about Islam, by Patrick Sookhdeo et al.

    Elizabeth Kendal, “Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin” (RLPB).

    “RLPB is published weekly to facilitate strategic intercessory prayer.” It is associated with years of blogging and covers a multitude of nations, wherever there is religious turmoil and/or persecution of Christians by whomever, with emphasis on the Islamic or Muslim world. If an article deals with Muslims or Islam, you will find it on the ISLAMICA page. If it deals with persecution of Christians by others, you will find it right here. This particular item is found in both places.

    Fellowship of the Churches of Christ in Nigeria.

    This fellowship is better known in Nigeria under its Hausa name “Tarayyar Ekklesiyoyin Kiristi a Nijeriya” and even better by its Hausa acronym “TEKAN.” It is based in Jos, Nigeria, and has emerged from the Sudan United Mission conglomeration of missions and some other individual denominations. Its members reach into the millions. This is a rich website that provides information about each of the member denominations. A brief early history of TEKAN has been published by Edgar H. Smith, the original General Secretary, TEKAS Fellowship of Churches: Its origin and growth. See below under < The church in Africa* >. (Note the differences in spelling—“TEKAN” and “TEKAS” due to historical circumstances.)

    Hausa Christians Foundation – HACFO

    International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ).

    In early 2012, the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) launched the world’s first global association of journalists who cover religious issues. The International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ) aims to offer collegial forums for dialogue and cooperation, online, in-person training, and a wealth of resources and data to promote better coverage of religious issues. The IARJ is partnering with the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) on this project.

    Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), Washington DC,

    PRRI’s research explores and illuminates America’s changing cultural, religious, and political landscape. PRRI’s mission is to help journalists, scholars, thought leaders, clergy, and the general public better understand debates on public policy issues, and the important cultural and religious dynamics shaping American society and politics.

    American Academy of Religion, Atlanta GA. < >

    Initially an association for scholars of Biblical Studies, today we support those who study any and all religions. We are not a faith-based organization. The expertise of our membership spans virtually all religions, and we neither endorse nor condemn any religious belief or practice.

    Our mission is to foster excellence in the academic study of religion and enhance the public understanding of religion. We're committed to promoting academic excellence, professional responsibility, free inquiry, critical examination, diversity, inclusion, respect, and transparency within the academic study of religion and in our own work.

    World Council of Churches

    The World Council of Churches is a fellowship of churches which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the scriptures, and therefore seek to fulfil together their common calling to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    It is a community of churches on the way to visible unity in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship, expressed in worship and in common life in Christ. It seeks to advance towards this unity, as Jesus prayed for his followers, "so that the world may believe." (John 17:21)

    The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the broadest and most inclusive among the many organized expressions of the modern ecumenical movement, a movement whose goal is Christian unity.


    John Dyer, “The new Gutenberg: Bible apps could be as formative to Christian History as the printing press.” Christianity Today, December 2022 (pp. 50-55).

    Nigerian churches as peacemakers in an ethnocentric context.

    Jalingo resolution on peace and reconciliation between the Jukun and Tiv in Taraba State, Nigeria,” August 31, 2003.

    A communiqué issued at the joint meeting of the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria (CRCN) and the Reformed Church of Christ in Nigeria (RCCN), held at CRCN No. 1, Takum, on September 10, 2002.

    E. McGrath and Darren C. Marks, The Blackwell Companion to Protestantism. Malden MA, USA: Blackwell Publishing, 2004.

    Reclaiming Jesus, “2020: A Call to Prayer, Fasting, and Repentance Leading to Action.” A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis and a declaration for action by Evangelical leaders.

    Bob DeMoor, “Why theology is such godly fun.” The Banner, November 2022, pp. 32-34.

    Pennings, Ray, and Jenisa Los. “The Shifting Landscape of Faith in Canada.” Cardus, 2022.

    Terry Gross and Dave Davies, “New York Times’ Executive Editor on The New Terrain of Covering Trump.” Interview with Dean Baquet, the Executive Editor of The New York Times, December 8, 2016. Selected paragraphs from a transcript.

    Major points:

    Journalism is holding powerful people to account.

    Major media are "big boys. We have lawyers" and can defend ourselves in court.

    BAQUET: “And I want to make sure we're set up to cover that. I want to make sure that we are much more creative about beats out in the country so that we understand that anger and disconnectedness that people feel. And I think I use religion as an example because I was raised Catholic in New Orleans. I think that the New York-based and Washington-based too probably, media powerhouses don't quite get religion. We have a fabulous religion writer, but she's all alone. We don't get religion. We don't get the role of religion in people's lives. And I think we can do much, much better. And I think there are things that we can be more creative about to understand the country.”

    The above selective transcript can be accessed at:

    The Fellowship of Churches of Christ in Nigeria, Communique of 63rd General Assembly held at Alushi, Akwanga, Nassarawa State, Nigeria, January 9-14, 2018.

    Jacob Oladipupo, “Power in Neo-Pentecostalism and African Tradional Religion: A Nigerian case study.” International Journal of Science and Research, July 2018, Vol. 7, No. 7 (pp. 431-439).

    David K. Tarus, Stephanie Lowery, African theologies of identity and community: The contributions of John Mbiti, Jesse Mugambi, Vincent Mulago, and Kwama Bediako. Open Theology, 2017, Vol. 3 (pp. 305-320)

    Joel Thiessen et al, “What is a flourishing congregation? Leader perceptions, definitions, and experiences..” Review of Religious Research (2019) 61:13-37. Published online November 10, 2018.

    Ray Pennings, Public religion in a privatized society: The role of Christianity in secular society. Presentation made to Members of Parliament (MP) and Senators in the Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, and co-sponsored by Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott and Liberal MP John McKay; organized by ARPA on May 4, 2010.

    Johanna Lewis, “Religion and belief among immigrants to Canada.” A Cardus research Brief,” June 23, 2023.

    Ashleigh Stewart, “Gone by 2040: Why some religions are declining in Canada faster than ever.” Global News>, January 8, 2022.

    Freedom* of Religion, (In)tolerance*, Persecution*

    International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), Reichman University, Herzlia, Israel.

    Founded in 1996, the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) is one of the leading academic institutes for counter-terrorism in the world, facilitating international cooperation in the global struggle against terrorism. ICT is an independent think tank providing expertise in terrorism, counter-terrorism, homeland security, threat vulnerability, risk assessment, intelligence analysis, national security and defense policy. Also hosts a series of World Summit on Counter-Terrorism.

    Persecuted Church Resources from ReFrame Ministries (formerly Back to God Hour). November 2022.

    Bennett*, Andrew

    ----------, “Religious Freedom as a Fundamental Freedom.” January 10, 2017.

    ----------, “An institutional history of religious freedom in Canada.” Cardus Religious Freedom Institute, 2nd ed., April 5, 2020.

    ----------, “What is religious freedom?” Cardus Religious Freedom Institute, May 11, 2020.

    ----------, “Three reasons to care about Religious Freedom in Canada.” Hamilton ON: Cardus Religious Freedom Institute (CRFI), 2019.

    ----------, “Ontario Appeal Courts says doctors can't refuse to give referrals over moral or religious beliefs.” The Toronto Star, May 15, 2019.

    ----------, “Liberals' 'Values Test' a threat to freedom in Canada.” The Hamilton Spectator, April 3, 2019.

    ----------, “The imperative of conscience Rights.” CRFI, December 4, 2018.

    ----------, “Supporters of Public Faith in Canada are young, educated, liberal and 'quite dug in'.” National Post, November 23, 2018.

    ----------, “Canadian Millennials take up the challenge of living a public faith..” CRFI, June 6, 2018.

    ----------, “Millennial summit affirms role of religious faith in Canada.” The Catholic Register, July 13, 2017.

    ----------, “Defending a Foundational Freedom.” Convivium, January 10, 2017. This article can be found at:

    Benson*, Iain T.

    ----------, An Associational Framework for the Reconciliation of Competing Rights Claims Involving the Freedom of Religion. A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of the Witwatersrand, September 12 2013.

    ----------, “The Western religions attacked on by Western law.” International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF), International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). Vol. 6, Issue 1 / 2, 2013, pp. 111-126.

    ----------, “The Case For Religious Inclusivism And The Judicial Recognition Of Religious Associational Rights: A Response To Lenta.” Constitutional Court Review, 2008, pp. 297-312.

    Elizabeth Kendal*

    “Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin” (RLPB). Kendal has written and published numerous publications. Here are just a couple of samples.

    For images and hyperlinks, visit

    RLPB is published weekly to facilitate strategic intercessory prayer.

    Elizabeth Kendal, “North Korea: ‘All for Jesus, even in death’.” Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin (RLPB 697, June 14, 2023. For images and hyperlinks, visit here

    Elizabeth Kendal, “India: Viral Hatred Spreads through India.” Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin | RLPB 647 | Wed 01 June 2022.

    For images and hyperlinks, visit https://nam12...

    RLPB is published weekly to facilitate strategic intercessory prayer.

    ----------, “Nigeria's Conversion Crisis: Echoes of Egypt.” Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin | RLPB 439 | Wed 24 Jan 2018.

    For comments on this story, go to Boer's Blog < >, Post 61.

    ----------, “Germany: Reformation or Death.” Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin | RLPB 380 |, October 19, 2016.

    Patrick Sookhdeo -through(out) Barnabas Fund

    ----------, “St Paul's Cathedral forbid public reading of the Bible – police disagree!

    See also Barnabas Prayer bulletin, September 29, 2018.

    ----------, “The plank in our own eye: The West must look to shameful discrimination against Christians at home before criticising other nations.” January 22, 2019.

    ----------, “Trends in Christian Persecution.” Barnabas Aid, September/October, 2018, pp.8-14.

    ----------, “A History of Christian Persecution: Christian Responses to Persecution.” BarnabasAid May-June, 2018, Pull-out series no. 6. Go to earlier and later editions of BarnabasAid for more members of this series.

    ----------, “Persecution of Christians by Hindus.” BarnabasAid, the magazine of Barnabas Aid, and BarnabasPrayer, the bimonthly prayer bulletin of Barnabas Aid. Pewsey, Wiltshire, UK and McLean, Virginia, USA, 2017.

    You will find information summaries from various Buddhist and Communist countries in all editions of this bimonthly prayer bulletin. The prayers and information is supported by articles in the bi-monthly Barnabas Aid magazine. These are available free of charge online as well as hard copy. The July/August 2021 edition of the prayer bulletin, e.g., contains incidents about Laos, Burma (Nyanmar)-Buddhist; China-Communist; North Korea-unclassified barbarian; India-Hindu.

    Jan H. Boer, ed., “Hindu Persecution of Christians.” Sourced from brochures and magazine from Barnabas Aid, Pewsey, Wiltshire, UK.

    Barnabas Aid/ Fund, “Anti-Christian Violence in India Stems From “Environment of Targeted Hate.” July 26, 2021.

    Barnabas Aid / Fund, “Barnabas Aid a Major Sponsor of First International Religious Freedom Summit.” July 26, 2021.

    Gary Hunt, “Dalits and Their Quest for Freedom,” – a brochure, Dalit Freedom Network Canada: Surrey BC, Canada. < Gary Hunt, “Dalits and Their Quest for Freedom,” – a brochure, Dalit Freedom Network Canada: Surrey BC, Canada. < >, February 2013.

    The stories and incidents of Hindu persecution of Christians are many. Go to the above Barnabas monthly sources and you will find an unending array of stories.

    Freedom--Single* Listings

    Bernard Zylstra, “Using the constitution to defend religious rights.” Reprinted with permission from Lynn R. Buzzard, ed., The impact of law on religious liberty. Crossway Books. Distributed by Toronto: ICS.

    Joseph Boot et al, "Summit meeting of Christian leaders concerning the freedom of the church. The Niagara 2020 Declaration: On the liberties of the Church in Canada from sea to sea.” < The Niagara 2020 Declaration (

    Originating in a gathering of Christian leaders in the Niagara region in the fall of 2020, this document is a humble attempt to rally the Christian Church in this nation around a common declaration as it relates to church and state and the protection of our civil liberties. History proves that freedoms not fought for are soon forfeited; if the church loses its freedom, freedoms will be lost for all. We can no longer afford to be complacent. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, our neighbours who need the Gospel, and our beloved nation of Canada, we must prayerfully and courageously seek to stem the tide to the glory of God and for the kingdom of His dear Son.

    Doug Bandow, “The Chinese Communist Party wages war on religion—again.” Acton Institute, March 29, 2023.

    Jane Bruin et al, “Committee to Study Religious Persecution and Liberty.” Report on the subject to the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church, n .d. (31 pp.). Still in progress at December 2021.

    Rex Murphy, “Desecration of 48 churches is a national (Canadian) tragedy, yet government seems to care little about Christians.” National Post, July 21, 2021.

    Andrew Boyd, Neither bomb nor bullet: Archbishop on the front lines. Biography of Benjamin Kwashi, Anglican Archbishop of Jos, Nigeria. Lion Hudson, July 2019.

    In the warzone that Nigeria has become, Archbishop Ben Kwashi has survived three assassination attempts. A brutal assault on his wife, Gloria, drove him to his knees - to forgive and find the strength to press on. Islamist militants have Nigeria in their sights. These are the terrorists who kidnapped hundreds of Christian schoolgirls - who have vowed to turn Africa's most populous nation into a hard-line Islamic state. Their plan is to drive the Christian minority from the north by kidnapping, bombing and attacking churches. Plateau State is on the frontline. But holding that line against Boko Haram, and standing firm for the Gospel, is Ben Kwashi, the Anglican Archbishop of Jos. In Jos, churches have been turned into fortresses and Archbishop Ben now conducts more funerals than weddings and baptisms put together. Yet his faith grows ever more vibrant. He has adopted scores of orphans who live in his home, including many who are HIV positive. And the challenge of his message - to live for the Gospel even in the face of terror - has never been so timely. < Neither Bomb Nor Bullet: Benjamin Kwashi: Archbishop on the front line: Boyd, Andrew: 9780857218438: Books > .

    Ron Kuipers, “Human Dignity and Religious Freedom: Conceptual Frameworks.” Lecture delivered at the 26th Annual International Conference on Law and Religion: “Human Dignity and Freedom of Religion or Belief: Preventing and addressing persecution,” hosted by the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, October 6-8, 2019.

    ----------, “The Contemporary Relevance of Religion.” ICS, n.d., but 2013 at the earliest.

    Brian Bird, “The struggle for toleration.” Lecture delivered to Graduate and Faculty Christian Forum (GFCF) at the Universty of British Columbia, Vancouver (UBC), November 18, 2021. An abstract.

    Brett Scharffs, “Why Religious Freedom? Why the Religiously Committed, the Religiously Indifferent and Those Hostile to Religious Should Care.” April 20, 2017.

    Thomas F. Farr, “Religious Freedom and the Common Good: The Importance of Religious Actors and ideas in Public Life.” February 23, 2017.

    Faisal Bhabha, “Religious Freedom in a Multicultural Society,” January 10, 2017.

    Rishabn Jain, “Bangladeshi’s Hindu-Buddhist-Christian Council pushes for secular state.” Religion News Service, August 29, 2024.

    Genevieve Charles, “Study: Citizens around the globe want leaders who stand up for religious believers.” Religion News Service

    , August 29, 2024.

    Adelle M. Banks, “Nigeria Listed Among Most Serious Violators of Religious Freedom in U.S. State Department Statement.” The Banner, December 10, 2020.

    ----------, “Black seminarians take first-time religious freedom course.” RSN, December 12, 2019.

    Open Doors, “2020 World Watch list: Trends in global persecution.” January 16, 2020.

    Douglas Todd, “Quebec religious restrictions mild on international scale.” VS, November 16, 2019.

    Ray Wells, “St. Paul's Stop Preacher from Reading the Bible outside the Cathedral.” The Telegraph, July 22, 2018. and See also Barnabas Prayer Bulletin, Sept 29, 2018.

    Peter Stockwell, “Liberals' “value test” a threat to freedom in Canada.” The Hamilton Spectator, April 3, 2018.

    Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, “Where religious freedom is made stronger, not weaker.” A letter to donours, February 2015.

    Paul Marshall, “Conceptual issues in contemporary religious freedom research.” International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF), International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2008 (p. 7ff) (156 pp.).

    See related Marshall writings about human rights under < Generations-Groups > on this page.

    Douglas Todd, “Quebec religious restrictions mild on international scale.” VS, November 16, 2019.

    Meagan Campbell, “Medieval Spanish persecution of Jews and its modern fall out” (real title: “Something I had to do for my ancestors.”) Vancouver Sun, October 25, 2019.

    Alejandra Molina, “40% of Muslim students in CA report being bullied due to religion....” RNS, October 16, 2019.

    Ross Douthat, “Are Christians Privileged or Persecuted? How Western liberalism’s peculiar relationship to its Christian heritage leaves non-Western Christians exposed.” New York Times, April 23, 2019.

    Sigal Samuel, “The Witches of Baltimore: Young Black women are leaving Christianity and embracing African witchcraft in digital covens..” The Atlantic, November 5, 2018.

    Jim Harries, “In witchbound Africa: An account of conemporary Western Christian scholarship on witchcraft.” The Pneuma Review, June 2016.

    Jeremy Weber, “No Cheeks Left to Turn: The Double Persecution of Africa’s Largest Church. Images by Gary S. Chapman.” Christianity Today, November, 2018.

    Christian Broadcasting Network, “Why the Potomac Declaration is 'truly historic' for religious freedom.” Includes the full text of the Declaration. CBN News, July 27, 2018.

    For further research on the Declaration, there are scores of websites devoted to it.

    Morgan Lee, “Pence and Pompeo make big religious freedom pledges..” Christianity Today, July 26, 2018.

    Potomac Declaration and action plan hope to persuade more nations by the second US religious freedom ministerial next year.

    US Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, International Religious Freedom Report for 2017. Annual Report on International Religious Freedom.

    Alasdaire Henderson, “Reasonable Accommodation and Religious Liberty.” The Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics: “Ethics in Brief,” Summer 2017 (Vol. 22; No. 4).

    Catherine Elvy, “Truth Seeking, Democracy, and Freedom of Expression,” Christian Union, Spring 2017, pp. 57-58.

    William Paul Todd, The Attitudes of the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA) towards Islam in Light Of Ethnic and Religious Violence. Unpublished Ph.D thesis for Queen’s University of Belfast, 2010 (434 pp.).

    Christof Sauer (ed.), Bad Urach Statement: Towards an Evangelical Theology of Suffering, Persecution and Martyrdom for the Global Church in Mission. WEA Global Issues Series no. 9. Bonn, Germany: Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft Culture and Science Publ. Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, 2012 (92 pp.).

    Religion--Special* Subjects


    David K. Naugle, Worldview: The History of a Concept. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002.

    Michael Goheen, Review of David K. Naugle, Worldview: The History of a Concept. June 2020.

    Dale Cannon, review in Tradition & Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical, 33:1.

    Tim McConnel, review in Pro Rege, March 2004, pp. 27.

    ----------, “Worldview: History, Theology, Implications.”

    Ruth Deddens and Gerdien Rots, transl. Jan H. Boer, “Changing Evaluation by Changing Perspective: Role of Worldview – An Interview with Mieke Boon.” Original title: “Anders waarderen door anders te kijken” – segments of an interview. Sophie, 3/2013, pp. 10-15.

    Philip Graham Ryken, Eds. J. Ballor and S. Grabill, Christian Worldview: A Student's Guide. Series editor, Davod S. Dockery, Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition. Wheaton IL: Crossway, 2013. A partial preview.

    Graham A. Cole, “Do Christians have a worldview?” 2009.

    Sermons and Preaching

    Jonathan T. Pennington, Small preaching habits. Big impacts. Bellingham: Lexham Press, 2021.

    In this delightful little book, Jonathan Pennington proves himself at home in the library and the pulpit. He draws on an array of disciplines to produce clear, helpful counsel on preparation, writing, fears (‘This sermon stinks”), praise, and criticism. And don’t miss his consummate instruction on the first and last minutes of a sermon.” (Dan Doriani, Covenant Theological Seminary.)

    Creation* AND Evolution*

    Bruce Riley Ashford and Craig G. Bartholomew, The doctrine of creation: A constructive Kuyperian approach. Intervarsity Press, November 2020.

    Apart from the doctrine of God, no doctrine is as comprehensive as that of creation. It is woven throughout the entire fabric of Christian theology. It goes to the deepest roots of reality and leaves no area of life untouched. Across the centuries, however, the doctrine of creation has often been eclipsed or threatened by various forms of gnosticism. Yet if Christians are to rise to current challenges related to public theology and ethics, we must regain a robust, biblical doctrine of creation. According to Bruce Ashford and Craig Bartholomew, one of the best sources for outfitting this recovery is Dutch neo-Calvinism. Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, and their successors set forth a substantial doctrine of creation's goodness, but recent theological advances in this tradition have been...
    (Source: Publisher)

    Gregory J. Rummo, “Latest discoveries in the field of structural biology point to intelligent design.” Christian Scholar's Review, November 19, 2021. Guest Post – Latest Discoveries in the Field of Structural Biology Point to Intelligent Design – Christian Scholar's Review (

    Stefaan Blancke, et al, eds., Creationism in Europe. John Hopkins University Press, 2014 (296 pp.).

    ----------, “The Low Countries” in Creationism in Europe-see above--, Chapter 4.

    Marnix Medema and Remico Muis interviewing Mart-Jan Paul and Tom Zoutewelle, “The Current Status of Creationism.” Transl. Jan H. Boer. Original title, “Hoe staat het ervoor met het creationisme?” Sophie, 4/2013, pp. 16-19.

    Alvin J. Plantinga, “When Faith and Reason Clash: Evolution and the Bible.” see above

    Abraham C. Flipse, “The Origins of Creationism in the Netherlands: The Evolution Debate among Twentieth-Century Dutch Neo-Calvinists.” Church History, March 2012 (pp. 104-147).


    Yvetter Lopez-Warren, “An open letter to the women graduates of Lake Highlands High School.” Posted by Care Net, June 11, 2021.

    Be sure to read the readers' responses below the letter.

    We Need a Law, “Pro-life: A Personal and Political Position.” April 2019.

    Unknown, About murder, abortion, divine law. Actual title, publisher and date are also unknown.

    Care Net, “Pro Life 101:A free online pro-life course,” ongoing since 2008.

    Matt Staver, “Scalping Babies for Profit.” Orlando FL: Liberty Counsel Action, email on October 18, 2019.

    Access this website and you will find more on the same subject.

    Heather Creekmore, “Abortion: What's race got to do with it?.” Care-Net, April 27, 2021.

    Joan Delaney, “It must end: Time to turn the tide on abortion, says pro-life advocate.” ET, January 3-8, p. A3.

    Matthew J. Franck, “Kermit Gosnell and the Ideology of Abortion on Demand.” Review of Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer, The Witherspoon Institute, January 27, 2017. This document can be accessed at:

    Readings related to the above and found at the same URL above:

    Negligence, Insensitivity, or Murder?Anthony Esolen, May 21st, 2013

    Kermit Gosnell: Epiphany for Birthers?John B. Londregan, May 20th, 2013

    Kermit Gosnell and the Logic of "Pro-Choice"Matthew J. Franck, May 14th, 2013

    Gosnell, Law, and Modest First StepsChristopher O. Tollefsen, May 10th, 2013

    Judge Sotomayor and Abortion on Demand: A TutorialMatthew J. Franck, July 21st, 2009


    African Journal of Pentecostal Studies (AJOPS). < >

    The journal renewal movement is an international, open access publication that covers a broad range of topics related to Pentecostalism, neo-Pentecostalism and related to Africa and other parts of the world. It seeks to foster multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary scholarship in the academic study of Pentecostalism, emphasising the intersectionality of theology and practice within Pentecostal circles, denominations, non-denominational movements, and other ministries.

    Michael Brown and Doug Wilson, “Charismatic or cessationist? Are the gifts of the Spirit still in operation?Christian Union Magazine, July 28, 2022.

    James Kwateng-Yeboah, “’Poverty is of the devil:’ Pentecostal worldviews and development in Ghana.” Chapter 6 in Antipas L. Harris and Michael D. Palmer, eds. The Holy Spirit and social justice: Interdisciplinary global perspectives. Lanham, Maryland, USA: Seymour Press, 2019.

    An introduction to “Neo-Prophetism,” a recent form of Pentecostalism by Ghanian scholars.

    Thomas Aechtner, “Now we are coming: Global Pentecostalism and the new African diaspora.” In Health, wealth, and power in an African diaspora church in Canada. New York: Palgrove Macmillan, 2015.

    Potency of “Multiple Modernities” Paradigm.” Masters thesis for the School of Religion at Queen’s UniverJames Kwateng-Yeboah, “A Re-appraisal of the Prosperity Gospel in African Neo-Pentecostalism." Masters thesis, School of Religion, Queen's University, August 2017 (pp. 53).

    Moses Oludele Idowu, “The medicine as poison; The physician as the killer.” Proceedings of the Conference on Religion and Security by the Department of Religious Studies, University of Ibadan. N.d.

    Danny McCain, “Pentecostals and Others: Challenging and Learning from Each OtherAfrican Journal of Evangelical Theology, Volume 31. 2. 2012.

    ---------- et al, Final Report of Research Activities and Findings from Nigeria Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Centre. Jos, Nigeria: University of Jos, October 31, 2012. (University of Jos, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria) < >. For / To Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Initiative Center for Religion and Civic Culture, University of Southern California.

    Jerry M. Ireland, “The secularizing and anti-secularizing potential of African Pentecostalism.” N.d. < >.

    Benjamin Kirby, “Pentecostalism, economics, capitalism: Putting the Protestant ethic to work.” Religion, 49:4, pp. 571-591. May 24 2019 online.

    Goka M. Mpigi, “Gaining the whole world: Pentecostalism and the changing face of Christianity in Nigeria.”, n.d. given but, judging from endnotes, at least as recent as 2017.

    Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, “Miraculous modernity: Charismatic traditions and trajectories within Chinese Protestant Christianity.” In Goossaert, Kiely, and Lagerwey, eds., Modern Chinese religion II: 1850-2015. Leiden: Brill, 2015 (pp. 884-919).

    Wonsuk Ma, Veli-Matti Karkkainen, J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, eds., Pentecostal Mission and Global Christianity. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, vol. 20. Regnum Books, 2014.

    James K. A. Smith, Thinking in Tongues: Pentecostal Contributions to Christian Philosophy. Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 2010.

    Richard Burgess et al, “Nigeria-initiated Pentecostal churches as a social force in Europe: The case of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.” Pentecostal Studies, 2010.

    Olufunke Adeboye, “The born-again Oba: Pentecostalism and traditional chieftaincy in Yorubaland” University of Lagos, Department of History & Strategic Studies, n.d., but according to endnotes, at least as late as 2007.

    Allan Anderson, “Christian missionaries and ‘heathen natives’: The cultural ethics of early Pentecostal missionaries.” Centre for Missiology and World Christianity, University of Birmingham, n.d. (pp. 1-20).

    Moses Oludele Idowu, “An idea whose time has gone? The trials and travails of divine healing in the ‘salvation history’ of the Aladura Movement in Nigeria (1918-1941).” Paper present at An International Conference on Healing and Medicine, Ogbomosho Baptist Seminary, March 5-8, 2013. OJOT Journal of Theology.

    Prosperity* Gospel

    Mika Vahakangas, “The Prosperity Gospel IN THE African diaspora: Unethical theology or gospel in context?Exchange, 44/4, 2015, pp. 353-380.

    Author's name not indicated, “Prosperity theology: A (largely) sociological assessment.” Presented at the 2014 Lausanne global consultation on prosperity, theology, poverty and the Gospel. Lausanne Content Library, October 2, 2015.

    Accessing this website will lead you to more articles on the subject. Highly recommended.

    For the official Lausanne Statement from this consultation, please see 'The Atibaia Statement on Prosperity Theology'.

    Timothy P. Palmer, “Prosperity in the Old Testament.” TCNN Research Bulletin, March 2014 (pp. 17-23).

    Ron MacTavish, Pentecostal profits: The Prosperity Gospel in the global south. An M.A. thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, University of Lethbridge, 2014 (pp. 225).

    Victor Audu, “Paradise: A source of inspiration for the renewal of social and economic structures in a global society.” TCNN Research Bulletin, March 2014 (pp. 24-34).

    James Raynolds, Review of Bitrus Adeleye, Preachers of a different Gospel. TCNN Research Bulletin, March 2014 (pp. 38-40).

    Peter R. Young, “Prosperity Teaching: A theological perspective.” TCNN Research Bulletin, March 2014 (pp. 4-16).

    ----------, “Prosperity teaching in an African context.” Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology, 15.1, 1996 (pp. 3-18.

    Notable works advocating prosperity theology Hill, Edward (2019). Prosperous Christian: 10 Commandments of Godly Prosperity. Pensacola: Best Seller Publishing. ISBN... Lindsay, Gordon (1960). God's Master Key to Prosperity. Dallas: Christ for the Nations Institute. ISBN 978-0-89985-001-6. Osteen, Joel (2004). Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential. New York: FaithWords. ISBN... Roberts, Oral; Montgomery, G. H. (1966). God's Formula for Success and Prosperity. Tulsa: Abundant Life Publication.

    Prosperity theology - Wikipedia

    Wonders, Miracles*

    Beverly McLachlin, former Canadian Chief Justice, Truth to be told: My journey through life and law. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2019.

    McLachlin about the miracle of giving birth:

    You can figure it out, but at the end it is still a miracle.

    Jeffrey P. Straub, “The Pentecostalization of global Christianity and the challenge for cessationism.” Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 21 (2016): 207-234.

    Henry Wildeboer, “Just do it.” The Banner, August 23, 2022.

    Johann H. Diemer, Nature and Miracle. Transl. Wilma Bouma. Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1977. Original title: Natuur en Wonder.

    ----------, Nature and Miracle. A revised and edited edition of the Bouma translation (see above) by Chris Gousmett with additional Diemer writings translated by Kathy Vanderkloet et al, also including a Diemer biography by Herman Dooyeweerd.

    Chris Gousmett, “Creation order and miracle according to Augustine.” Evangelical Quarterly 60 (1988) 3:217-240.

    ----------, in an email-- “Thanks Jan, an interesting little book. Not sure that we have to accept Augustine's view of miracles associated with relics in order to accept other things he taught. He was not infallible and not necessarily consistent - or at least, he changed his views from time to time - see his Retractions where he reviewed his various works and commented critically on them. Would that more authors would publish their changes of mind.”

    ----------, The miracle of nature and the nature of miracle: A study of the thought of J. H. Diemer concerning creation and miracle. An unpublished thesis submitted in candidacy for the degree of Master of Philosophical Foundations. Toronto: ICS, April 1985.

    ----------, “Bavinck and Kuyper on Creation and Miracle.” Anakainosis a Newsletter for Reformational Thought, vol.7, September, December, 1984.

    Gordon J. Spykman, “Miracles.” Excerpt from Spykman, Reformational theology: A new paradigm for doing dogmatics, chapter 3, pp. 285-297. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992.

    Hans Madueme, “How should we understand miracles?” Carl F. H. Henry Center, June 28, 2021.

    Editor, “Miracles: A thoughtful but overly brisk tale of faith in the modern world.” Review of John Coleman, Miracles in Kirkus Reviews, March 30, 2023.

    Jonathan Merritt, “Can Former Journalist Lee Strobel Make a Convincing Case for Miracles?” Religion News Service, March 14 2018.

    Younghoon Lee and Wonsuk Ma. Eds., Pentecostal mission and global Christianity: An Edinburgh centenary reader. Regnum Studies in Mission. Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2018.

    Ian Hutchinson, “Can a Scientist Believe in the Resurrection? Three Hypotheses.” MIT et Spiritus, Spring 2016.

    David Tang-Quan. “Conversations with Professor Ian Hutchinson of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT.” The Harvard Ichthus, Spring 2012.

    Danielle D’Souza, “Why Miracles Are Possible: David Hume and the Reasonableness of Belief.” The Dartmouth Apologia, Spring 2016; Christian Union News, January 26, 2017.

    Jos Sterk, trans. Jan H. Boer, “Wonders and Signs: Insights from Catholic Research into Wonders.” Sophie, 2/2014, pp. 14-17.

    Isaiah Bako Hinkon, The Theology and Practices of the Emerging Gidan Addu’a prayer Homes in Wukari and its Environs: Challenges and Impact on Churches and Society. A Thesis Presented to the Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Doctor of Philosophy. June 2014 (380 pp.).


    Chapter 1 – Introduction

    Chapter 2 – Healing Beliefs and Practices in Jukun Society

    Chapter 3 – The Emergence of the Gidan Addu'a Movement

    Chapter 4 – 'Heart-Sowing and Sewing Mission'

    Chapter 5 – 'Prayer and Healing' Ministry

    Chapter 6 – 'Jesus the Healer' Ministry

    Chapter 7 – 'Freedom Ministry'

    Chapter 8 – 'Voice of Healing-Prayer Miistries'

    Chapter 9 – Evaluation and General Conclusion

    Rachel McKee, “In Defense of Miracles.” The Dartmouth Apologia, Spring 2014.

    Jan Hoogland, “What Does a Miracle Signify?” Transl. Jan H. Boer. Original title: “Waar is het wonder een teken van?” Sophie, June 2013, pp. 5-9.

    Willem J. Ouweneel, “Wonders and Signs.” Transl. Jan H. Boer. Sophie, September 2013, pp. 32-35.

    Michael J. McClymond, Review of Pavel Hejzalar, Two paradigms for divine healing. The Pneuma Review, 34 (2012)

    Jim Harries, “Deliverance ministry in an African cultural perspective.” The Pneuma Review, Winter 2011.

    Kenneth D. Boa and Robert M. Bowman Jr., “Miracles as Revealed by God,” in Faith Has Its Reasons: Integrative Approaches to Defending the Christian Faith, pp. 179-198. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2002. A partial but expansive preview.

    This book has several chapters on miracles:

    Ch. 6– "Miracles as the credentials of revelation."

    Ch. 10– "Miracles as evidence of God."

    Ch. 14– "Miracles as revealed by God."

    Ch. 18– "Miracles as God revealing Himself."

    Ch. 22– "Miracles as signs."

    The preview can be accessed at: Google Books

    Scott H. Hoezee, “Bright Wings: The Ever-Moving Spirit.” Calvin Theological Seminary Forum, Fall, 2007, pp. 9-10.


    Christian Reformed Church, Reports and statements on gambling.

    John Van Sloten, “Gambling with your faith.” The Banner, September 9, 2019.

    Includes a sidebar with additional articles on gambling.

    Cardus, “Gambling & Saving,” a Cardus research project. Banking on the Margins - Cardus

    Angels* and Evil Spirits

    Abraham Kuyper, trans. and editor Jan H. Boer; co-editor Frances A. Boer-Prins, From the Realms of Glory: Contours of the Angelic World. Vancouver BC: Jan H. Boer, 2022. An ebook.

    ----------, transl. Jan H. Boer; co-editor Frances A. Boer-Prins, For still Our Ancient Foe: Contours of Satan's World. Vancouver BC: Jan H. Boer, < >, eBook 2022.

    In due time, this book is expected to be featured also on of Calvin University and on < >.

    Elly Linger, Elke week een engel: 52 ontmoetingen met engelen. Redactie CWN/CW, 2023. Elke week een engel - CWN-CWJ. See also Angels exist, according to Elly Linger's ''One Angel Every Week.'' ( To be ordered via

    Elke week een engel is een ontroerend en bemoedigend boek. Elly Linger plaatst de ontmoetingen van gewone mensen met engelen in een Bijbels perspectief; daardoor zijn het verhalen met een fundament. De ervaringsverhalen, de gedichten en de illustraties zorgen voor een boek dat uitnodigt tot lezen en tot nadenken over waar je zelf een engel hebt ontmoet.´

    Elsbeth Gruteke, predikant en voorzitter van de Dale Chamberlain, “Was satan really an angel?” Bible Study Tools, January 20, 2023.

    For an English-language review, see “Angels exist, according to Elly Linger's ''One Angel Every Week.'' (

    Tom Boogaart, “Angels in brown boxes.” Reformed Journal, December 18, 2023.

    Nick Loenen, “Where have all the angels gone?: A conversation.” An unpublished paper, 2022.

    Tom Boogart, “Angels in green boxes.” Reformed Journal, December 18, 2023. <www.ligonierorg/learn/articles>

    Roger Barrier, “17 things the Bible says about angels.” < >, December 19, 2022.

    Dale Chamberlain, “Was satan really an angel?” Bible Study Tools, January 20, 2023.

    Spiritual Warfare: Gods armour for victory and protection. A complete Scripture and prayer guide.” < >

    Though this and related topics are not considered academic in most secular quarters, in Christian environments these are very significant subjects—and realities--, especially in cultures not much influenced by Enlightenment thinking. Recognizing this reality requires an open mind that is not stuck in a secular tunnel vision.

    Tim Muehlhoff, “Spiritual battle in the classroom” (part 1). Christian Scholar’s Review, May 30, 2023.

    Rob van Houwelingen, Hemelse reisbegeleiding: Sporen van engelen in het Nieuwe Testament. Utrecht, the Netherlands: KokBoekencentrum, n.d. A Dutch-language preview.

    National Post, “Inspiration for the movie ‘The Exorcist’ has been identified as former NASA engineer.” December 22, 2021.

    Michael S. Heiser, Angels: What the Bible Really Says about God’s Heavenly Host. Bellingham WA: Lexham Press, 2018. A brief summary and Table of Contents.

    Roger Barrier, “17 things the Bible says about angels.”, December 19, 2022.

    Kelvin Onongha, “African Pentecostalism and its relationship to witchcraft beliefs and accusations: Biblical response to a pernicious problem confronting the Adventist Church in Africa.” Paper presented at the Fourth Adventist Missions in Africa Conference, Andrews University, Berrien Springs MI, October, 2016.

    Samuel Britt, review of Esther E. Acolatse, Powers and the Spirit: Biblical Realism in Africa and the West. Reading Religion, a digital publication of the American Academy of Religion, July 11, 2018.

    Andrew J. Bandstra, In the company of angels: What the Bible teaches; What you need to know. Grand Rapids MI: CRC Publications, 1995. Now called Faith Alive Christian Resources. Digitalized by Internet Archive, 2017.

    Do angels exist? What are they like? This provocative and insightful study helps you recognize the reality of angels as messengers and ministers who do God's will. Challenging studies for mature Christians that assume knowledge of the Scriptures....

    World-wide interest in angels has prompted a flood of angel books, many of which are of questionable spiritual value. In his book In the Company of Angels, Bible scholar Andrew Bandstra uses Scripture as his textbook, opening our eyes to the reality of angels as messengers and ministers who do God's will.

    John O Brown, “Pentecostalism and deliverance or exorcism? Narratives from the beneficiaries and benefactors in Lagos, Nigeria.” A paper presented at the Nigeria Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Conference, December 12-13, 2011.

    Godwin Kwama Ofosuhene, Part II: Comparing the concept of spirit and soul in the traditional religion of the Akan and Ewe tribes to that of the Bible. Dr. Min. dissertation submitted to International Interfaith Theological Seminary, Ghana, September 27, 2006.

    John Azumah, “Report on alleged witches’ camps in Ghana.” The Sanneh Institute, Accra, Ghana, June 2021 (pp. 4).

    Phillip Koko Ijoma, Visions from the dark world. Barnes and Noble, December 4, 2003.


    Nicholas John Ansell, “The call of Wisdom / The voice of the serpent: A canonical approach to the Tree of Knowledge.” Christian Scholar’s Review, January 31, 2001, pp. 31-57.[1][2]

    Timothy M. Warner, “Bibliography on Spiritual Warfare in Cross-cultural Ministries.” Unpublished two-page paper, December 2000.

    This is mainly an Evangelical document on the subject. The Reformational view point is much broader and deeper and has traditionally preferred the term “antithesis.” You will find discussions on the topic of antithesis throughout this website.

    Edward P. Myers, A study of angels: Systematic Bible doctrines. Howard Books, 1996 (pb).

    Herbert Lockyer, All the angels in the Bible. Hendrickson, 1996 (pb).

    Billy Graham, Angels. Thomas Nelson, 1996 (revised-pb).

    Peter Kreeft, Angels (and demons): What do we really know about them?. Ignatius Press, 1995 (pb).

    Online you will also find a number of YouTube presentations on the subject by Kreeft.

    Apologist Peter Kreeft has heard a lot of questions about angels. He has compiled his answers, drawn from the Bible, traditional church teaching, and the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, to 100 of those questions into Angels (and Demons): What Do We Really Know About Them?. It is a fascinating look at the reality of the supernatural beings that can and do interact with each other, God, and humans.

    Kreeft starts with the assumption that angels (and demons) are indeed real beings

    C. Fred Dickason, Angels: Elect & evil. Moody, 1995 (pb).

    Bode Akintade, Demons? What are demons? Healing and Wholeness Series No. 3. Ilesa, Ogun State, Nigeria: Christian Health Centre Ministries, 1993 (19 pp.)

    Rev. Dr. Akintade is both an Anglican clergyman and a medical doctor practicing his own unique synthesis of wholistic medicine that is heir to a combination of African traditional insights, Western Christianity and medicine.

    Lori Pappajohn, "Out of Africa: Former Burnaby resident writes a book detailing voodoo rituals and spells." Burnaby Now, October 18, 2003.

    Archie T. Wright, The origin of evil spirits: The reception of Genesis 6:1-4 in early Jewish literature. Fortress Press, 2015 (revised edition [pb]).

    Review by Daniel De Vries. CTJ, Nov. 2016, pp. 324-325. A version of this article can be accessed at:

    Mike Mariani, “Why are exorcisms on the rise?Christian Union, May 7, 2020.

    Bill and Kathy Kiesselhorst with Jan H. Boer, “Western worldview stress about an enchanted world: A carburetor demon.” A brief correspondence beginning on June 12, 2021.

    Daniel Darling, “They might be giants. (or angels, or superhuman devils.) Who or what are the Nephkilim? We don’t know—and maybe we don’t need to.” Christianity Today, April 18, 2022, an exerpt.

    John O’Donohue, “A blessing of angels,” a poem from To bless the space between us. Posted by Theresa, May 13, 2013.

    Fallen angels:

    Annette Yoshiko Reed, Fallen Angels and the History of Judaism and Christianity: The Reception of Enochic Literature (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005);

    Loren T. Stuckenbruck, The Myth of Rebellious Angels: Studies in Second Temple Judaism and New Testament Texts (WUNT, 335; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014).

    Indigenous Christian Voices

    Andrew P. Bennett, interviewer, “Indigenous Voice of Faith.” Cardus Perspectives, March 2023.

    Lodge Membership*

    The lodge oath and church membership,” Study committee report no. 38 to the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) Synod in Acts of Synod, 1977, pp. 575-597.

    Additional references in CRC Agendas and Acts of Synod:

    Acts of Synod 1900, pp. 96-101
    Acts of Synod 1958, pp. 67-68, 416-22
    Acts of Synod 1974, pp. 58-60, 504-67
    Acts of Synod 1975, pp. 101, 547-69
    Acts of Synod 1977, pp. 102-6, 575-96

    The CRC has published a booklet based on the 1977 report above: The Christian Reformed position on lodge membership. Copies available on the market.

    Will Katerberg, “Guys in funny hats? A history of lodge membership and the CRC.” The Banner, October 1, 2021.

    The CRC generally has viewed the oath lodge members take as akin to a confession of faith in its theology, lore, and liturgies.

    Evans Nicholson, ed., Free Masonry on trial. Issaquah, Washington State: Free the Masons Ministries. Revised edition 2003.

    What is Free Masonry and what do Free Masons believe?

    Additional resources:

    The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge by Ankerberg & Weldon
    Ex-Masons for Jesus.
    Free Masonry and the Christian Church.

    Sects & Cults

    Justin Taylor, “The 11 beliefs you should know about Jehovah’s Witnesses when they knock at your door.” The Gospel Coalition, August 17, 2027.


    Leonard J. Vander Zee, “Our Lady Too.” The Banner, December 2016, pp. 36-37. This article can be accessed at:

    Sophie Bloemert, “What Can Mary Teach Us?” Transl. Jan H. Boer. Sophie, 4/2013, p. 15.

    David T. Koyzis, “The two lives of the Virgin Mary.” CC, December 10, 2012, p. 8.


    45 Bible Verses about Death / Mortality.

    Cathy Baker, “Reflections on death stories in the Bible.” < > June 22, 2023.

    Poh Fang Chia, “Living Well.” About death as in Ecclesiastes 7:2. Our Daily Bread, October 16, 2021.

    Matthew Tuininga, “Pro-Life Discipleship.” (About sanctity of life and killing). The Banner, January 2019, pp. 32-34.

    Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, a subsidiary of Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA). <>

    ----------, “Assisted suicide and the autonomy myth. Do patients really have rational autonomy?” October 27, 2021.

    Wesley Smith, “May I give my heart away” Also “Euthanasia by organ donation for healthy people?” National Review, August 21, 2021. Reproduced by Alex Schadenberg of Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. See above. August 25, 2021.

    Ferrukh Faruqui, “The Cultural Failing of Assisted Suicide.” The Medical Post, June 2018 (pp. 48-51).

    Dorothy Vaandering, “Seven Generations: Taking Personal Responsibility for Broken Relationships of the Past.” CC, July 23, 2018, pp. 1, 3.

    Mark Penninga, “Suicide is always a human tragedy.”

    John Mulder, “Hope in the Face of Death.” The Banner, October 2017, pp. 32-33.

    Brian Bork, “Conversations with the Dead.” CC, October 10, 2016, p. 8.

    Marilyn McEntyre, “Learning to Let Go: Seeking Wisdom at the End of Life.” Comment, Fall 2015.

    Jeffrey Greenman, “Dying with Dignity? Negotiating the Moral Debate on Assisted Suicide.” Lecture delivered at the University of British Columbia, Feb. 5, 2014. The document includes a biography, an abstract and a response by Dr. Bert Cameron.

    John W. Cooper, “What happens when we die?CTS Forum, Spring 2010, pp. 3-4.

    Rosemary Counter, “From here to eternity.” End-of-life planning. Canadian Business, Winter 2023, pp. 44-49.

    A wave of industry up-starts is making end-of-life planning cheaper, easier and more empathetic.

    Though I do not judge Counter’s spirituality, this article is basically written in a secular spirit. However, I include it because it is good for readers of this website to be familiar with these modern developments.

    Timothy Palmer, Christian theology in an African context. Jos, Nigeria: Africa Christian Books (ACTS), 2015.

    I do not include much theology on this page, but, like Gordon Spykman's, I include this one in honour of the late Timothy Palmer, my long-time friend who taught for years at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria.


    NOTE: There is also a missiological section on the BOERIANA page of this website at Section 1: Boeriana Bibliography / Missions & Missiology. For more on Christian-Muslim missiology, dialogue and apologetics go to the ISLAMICA page.

    Institutions*, Journals, Magazines

    Gerald H. Anderson, ed., Biographical dictionary of Christian missions. New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1998 (845 pp.).

    The above dictionary is a work of amazing scholarship with its 845 pages of missionary biographies. Size, price and copyright prohibit opening it up for you, but if you're into any missiological research at all, you must be aware of this dictionary and consult it. Try finding it in any scholarly library near you.

    International Bulletin of Ministry Research. Published quarterly by Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven CN, USA.

    Established in 1950 as Occasional Bulletin from the Missionary Research Library, was renamed Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research and in 1981 to International Bulletin of Missionary Research. Now under its current name. The current title reflects the fact that mission now takes place everywhere, not just “over there.” The magazine covers a wide range of contemporary missiological and related subjects that thus needs to be familiar to every researcher.

    Journal of Global Christianity.

    The Journal of Global Christianity seeks to promote international scholarship and discussion on topics related to global Christianity. The journal addresses key issues related to the mission of the Church in hope of helping those who labor for the gospel wrestle with and apply the biblical teaching on various challenging mission topics.

    The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics (TGC) from The Gospel Coalition < Keller Freedom Offer Confirmation - The Gospel Coalition >

    This is why TGC is thrilled to launch The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, which aims to train a new generation of parents, pastors, and professors to share the gospel in the modern world. Building on Tim Keller’s example, the center will offer online learning cohorts led by some of today’s most thoughtful and promising Christian leaders, writers, and thinkers.

    Types of audiences who will benefit from resources created by the Keller Center might include:

    • Pastors seeking help applying gospel truth to complex cultural issues
    • Seminary students preparing for ministry in post-Christian contexts
    • Youth leaders and parents walking with young people through doubt and deconstruction
    • Teenagers worried about friends losing faith because of evangelical influencers on TikTok and other social media
    • Christians seeking thoughtful answers and effective evangelistic strategies as they engage secular neighbors, colleagues, friends, and family

    Jim Davis and Michael Graham, The great dechurching: Who’s leaving, why they are going, and what will it take to bring them back? The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics (see above), 2023.

    International Review of Missions. Published by World Council of Churches since 1912. Geneva.

    This journal is not Reformational and sometimes not even compatible. However, it does feature a lot of missiological creativity and many reviews of Reformational and compatible books.

    American Society of Missiology (ASM).

    As the ecumenical professional association for mission studies in North America, the American Society of Missiology includes more than 600 academicians, mission agency executives, and missionaries in a unique fellowship of scholarship and mission.

    International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS).

    The International Association for Mission Studies is an international, interconfessional and interdisciplinary professional society for the scholarly study of Christian witness and its impact in the world and the related field of intercultural theology.

    Missiology: An International Review, Published by ASM (above).

    The quarterly journal of the American Society of Missiology (ASM), a forum for the exchange of ideas and research between missiologists and others interested in related subjects. Current ASM members and nonmember journal subscribers can access Missiology online. Missiology began publication in 1973, continuing in the tradition of its predecessor, Practical Anthropology. It has a worldwide print circulation of approximately 1150 subscribers.

    Lausanne Movement.

    The Lausanne Movement connects influencers and ideas for global mission, with a vision of the gospel for every person, an evangelical church for every people, Christ-like leaders for every church, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society. Learn about our beginnings, ongoing connections, and mission today.

    This website contains a number of famous mission declarations such as

    The Lausanne Covenant

    The Manilla Manifesto

    The Cape Town Commitment

    Contains a host of other documents and papers on missions and related subjects. A veritable library.

    The Shepherd’s Academy—Founded by Barnabas Aid. An online institution. See below.

    Patrick Sookhdeo, “The Shepherd’s Academy: The Shepherd’s Academy and Other Barnabas Academia Leadership Training.” Banabas Aid, January 2023, pp. 8-10. bfaidjan_feb23.pdf (

    Preparing to meet the challenge of Islam. Because of the urgent need to strengthen the Church to face the challenge of Islam. A master’s-level course on Islamic studies.

    Search (^F) for several other Barnabas Aid entries on this page.

    A church leader from South Sudan: “This course is very relevant to my life. I am experiencing a transformation within me. The course will go a long way towards helping me to dispense the Word accurately with correct spiritual meaning that will edify the Body of Christ.”

    Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life—Founded by Barnabas Aid. See above and below.

    Van Es Al Amana Centre

    Al Amana Centre provides relevant, adaptable programming on a wide range of topics to build bridges and foster peace between faith communities. We are happy to tailor program content and experiences to meet the context and goals of your group.

    Internet Evangelism, a ministry of the Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada Billy.–an initiative of the Missio Dei Foundation (MDF), a registered nonprofit organization.

    < >brings together diverse perspectives from across the spectrum of Christian mission studies. We're not promoting one viewpoint –evangelical or ecumenical, Western or Majority-World, practical or theological, traditional or avante garde. Instead, we're opening a space for discourse among serious students of mission from all kinds of backgrounds.

    Council for World Mission, a partnership of churches in mission. Singapore.

    Association of Professors of Mission (APM). AND

    Nigeria Inter-Religious Council (NIREC), Abuja, Nigeria. (

    The establishment of NIREC was occasioned by the incessant ethno- religious crisis which punctuated the sociopolitical landscape of Nigeria as a country. NIREC, also known as a Council, is a permanent and independent Body established to provide Religious Leaders and Traditional Rulers with a variable forum to promote greater interaction and understanding among the leadership and their followers as well as lay foundations for sustainable peace and religious harmony in the country.

    The Margaret O'Gara ecumenical dialogue collection. Online resource centre for Canadian bilateral ecumenical dialogues. The Canadian Council of Churches.

    Rick Manafo, ed., InCONTEXT Magazine: The Canadian Apologetics Magazine. Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). Vol. 4, Toronto: Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Canada, n.d.

    Daniel Durant, ed., Just Thinking, the magazine of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries., n.d.

    Augustine Collective, Just Thinking,

    The Augustine Collective exists to support student leaders of Christian journals on college campuses, foster collaboration between journals, and assist in the launch of new journals. The Collective sponsors an array of resources including annual conferences and gatherings, leadership coaching and mentoring, online resources, and catalytic funding.

    We'd love to help you start a journal on your campus. A great first step would be to contact us so we can discuss where you are in the process.

    Mission Frontiers—The Online Magazine of Frontier Ventures.

    Mission Frontiers is published by Frontier Ventures and is dedicated to establishing an indigenous, and self-reproducing church planting movement amongst all of the unreached peoples (ethnic groups) of the world. Register; Login; home; current issue; past issues; blog; subscribe....

    Not all issues of Mission Frontiers have been imported into the new content management system (CMS). Old issues not yet in the CMS can be found here as HTML or PDF documents. If you would like to help get back issues into the new CMS, email us at

    Jesus Film Project, “Strategies to bring the story of Jesus to women.”


    Michael W. Goheen, Professor of Missional Theology, Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis MO, USA. A treasury of Reformational missiology and philosophy.

    Genevieve Guel and Stephen Ney. Review of Cossi Augustin Ahoga, Vers un modèle africain de dialogue interreligieux: Le cas de Vodun Xebyoso et de l’Église des Assemblées de Dieu dans la région Maxi au Bénin (Towards an African model of interreligious dialogue: The case of the Vodun Xebyoso and of the Assemblies of God Church in the Maxi region of Benin). Society of Christian Scholars, August 15, 2024.

    Rose Dowsett et al, eds., Evangelism and diakonia. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, Vol. 32. Oxford, UK: Regnum Books International, 2016 (pp. 410).

    World Communion of Reformed Churches, “Reformed-Pentecostal dialogue distilling five years' of discussion.” November 2, 2019.

    Olufemi O. Oluniyi, Reconciliation in Northern Nigeria: The space for public apology. Foreword by Chris Shu’aibu Abashiya. Lagos: Frontier Press, 2017. African Books Collective: Reconciliation in Northern Nigeria.

    Table of Contents--Table of Contents: Reconciliation in Northern Nigeria : (

    Project Muse, a brief excerpt of the book’s content--Project MUSE - Reconciliation in Northern Nigeria (

    Robert J.Priest, “The value of anthropology for missiological engagements with the context: The case of witch accusations.” Missiology: An International Review, 2015. Vol. 43(1), pp. 27-42.

    Felicia Priest, “Implication of Explanation Systems to Missionaries.” Academia Letters, Article 4296.

    Clarifying the Issues: Allah or Maidukkah? Matters arising and the way forward regarding the Name of God in the Hausa Bible.” A dialogue held at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria, Jos, Nigeria on November 14, 2011.

    Thorston Prill, “Evangelical mission organizations, postmodern controversies, and the new haeartbeat of mission.” Foundation: An International journal of evangelical theology, No. 61, Autumn 2011 (pp. 31-41).

    A. Kravtsev, “What is missiology? An introductory paper.” A paper in partial fulfillment of the requirements for other courses. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, December 2012 (10 pp.).

    Maria Baer, “Why prison ministries are growing: Adaptations for COVID-19 are helping Christians reach incarcerated people, with eager cooperation from government officials.” Christianity Today, October 23, 2023.

    Younghoon Lee and Wonsuk Ma. Eds., Pentecostal mission and global Christianity: An Edinburgh centenary reader. Regnum Studies in Mission. Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2018.

    Rose Dowsatt, et al, Evangelism and Diakonia, Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, Vol. 32, 2015 (pp. 410).

    Joseph Ola, Reverse Mission: Recognising limiting factors and identifying creative possibilities. Dissertation submitted for the degree of Master of Arts in Biblical and Pastoral Theology at Liverpool Hope University In Partial Fulfillment of the Regulations. October 2017.

    Steve W. Lemke, c.s., “Baptists in Dialogue with Reformed.” The Baptist Center for Theology & Ministry, Baptist, Fall 2008.

    Jan H. Bavinck, Bibliography (English items follow the Dutch ones.), Bavinck Institute.

    Hojin Jun, “An early conservative Reformed missiologist in Korea.” N. p.; n. d.

    Kim Esther Knibbe, “Conflicting futures, entangled pasts: Nigerian Missionaries in a post-secular Europe?” A modified version of a lecture given at the 2018 Clopent conference held in Amsterdam: The Future of Pentecostalism.

    Jim Harries, “The need for indigenous languages and resources in mission to Africa in the light of the presence of monism/witchcraft.” Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis, 4, no. 1 (February 2013).

    Ted Peters, “Christian God-Talk While Listening to Atheists, Pluralists, and Muslims.” Dialog: A Journal of Theology. Vol. 46, No. 2, Summer 2007.

    Steve Bishop, “Bibliography of the Writings of Robert D. Knudsen.” Westminster Theological Journal. 58, Spring, 1996, 111-121.

    Robert D. Knudsen, “Apologetics and History,” in Life Is Religion. Henry Vander Groot, ed. St. Catherines: Paideia Press, 1981 (pp. 119-133).

    “Roots of the New Theology,” in Scripture and Confession. John Skilton, editor. Philadelphia: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1973 (pp. 247-273).

    “May We Use the Term Theonomy?” in Theonomy: A Reformed Critique. William S. Barker & W. Robert Godfrey, eds. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990, 15-37.

    “The Transcendental Perspective of Westminster's Apologetic,” in Westminster Theological Journal. 48, Fall, 1986, 223-239.

    “Progressive and Regressive Tendencies in Christian Apologetics,” in Jerusalem and Athens. Robert Geehan, ed. Philadelphia: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1971, 275-298.

    Anjeanette “AJ” Roberts, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.” Website of Reasons to Believe, March 23, 2017.

    Fazala Rana, “Evolutionary Paradigm Lacks Explanation for Origin of Mitochondria and Eukaryotic Cells.” Reasons to Believe, October 3, 2017.

    Tom Heneghan, “Reformed Churches Endorse Catholic-Lutheran Accord on Key Reformational Dispute.” RNS, July 6 2017.

    Vincent Vitale, “Truth or Love: What’s Your Choice?” IRZIM: Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, Jan. 11 2017.

    ----------, “Helping the Thinker Believe; Helping the Believer Think.”

    Brandon Showalter, “Tim Keller 'makes sense of God' for Skeptics, Argues Secularism Is Declining.” The Christian Post, September 20, 2016. A slightly edited version is at CC, November 28, 2016.

    “...most people who.are more thoughtful..., admit that they actually didn't lose their faith, they just adopted a new faith. They adopted a new community, a new set of beliefs, a new set of moral values, none of which can be proven...”

    Robert Joustra, “Whose Religion? Which Flourishing? Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi wants you to flourish too. Now what?” A reaction to Miroslav Volf, Flourishing: Why We Need Religion in a Globalized World. Yale University Press, 2016. Comment Magazine, Feb. 17, 2016.

    Sid Garland, Review of Robin Daniel, Mission strategies then and now: An introduction to Biblical missiology. TCNN Research Bulletin, March 2014 (pp. 35-38).

    Henry Vander Groot, ed., “Apologetics and History,” in Life Is Religion. St. Catherines: Paideia Press, 1981 (pp. 119-133).

    Robert Geehan, ed., “Progressive and Regressive Tendencies in Christian Apologetics,” Jerusalem and Athens. Philadelphia: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1971, (pp. 275-298).

    John W. Cooper, “Church, Kingdom, and the Great Commission.”

    Julius T. Medenblik, “What Difference Does This Make?”

    Calvin Theological Seminary Forum, Fall, 2013, pp. 3-5, 6-7. The above Cooper and Medenblik articles can both be accessed at:

    Vander Zwaag, Klaas. “Religions Do Not Aim for the Same Good,” transl. Jan H. Boer. Original title: “Religies leiden niet naar hetzelfde heil.” Sophie 3/2011, pp. 40-43.

    Dieter Schonecker, “The Deliverances of Warranted Christian Belief.” Berlin: de Gruyter, 2015.

    John Marriett, “Deconversion: The all-or-nothing fallacy.” Christian Scholar's Review, June 30, 2021.

    N. T. Wright, “Christianity makes sense of the world.” November 11, 2020.

    Michael W. Goheen, Here you will find an amazing 45-page(!) curriculum vitae of missiological career and writings--books, book chapters, academic and popular articles, and book reviews by Goheen both published and nonpublished. For more information on any listed item, please click on the title (it will open in a new window).

    To the best of my knowledge, this is the most amazing and longest list of Reformational missiological writings that has ever been produced. A veritable library. No missiological researcher can afford to ignore it.

    Josh Larsen, ed., Back to God Ministry International’s “Think Christian.” < >.

    “It has been rewarding to hear from Think Christian readers who have been… enriched, including many who are encountering the Reformed perspective for the first time” – Josh Larson, The Banner, May 2018, p. 24.

    Thomas Sieberhagen, “Laughter, fools and missions.” International Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention, July 9, 2019.

    Prayers and stories by, from and with former Muslims, May-June 2019.

    Reasons to Believe (RTB), “Welcome to RTB’s Student Mentoring Program. Raising up a New Generation of Christian Research Scientists.”

    ----------, “Here are the Top 10 reasons to believe in God...” <reasons to believe - Bing>.

    Barnabas Aid, “Secular Means to a Gospel End: Should Christian Faith Be Allied with Political Interests?” < > – June 15, 2018.

    World Communion of Reformed Churches, “Beit-El Salam Message: A contribution to WCRC Discussions on Mission in the Context of Crisis and Marginalization” Beit-El Salam Message: A contribution to WCRC Discussions on Mission in the Context of Crisis and Marginalization. A conference held at Beit-El Salam, Alexandria, Egypt, 7-11 November 2019.

    ----------, “Mission in context: From 'witness' to 'with-ness'.” 2019.

    ----------, “Reformed-Pentecostal dialogue distilling five years' of discussion.” November 2, 2019.

    ----------, “Boesak challenges WCRC to continue global struggle.” 2012.

    Harry Van Bellen, “Why I am a Christian.” Unpublished paper, n. d.

    Oliver Staley, “How to talk about God in Silicon Valley.” Religion News Service, Podcast Quarz, June 7, 2018.

    Trevor G. Vanderveen, Reforming a Reformed Kingdom Witness: Discerning a Post-Christendom Congregational Hermeneutic for First CRC of Vancouver, a Doctor of Ministry Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Ministry, Carey Theological College, Vancouver, May 2018.

    Shiao Chong, “Is the Bible Trustworthy?The Banner, March 2018, p. 40.

    Lily Kuo, “Africa's 'Reverse Missionaries' Are Bringing Christianity Back to the United Kingdom.” Quartz Africa, October 11, 2017.

    Joseph Ola, “’Strangers’ meat is the greatest treat’: African Christianity in Europe.” N. p.; n. d.

    The proprietor does not have any bibliographical information about this article, but highly recommends it.

    Keller, Timothy. “Why Should Anyone Become a Christian?” Nov. 11, 2016.

    Bp-Relate, “Biography of Sunday Adelaja.” Believers Portal, September 6, 2016.

    Robert Parham and Cliff Vaughn, “The Disturbances,” a feature-length documentary film released September 2016. Running time 115 minutes.

    This documentary chronicles the role of Christian missionaries saving lives in Nigeria in 1966 amid the events leading up to the Nigerian Civil War. For more information, visit or contact co-producer/director Cliff Vaughn at 615-720-7577.

    Sean McDowell, “Forgiveness: The Most Powerful Apologetics.” July 18, 2016. This article can be accessed at

    Nicky Gumbel, Is Faith Irrational? Naperville IL: Alpha North America, 2016.

    ----------, “Is God a Delusion?” Dublin: Alpha International, 2008.

    George M. Marsden, C. S. Lewis's mere Christianity: A biography. Lives of great religious books. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2016.

    Jordan Samson Rengshwat, “Bewilderment, Speculation and Benefaction: Africans’ Interpretation of World War I in the Literature of the Sudan United Mission (British Branch).” Paper presented at the Jos-Bukuru Theological Society (Nigeria), November 2015.

    Michael Fuseini Wandusim, “Christianity in Africa: A beacon of hope for Christianity in Europe.” Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education, 2015, Vol. 2, Is. 1.

    Guy Walters, “Empty Churches and Crowded Mosques in Britain.”, May 29, 2013.

    Gordon Carkner, “Empowering Effective Dialogue in Late Modernity.” August, 2012. The document can be accessed at:

    Carkner is currently on the staff of Outreach Canada. He writes a blog at < > and can be reached at < >

    Patrick Sookhdeo, Islam in Our Midst: The Challenge to Our Christian Heritage. McLean VA: Isaac Publishing, 2011.

    This bread of life report of The United States Roman Catholic-Reformed dialogue on the Eucharist/Lord's Supper. November, 2010.

    Keith Pavlischek, “Continuing the Protestant-Catholic Dialogue on politics and society.” Public Justice Report, 1st quarter 1999, p. 9.

    Matthew Parris, “As an Atheist, I Truly Believe Africa Needs God.” The Times (London, UK), December 27, 2008.

    Ted Peters, “Christian God-talk while listening to Atheists, Pluralists and Muslims.” Dialog: A Journal of Theology, Vol. 46, Number 2, Summer 2007.

    David Warren, “Now We’re Talking”—Pope and Muslims agree on dialogue. Sunday Spectator, October 22, 2006.

    Ken Walker, “Out of Africa.” Ministries Today, January/February 2006.

    Eugene Schemper, ed., “Reflections on Ministry in Cultural Context.” Forum of CTS, Spring 2004.

    Abraham Kuyper, “Missions According to Scripture.” Transl. Pieter Tuit. CTJ, November 2003, pp. 237-247. Original Dutch title: De zending naar de schrift: Inleidend woord voor het elfde jaarfeest der Nederlandsche Gereformeerde Zendings-Vereeniging (in uittreksel weergegeven).

    Anonymous, “Strategy for Reaching Muslims: Foundational and Contentious Issues.” Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology, Vol. 19. 2, 2000 (pp. 145-155).

    Robert R. Recker, “Various Theses,” a paper read at the Western Michigan Theological Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan, September 22, 1999.

    These two Recker articles (the one above and the one below) are both to be found through the link of the article below. Two articles; one link.

    ----------, “The Concept of Mission,” a paper read at the Western Michigan Theological Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 1999.

    Darrow L. Miller, “The 21st Century Mission: Discipling Nations.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly, January 1998, Vol. 34, No. 1.

    Andrew E. Barnes, “'Evangelization where it is not wanted': Colonial administrators and missionaries in Northern Nigeria during the first third of the twentieth century.” Journal of Religion in Africa, XXV, 4. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995 (pp. 412-441). AND
    For free read, go to

    Henk G. Geertsema, “…Dialogue of Christian Faith with a Secular Culture….” See Griffioen & Balk under “Writings about Dooyeweerd” above. 1985. Chapter 1, pp. 11-28.

    J. H. Bavinck, Christusprediking in de volkerenwereld. Inaugural lecture delivered at the theological schools at Kampen and the Free Reformed University in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1939.

    William Evenhouse, “The Elders’ Stomach Ache: An Informal Essay on Two Proverbs in Wapan.” Private unpublished paper, n.d.

    “Wapan” is the indigenous name for the people of Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria, whose colonial name somehow became corrupted as "Jukun." Evenhouse served there as a missionary linguist during the 1970s under the combined auspices of the Christian Reformed Church-Nigeria and the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

    Mike Leake, “What is a Pagan?” Bible Study Tools, January 30, 2023.

    Salaam 2.0,” brochure by Christian Reformed World Mission.

    Tim Reddish, Recollections and reflections on a missionary kid’s African experiences. N.p; N.d (perhaps 1975).

    John C. DeKorne, To whom I now send thee: Mission work of the Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria. Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 2nd edition, 1945 (96 pp.).

    DeKorne's obituary.

    Henry Beets, trans. Jan H. Boer, “The Coming of the Gospel among the Frisians.” Published as ebook right here on this website, at and Library and Archives Canada, 2019. ISBN 978-1-989333-17-4.

    ----------, Johanna of Nigeria: Life and Labors of Johanna Veenstra (S.U.M.). Grand Rapids: Grand Rapids Printing Com., 1937.

    NOTE: This book is written by a Christian Reformed Church (CRC) mission administrator and writer about a CRC missionary in Nigeria, neither of whom were Reformational. It is included here to give the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria, which I served for some 30 years, access to their pioneer era.

    Johanna Veenstra, Pioneering for Christ in the Sudan. Grand Rapids: Smitter Book Co., 1926 (234 pp.).

    Chris Meehan, “Nigerians honour Johanna Veenstra.” CRC's The Banner, December 15, 2008.

    H. Karl W. Kumm, “Two Guest Articles: A Missionary Recruiter in the CRC,” with a brief introduction by Jan. H. Boer.

    “The Christian Reformed Church and Foreign Missions,” The Banner, May 9, 1918, p. 341.

    “If Foreign Missionary Work – Then Where?” The Banner, May 16, 1918, pp. 358-359.

    16. The Arts*

    "I am enough of the artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Albert Einstein

    “Congratulations! Your website is fantastic and very important. It is a great tool for research and the networking of Christian artists.”

    --International Arts Pastor

    Institutions*, Journals

    Radix Magazine—Art magazine where Christian Faith meets contemporary culture.”

    International Arts Movement (IAM). < >

    International Arts Movement (IAM) is a catalytic movement that is reframing how we speak of, affect, and nurture a new type of cultural conversation, and helping to infuse culture with a rehumanized microcosm of art, love, and beauty. We are dedicated to a Biblical vision of flourishing, to a desire to create a generative conversation that gives attention to the care of culture, and to creating and stewarding the “ecosystem of culture.” With the establishment of the FUJIMURA INSTITUTE, the core educational element of IAM, the organization is poised to take a leading role in creating a cultural soil “which makes life worth living,” as T.S. Eliot described.

    We see IAM (the organization) as consisting of two pillars: IAM the Movement (Global Community) and the Fujimura Institute (our educational and cultural engagement arm).

    School of the Arts, Media + Culture (SAMC), Trinity Western University, Langley BC, Canada.

    SAMC professors are people of faith and experts in their fields who are committed to seeing you thrive. As your mentors, they will build a safe and welcoming space where you will be challenged to take bold steps, explore ideas of faith and meaning, and push the boundaries of your discipline—to fearlessly engage with and transform culture.

    SAMC is home to some of the most collaborative people on campus. Collaboration is key to creating a film, producing a play, publishing a magazine, or bringing a piece of music to life. Master this skill and, as our graduates have learned, you will have your choice of careers. School of the Arts, Media + Culture students are also equipped with other essential and irreplaceable skills. Writers, performers, and directors possess a deep understanding of others—what moves them, inspires them, brings them together. Artists and designers see connections and solutions that others might miss. A thoughtful, savvy, empathetic communicator brings value to a company that no piece of technology could ever replace.

    Image was founded in 1989 to demonstrate the continued vitality and diversity of contemporary art and literature that engage with the religious traditions of Western culture. Now one of the leading literary journals published in English, it is read all over the world—and forms the nexus of a warm and active community.

    “The journal is an array of poetry, fiction, longer essays, artist profiles, and interviews that seeks to engage your imagination and invite you to see God’s image in every human being. Features the work of both modern masters and emerging artists.” --Adele Gallogly The Banner, December 2017, p. 34

    Bez Art Mentorship, “Launch Your Creative Life: Film, Dance, Music.”

    By getting foundational skills training, creative mentorship and interactive thought, all grounded in contemporary culture and Christian faith. Join a community of young creatives and seasoned veterans ready to collaborate and invest in you.

    Institute for Christian Studies, “Art Talks!: The Ruth Memorial Series on the Arts and Culture.” The first of the annual series “Art Talks!” to promote the ICS’s aesthetics program, 1997 by the ICS’ Centre for Philosophy, Religion and Social Ethics,Toronto.

    “ArtWay: Opening Eyes, Hearts and Minds.”

    ArtWay is a service for congregations and individual believers to help them better understand the visual arts and their important role in deepening faith, worship and the communication of truth and hope within our cultures. ArtWay is web-based. Besides its website, its resources include weekly visual meditations to which one can subscribe, articles, introduction to a wide range of international artists of faith, information about organizations, educational institutions, museums and galleries as well as a host of other features to stimulate discernment and integration of the visual arts in the lives of the faithful and the Church. A veritable treasury of art from a Christian perspective that you cannot afford to ignore.

    For further information:
    Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaker at < >.
    Laurel Gasque at < >.

    The website includes the bibliography of Professor Hans R. Rookmaker, the pioneer of modern Reformational art along with Calvin Seerveld. Familiarity with Rookmaker’s work is a must for anyone interested in art from a Reformational perspective.

    Calvin University, “Art & Art History: Engaging the Visual Arts to Serve Society.” Includes information regarding Calvin Arts faculty and their interests.

    Phil Schaafsma, Eyekons, an online marketplace for spiritually inspired art.

    Eyekons is a creative resource of art inspired by spiritual insight and religious belief. We feature contemporary artists who explore themes of spirituality, religion and social justice. Our website is a multi-tiered online marketplace that offers media professionals, publishers, pastors, youth ministers and art buyers, a source for original art created from uniquely spiritual perspectives.

    Relief Journal: A Journal of Art nonfiction, poetry, graphic narrative, and reviews by some of today’s finest.

    For over a decade, Relief has helped shape the landscapes of faith and imagination for readers around the world. In our annual print journal, we feature fiction, creative literary practitioners, alongside emerging voices. We also publish new reflections on our blog each week — meditations by diverse writers pondering our world through the rich lenses of art and faith

    — Ade Gallogly, The Banner, December 2017, p. 34.

    African Gospel Art – “The Life of Jesus Christ: An African Interpretation by the Mafa People in Cameroun.” These exquisite 60+ multi-colour reproductions are set in Mafa country in Cameroon, West Africa. The Mafa people portray the Gospel stories in an African village setting from the perspective of their culture in terms of dress, architecture, environment and customs. Artists and photographers have contributed their skills to this production. More details are accessible at: Absolutely gorgeous.

    Gary Sim, compiled and edited, British Columbia Artists. SIM Publishing, August 29, 2017.

    SIM PUBLISHING is pleased to issue another update to our reference publication B.C. ARTISTS. An extensive amount of additional information has been added with the cross-referencing of Macdonald's Dictionary of Canadian Artists, and over 60 early B.C. and Vancouver directories. The project now includes over 2,600 web pages, including an A-Z index of 18,100 artists, 1,500 biographies, 1,000 support files, and 500 images.

    Contains also much information about Canadian First Nations (Aboriginal) art.

    A short select art bibliography. The document was emailed to me without any bibliographical information. It is as it is. Help yourself.

    Artists* and Authors*—General

    Multiple* Listings

    Seerveld*, Calvin G.

    CALVIN G SEERVELD was born in 1930. He studied English literature, philosophy and classics at Calvin College and the University of Michigan. After five years of graduate study he received the Ph D from the Free University of Amsterdam with a dissertation entitled, Benedetto Croce's Earlier Aesthetic Theories and Literary Criticism (1958). Some other publications: A Christian Critique of Art and Literature (1964), The Greatest Song: In Critique of Solomon (1967) and A Turnabout in Aesthetics to understanding; (1972). After thirteen years of developing philosophy instruction at Trinity Christian College outside Chicago, he accepted (1972) the chair for Aesthetics at the graduate Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto.

    Steve Bishop, A Bibliography of Seerveld's works from 1995-2008 is available here.

    Calvin Seerveld, a bibliography. Toronto: Tuppence Press.

    ----------, “Recent Cal Seerveld Publications.” Institute for Christian Studies News, November 2023.

    ----------, “Advice to Recent Art Graduates: Helping Your Neighbour See Surprises.” In W. David O. Taylor and Taylor Worley, eds., Contemporary Arts and the Church, major addresses of Christians in the Visual Arts Conference, 2015. Westmond IL, USA: InterVarsity Press, 2017.

    Seerveld distinguishes “Church” and “City of God,” and calls for jesters (artists) and ventriloquists (art critics and historians) to take up their promising tasks.

    ----------, Tracing the Lines: Spiritual Exercise and the Gesture of Christian Scholarship. Eugene, OR, USA: Wipf and Stock, 2016. Reviewed by Calvin Seerveld of the Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto (adapted by Harry Fernhout from a talk given by Seerveld at a book launch in Toronto, October 2016). Contact, Newsletter of IAPCHE (International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education), vol. 28, No. 2, December 2016, pp. 16-17.

    ----------, “Advice to Recent Art Graduates: Helping Your Neighbour See Surprises.” In W. David O. Taylor and Taylor Worley, eds., Contemporary Arts and the Church, major addresses of Christians in the Visual Arts Conference, 2015. Westmond IL, USA: InterVarsity Press, 2017.

    Seerveld distinguishes “Church” and “City of God,” and calls for jesters (artists) and ventriloquists (art critics and historians) to take up their promising tasks.

    ----------, Craig G. Bartholomew ed., In the fields of the Lord: A Seerveld reader. Toronto: Tuppence Press, 2000.

    A selection of lectures and articles by Calvin Seerveld, edited by Craig Bartholomew, on topics as diverse as art, education, daily working life, song, dance, philosophy and reading the Bible. With an introduction to the thought of Seerveld by Bartholomew and an autobiographical 'vignette' by Seerveld himself. The sheer creativity, panache, godly wisdom and humour of Seerveld, and the breathtaking scope of his knowledge and interests, are clearly shown in these diverse articles and lectures, not available elsewhere. Calvin Seerveld sparkles as a foundational Christian teacher and thinker in pursuit of common-sense daily godliness. Includes the Table of Contents.

    ---------- and Kay McLellan, “Dialogue between Calvin Seerveld and Kay McLellan: ‘Calvin Seerveld Art: God’s Gift, Our Thank Offering.’Christian Teachers Journal, 1997, issue 1.

    Calvin Seerveld, “Human responses to art: Good, bad, and indifferent." Sioux Center: Dordt College Press, 1983

    ----------, Rainbows for the fallen world: Aesthetic life and artistic task. Toronto: Tuppence Press, January 1, 1980. See also

    This book is one of the most important works in the conversation about Faith & Art. Seerveld is serious, reminding artists of faith that a deep and abiding relationship with God is just as important as skills & talent in art-making. Like L'Engle's Walking on Water, this book needs to be read by any artist of faith looking for tremendous counsel. I also love how broadminded he is; Seerveld reminds us that our art needn't contain any specific "Christian" message, but needs to at least allude to the hope we live by. Incredible book to be read, re-read, highlighted, tabbed & tagged as a tool of guidance.

    Byron Borger, an extraordinary review. Hearts and Minds Books, August 1, 2005:

    ----------, “The Status of Aesthetic Theory in English-speaking Canada.” Anakainosis, Vol. 7, no. 1 and 2.

    ----------, A Christian Critique of Art. Christian Perspective Series 1963. St. Catharines ON: The Association for Reformed Scientific Studies (an earlier name for Institute for Christian Studies), 1963.

    Byron Borger, Review of Calvin Seerveld, In the fields of the Lord. Hearts and Minds Books, May 1, 2001.

    Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin, Review of Calvin Seerveld, Normative Aesthetics. Philosophia Reformata, Vol. 81 (2): 179—October 4, 2016.

    The Arts—Wolterstorff*, Nicholas

    ----------, Works and Worlds of Art. Oxford University Press, 1980. Restricted information:
    Also published by Library of Logic and Philosophy. Clarendon Press, 1980.

    ----------, Art Rethought: The Social Practices of Art. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015 (360 pp.).

    Human beings engage works of the arts in many different ways: they sing songs while working, they kiss icons, they create and dedicate memorials. Yet almost all philosophers of art of the modern period have ignored this variety and focused entirely on just one mode of engagement, namely, disinterested attention. In the first part of the book Nicholas Wolterstorff asks why philosophers have concentrated on just this one mode of engagement. The answer he proposes is that almost all philosophers have accepted what the author calls the grand narrative concerning art in the modern world. It is generally agreed that in the early modern period, members of the middle class in Western Europe increasingly engaged works of the arts as objects of disinterested attention. The grand narrative claims that this change represented the arts coming into their own, and that works of art, so engaged, are socially other and transcendent. Wolterstorff argues that the grand narrative has to be rejected as not fitting the facts. Wolterstorff then offers an alternative framework for thinking about the arts. Central to the alternative framework that he proposes are the idea of the arts as social practices and the idea of works of the arts as having different meaning in different practices. He goes on to use this framework to analyse in some detail five distinct social practices of art and the meaning that works have within those practices: the practice of memorial art, of art for veneration, of social protest art, of works songs, and of recent art-reflexive art.

    ----------, “Rethinking Art.” Wheaton College Annual Aesthetics Lecture. March 11, 2016.

    ----------, Art in Action: Toward a Christian Aesthetic. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980 (240 pp.).

    Taking vigorous issue with the pervasive Western notion that the arts exist essentially for the purpose of aesthetic contemplation, Nicholas Wolterstorff proposes instead what he sees as an authentically Christian perspective: that art has a legitimate, even necessary, place in everyday life. While granting that galleries, theaters and concert halls serve a valid purpose, Wolterstorff argues that art should also be appreciated in action -- in private homes, in hotel lobbies, in factories and grocery stores, on main street.

    His conviction that art should be multifunction is basic to the author's views on art in the city (he regards most American cities as dehumanizing wastelands of aesthetic squalor, dominated by the demands of the automobile), and leads him to a helpful discussion of its role in worship and the church.

    Developing an aesthetic that is basically grounded, yet always sensitive to the human need for beauty, Wolterstorff make a brilliant contribution to understanding how art can serve to broaden and enrich our lives.

    Anonymous reviewer: I have only looked at the references to Malraux. In this respect the book is often very misleading. Wolsterstorff has not read Malraux with enough care.

    The Arts—Single* Listings

    Laurel Gasque, Art and the Christian Mind: The life and work of H. R. Rookmaker, 2005.

    Hans Rookmaaker's impact on the arts in the twentieth century was enormous. His wide range of intellectual and cultural concerns led him to explore many aspects of art, music, and philosophy during his lifetime, and he made important contributions as an art historian, professor, mentor, thinker, and author.

    Laurel Gasque is a cultural historian, author, and lecturer who works with faculty and graduate students for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of Canada. She serves on the board of Image: A Journal of the Arts & Religion and is a contributing editor of Radix and a consulting editor of Christian History & Biography.

    James McCullough, “How art contributes to faith.” Academia, January 2021 (pp. 1-5).

    J. H. White, “Tapestries: The Golden Age's Golden Art Form: One Northern European Art Form Helped Shape the Renaissance and Spirit of Europe.” Epoch Times, November 1-7, 2018.

    Lambert Zuidervaart, Fantastic Things: Critical Notes Towards a Social Ontology of the Arts., October 28, 2005.

    Zuidervaart offers a critique of Dooyeweerd’s discussion of art which is found primarily in the first part of the third volume of his “New Critique” concerning individuality-structures (entity theory).

    The above article is one of ten different readings. If you would like more context for some of the key ideas being discussed, I recommend this summary and this introduction. Many of the sidebar links here (on the mainpage) should also be extremely helpful and should definitely be checked out.

    Stronks, Gloria G., and Doug Blomberg, eds., A vision with a task: Christian schooling for responsive discipleship, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1993. (Mandarin translation, abridged, Beijing, 2010.) ISBN 0801083605.

    Gregory Wolfe, “Full Circle: Art and Revolution.” Comment, Fall 2016, pp. 19-26.

    ----------, “Imagination’s Truths: Re-Envisioning in Philosophy, Religion, & the Arts.” October 13, 2012. Many links here for further exploration.

    Richard B. Hays, “Why should we care about the arts?Christian Union News, August 16, 2018.

    Bruce Herman, “Why is it important for Christians to make art?” Faith & Leadership, Duke Divinity. May 20, 2013.

    Makoto Fujimura, “The Function of Art.” Faith & Leadership, Duke Divinity, May 9, 2011.

    W. David O. Taylor, “The Aesthetics of John Calvin.” Summary of Theater of God’s Glory.

    Visual* Arts

    Katie Kresser, Review of Russ Ramsey, Rembrandt is in the wind: Learning to love art through the eyes of faith. Christian Scholar’s Review, June 15, 2023.

    Elly Linger, trans. Jan H. and Frances A. Boer, Race for Rembrandt. Netherlands, n.p.: Brave New World, 2019. Original title: In rep en roer voor Rembrandt, 2016.

    Janet Read, Metaphoric Truth: Seeing and saying in Merleau-Ponty and Ricoeur: Ethics via Zuidervaart. Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies, Masters thesis, 2010.

    Chris Stoffel Overvoorde, “A Life in Art,” Retrospective Exhibition, Grand Rapids Art Museum, 2003.

    “A multidimensional artist, Overvoorde works with equal passion and dexterity in both painting and printmaking to create compelling abstract and figurative work, and both small and large landscape painting. These paintings combine as o ne lifelong investigation and crelebration of the spiritual life.”

    Landscapes “are a response to the technical problems of the landscape, or, actually, the cloudscape…. I see in clouds their heavenly, cosmic aspect. They give me a feeling of smallness. Many of my paintings are very large, because in that way you become a participant in the painting. You actually experience a shrinkage; you become small in front of the vastness of the canvas.”

    Rob Schreur, “Words and Works, Chris Stoffel Overvoorde.”
    Dialogue (Calvin College Communications Board Art Journal), Vol. 17, no.7, 24, 2012.

    For more of Overvoorde, go to:

    ----------, Passing the Colors: Engaging Visual Culture in the 21st Century. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002 (199 pp.).

    There have been many publications about understanding art theologically and philosophically. Passing the Colors explores these themes, uniquely, from an artist's perspective.

    This beautifully illustrated volume describes the artistic journey of Chris Stoffel Overvoorde, from his early days as a metal worker in the shipyards of Rotterdam to the years spent passing on his artistic vision as a college professor.

    As Overvoorde writes, sharing is a way of testifying about what God has done at both the personal and communal level. Thus Passing the Colors is more than the story of a life – it also offers many insights into the nature of art, provides an intimate look at the formative role of art in a person's life, and challenges Christians to view the arts in new ways.

    Featuring original artwork in full color, this volume will interest admirers of Overvoorde's career and church leaders considering the place of art in Christian worship., p. 30.

    Nneka Chile, (Eco art) – “Waste not, want not: Nigerian artist turns plastic waste into fashion to raise awareness.” Lagos Thomson Reuters, February 28, 2020.

    Adrienna Dengerink Chaplin, “Evidence of Things Unseen.” ICS Perspective, vol. 36, no. 2, June 2002.

    Chohu Joshua Emmanuel, “Letter from underappreciated Nigerian artist.” October 2019.

    Literary* Arts

    Marybeth Baggett, “Poetry as a way of life.” Christian Scholar’s Review, October 19, 2023.

    D. S. Martin, “Kingdom Poets,” a blog for resource of poets of the Christian faith, regardless of background. There is no attempt made to assess orthodoxy, but simply to present poets who speak profoundly of faith in God.

    Martin posts every Monday. Since February 2010, “Kingdom Poets” has become an extensive archive from across the centuries, around the world and varying church background. Its pages include indices on Christmas and Easter poems.

    Hannah Marazzi, “Between Holy Mystery and Pragmatic Faith.” Convivium, November 12, 2019.

    Hannah Marazzi refreshes her faith in poetry at an awards ceremony for writing that marks the intersection of our lives and the divine.

    Jeff Mincik, “War, disillusionment, literature, and the Divine.” ET, November 7-13, 2019, p. C12.

    Susannah Pearce, “Only the Heart Sees Rightly: Ruminations on Reading.The Epoch Times, March 7, 2019, p. 17.

    Brian Bilston, “Refugees.” CC, December 11, 2017, p. 1. Read poem both top-bottom and bottom-top and you get completely opposite meanings.

    Michael Dallaire, Sojourner Poems. Available only at his blog –, December 21, 2017. More information at

    Hugh Cook, “From Colony to Dominion: Canadian Literature Yesterday and Today.” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 6.

    Drama & Cinema*

    Kucinski, “Research team’s $1 million grant explores how movies shape morals.” Calvin University, August 8, 2022.

    William D. Romanowski, Cinematic faith: A Christian perspective on movies and meaning. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Academic, May 2019.

    Go to above website for backcover descriptions of content and recommendations.

    This engaging book explores how Christians can most profitably and critically, hear, read, and view peopular culture through the lens of film... Romanowski... offers new insights on theology and the movies as he highlightzs the benefits of a faith-informed a pproach that centers on art and perspective. He shows how the cinma functions “religiously” as popular art and how Christian faith contributes to the movie-going experience, leading to a deeper understanding of movies and life.

    Jeff Sheler, “On Evangelicals and Mainstream Culture.” Interview with William Romanowski in Religion and Ethics Weekly, April 30, 2004.

    Anthony Burke Smith, book notice of William D. Romanowski, Reforming Hollywood: How American Protestants fought for freedom at the movies. Oxford University Press, 2012. The American Historical Review, June, 2013, pp. 880-881.

    Richard Walsh, ed., T&T Clark Companion to the Bible and Film. London: T&T Clark, 2018.

    Peter Stockland, “Finding, within ourselves, the power to forgive.” A review of the film “Hidden Figures.” A review of the film "Hidden Figures." Times Colonist, January 19, 2017.

    (Stockland is senior writer with Cardus and publisher of

    Just Faith?” A play performed at Redeemer Christian High School, Ottawa Ontario, May 28, 2015, by MT Space Theatre Company of Kitchener, Ontario. Toronto: ICS, July 28, 2015.

    Dwight H. Friesen, Do You See What I See? Film, Religion, and Theology in the History of an (East) Indian Jesus Movie.

    Faith Driven Consumer, “Faith-friendly Film Review Criteria: Five Criteria Categories.” N.d.

    David Shepherd, ed., Images of the Word: Hollywood's Bible and Beyond. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008.

    For comments go to Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2008. For an incomplete preview go to Amazon.

    Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch, ed., The Bible in Motion: A Handbook of the Bible and Its Reception in Film. view book toc and download pdf

    Eric Repphun, review of above in The Bible and Critical Theory, Vol. 6, No. 1. Monash University Epress, 2010.


    Michael Marissen, “Bach Was far More Religious than You Might Think.” New York Times, March 30, 2018.

    David G. Koyzis, “Genevan Psalter Interview” by Uriesou Brito about Koyzis' recently completed Genevan Psalter project, August 19, 2021.

    Ancient Psalms for the church today.” Timeless: Ancient Psalms for the Church Today (

    The mission of Timeless: Ancient Psalms for the Church Today is to encourage the practice of reading, studying, and singing the Psalms through fresh musical compositions, new translations and commentaries, seminars, and multi-media resources.

    Marian Van Til, “A Priceless Music Legacy.” CC, October 23, 2017, p. 17.

    Francine Barchett, “Why Music Matters.” Christian Union, Spring 2017, pp. 46-47.

    Walter Miedema, “Awake in the Dark,” review of Leonard Cohen’s last album “You Want It Darker.” CC, February 27, 2017.

    Micah van Dijk, “Misogyny in Pop Music: Denying the Image-Bearing Status of Women.” The Banner, March 2018, p. 38.

    ----------, “Listen Carefully.” The Banner, January 2017, p. 34. Van Dijk is a popular music expert who helps audiences understand the effect popular music has on their faith and identity. His website:

    Amy Chapman, co-author, “How to write song lyrics.” Last updated May 28, 2024.

    Ronald Witzke, “Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen: Another look.” Christian Scholar’s Review, May 10, 2021.

    Herman Dooyeweerd, trans. J. Glenn Friesen, “A Lay Person’s Thoughts on Richard Wagner and his Tristan.” Lewiston, NY: Mellen Press, 2016. Original: “Leekengedachten over Richard Wagner en zijn Tristan. In Opbouw: Maandschrift in dienst der Christelijke levens-en-wereldbeschouwing, van en voor jongeren (1914) 5-10; 66-68.

    Jan Hoogland, transl. Jan H. Boer, “Appreciating Wagner with Decorum.” Original title: “Kun je met goed fatsoen van Wagner houden?” Sophie 3/2013, pp. 26-27.

    17. History*


    Ronald A. Wells, “The Conference of Faith and History at Fifty: Memoir and challenge.” Pro Rege, June 2021, pp. 29-34. Available at: https://digitalcollections.dordt...

    Keith C. Sewell, Review of K. J. Popma, Scriptural Reflections on History. Pro Rege, June 2021, pp. 37-38. Available at: https://digitalcollections.dordt...

    Herman Paul, “Who suffered from the crisis of historicism? A Dutch example.” Leiden University, History and Theory, 2010 (33 pp.).

    ----------, “Religion and the crisis of historicism: Protestant and Catholic perspectives.” Journal of the Philosophy of History.” 4 (2010) Leiden: Brill (pp. 172-194).

    Gerrit J. Schutte, trans. Harry Van Dyke, “Groen’s View of History.” In Gerrit J. Schutte, Groen van Prinsterer: His Life and Work. Paideia Press, 2005, pp. 34-40.

    Hans Madueme, “On a better historiography.” A privately circulated email, December 13, 2003.

    Carl T. McIntire, “Dooyeweerd's philosophy of history” [pdf] Revised version of Chapter 4 from McIntire (ed.) The Legacy of Herman Dooyeweerd: Critical Philosophy in the Christian Tradition(University Press of America, 1985).

    ----------, “The focus of historical study: A Christian view.” A paper presented at Malone College, Ohio, April 1980. Toronto: ICS, April 1980.

    ----------, “The Renewal of Christian Views of History in an Age of Catastrophe.” [pdf] A revised version of the introduction that appeared in McIntire (ed), God, History and Historians: Modern Christian Views of History. (Oxford University Press, 1977).

    ----------, “God's work in history: the post-biblical epoch.” [pdf]. This paper was presented at the Public Colloquium of the Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, and Regent College, Vancouver, 1975.

    ---------- Papers, Bibliography of mostly Reformed historiographical writings.

    M C Smit, eds: Herbert Donald Morton and Harry Van Dyke. Toward a Christian conception of history. Amazon paperback, February 1 2002.

    Meyer Cornelis Smit (1918-1981) taught history and philosophy in the Free University at Amsterdam for a quarter century. Toward a Christian Conception of History presents the harvest of his scholarly output. The relation between God and history and the problems inherent in articulating that relation in a manner consistent with historic Christian belief and modern ideas of historical existence is the central theme of Smit's writing. Smit discusses the influence of one's world view on the practice and appreciation of history, the significance of the question of the meaning of history as an answer to the a-historical-mindedness of our time, and the fundamental flaw of the modernist theory of knowledge and philosophy of science.

    ----------, trans. Herbert Donald Morton, ed. Harry Van Dyke, Writings on God and History. Selected Studies, vol. 1 (1951-1980). Jordan Station ON: Wedge Publishing, 1987 (319 pp).

    Calvin Seerveld, “The Pedagogical Strength of Christian Methodology in Philosophical Historiography.” Festschrift for Professor J. A. L. Taljaard of South Africa. Koers 40, no. 4-6, 1975 (pp. 269-302).

    I pray that this volume honoring Prof J A L Taljaard may encourage many of the younger generation of God's people to join in the work he has shared, studying and teaching redemptively the history of philosophy, so that the Lord may greet a host of obedient philosophical witnesses too, as faithful servants.

    Roel Kuyper, “The Searching Maestro: M. C. Smit and the Meaning of History.” Original title: “De zoekende meester.” Beweging, Summer 2005, pp. 37-39.

    Calvin Seerveld, “The Pedagogical Strength of Christian Methodology in Philosophical Historiography.” Festschrift for Professor J. A. L. Taljaard of South Africa. Koers 40, no. 4-6, 1975 (pp. 269-302).

    I pray that this volume honoring Prof J A L Taljaard may encourage many of the younger generation of God's people to join in the work he has shared, studying and teaching redemptively the history of philosophy, so that the Lord may greet a host of obedient philosophical witnesses too, as faithful servants.

    Steve Bishop, Bibliography on a Reformational approach to history.

    Joe Carter, “C. S. Lewis on free will and the key to history.” Grand Rapids: Acton Institute Powerblog, November 9, 2018.

    Clint Roberts, “There Is No ‘Right Side’ of History.” CC, July 10, 2017, p. 16.

    Eli Gottlieb and Sam Wineburg, “Between Veritas and Communitas: Epistemic switching in the reading of academic and sacred history.” Journal of the Learning Sciences, 21:1, May 24, 2011, pp. 84-129.

    Faith and Historiography,” Interviews with five Christian historians, trans Jan H. Boer. Reformatorisch Dagblad, January 4-8, 2010. Original title: “Geloof en Geschiedenis.” Each interview has its own URL.

    No name indicated, “Naive Experience, Narrative Scripture, Religious Ground Motives and Scientific Historiography Concerned with the Ancient Past.” Workshop Paper for the Fifth International Symposium “Christian Philosophy at the Close of the Twentieth Century: Assessment and Perspective” on the occasion of the Hundredth Birth Year of Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977), sponsored by the Association for Calvinistic Philosophy held at Bovendonk, Hoeven, The Netherlands, August 22-26, 1994.

    Henry Vander Groot, ed., “Apologetics and History,” in Life Is Religion. Henry Vander Groot, ed. St. Catherines: Paideia Press, 1981 (pp. 119-133).

    History in General*

    Christian History Institute (CHI), Worcester PA, USA.

    Christian History is a non-profit organization that provides Christian history resources and self-study material at low or no cost. Based out of Worcester, PA, CHI was founded in 1982 by Dr. A. Kenneth Curtis to share the lively history of the faith.

    CHI shares the story of the Christian faith throughout the ages through award-winning printed materials, professional video productions, and internet resources. It is our mission to make Christian history a delight to laypeople everywhere by providing accurate, trustworthy, and professional resources. Go to the CHI website to see its projects.

    Canada’s Christian Heritage.

    From the shores of Newfoundland and Labrador on the Atlantic Coast to the waves of the Pacific Ocean off British Columbia, Canada is a diverse country with many languages, religions, cultures and climates. Canada also has a rich Judeo-Christian heritage. This web site is designed specifically to show the historical Canadian facts that tell the story of this country, the Fathers of Confederation called, the “Dominion of Canada”.

    Elizabeth Stice, “Of monuments and men: What wisdom does the Bible offer regarding our practices of remembrance?.” Cardus' Comment, July, 2021.

    James M. Robinson, “The Institute for Antiquity and Christianity.” Cambridge University Press, 5 February 2009

    Danielson, Daniel R., “The Enigma of Galileo: Rethinking a Pivotal Episode in the History and Mythology of Science.” Lecture delivered at University of British Columbia, Nov. 13, 2013. A biography, abstract and discussion around this lecture is posted by Gordon Carkner at:
    Further information is also available at:

    ----------, Select Publications, 2019.

    Dennis Danielson, The Tao of Right and Wrong: Rediscovering Humanities' Moral Foundations. Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, June 15, 2018.

    “Dennis Danielson's message in The Tao of Right and Wrong needs to be urgently heeded.... This book should be on every teacher's reading list.”

    —Margaret Somerville, Professor of Bioethics, University of
    Notre Dame Australia

    The Tao of Right and Wrong is a remarkably compressed and equally lucid exposition of the truths that really count.... The debate in which this book engages is, in the full sense of the term, a fundamental one.”

    —Rex Murphy, Commentator for The National Post and
    formerly for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

    ----------, “Ancestors of Apollo: Ten bold astronomers, five centuries ago, performed feats of imagination that prepared for the advent of human space flight 50 years ago.” American Scientist, Vol. 99, 2011 (pp. 136-143).

    ----------, “The Bones of Copernicus; Twenty-first-century cosmologists, historians and archaeologists coHerman Dooyweerdntinue to seek a trueportrait of the great astronomer and his contribution.” American Scientist, Vol. 97, 2009 (pp. 50-57).

    ----------, “The great Copernican cliché.” American Association of Physics Teachers, October 2001 (pp. 1029-1035).

    Rachel M. Billings, “Reading the Bible with the Church Fathers.” The Banner, December 2016, pp. 32-33.

    Steve Bishop, “A History of the Reformational Movement in Britain: The Pre-World War II Years.” Pretoria: Koers, Vol. 80, No. 4, 2015.

    “Today in Christian history,” daily newsletter from Christianity Today. Mail - JanFran Boer - Outlook (

    A daily newsletter featuring the most important and significant events on each day in Christian History.

    David Koyzis, a bibliography of the history of Psalm versifications The Genevan Psalter blogspot.

    ----------, “At last.” A brief history of the above. CC, September 13, 2021, p. 20.

    Heather Dune Macadam, “The first official transport to Auschwitz brought 999 young women. This is their story.” National Geographic, January 15, 2020.

    George Harinck and Lodewijk Winkeler, “The twentieth century.” N.p; n. d.—probably 2007 or 2008.

    R. J. van der Spek, ed. with the assistance of G. Haayer, et al, Studies in ancient Near Eastern world view and society, Presented to Marten Stol on the occasion of his 65th birthday, 10 November 2005, and his retirement from the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Bethesda, Maryland USA: CDL Press, 2008.

    By the editors: Marten saw himself mainly as a specialist in the Old Babylonian period and the research in ancient Mesopotamian learning and religion he did, in his own words, “with his left hand.” Yet, the editors of this volume feel that the work in this field was typical of Marten's interest in human understanding of the world around him in religion, customs, and scholarship. It fits in with his own religious endeavors and those of Abraham Kuyper, the founder of the university from which he retired on his 65th birthday, an interest he showed also in his valedictory lecture delivered on 30 September 2005, exactly twenty-two years after his inaugural address, on the question: “Was Abraham Gereformeerd?” (Was Abraham Reformed? See the Kuyperiana page for the English translation.)

    By Jan H. Boer: Unfortunately, this book has no link to its entirety, but it does have an English PDF version of an introduction to Stol himself, of his complete bibliography and the Table of Contents, the latter two of which contain works in a number of European languages, including English Topics cover a wide range of cultural features of the Near East such as witchcraft and magic, death and burial, religion, archive management, medicine and health care, music, scholarship including historiography, astronomy, business, agriculture, Bible, drinking, women, fate, gerontology, food, literature, law, slavery, gender. All these subjects have their English entries.

    This book is included in this bibliography in spite of language issues and lack of link, because it is said to have Kuyperian perspectives on an ancient culture, probably the only one of such scope coming out of Kuyper's Vrije Universiteit.

    Canada’s Christian Heritage. A website about Canada’s Christian origins, including especially a long series of biographies of Christian leaders.

    Origins, Hekman Library, Calvin University, Grand Rapids MI. < issues/

    Origins is a magazine designed to publicize and advance… the gathering, organization, and study of historical materials produced by the day-to-day activities of the Christian Reformed Church, Calvin Theological Seminary, Calvin University, and the diverse communities that support them. The archives also include extensive material on modern Reformed Christianity in North America and on Dutch immigration and Dutch North American ethnic communities.

    Martinus Luther, “Whether One May Flee From A Deadly Plague: To the Reverend Doctor Johann Hess, pastor at Breslau, and to his fellow-servants of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Luther's Works, Vol. 43: Devotional Writings II, eds. Jaroslav Jan Pelikan, Hilton C. Oswald, and Helmut T. Lehmann, vol. 43 (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1999), 119-138. Original 1527.

    T. M. Moore, review of Vern S. Poythress, Redeeming our thinking about history: A God-centered approach. Christian Scholar’s Review, February 9, 2023.

    Church* History

    Institutions*, Historical Publications

    St Andrews Reformation Studies Institute, University of St. Andrews, St Andrews Fife, Scotland. St. Andrews Reformation Studies Institute. Reformation Studies Institute ( Accessed February 6, 2021.

    As a group of scholars working on the Reformation and related studies, we are fortunate to be located in St Andrews: the historic heart of Scotland's Renaissance and Reformation. The University (founded in 1411) is the oldest in Scotland, and it was also, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a stage on which humanists and reformers acted out their parts in some of the great crises of European intellectual history.

    The H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies: “Charting the Course of the Reformation.” Grand Rapids MI: Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary.

    The Meeter Center houses one of the world's largest collections of materials on John Calvin, Calvinism, the Reformation and early modern studies. The Center invites you to explore the world of John Calvin and the Reformation. The Center's extensive resources and friendly personnel facilitate research on Calvin's thought and impact in his own time and today.

    Journal of Global Christianity.

    Journal of Global Christianity seeks to promote international scholarship and discussion on topics related to global Christianity. The journal addresses key issues related to the mission of the Church in hope of helping those who labor for the gospel wrestle with and apply the biblical teaching on various challenging mission topics.

    The Journal of Global Christianity is published one time per year online at: and presented in PDF and HTML format. It is also made available in multiple languages. The Journal of Global Christianity is copyrighted by Training Leaders International. Readers are free to circulate it in digital form without further permission (any print use requires further permission), but they must acknowledge the source and not change the format.

    American Society of Church History—ASCH. Minneapolis MN.

    ASCH is a community of scholars, dedicated to studying the history of Christianity in relation to broader culture, across all time periods, locations....

    Theopedia: Biographies-- Apostolic FathersEarly church fathersNew Testament scholarsTheologians

    An amazing endless list of church leaders and theologians from ancient times to modern.

    Tertullian “The Works of Tertullian.” See more at

    Tertullian— (full name Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus; c. 155 - c. 240 AD) was a prolific early Christian author from Carthage in the Roman province of Africa. Of Berber origin,[4][5][6][7][8] he was the first Christian author to produce an extensive corpus of Latin Christian literature. He also was an early Christian apologist and a polemicist against heresy, including contemporary Christian Gnosticism. Tertullian has been called "the father of Latin Christianity" and "the founder of Western theology."

    You are encouraged to search for the list of Roman Catholic scholars and authors earlier on this page. Logically, it could have been placed here since it includes many ancient classic writings.

    Bulus Angyu-Bauka, Biography of late Solomon Ahima: Aristotle and Zoroaster of 20th-century Kwararrafa. Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria. Privately published history, n.d. (24 pp.).

    The Conference on Faith and History.

    The Conference on Faith & History is a community of scholars exploring the relationship between Christian faith and history. We welcome members from a variety of Christian traditions around the world. We also seek to learn from scholars outside the Christian tradition. Our primary goal is to encourage excellence in the theory and practice of history from the perspective of historic Christianity.

    Church History—General

    Michael McClymond, ed., “Introduction,” Encyclopedia of Religious Revivals in America. Westport, Connecticut and London, UK: Greenwood Press.

    Sarah Breuel, “What’s the impact of Asbury’s outpouring? John the Baptist offers three lessons.” Christianity Today, February 7, 2024.

    George Harinck and Lodewijk Winkeler, “From the cradle to the grave (1914-1941), a chapter in Harinck and Winkeler, The twentieth century: Handbook of Dutch church history, 2014.

    From the perspective of this website, the important issue here is the social role of various Dutch Christian organizations, including Kuyperians and Dooyeweerdians.


    Denominations: Origins and doctrines. Rose Publishing, 2021

    The Church in Africa*

    Julius Gathogo, “Mercy Oduyoye as the mother of African women’s theology.” Journal Theologia Viatorum; Journal of Theology and Religion in Africa. Vol. 34, No. 1, 2010.

    Jonathan J. Bonk, “Ecclesiastical cartography and the invisible continent.” Dictionary of African Christian biography, An 11-page brochure published by Overseas Ministry Study Center, New Haven, December 2006.

    Dictionary of African Christian biography.

    The Dictionary of African Christian Biography ( is an electronic, open-access resource that uses biography to document the 2000 year history of Christianity in Africa. This international, collaborative project is a response to the lack of historical information on the African figures who shaped this history. Biographical figures include men and women, clergy and lay people, Africans and expatriates from the full spectrum of communities that self-identify as Christian, from the beginning of the Christian era to the present, across the entire continent.

    Michele Miller Sigg, “The dictionary of African Christian biography.” International bulletin of missionary research, vol. 39, No. 4, October 2015.

    “In the global classroom, the DACB is being used as a resource for learning and research. In Fall of 2020, two undergraduate students at Boston University contributed to the work of the DACB as part of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). In Burkina Faso, the DRC, Kenya, and Germany, instructors designed classes on African Christianity around the DACB which served as a resource for classroom use and the recipient of student biographies of local Christian figures.

    The wealth of the DACB is in people. First, the people whose lives it documents. Second, the many African authors who sacrificially write their stories. Third, the DACB staff and students at Boston University who, in a spirit of international collaboration, work behind the scenes to maintain the website and upload the content. This summer, for example, I have commissioned two young web developers to create a new search engine and redesign parts of the website to accommodate our growth and create easy access to our new projects and resources. You can already try out the new search engine here.”

    Michèle Sigg, PhD
    Executive Director, Dictionary of African Christian Biography (DACB)
    Directrice, Dictionnaire Biographique des Chrétiens d'Afrique (DIBICA)
    Editor, Journal of African Christian Biography (JACB)
    Center for Global Christianity and Mission, Boston University School of Theology

    “We invite you to read or download the e-journal or visit the journal page on our website to download booklet and graphics files for printing. Welcome and enjoy!”

    Michèle Sigg, Editor,

    Journal of African Christian Biography,

    Vol. 6, issue 1 (January 2021).

    Journal of African Christian Biography, Vol. 6, No. 4 (October 2021). 6-4-JACB-OCT2021-ejournal.pdf (

    Focus: Tributes to Andrew Walls and Benedict Ssettuuma (Uganda); Samuel T. O. Akande (Nigeria).

    Journal of African Christian Biography Vol. 6, issue 3 (July 2021). The Project Luke Issue - BILINGUAL

    The Project Luke scholarship program ran from 1999 to 2011 at the Overseas Ministries Study Center where DACB Founder and Director Emeritus Jonathan Bonk served as Executive Director from 2000 to 2013. This issue of the Journal retraces the history of Project Luke by recounting the stories provided by seventeen men and two women in these pages

    We invite you to read or download the e-journal or visit the journal page to download

    booklet and graphics files for printing

    Michele Sigg

    Wendy Elgersma Helleman and Musa A. B. Gaya. Early Christianity: Textbook for African Students. UK Langham, September 2019.

    DESCRIPTION: Designed as an undergraduate textbook, and shaped by needs of both Muslim and Christian students across Africa, this resource provides a thorough introduction to the history, theology and teaching of early Christianity. Professors Helleman and Gaiya follow Christianity from its inception in Jerusalem through to the decline of the Roman Empire in the Mediterranean and the development of Orthodox churches in the East and in Africa before the arrival of Islam. The book provides an overview of critical historical events, controversies, teaching, and important individuals and movements providing foundational understanding of early developments in Christianity and the general history of antiquity. Students and lecturers will also appreciate the attention given to the role of North African leaders in early Christianity and the impact of major issues on the North African church, such as Gnosticism, Donatism and Arianism.

    Mark Shaw and Wanjiru M. Gitau, The Kingdom of God in Africa: A history of African Christianity. Carlisle UK: Langham Global, September 2019.

    African Christianity is not an imported religion but rather one of the oldest forms of Christianity in the world. In The Kingdom of God in Africa, Mark Shaw and Wanjiru M. Gitau trace the development and spread of African Christianity through its two-thousand year history, demonstrating how the African church has faithfully testified to the power and diversity of God's kingdom. Both history students and casual readers will gain greater understanding of how key churches, figures and movements across the continent conceptualized the kingdom of God and manifested it through their actions. The only up-to-date, single-volume study of its kind, this book also includes maps and statistics that aid readers to absorb the rich history of African Christianity and discover its impact on the rest of the world.

    Ed and Janice Hird, “Dr. Livingstone left his heart in Africa.” The Light Magazine, February 5, 2021.

    Sefan Gyanggyang, History of the NKST Church 1911-2000. Makurdi, Nigeria: Lamp & Word Books, 2000.

    Moses O. Idowu, AN INSTRUMENT OF REVIVAL: The Story of Joseph Ayo BABALOLA, the first Apostle and General Evangelist of the Christ Apostolic Church.

    Paper presented to an International Religious Conference on the Origins of Christ Apostolic Church, The First Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria and Ghana jointly organized by The Centre for World Christianity (CWC) of The New York Theological Seminary (NYTS), Joseph Ayo Babalola University (Jabu), Ikeji Arakeji, Osun State, Nigeria, and The Institute for Diasporan and African Culture (TIDAC), held at Joseph Ayo Babalola University, 6th - 8th August, 2012.

    Mark I. Pinsky, “Memorial for Reinhard Bonnke, 'the Billy Graham of Africa,' draws thousands.” Religion News Service, January 4, 2020.

    Jesse A. Zink, Christianity and Catastrophe in South Sudan: Civil War, Migration and the Rise of Dinka Anglicanism. Studies in World Christianity, a brief synopsis. Waco, TX: Bailor University Press, 2018. (285pp.)

    Michael F. Wandusim, “Christianity in Africa: A beacon of hope for Christianity in Europe.” Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education, vol. 2, Issue 1, 2015.

    The above journal is published by FAD International— Knowledge—Advocacy—Development, in Effiduase-Koforidue, Ghana. Our Journal (

    Retief Muller, “Evangelicalism and racial exclusivism in Afrikaner history: An ambiguous relationship.” Journal of Reformed Theology, 7 (2013) 204-232.

    Caleb S. Ahima, ed. The History of the Development of the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria.” November 2005 (74 pp).

    Hassan Garba, “Outgoing President of the Christian Reformed Church—Nigeria (CRC-N), Rev. Dr. Caleb Ahima retires from active service.” November 27, 2021.

    John Samci, “Who Owns Jos?” A letter to Jan H. Boer, October 6, 2004. A cursory ethno-history of an embattled, largely Christian, Nigerian city. The actual document is in the Boer archives at Hermitage Hall, Calvin University, Grand Rapids MI.

    Reformed* Churches

    Harry van Belle*

    ----------, “From Religious Pluralism To Cultural Pluralism, Continuity and Change Among the Reformed Dutch in Canada.” In R. Kroes and H. Neuschafer (eds), The Dutch in North America: Their immigration and cultural continuity. Amsterdam: V.U. University Press, 1991, 40 pp.

    ----------, “The impact of WW II on the Reformed Dutch in the Netherlands and Canada: a comparison.” Pro Rege, vol. XIX, 4, June 1991.

    ----------, “Vision and Revision: A brief history of neo-Calvinism in The Netherlands and Canada” in G. Dekker et al (eds.) Rethinking secularization: Reformed reactions to modernity, New York: University Press of America

    ----------, Aspects of Reformed Dutch history in the Netherlands and Canada: Five publications 1991-1997. For additional writings on the following and other subjects go to entry < Harry Van Belle—Curriculum Vitae > on this page.

    ----------, “A brief history of the Reformed Dutch in Edmonton.” Paper read at The Dutch and Their Neighbors in Transition Conference, October 1993.

    ----------, Not alone: The history of the Reformed Dutch in Canada (1950-1990). Paper read at The Dutch and Their Neighbours in Transition Conference, October 1993, extract from a longer unpublished manuscript of 140 pages.

    Note: For Christian Reformed mission history go to the writings of John DeKorne, Henry Beets and Johanna Veenstra in the Missiology* section.

    Reformed—Single* Listings

    Jul Medenblik, et al, eds., “Canons of Dordt: What is the legacy after 400 years?” Forum, Calvin Theological Seminary, Volume 27, Number 1, Summer 2019.

    Though this is not a theological website so much as philosophical, this Forum issue is included here under Church History, because of the important role the “Canons” have played in the tradition that has produced, among others, the school of Reformational philosophy. It is not included to encourage newer contemporary Reformed churches to hold to it hook, line and sinker so much as to make them familiar with a document that has played such an important historical role in that tradition up till today. It has shaped the message of the original Reformed missionaries. Furthermore, it has a certain stark logical theological formulation that may surprise Muslim readers with its strong logical emphasis on the absolute authority of God.

    Donald Sinnema, “Remembering the Synod of Dordt.” CC, February 27, 2017. This article can be found at of date.

    Geert Egberts Boer, Een man des volks: Het leven van Prof. Geert Egberts Boer naar aantekeningen uit zijn dagboek, samengesteld door Prof. G. K. Hemkes. Grand Rapids: J. B. Hulst, 1904. An English translation can be found on the LEGACY page of this website under the title A Man of the People.

    Arie Van Eek, “The Canadian Story of the Christian Reformed Church.” CC, June 12, 2017, p. 2.

    J. Cameron Fraser, “Are we (Christian Reformed) Evangelicals?” The Banner, February 8, 2022.

    Earl Wm Kennedy, A Commentary on the Minutes of the Classis of Holland 1848-1876: A detailed record of persons and issues, civil and religious, in the Dutch colony of Holland, Michigan. Historical Series of the Reformed Church in America, No. 94 (3 volumes). Grand Rapids MI: Faith Alive Christian Resources, May 2018 (2080 pp.). > Products > a-commentary-on-the-minutes-of...

    “This much-anticipated, annotated edition in English of the Dutch-language minutes of the Classis of Holland (Michigan)— the seminal regional assembly of Dutch Reformed immigrants in the Midwest—is extraordinary for its scope and detail. Every substantive theological and ecclesiastical issue, whether Netherlandic or American in origin, is rooted in the foundational Synod of Dort (1618-19) and the Later (Nadere) Reformation. In addition, Kennedy provides biographical sketches of virtually every ministerial and elder delegate, likely hundreds of churchmen. Only a scholar grounded in Reformed theological and ecclesiastical history, fluent in languages, and skilled in genealogical search engines could have written such an extensive work. This multi-volume sourcebook will be indispensable to anyone interested in Reformed church history.” —Robert P Swierenga, Research Professor, A. C. Van Raalte Institute, Hope College.

    General* Church History

    Ed and Janice Hird, “William Carey: Firestarter for world missions.” The Light Magazine, January 12, 2021.

    Declan Leary, “Reclaim Hagia Sophia.” Crisis Magazine, July 17, 2020.

    Anonymous members of the Haida Gwaii Branch of the Latter-Day Saints, “Wherever Two or Three are gathered.” The Church of Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 2020.

    Flyn Ritchie, “Brian Stiller and the Canadian presence in the World Evangelical Alliance.” Church for Vancouver, December 18, 2019.

    Douglas Petrovich, The World's Oldest Alphabet: Hebrew As the Language of the Proto-consonantal Script. Jerusalem: Carta Jerusalem, March 29, 2017 (pp. xvi + 262). Amazon, April 2017.

    For close to 150 years, scholars have attempted to identify the language of the world's oldest alphabetic script and to translate the inscriptions that use it, which were found in the Sinai Peninsula and date from 1842 to 1446 BCE. Until now, scholars have accomplished little more than identifying most of the pictographic letters and translating a few of the Semitic words. In The World's Oldest Alphabet, however, Douglas Petrovich presents a thorough, detailed defense of his bold new claims concerning these writings. Petrovich claims to have resolved all of the disputed letters and to have identified the language as Hebrew, which allows him to translate all of the inscriptions. Furthermore, he argues that they explicitly name three biblical figures and greatly illuminate the earliest Israelite history in a way that nothing else has, apart from the Bible.

    Introduction by Eugene H. Merrill –

    Reviewed by Randolph Parrish, “Moses and the Oldest Alphabet: Moses Vindicated.” November 27, 2017.

    “So much then for the dismissive arguments that the Israelites could never have numbered enough to be considered a threat to Egypt. Or that there never was an Exodus. Or that Moses never existed.”

    Regarding Petrovich's The World's Oldest Alphabet. Source, including author, unknown.

    Jeremy Punt, “Believers or loyalists? Identity and social responsibility of Jesus communities in the Empire.” In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi, 14 March 2017 (8 pp.).

    James R. Payton, “Sola Scriptura: The Reformers Recognized Subordinate Religious Authorities.” The Banner, March 2017, p. 38.

    Lynette and Jim (no surname indicated), The Biblical Legacy of Canada's Parliament Buildings. Pittsburgh, USA: Christian Roots Canada, n.d., but assume 2017.

    The Biblical Legacy of Canada’s Parliament Buildings is the only place where you will find documented in one place all 15 of the Scripture passages engraved on the Parliament Buildings in stone, brass and glass. The Gospel and the Kingdom of God are declared from the political centre of Canada. The stones indeed do cry out.

    For this 150th Anniversary of Canada’s birth as a Dominion, my vision is to identify 150 Christians who left their marks on Canadian History. Please contact me at:

    Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World,” A film narrated by Hugh Bonneville and Padraic Delany, produced by Boettcher+Trinklein Inc., 2017.


    Ted Byfield, ed. The Veil is Torn: A.D. 30 to A.D. 70 Pentecost to the Destruction of Jerusalem. The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years, Vol. 1. Edmonton: Christian Millennial History Projects, 2002 (288 pp.).

    Review by Johan D. Tangelder at:

    Louis Praamsma, trans. Louis Praamsma, The Church in the Twentieth Century, vol. 7 of Elect from Every Nation. St. Catharines ON: Paideia Press, 1989 (289 pp.). Original title: De kerk van alle tijden (Franeker, The Netherlands: T. Wever, n. d.).

    Steve Bishop, “A History of the Reformational Movement in Britain: The Pre-World War II Years.” Pretoria: Koers, Vol. 80, No. 4, 2015.

    ABSTRACT – This paper looks at the development of neo-Calvinism in Britain during the period up to World War II (WWII). Though the term neo-Calvinism is broad, the focus here will be on the Reformational strand associated with the approach of Kuyper, Dooyeweerd and Vollenhoven.

    Pieter Vos, trans. Jan H. Boer, “Did the Reformation Break with a Common Shared Concepts of the Good Life?Sophie, 2/2014, pp. 8-11.

    Jeremy Hexham, “The appropriation of the Dutch Neo-Calvinist concept of “worldview,” and the way it was popularized among American Evangelical Christians, by Francis Schaeffer.” In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts — Athabasca University, Alberta, August 2010.

    Victor Tungilik and Rachel Uyarasuk, The Transition to Christianity. Eds., Jarich Oosten and Frederick Laugrand, Inuit Perspective on the 20th Century, vol. 1. Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada: Nunavut Arctic College, 1999.

    Johan H. Bavinck, trans. Harry Van Dyke, “Obituary—In Memoriam Dr. H. A. van Andel.” Original in Timotheus, 1945.

    Jan H. Boer, compiler, “In Memoriam Collection: Billy* Graham”

    Billy Graham was neither a Reformational nor an academic, but, in view of his remarkable achievements and of the way he was used by God in such an astounding way, I feel justified to classify him as sufficiently “compatible” to fit on this website. Researchers in contemporary evangelism will be served well by this Graham Collection. The entries in the first part of this section are from Christianity Today, miscellaneous issues; those in the second part are from Religion News Service (RNS) unless indicated otherwise. Some of these entries have no link to the actual article. However, for those doing serious research, such entries at least make you aware of these articles and perhaps allow you to access the paper edition of the magazine.

    Selections from Christianity Today, 2018

    Yonar Shimron, “Billy Graham, Mourned as a Man of God, Is Laid to Rest near His Childhood Home.” March 2, 1018.

    Mark Tooley, “Billy Graham Rightfully Lies in Honor at the Capitol.” February 28, 2018.

    President Trump touches the casket of Billy Graham during a ceremony Feb. 28, 2018, in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda in Washington. Graham, who died last week at age 99, will lie in honor as a tribute to America's most famous evangelist. Trump was joined, from left to right behind him, by Karen Pence, Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

    Kimberly Winston, “The ‘Splainer: Billy Graham, Lying in Honor and Civil Religion.” February 28, 2018.

    Adelle M. Banks, “Crowds Line up to Bid Graham Farewell at US Capitol.” February 28, 2018.

    ---------- and Aliciia C. Shepard, “Billy Graham, America’s Pre-eminent Evangelist, Dies at 99.” February 21, 2018.

    Adelle M. Banks, “Offstate and On, Billy Graham’s Ministry Was a Team Effort.” February 22, 2018.

    ----------, “Where Did Billy Graham Preach?” February 22, 2018.

    Yonar Shimron, “Private funeral and Weeklong Events Planned for Billy Graham.” February 22, 2018.

    Holly Lebowitz Rossi, “Billy Graham Leaves a Positive Interfaith Legacy, with a Few Blemishes.” February 21, 2018.

    Bobbi Ross Jr., “Billy Graham Never Lived in Texas but Belonged to a Dallas Church for 54 Years.” February 22, 2018.

    Franklin Graham, “Billy Graham’s New Home.” February 22, 2018.

    Larry Ross, “Because of Billy Graham, the World Will Never Be the Same.” February 22, 2018.

    James Rudin, “Billy Graham, an Evangelistic ‘Lion in Winter.’” February 22, 2018.

    Ken Garfield, “Billy Graham, Reaching the Last Person in the Last Row.” February 22, 2018.

    Richard Mouw, “I have no doubt what Billy Graham would have told the high school kids from Parkland, Fla.” February 22, 2018.

    Mark Silk, “How Billy Graham Changed Religion in America.” February 23, 2018.

    Yonar Shimron, “Billy Graham Made Sure His Integrity Was Never in Question.” February 23, 2018.

    Ted Parks, “Billy Graham: Evangelical Media Pioneer.” February 23, 2018.

    “Admirers Line Streets as Billy Graham’s Body Arrives in Charlotte.” The Associated Press, February 25, 2018.

    John G. Stackhouse Jr., “Billy Graham was ‘the Last Nonpartisan Evangelical?’” March 1, 2018.

    Yonar Shimron, “Billy Graham, Mourned as a Man of God, Is Laid to Rest near His Childhood Home.” March 2, 2018.

    Mark Silk, “The Irony of Trump‘s Graham Tribute.” March 2, 2012.

    Christine A. Scheller, “Billy Graham Helped Give White Evangelicals a Pass on Civil Rights – Scholars.” March 2, 2018.

    Emily McFarlan Miller, “Billy Graham To Be Laid to Rest after ‘Last Crusade.’” March 2, 2018.

    Editorial, “Billy Graham at 99: He Kept the Faith and (mostly) Dropped the Politics.” November 7, 2017.

    Other Graham Sources

    Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Canada, “Billy Graham with the Lord: Nov. 7, 1918—Feb. 21, 2018.” The Light Magazine, March 2018, pp. 1, 3.

    ----------, “Billy Graham with the Lord: Billy Graham Memorial Service.”

    Laurie Kellman, “Graham Praised by Trump, Politicians.” Associated Press, February 28, 2018; Vancouver Sun, March 1, 2018.

    Jim Denison, “Billy Graham Honored in Rotunda of US Capitol.” Denison Forum, March 1 2018.

    ----------, “The Night I Met Billy Graham.” Denison Forum, February 21, 2018.

    Frank Schubert, “Who Will Be Our Next Great Evangelist?” National Organization for Marriage, February 28, 2018.

    Rachel Zoll, “Evangelist Transformed American Religious Life: Befriended Presidents, Influenced Millions.” The Associated Press via Vancouver Sun, Feb. 22, 2018.

    Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy, “The political confessions of Billy Graham.” An exclusive conversation about faith, politics and the meaning of life. Time, August 20, 2007, pp. cover, 20, 21-29.

    End of Billy Graham Section

    Archbishop Desmond Tutu Memorial Tributes

    'Moral giant': How the world reacted to Desmond Tutu's death.” Aljazeera, December 26, 2021.

    Michael Adegbola, “Tribute to Archishop Desmond Tutu (1931-2021).” Nigeria Catholic Network, December 28, 2021.

    Linnea Crowther, “Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1931-2021), who helped end apartheid in South Africa.”, December 26, 2021.

    Ton Crijnen and Stijn Fens, “In memoriam: Desmond Tutu (1931-2021). Trouw, December 26, 2021.

    Jan H. Boer, Compiler, “Notre* Dame Fire and Reflections:”

    Tom Heneghan, “Notre Dame is more than a tourist attraction, says Paris archbishop..” Religion News Service, June 17, 2019.

    ----------, Jax Jacobsen, et al, “Notre Dame fire extinguished; Paris turns to assessing damage and repairs.” and a collection of other reactions and reflections on the event. Religion News Service, April 16, 2019.

    Beth Allison Barr, “History lends plenty of hope for the resurrection of Notre Dame.” Religion News Service, April 16, 2019.

    Kleis Jager, et al, “In Parijs wisselen ontzetting en opluchting elkaar af,” part of a Dutch-language collection of other reactions and reflections on the Notre Dame fire. Trouw, April 16, 2019. Transl: “In Paris Shock and Relief Alternate.”

    Mark Hendrickson, "The Notre Dame fire reminds us of what is important." Epoch Times, April 18-24, 2019, p. 9. "Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times."

    Raymond J. De Souza, “Notre Dame as Cultural Moment: The burning of Notre Dame de Paris sparked an inferno of journalistic ignorance about Christianity....” Convivium, April 25, 2019.

    Auguste Meyrat, “The proposed designs of Notre Dame’s interior will be more damaging than any fire.” Crisis Magazine, December 6, 2021.

    Tom Heneghan, “Reformed Churches Endorse Catholic-Lutheran Accord on Key Reformational Dispute.” RNS, July 6 2017.

    Andre Ramshaw, “Notre Dame gets upgraded fire systemVancouver Sun, October 21, 2023, p. E3.

    This is a concluding Notre Dame story, showing how seriously this episode was taken even by the very secular French authorities, and the dominant historical role it has played.